
Small Love

Sorry for taking so long but I had writer's block for a while :/ Hopefully you guys enjoy this chapter and don't forget to leave a comment.

A week has passed since Namjoon's and Jin's last date in the aqarium has occured. This week Jin, was planning the date and so far, he couldn't think what to do for this date. He really likes Namjoon and he really wants to impress him. But all the date ideas he was coming up with didn't satisfy him. As he was in his living room scanning through each channel on his TV, his son Jimin ran up to him and showed Jin a picture he just drew.

"Look daddy! I drew this all by myself" Jimin said proudly as he showed his drawing. Even though the drawing was just a bunch of scribbles and Jin couldn't comprehend what it was he smiled at his son.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Jin exclaimed as he took the drawing to examin it more.

Jimin giggled as he got on the couch and sat next to his dad, as he was looking at the drawing. "That's you daddy!" Jimin said, as he pointed at a certain part of his drawing, which was pink. "Youre the pink one here cause your hair is pink. And that's me, i'm holding your hand! and Mr. Namjoon is over here next to the fishies." Jimin explained.

"Why did you draw Mr. Namjoon?" Jin asked. He really didn't expect Jimin to get close to him.

"Cause I like him... daddy doesn't like Mr. Namjoon?"

Jin was taken back from the sudden question and didn't realize he was blushing. ", its just that I didn't expect you to draw him, that's all." 

"Oh...should I draw something for Mr. Namjoon?" Jimin asked but before Jin could have answered, Jimin was already getting off the couch and grabbing more paper and crayons. He started drawing on the floor and Jin just happily watched his son draw, as he was thinking where to take Namjoon to their official date.

Tomorrow was Saturday and Jin still hasn't decided for their date destination. All day he was thinking of places to go and he just couldn't think of a place. As he was taking taking costumers orders, Namjoon came in and they both made eye contact. Jin, of course, blushed and tried to focus on his costumers, but as for Namjoon, he just smiled and thought how cute Jin was. 

"Umm... may I help you?" Jin asked Namjoon. He was still trying to act professional even though he was a blushing mess.

"A black coffee" Namjoon replied "and... your number. I noticed i don't have it." 

"Oh yeah... sure.. but um, can I give it to you later? there's more costumers behind you and I don't want them to wait any longer." Jin stated "My break is in 10 minutes..."

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Namjoon nodded as he sat on a empty chair and waited for his drink and Jin.

Namjoon expected, Jin to deliever his black coffee but it was another employee and he seemed to recognized him. "Jin, would have delivered this for you, but as you can see he's a bit busy with all the customers."

"Oh, its fine... I'll keep waiting." Namjoon said and then drank from his coffee.

"Okay, and oh I'm Jackson, I know I will be seeing a lot of each other since I work with Jin, and I'm Jimin's baby sitter." Jackson said. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Namjoon." Both of them shook hands and Jackson excused himself.

Namjoon waited for quiet a long time. He looked down at his phone and so far 15 minutes has passed by. It was 2:35 and suddenly Namjoon wondered where Jimin was. Shouldn't he be here right now? School ended 10 minutes ago. Namjoon thought.

Suddenly Jin sat in front of Namjoon and sighed "Sorry I took so long, were under staff today."

"No, its fine. I understand if your busy." Namjoon said "So, where are we going tomorrow for our date?" He asked.

Jin avoided eye contact, "So, please don't hate me but i...I haven't decided where to go for our next date..." he pouted "I- I haven't been on a date for so long and well i can't think of places to go..." 

Namjoon chuckled "Seriously, your too precious. Don't worry, how about it. How about we have a simple date? We can go have lunch together, get to know each other a bit more better and after that we can go get some ice cream."

Jin looked up at Namjoon and gave him a small smile "Ooh, that sounds great! I can't wait! Where do we meet up?"

"Well I can come and pick you up from your place if thats okay with you."

"Oh, that's fine, I'll text you my address later, okay?"

Namjoon nodded and they both continued to have a conversation. After talking for about 30 minutes, many costumers were leaving, which only led to about 4-5 customers left. The door to the cafe was opened and some jingles were heard from the bells  that were on the door. "Daddy! I'm back!" A cute voice was heard. Namjoon looked up and noticed Jimin was being carried by a very handsome man. The man walked closer to Jin, and Jin stood up to hug the man. Jimin giigled as he still clung onto the stranger.

"Daddy, papa said, we can go ice skating tomorrow! I'm excited!" Jimin exclaimed. The man chuckled and kissed Jimin's cheek and of course Jimin giggled. 

"So is it okay, if we go? I remember you used to love ice skating, back when we were dating, and you even ice skated when you were pregnant with Jimin! So are you up for it? I can pick you guys up at noon" The man said.

Jin frowned and looked over at Namjoon who was staring at the man. "Ken, this is Namjoon...Namjoon this is Ken."

Both men shook hands and there was a bit of tension in the air. "Umm, Jimin, I don't think, I cant go ice skating with you tomorrow...daddy has a date with Mr. Namjoon tomorrow." 

Jimin pouted, "But daddy!!! I wanna go!" He whined

"Oh? Your actually starting to date again?" Ken asked, surprised. Ken looked between Jin and Namjoon. Jin just nodded. "Well I don't want to ruin your date tomorrow, so is it okay if I just take Jimin with me? He can stay over at my place tonight if that's alright with you."         

Jimin looked over at both his dads and held Ken tighter "Daddy, can i ppplleeeaassee sleep wtih papa tonight? I promise I'll be good! I wont' cause any trouble."

Of course Jin couldn't say no to Jimin "Okay, okay, you can stay with papa." Jimin quickly smiled at his dad, then Jin looked over at Ken, "You can go to my place and just grab his stuff. You still have the key to my place right?" Jin asked. 

Ken nodded "Of course! and thanks for letting Jimin stay over at my place, I really appreciate it, I'll bring him back home after your date if that's fine with you."

Namjoon noticed they looked like a couple. Even though he didn't know who this man was, he knew there was a history between them. He couldn't help but feel a bit jealous.

"Yeah, and no problem. Just please take care of him."

"I'll be going then, say bye to daddy, Jimin." Ken said.

"Bye, daddy! Bye Mr. Namjoon!" Jimin waved his tiny hands goodbye, and kissed Jin on the lips, which Namjoon found cute, but what Namjoon didn't like was when Ken, kissed Jin on the cheek and to Namjoon's shock, Jin kissed the man back on his cheek as well.

"Bye!" Both Jimin and Ken said at the same time and they both left the cafe, leaving once again Namjoon and Jin by themselves again. 

"I'm sorry about that. That was Ken, as you can see he's Jimin's father and my ex-husband." Jin stated.

"You know, if you wanted to go ice skating with them, we could have cancelled our date." Namjoon said, he now seemed in a bad mood, as he saw the interaction between Jin and Ken.

"What? No! I really want to go on this date with you. I can hang out with Ken and Jimin later. I think it'll be fine if Jimin gets to bond with his dad a bit."  

Namjoon nodded. He still had many questions left for Jin, such as, why did they get a divorce, or does he still have feelings for Ken, but of course he stayed quiet. And another thing Namjoon, noticed was the way Ken looked at Jin, as if he was still in love with him and Namjoon did not like that one bit.  Namjoon looked down at his watched to check the time, and decided it was time for him to leave. "I have to get going now." He said "I'll text or call you tomorrow when i'm picking you up for our date." Namjoon said. Jin noticed Namjoon's sudden behavior  but didn't know why his behavior changed. Was it because, he's a divorced man? or was it because he wanted Jimin to be part of their date? Jin wondered.

"Oh, okay. I can't wait! Be careful going back home." Jin said.


Namjoon got up from his seat and quickly dashed out of the cafe, leaving a confuse Jin behind.

 I know I was supposed to write about their date, but i wanted a bit of drama to start o_o so please leave a comment! and i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.







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Chapter 3: Screech Kenjin is almost as good as regular Namjin
jmh0313721 #2
Chapter 3: Ahahh..dramaaa..i feel you Namjoon.sobs..
Thanks for the update ^3^
Chapter 2: Holy cow this is beautiful ily thank you for writing this
Smol Yoonmin is too much for me
jmh0313721 #4
Chapter 1: I like this type of Namjin storyline <3
Please update soon authornim!