Ain't no Fun Without Daddy

Ménage à What?

Sometimes u felt like a loser, I mean, it was friday night and u were home alone crying over anime and SAD ELDERLY PEEPS.


So u decided to go out and party because u like 2 party ;) Why not get hammered on a Friday night??? So you went to this new club in town and wow it was packed. but not with hip youngsters, but intead a bunch of losers. None of these dudes were even cute, not that you were looking or anything, but you know. It would be nice to find a kinda hot guy who looks kinda feminine but is DADDY AS . Instead, you were bored and daddyless.

You turned around and you saw him in the distance, surrounded by tricks and hos he didn't seem interested in. While he had that playboy vibe, he didn't seem like a boi. Maybe he was an ex- boi. Either way, you couldn't take your eyes off his pretty face, and you wanted to take a closer look at him. Pushing the thots off of him, you looked him straight in his sparkle eyes. Now was your chance to save daddy from dem hoez.

"Oh, daddy, I thought I lose you." you stuttered, wrapping your arm around him mucho tighto as you wink wonked up at him.

"O ya baby gurl, I was lookin for you all night." Ouch, you felt your heart swell up, oh man his nasal voice was mucho o. He wrapped his manly man arm around you and he smelled so very manly. What a man. Mmm babe. You noticed the hos were hella mad that you took their man. What could they expect though, you were way cuter than those floozie bi+ches anyway. You heard that manly man man sigh in relief.

"Thank u gurl i was afraid they was gonna frick the frack out of me."

"Youre welcome." You smiled up at him. What a dreamy MAN. *Seungri voice* WOOOOOOOO


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