Lovely One-Shot Appliers ♥

LovelyPanda's One-Shot Request ♥

Hello, down below here is the people who applied for the one-shot.
Status now: FREE.
Status tomorrow: FREE.


Appliers ★
[WORKING ON] -You made me Realise. Sakura2442. Park Jae Na, Mirr from MBLAQ. Genre: Happy n Comedy. Two Shot.
 [WORKING ON] -The one i really love. Kim Rae Mi. Kevin from Ukiss. Genre: Happy, Comedy and bit of drama.
-Never Let You Go... Joo Hyera. Eli from Ukiss & JongHyun from CNBLUE. Genre: Sad. Angst.
-Only You. Baek Hana. Lee KiKwang from Beast. Genre: Happy with a bit of drama.
- Unforgettable Summer Camp. Sung Yu Ki. Lee Tae Min from Shinee. Genre: Drama, Happy
- Lost in love. Karen. Kim Jae Joong from DBSK. Genre: Romance, happy, fluff. Two-Shot.
- They can't tear us apart. Bianca. Jang Hyun Seung from Beast. Genre: Happy, fluff and a bit of drama. Two-Shot.

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0. Title of the story: 고백합니다 (I Confess)<br />
1. AFF Name: Myumeful<br />
2. Name in the story: Lee Jung Mi<br />
3. Your Bias: Choi Jonghun (FT Island)<br />
4. Your personality:<br />
Jung Mi is a quiet person, but when she says something to people she's comfortable with, mostly it's something funny. She's very honest, but shy. She prefers other deciding things for her. She's modust and gives compliments to others a lot. She wants to show the best of herself, especially to older people. When people scold her or are mean to her, she gets insecure and becomes oversensitive.<br />
5. Your Bias Personality: <br />
Jonghun has a strange personality. He's quiet and not very talkative - just like Jung Mi- why he may look distant. He has a habit of his lips, especially when he's concentrating or when he's angry. Although he doesn't look like it, he's very caring and protective over people he likes. He says things before thinking about the consequences. <br />
6. Plot:<br />
Jung Mi and Jonghun have been dating for months already and since he's tired of keeping her away from his parents, he decides they should meet each other. However, it doesn't go as smooth as he had hoped. Jung Mi's father and sister have passed away in 2010, whereby his dad won't be able to meet her dad. Especially his father doesn't like the fact he'll only be able to meet her mom. Jonghun's mother though, dislikes Jung Mi because she's prettier than her. She's scared Jung Mi won't take care of Jonghun in the future. Jonghun, as protective as he is, tries to oppose them. She offers his mom help with the dishes, and that's the moment the bomb bursts. <br />
7. Other character you want to include?: His parents<br />
8. Other characters Personality:<br />
As you can read in 6. <br />
9. What Kind of Genre? (Happy,sad,etc): Happy ending. Fluff, romance, drama<br />
10. One-Shot OR Two-Shot?: I prefer a two-shot. :D<br />
11. Anything Else?: Thanks in advance! Sorry the plot isn't very clear. ^^ And LOL "0."
7. Other character you want to include?: Choi Minho & Lee Sooman<br />
8. Other characters Personality: Sooman is an elderly man who tends to forget stuff except for minor details to his company; for example, he's able to forget that half his company and even himself are vampires but yet he's able to remember the investigative relations between Minho & Nikka. His intentions are pure and is a jolly yet strict man who's happily married with children. Minho is a quiet young man who is really athletic and has a pure mind & heart. He also can control himself and be the rational person out of SHINee, and he cares deeply for those close to him.<br />
9. What Kind of Genre? (Happy,sad,etc): happy, comedy, vampire, mystery, romantic<br />
10. One-Shot OR Two-Shot?: Two-Shot<br />
11. Anything Else?: I'd like to see what kind of poster you can make for this two-shot. :) Thank you~ and fighting! *pumps fist in air* Also, the short story is based on the song Beautiful by Wang Lee Hom (the music video reference).<br />
Jonghyun: (<br />
Nikka: try using one of my pics here( or use the ulzzang (<br />
Minho: (<br />
<br />
(sorry for having this application so long! >.<)
0. Title of the story: Beautiful<br />
1. AFF Name: Choi_Minju-Nikka<br />
2. Name in the story: Choi Nikka<br />
3. Your Bias: SHINee's Kim Jonghyun<br />
4. Your personality: Nikka is a young girl with a pure mind & heart. She's not really athletic, but may have the stamina and strength of one in certain situations or activities; for example, she can get beaten up or picked on for some time but will fight back and win as if her enemies never stood a chance in the first place.<br />
5. Your Bias Personality: Jonghyun is a young man who's not really athletic but being turned into a vampire made him somewhat as even as Minho. He has a caring heart and a kind soul, but also a bit erted and a cheesy romantic who can be a bit annoying like a little kid.<br />
6. Plot: Choi Minho's long lost half cousin, Choi Nikka, got into an SM Entertainment audition and surprisingly got accepted. After 2 months of training in LA, Lee Sooman suddenly found the lost connection between the 2 half cousins and decided to reunite them by having Nikka start her debut right away. Sooman somehow managed to have Nikka's schedule collide with SHINee's schedule, making sure the 2 relatives bond with each other. Things don't go well when it turns out Jonghyun is a vampire and Minho's the only one who has pure human blood and has a more stable mind & physical body to keep Jonghyun out of trouble. Suddenly Jonghyun can sense Nikka's blood being similar to Minho's and is more attracted to her than ever. Jonghyun & Nikka are able to bond even closer without Minho once Sooman somehow gets the pair to film a music video special for an upcoming concert in Taiwan, which has Jonghyun singing Wang Lee Hom's song called Beautiful and has Nikka acting as the main female lead. The lyrics draw the two deeper into love together.
0. Title of the story: Too Late<br />
1. AFF Name: NikuroAi<br />
2. Name in the story: Jung Eun Soo<br />
3. Your Bias: Lee Donghae<br />
4. Your personality:<br />
Caring and very hard-working, loves to cuddle and stay with someone close to her, doesn't really believe easily, blunt and cold at the first meeting but really warm when you get to know her.<br />
5. Your Bias Personality: always smiles, friendly to everyone, loves joking with friends and keeps doing it to make them cheer up, very helpful and doesn't really mind his state and also very protective to the people he loves<br />
6. Plot:<br />
Eun Soo's sister has been admitted at a hospital, so she must visit there everyday for her sister, but then one day, while rushing out in the stairs she bump with a patient and apologizes the patient about it but then after the day of her visiting, the patient who she bumped became close to her since she was always in the hospital, she even started visiting him too and her sister, but then...while they are on their state of friendship, she develops a feeling to him and decided to confess her feelings to him but before she could do that, unexpectedly he already disappeared in the world.<br />
7. Other character you want to include?: Jung Krystal (sister ;D)<br />
8. Other characters Personality:<br />
Childish and Active, loves clinging and cheering up people and doesn't really care what's happening to her, very caring to her family, doesn't really believe to people easily.<br />
9. What Kind of Genre? (Happy,sad,etc): Sad.<br />
10. One-Shot OR Two-Shot?: One-shot<br />
11. Anything Else?: thanks in advance ;D and anyways HWAITING! that's all good bye~<br />
0. Title of the story: They Can’t Tear Us Apart<br />
1. AFF Name: specialXangelX0410<br />
2. Name in the story: Bianca (everyone calls her Binx)<br />
3. Your Bias: Jang HyunSeung<br />
4. Your personality: shy, kinda nerdy, has that goody goody look, happy, sometimes awkward.<br />
5. Your Bias Personality: protective, friendly, always sleepy (xD), dorky, and honest.<br />
6. Plot: Bianca is the new exchange student from the US. Her father just got transfered to Seoul with the company that he works for. Since she’s shy, she doesn’t really talk with anyone until she meets Yang YoSoeb and Jang HyunSeung. She becomes close with the guys but she’s closer to YoSoeb and is more shy around HyunSeung. She starts to develop feelings for HyunSeung and tells YoSeob, who encourages her to confess her feelings. Except she can’t since the Queenkas claim that HyunSeung is dating one of them, which is a lie.<br />
7. Other character you want to include?: Yang YoSoeb please(:<br />
8. Other characters Personality: hyper, friendly, childish, aegyo.<br />
9. What Kind of Genre?: Happy, fluff, and a bit of drama.<br />
10. One-Shot OR Two-Shot?: Two-shot please?<br />
11. Anything Else?: thank you in advince if you can write it for me(: and good luck~! please let me know if you need anything else!
nao2483 #6
Part 1 of application~<br />
<br />
0. Title of the story: Lost in love<br />
<br />
1. AFF Name: chaelin08<br />
<br />
2. Name in the story: Karen<br />
<br />
3. Your Bias: Kim Jaejoong (DBSK) = i can apply for dbsk rite? ^ ^<br />
<br />
4. Your personality: Optimistic, does not give up easily, carefree, cute, 4th dimensional<br />
<br />
5. Your Bias Personality: Caring, cool look on the outside but very talkative when you get to know him, and willing to try new things, whines sometimes but is silly and adorable
nao2483 #7
Part 2 of application~<br />
<br />
6. Plot: Karen, fan of Kim Jaejoong wrote him a letter telling him not to smoke (she spent 3 hours writing it, since she is not korean she had to get her korean friend to translate it and rewrote the letter word for word back in korean by herself) her parents allowed her to go on vacation by herself this time to Korea. She tries to find Jaejoong in the 2 weeks time she has, one day she gets lost in Myeongdong and decides to go into the nearest 7-11 to ask for directions. the store manager is busy so she tries to use the broken korean she learnt from korean dramas to ask the person how to get back to this hotel. Coincidentally this person was Kim Jaejoong, Karen is shocked but forgot about the letter and instead tried explaining she got lost etc. Kim Jaejoong uses his broken english and tries to tell her the directions but it was hard to explain so he decides to take her back there himself. During their way back to the hotel, Karen remembers about the letter and somehow manages to get Jaejoong to understand that she wrote a letter for him but forgot to bring it since she left it at the hotel. Jaejoong suggest they meet up again so he could get the letter from her. During these 2 weeks, Jaejoong falls inlove with Karen. Will he be able to confess before the 2 weeks is up and make her stay?<br />
<br />
7. Other character you want to include?: None<br />
<br />
8. Other characters Personality: ----------<br />
<br />
9. What Kind of Genre? (Happy,sad,etc): Romance, happy, fluff<br />
<br />
10. One-Shot OR Two-Shot?: Two-shot please ^ ^ ~<br />
<br />
11. Anything Else?: Thank you soo much, looking forward to reading it :) ~
Applications:<br />
0. Title of the story: Unforgettable Summer Camp <br />
1. AFF Name: JustWinter<br />
2. Name in the story: Sung Yu ki<br />
3. Your Bias: Lee TaeMin (SHINee)<br />
4. Your personality: A moderate looking girl with no demand. She is shy, understanding and never seeks for attentions just prefer everything in simple. Has never fall in love and wish one day could find someone whom she truly loved.<br />
5. Your Bias Personality: TaeMin is good looking but aggressive. Never listens to others instruction and follow his decision. Always helped out to the person whom he cares. <br />
6. Plot: Yu Ki and TaeMin’s classmates have organized summer camp for the coming weekends. Everyone was excited and highly participated to join because there are many activities have to play in pair. Yu Ki was not interested because this is her first time stayed away from home and she knew no one would like to same group with her. During that day, TaeMin offer himself to be with Yu Ki group and others girl was shocked. The girls keep on giving trouble to her until the game has started; Yu Ki retrieved from the games and let other girls to be pair with TaeMin. While she was alone and never expect that TaeMin came back look for her and confess his feelings.<br />
7. Other character you want to include?: MinHo (SHINee)<br />
8. Other characters Personality: TaeMin’s friend. He is smart, friendly and a problem solver whenever TaeMin is in trouble. Act as a big brother to ensure everything is in order.<br />
9. What Kind of Genre? : Drama + Happy<br />
10. One-Shot OR Two-Shot?: One or Two also can, up to writer.<br />
11. Anything Else?: Nothing. You can change or add additional information for the story. Thank You<br />
<br />
Amazing i just loved the second part ^^ You're really great at making one-shots =) Once again thank you so much that was one of the sweetest and funniest i have ever read~
MyLovelyPanda #10
@forestwhisperrz // ohh great, because i was suppose to make it sad >.< hehe thanks for commenting!