
Small Love

Sorry I was gone for a really long time. I really did want to update but I had writer's block. So instead of working on my persuasive speech I'm gonna write this chapter so enjoy!

~At Awake Cafe~

It was about 10 a.m. and Jin was taking costumers orders and tried to serve their food as fast as they can so he wouldn't make Namjoon wait for their date.Yes, even though Jin is the owner of the cafe he can let his employees deal with the costumers but Jin prefers to do some work at least.

While Jin was working,  Jimin was sitting on a stool by the counter smiliing while drinking chocolate milk as he was waiting for his dad to finish working and he couldn't wait to go to the aquarium later. Jackson saw Jimin's behavior and walked towards him.

"~Jimin, you seem happy today. Did something happy?" Jackson asked "Did your daddy promise you a new toy?"

Jimin shook his head "Nope! Daddy and I are going on a date today! Were going to the aquarium with Mr. Namjoon!" Jimin said excitedly.

Jackson was taken back a bit. Since when did Jin agree to go on dates? Jackson thought. Before he can question Jimin a bit more, Jin walked towards them and sat next to Jimin.

"You didn't tell me you were going on a date today!" Jackson claimed.

Jin sighed "Yeah sorry, I forgot to tell you. But he was a bit persistent and Jimin seems to really like him.: He explains. Jackson nods and looks over at Jimin who seems to be wanting to be carried by his father. Of course who's Jin to deny an quickly placed Jimin on his laps.

"But hyung, Jimin is too nice for this world. He literally likes anyone who's nice back to him." Jackson stated.

"I know,but I don't we'll go on another date after this. Usually the guys I go out with don't call again because I'm always so busy." Jin said.

"But daddy maybe this Mr. Namjoon will be different!" Jimin chirped.

"Yeah... maybe." Jin replied.

As Jackson changed the topic to talking about his crush, Mark, "So hyung , how do you think I should ask Mark out? I really want him to be mine already but its so frustrating since he's been busy with projects and such." Jackson whined.

Jin laughed "Ah, young love.. you should wait for him to be done with his school work and then you can take him out on a nice date and finally ask him out. I'm glad you finally have the courage to ask him out now. You've been in love with him for years already!"

Jackson blushed "Hyung! Don't tease me! But I guess your right, I don't want to be stressed out more if I suddenly ask him out.... I'm just afraid of rejection..." He sighed.

"Don't think about that! He's obviously going to say yes!" Jin said "I can tell he likes you anyways. Whenever he comes and visits you here at work he gives you this certain look..."

"What?! REALLY?!" Jackson exclaimed happily "Yes! Thanks for telling me! I can't wait till his done with his work."

But before the conversation can go on, both adults and Jimin heard someone open the door to the cafe and it was Namjoon dressed in causal clothes. 

"Mr. Namjoon!" Jimin exclaimed as he jumped off from Jin's lap and ran towards Namjoon and hugged his legs.

"Hello Jimin. I'm sorry i'm a bit late." Namjoon said. 

"Its okay! Your here now and that's what matter now!" Jimin said. Namjoon ruffled Jimin's hair and looked over at Jin and smiled at him. Jin of course couldn't help but blush at his dimple smile.

"Don't worry hyung, Seungcheol, Jihoon, Tzuyu, and I will take care of this place while your gone for a while." Jackson said. Jin smiled at him and walked towards Namjoon.

"Soo... um.. are you ready to go?" Jin asked nervously.

"Of course! I couldn't stop thinking about this date." Namjoon replied. As the 3 of them left the cafe, Jin suggested to take his car since Jimin still needed his car seat. While driving to the aquarium there was awkward silence, aside from Jimin humming a nursery song.

After such an awkward car ride, they finally arrived to the aquarium and Jimin couldn't contain himself as he got off the car and was squeling in excitement. Namjoon couldn't help but chuckle at Jimin's cuteness. "Is he always this cute?" Namjoon looked over at Jin.

JIn giggled and Namjoon couldn't help but fall in love with Jin's cute giggle "Jimin is cute but I think you're cuter." Namjoon said and of course Jin felt himself blush. 

"Daddy, Mr. Namjoon let's go inside already!!! I wanna see all the fish!" Jimin yelled as he ran up to the entrance.

"Jimin please don't run you're going to get hurt!" Jin warned but it was too late as Jimin tripped by his own feet and fell. Of course he couldn't contain his tears and started crying.

"WWHHHAA!!!" Jimin cried "IT HWURTS! DADDY!"

Jin ran towards Jimin and scooped him up and tried to calm him down. "Its okay, Jimin, please don't cry." He cried to sooth his son but Jimin wouldn't stop crying. 

"IT HWURTS!" He cried some more.

Jin could feel the judging stares he was getting from the other people who were passing by and Jin didn't know what to do. He was hugging Jimin in his arms and saying some soothing words to him. Suddenly Namjoon took Jimin from Jin's arms and carried Jimin and was rubbing small circles on his back.

"Jimin, please stop crying." Namjoon said in a soft voice, as he wiped away Jimin's tears. "Jimin, if you keep on crying, all the fishes will be gone before you get to see them."

and that did it. Jimin stopped crying and Jin was surprised. "If Jiminie stops crying the fishes won't leave?" He asked as tried to dry his cheeks with his sleeves. Namjoon nodded and set Jimin down.

"Okay, Jiminie won't cry anymore. Jimin is a big boy!" He smiled and Jin coulnd't help but quickly take a picture of Jimin because he was too adorable. As Jimin was finally calmed down, he held his father's hand, so he wouldn't trip again.

Jin looked over at Namjoon and kissed his cheek "Thank you, Namjoon-shi." Namjoon was surpised by Jin's actions and blushed "N-no problem..."

Jin noticed the man's blushing face and laughed "You're pretty cute yourself, Namjoon-shi." 

"Oh no no, you and Jimin are the cute ones here." Namjoon stated " and please call me Namjoon, Namjoon-shi seems to formal and I know were going to get pretty close so Namjoon is fine."

"Oh, okay, well you can call me Jin, instead of Jin-hyung since I know I'm older than you."

"How old are you?" Namjoon asked,

"I'm 26, and you?"

"I'm 24 years old. and You're 26?! I don't believe you. You seem way younger than that." Namjoon said and Jin laughed.

"Daddy! Look at the fishes ove there! Their so pretty!" Jimin yelled out as he got closer to the exhibit. Jin and Namjoon follwed Jimin around the aquarium and of course they cooed everytime Jimin squeled or wouldn't stop smiling as the saw the sea creatures. But a certain area got crowed it was getting more complicated to stay together. As Jin was watching over Jimin, he felt someone hold his hands.

He was surprised at first but suddenly he didn't mind when he saw that it was Namjoon. "I don't want to lose you in this crowd." Namjoon said and Jin couldn't help but smile.  

After going throught the place for about an hour, they decided to rest for a while in a place where there wasn't a lot of people. "Namjoon, I have to go to the restroom can you take care of Jimin for me please?" Jin asked.

"Of course!" He replied "I'll take Jimin over there where he can touch the starfish okay?"

Jin nodded and Namjoon watched over Jimin. While they were done touching the starfish Namjoon and Jimin were waiting for Jin but something unexpected happened. 

"Jiminie!" They both heard someone yell. Jimin turned to where he heard someone yell his name and couldn't help but run towards the boy who yelled his name.

"Yoongi-hyung!" Jimin exlaimed in glee. But before the two boys could have hugged each other, Namjoon scooped up Jimin.

"Jimin, who's this boy?" He asked. Even though Namjoon wasn't Jimin's father he felt like he had to protect Jimin at all costs and since he wasn't sure who this boy was he couldn't let him near Jimin. What if this kid was Jimin's bully or something? Namjoon thought.

"Jimin, who's this man?" The small boy asked. Namjoon noticed that this boy didn't like it how Jimin was so close to him.

"Hyung, this is my date, Mr. Namjoon." Jimin said and Namjoon could have died of cuteness because of Jimin "Mr. Namjoon, this is Yoongi hyung."

"Nice to meet you Yoongi." Namjoon said as he smiled at the boy, but Yoongi ignored him.

"Jiminie, what do you mean you're on a date? What about me?"

Namjoon set Jimin down and Jimin quickly hugged Yoongi "Hyung don't worry, since your here now we can begin our date!" 

"Awww, Jiminie youre so cute!" Namjoon said and ruffled his hair. But of course Yoongi did not like that one bit.

"Excuse me sir, but I'm the only one who can call him Jiminie, since he's MINE!" Yoongi stated "Right Jimin?"

Jimin nodded as he held Yoongi hand. "Yoongi-hyung says were always going to be together and he will always protect me." Jimin said proudly.

Namjoon cooed but he wanted to tease Yoongi a bit more "So how old are you, Yoongi?"

"I'm 7 yrs. old." Yoongi replied.

"Hmmm... i don't know, how can a small boy like you protect Jiminie? I think you should leave Jiminie to me since I'm much older and taller than you. And we are on a date so I think you should go back to your parents."

Oh. Yoongi did not like that at all. Who was this man to think he can just take away Jiminine from him like that?

"Mr. I'm the only who can call Jimin, Jiminie okay?" Yoongi huffed. He let go of Jimin's hand so he can cross both his arms in front of his chest. (He didn't noticed Jimin frown at his sudden action but Namjoon did) "And I'm a big boy, which means I can protect Jiminie from all the monsters and bad people in this world and including you! and it doesn't matter if you're older or taller than me because Jiminie likes me more than you!"

Jin suddenly appeared next to Namjoon and was witnessing the whole scene. Of course he thought this scene  was cute but once he noticed Yoongi was yelling he knew Jimin would be scared. He saw his son tearing up.

"Daddy!" Jimin cried. Jin quickly carried him and Jimin placed his head on Jin's shoulder. "What's wrong?" Namjoon asked.

"Jimin doesn't like yelling. He gets scared." Jin explained.

Namjoon felt bad because he teased Yoongi which led him to yell. Yoongi of course felt bad as well. "Jiminie, I'm sorry I yelled." Yoongi apologized. Jimin looked down towards Yoongi and wiped his tears "Its okay, Hyung."

Jin placed him down and both boys hugged. "Hyung, Jiminie will never replace you. Mr. Namjoon, daddy and I are just on a date today. But now that you're here you and I can be on a date."

Yoongi liked the idea of his date with Jimin. "Mr. Kim, can Jiminie and I have a date right now?"

Jin bent down and ruffled Yoongi's hair "Of course, Yoongi. But where are your parents? We need to ask them permission first."

Yoongi smiled at Jin but once he saw Namjoon he glared at him. "Dad was making a business call while Mommy was in the restroom over there."

They saw Yoongi's dad and mom walking towards them. "Yoongi! We were looking for you!" His mother exclaimed. 

"Sorry mommy... I saw Jiminie here and quickly ran to him." Yoongi explained. 

"Were sorry for disturbing your date Jin." Yoongis dad said "Will leave this instant." He tried to get a hold of Yoongi but Yoongi denied his hand and held onto Jimin's hand.

"No dad! Jimin and I are going to have a date right now! I can't leave." Yoongi pouted.

"I can watch Yoongi today. Its pretty obvious he wants to have a date with Jimin today." Jin said as he watched the two boys holding hands and refusing to let go. 

"Are you sure?" Mrs. Min asked, " I can see your on a date yourself."

"Its fine, don't worry we wouldn't mind having the kids on our date." Namjoon replied "it'll be like were on a double date."

"You're so handsome and a gentlemen! A man like you totally deserve someone like Jin." She said. "but if you insist will leave Yoongi in your care." 

After they said their farewell Namjoon, Jin, continued with their dates and watched the kids as well.

"I'm sorry we have to take care of Yoongi as well." Jin apologized. He also didn't comment on how they were holding hands again even though it wasn't crowded anymore. But he didn't mind, he actually liked holding hands with Namjoon.

"Its fine. I find it cute how Yoongi is protective over Jimin." Namjoon chuckled.

"Yeah, even though Yoongi seems like a cold person, he becomes a whole different person with Jimin." Jin explained "I find it cute how he calls Jimin: Jiminie or MY Jiminie."

"Cute." Namjoon said "Is it okay if I call you My Jinnie?"

Jin blushed "W-w-what?" 
"What you don;t like it? What about Babe?" Namjoon questioned. He just loved Jin's reactions.

"Were on our first date, isn't too soon for nicknames?" Jin was flustered.

Namjoon laughed "Okay, after our third date I'll call you babe and Jinnie okay?"

"Third date?! Were gonna have more than one date?" Jin asked.

"Of course! Why wouldn't we? I'm having fun! and I just love being with you. If your busy I can help you at work, or I can take care of Jimin for a while as I wait for our date. It doens't matter I just want to be with you Jin."

Jin was lost of words, he literally just wanted to kiss him, so he did. Even though it was a quick kiss, Namjoon enjoyed it. He couldn't believe Jin kissed him.

"I'm really glad you asked me on this date. I've never thought I would meet someone like you and I'm glad I did. So will you please go on another date with me? Next week, if you're not busy...." Jin was blushing and was avoiding eye contact.

Namjoon got a hold of Jin's chin and lifted it so he could properly look at him "I'll always make time for you.So I would love to go on another date with you." He leaned in closer and kissed him once again. Their moment was sadly interrupted by a certain someone. 

"Daddy and Mr. Namjoon are kissing!" Jimin squeled. As they pulled apart Jin and Namjoon were a blushing mess.

"Jiminie, do you want to kiss too?" Yoongi asked.

"No! You guys are too young to kiss" Jin stopped them and the two boys giggled. 


After a long day they were finally driving back home. Yoongi and Jimin were fast asleep in back of the car and instead of having awkward silence they were being talkative, but not too loud since they didn't want to wake up the kids. As they talked they noticed they did have lots in commun, especially in music. Without a doubt they couldn't wait for their next date. 

While I was writing this, Jimin posted his selfies of him at the aquarium, coincidence? I THINK NOT!

But anyways, please leave a comment and subscribe and I'll try to write the next chapter soon!. The next chapter will be them having a proper date without Jimin, and much more! (The more comments the faster i'll update)










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Chapter 3: Screech Kenjin is almost as good as regular Namjin
jmh0313721 #2
Chapter 3: Ahahh..dramaaa..i feel you Namjoon.sobs..
Thanks for the update ^3^
Chapter 2: Holy cow this is beautiful ily thank you for writing this
Smol Yoonmin is too much for me
jmh0313721 #4
Chapter 1: I like this type of Namjin storyline <3
Please update soon authornim!