Mellotachio's Thoughts

Mellotachio the Teddy Bear

Hello! I’m Mellotachio, Kibummie’s special teddy bear!

But lately I don’t feel special anymore… My Kibummie has been neglecting me… I can’t believe it! He used to love me so very much and hug me every night, but now he sleeps with Jjongie instead. Sometimes I keep wondering, does he not love me anymore?

Oh! There’s Kibummie! He’s bringing me along to Jjongie’s room today. Yay! I don’t really like Jjongie because he stole Kibummie away from me. But at least today I can be with Kibummie even though I have to share it with him. I’m squished in the middle of Kibummie and Jjongie. It’s not comfortable… It is comfortable when Kibummie hugs me every night though.

Did you know? Before Kibummie and Jjongie sleeps together, Kibummie sometimes cry himself to sleep at night. And it was because of Jjongie! I was the one who comforts him. He talks to me, asking me whether he was good enough for Jjongie or not. Of course! Kibummie is perfect! I wanted to tell him that, but I can’t… But I’m glad I could be there for him whenever he needed me.

But it’s been a long time since I saw Kibummie cry. It’s a good thing, definitely! I think it’s all because of Jjongie too… He’s really nice to Kibummie. He never makes Kibummie cry anymore and whenever Kibummie’s upset, Jjongie will comfort him, so much better than I could. Maybe if I were a human, I could comfort Kibummie like that…

“Key, I love you so much. Get some sleep, princess.” Jjongie says after pecking Kibummie’s lips. He even rubs their nose together! That is what I and Kibummie like to do!

“I love you too, Jjong. Goodnight…” Kibummie’s smile is so beautiful… He yawns and drifts off to sleep. Jjongies stays awake and hums a lullaby for Kibummie.

After Kibummie’s really asleep, Jjongie picks me up and stares at me. I stare back at him too.

“You know, I made a great decision. If I didn’t get you for Key’s birthday this relationship would be nothing more but a dream.” Jjongie smirks and squished my hands.

“It’s all thanks to you, I guess.” Jjongie slips me into Kibummie’s arms and he hugs Kibummie.

Well, I guess he’s not that bad. Mellotachio can’t hate Kibummie’s special love after all.

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Chapter 2: Awwww I love Mellotachio!!! They were so cute (Jongkey and Mallotachio!!) Love this!! <3
Pabo-sshi #2
Chapter 2: OMFG, this story is killing me with cuteness!!! I loooovvveeee this story!!! Kyaaahhhh, I just HAVE to write a comment, cause this story is the best!!! I hope you will write more fluffy jongkey stories. I love you for writing this amazing story!!! ^-^♡
so damn cute
jkdfhkgjhnuifhcgiksdfuiyhsildrfhxuihfuis that was effing adorable gosh i cant even ahh jongkey is ing love like i love them to muck they're utterly faultless in my eyes ahhhh
I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS STORY!!! i love the bears pov, it made me teary eyed. this might sound stupid but, i have a teddy bear and my husband told me that my bear might be jealous of him when we stared datinng as a joke, but right before we got married he bought my teddy bear a wife so he wouldnt be alone anymore. lol so this story kinda made me think of that. so i totaly thought this story was awesome. :D:D
This is so adorable. :3
Just fluffy fluffiness... that is fluffy. Keke
I love this. ^ u ^
mar1adyve5sa #8
awwwwwww this story so cutee..>.<
SHINee4ever5 #9
KYAAAAA!!! CUTENESS OVERFLOW!!! How can Key be so adorable?!?! They are adorable ^^
Awwww~ Heheh~ Okay... *grins like an idiot* This is adorable. >.<