Twelfth Chapter

Yet another Korean drama
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“I know you pity me,” Junjin broke their silence suddenly. “You don’t have to. You owe me nothing.”

Andy looked at him, and the wounded face, and the broken arm. “You took care of me when I was sick.” he answered. “I don’t know why, because we hate each other, but I owe you and I’m going to help you.” he promised. Junjin couldn’t help but bow his head down after Andy said they hate each other. “I don’t like you, but I still don’t want anyone to hurt you.” the butler mumbled.

“You should go,” Junjin said seriously. Andy looked at him confused. “I am kind of tired and would like to sleep more.” Junjin claimed that was his abrupt reason to throw Andy out. He didn’t want to hear anymore hate confessions.

“Oh, of course,” Andy smiled. “I’ll come back later?”

“You don’t have to,” Junjin muttered and lied down to his side, turning his back at Andy. “Just leave.” he said.

Andy, oblivious of the fact that Junjin was angry at him, bade farewell and then exited the room. Hyesung and Minwoo had gone somewhere while he had been at Junjin’s room. Andy stood still for a few seconds hand clutched onto the other arm. He had not seen Eric yet. He hesitated in front of the door and then knocked it. “Come in!” Eric yelled. When Andy entered the room, the face of the CEO brightened. Jimin was there. She glared at the butler. “Andy!” Eric shouted excitedly, spreading his arms when Andy came close enough. He hugged him.

“Sir?” Andy murmured bemused.

“Sir?” Eric repeated, frowning. “Why are you acting strange?”

“Why are you acting strange?” Andy questioned. “Are you okay?”

“I’m excellent!” Eric grinned. “Now that you’re here I’m even better!”

Andy glanced at Jimin, who was annoyed that the butler had found his way to the room. She didn’t seem surprised by Eric. Her hand was entwined with Eric’s, who hadn’t shoved her away. Andy didn’t understand.

“I’m so glad to see you,” Eric smiled, Andy’s cheek.

Andy felt his heart thudding and cheeks burning. He liked the touch and the feeling. Andy had only dreamt of moments like this with Eric. But it didn’t feel right. “You should be resting more,” The butler detached the hand from the cheek – it felt so cold now – and stepped aside. “You and Junjin were in a big accident.”

“How is Junjin?” Eric interrogated.

“He broke his arm and has some wounds, but he is fine,” Andy smiled.

Jimin didn’t let go of Eric’s hand. Her knuckles were white, indicating that she was really squeezing it possessively. “Where is Hyesung?” Andy interrogated suddenly.

“Who?” Eric scowled. “Oh, that man in the maid outfit?” Ah, so Eric had amnesia? Andy couldn’t hide the shock in his face. “He was supposed to bring me coffee, but he never did. I don’t think he is that good of a person.” Eric looked at Jimin and grinned widely. “I’m so happy Jimin was here to bring me some.”

Andy glanced at the y woman. “You should sleep.” he told Eric. “I know you don’t feel tired, but it’s going to feel so good.” he claimed. Eric looked at him, as Andy started to tuck him in. “You need to heal so we can get you back home.”

“Sounds good,” Eric smiled while closing his eyes. “Will you be here when I wake up?” he asked the butler.

“Yeah, we all will be.” Andy spoke.

“No,” Eric shook his head. He pulled Andy closer and whispered, “Just you.”

Andy blinked his eyes, blushing again, and then nodded softly. “I’ll be here,” he crooned so that Jimin didn’t hear it. Eric smiled and then fell asleep almost immediately. Andy turned his gaze toward the woman. He was scared of her, because she was very powerful, but something was off. “I’ll call you when he wakes up.” Andy said.

“I am not going to leave,” Jimin argued. “I’m making sure no one hurts my man anymore.”

Andy didn’t know what to say to that. He wouldn’t be able to make her leave. He bowed to her, and then walked out of the room. Before he left, he checked Junjin’s room once more. He was deeply asleep.

“Are you leaving?” Hyesung’s voice entered the butler’s ears when he exited Junjin’s room again.

“Yeah,” Andy responded. “I still feel kind of weak and I just…hate hospitals.” he shuddered.

“Don’t we all?” Hyesung mumbled. “Did you see Eric?” Andy nodded. “He has amnesia. But he remembers everyone else but me.”

Andy had figured it out, listening to Eric. He acted so weird. “I guessed…he was acting strange.” his cheeks flushed when he remembered the feel of the big hand on his cheek. “I’m sorry he doesn’t remember you.”

“No, you aren’t,” Hyesung snapped. “You aren’t sorry. You’re happy that he doesn’t remember me.” Andy looked at him. “Sorry, I…I didn’t mean to…I just…I’m so…”

“It’s okay,” Andy sighed. “I’ll just…I will just go.” he pointed toward the exit.

“Wait!” Hyesung managed to turn him around. “I think…Jimin…” the woman stepped out of Eric’s room when Hyesung spoke to the butler. “Never mind…let’s talk about this at home,” the maid whispered.

Andy didn’t understand anything, but he nodded. Hyesung took his hand and dragged him out of the hospital, so they could talk.




Dongwan pulled to a halt in front of some forest route. Minwoo looked at him and then interrogated, “Did you bring me here to kill me?” Dongwan frowned and shook his head, chuckling a little bit. “Oh, I was certain that you were.” Minwoo talked lowly. “Where are we exactly?” he asked, looking through the dashboard.

“We are a little outside of Seoul,” Dongwan replied. “I’d like to say that only I know about this place, but that’s not true,” he joked. Minwoo smiled, but immediately stopped once he remembered Eric and Junjin. “Come.” Dongwan got out of the car and Minwoo followed.

It was a little track through the forest. Minwoo didn’t know where it led. He had not been outside of Seoul willingly in a very long time – unless abroad was counted. He occasionally visited his family in Jeolla-do, but other than that, he never went outside. He was sort of a workaholic. If he was being hon

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missstery #1
Chapter 17: Late but here I am. First of all, thank you for the dedication, as I said, while I can and even if it takes a little while, I will be here as a thank for your work and effort, it is the least you deserve. I also miss Shinhwa, and I also think they will not return, but people say that hope dies last and I trust that as Minwoo once said, they will not leave without telling us before, so I still have a very, very small hope of seeing them to say goodbye to us at least. Now, respect to the chapter, I was wondering the same as the guard, that Hyesung did not know the risk he was running or why was he not afraid? Really he is strange. And I loved the true love's kiss, so cliché but so cute, it made me sigh for a moment, although later I was hurt by the separation of these two. So many mixed feelings. And then Andy, he confuses me too much, I don't know if he loves Jin or not, but I don't like he gives him hope and then takes it away, I suffer a lot for Jin, I hope his feelings clear up soon and we stop suffering. I can't believe Eric and Hyesung told "Love you" each other, but why waste time right? With a crazy girl like Jimin, is better. I missed Min and Dongwan, I hope to see them more often. As for the evidence, I wondered why they didn't take it to the police, but I never expected them to make that decision. I already want to see what will happen in the next chapter. Thanks for updating, I really like your stories, help me not to miss the boys so much. I hope you are well, take care and a hug. And sorry for the long comment.
missstery #2
Chapter 16: I knew Jimin was bad, but I didn't imagine how much. Although she already tried to kill them once, it is certain that she will not stop to get what she wants. Now I am more afraid of her and of what may happen to them. Andy is very brave keeping the information to himself and not putting anyone else at risk, although it would be good if someone else knew just in case. And now to worry about Eric's plan, these men won't let me take a breathe. What is happening to Jin hurts me, he is not physically well, but it hurts me more that he feels sad for Andy's love. I really enjoy this story, although sometimes it makes me a little sad, I hope everything gets better soon. Greetings and take care. As always, I'm glad to see you here.
missstery #3
Chapter 15: Lots of confessions in this chapter, and while I should be excited about it, I feel bad because seem like is not unrequited. Either Hyesung is too observant or Andy too distracted not to realize what Jin feels for him, although maybe his love for Eric doesn't let him see beyond that, as for Eric let's blame his lack of memory and say that's why he didn't know what Andy feels for him, I just hope that everyone's feelings will be clarified soon. Although after what happened to Hyesung I guess we'll have to wait, the most important thing now is to get him back. I already want to know what is in that paper that is so important that that crazy woman dares to kidnap Hyesung, and about what her employees said, I agree, she is a psychotic, I just hope nothing bad happens to Hyesung. I am glad to see an update, because I suppose that you are in better health, continues to take good care of you, and rests as long as necessary to fully improve you. Thank you for your work, greetings.
missstery #4
Chapter 14: Hello, glad to see an update again. It's been a long time, but I'm still waiting for your stories, they really are good and I really like them. I'am also happy to knew from you, I hope you are well and that you have been during all this time, because with the world situation it has not been easy at all. Now with respect to the chapter, it seems that Jin and Andy don't hate each other as much as they say and apparently love is being discovered in this chapter, both them and Minwoo and Dongwan, and maybe Hyesung. That contract must be really important if Jimin is looking for it so desperately, I just hope someone comes along to help Andy and Hyesung and nothing bad happens to them. I wait for the next chapter no matter how long it takes, greetings and take care.
missstery #5
Chapter 13: Eric's amnesia every time is more strange and suspicious to me. Why Jimin always appears at the least indicated time? I hope that Hyesung is not in danger, because Jimin really doesn't like him and she is capable of many things as she said him. Now it's going to be more interesting since everyone knows what Jimin is capable of, I really want to know what that document was, hopefully and find it. Thanks for the update
Chapter 12: I was on my toes reading this chapter oh my gosh... Andys attitude towards jinnie(?) my woodong heart needs to calm down. "it had not been an accident after all." *chills*
missstery #7
Chapter 12: I didn't expect Andy to be like that, I thought he was starting to feel something for Jin, but he was very bad not only with Jin, but also with Hyesung. I hope he changes soon and doesn't hurt none anymore, even if don't do it on purpose or don't realize it. But what happen with Eric? Why is he like this with Andy? I have so many doubts. I loved how Dongwan helped Minwoo, so cute. And Jimin really is evil, I just hope Jin isn't in danger now that he knows it wasn't an accident, at least now he can back Hyesung. I can't wait for the next chapter, thanks for the update and take care
cjmoo_ #8
Chapter 11: Well of course Jimin had 'found out' that Eric was bedridden... -rolls eyes- The nerve of her to 'arrange' this accident! Interesting that Andy was by Junjin's side instead of Eric's hm. I'd feel the same way as Junjin too, that Andy was the one suffering from memory loss. I really hope that Eric will remember Hyesung sooner than later!
cjmoo_ #9
Chapter 11: Will read this soon!
Angelly8a #10
Chapter 11: OMG THAT B*TCH DID NOT! Omg I screamed a lot when i saw the notification that you updated this ❤❤❤❤❤