
Hide and Seek

God knows, no, devil knows how long I've been trapped in the back of my mind. Only a sliver of the former me was left and it seemed that he failed to notice. Sometimes I'd be able to see from my own eyes and the only color I'd see was red. So much blood. His maniacal laughter made my ears ring as he tore through person after person. He must really enjoy having a physical body. Too much.

From what I could tell we'd left the big city and wondered into the forest, passing through villages and slaughtering everyone in our path. somehow we'd found ourselves before a church and he chuckled, mildly excited and ready for a challenge. This village immediately seemed eerie. Every house had been completely abandoned, food left on tables as though it had been frozen in time. This hadn't bothered him at all. In fact he seemed even more excited than before. He sensed people, he just had to find them.

Hide and seek is his favourite game.

The church was small and nestled in the furthest corner of the town, surrounded by thick brush and trees. A crumbling cross stood at the highest point of the church, the color of old wood. His bloodlust was so strong at this point that I could practically smell it, a metallic scent that made my stomach twist mentally. He ascended the rotting church stairs, a wide grin plastered to his, well, my face that would appear innocent at first glance, but I knew better. Prepare for another blood bath. I wanted nothing more than to return to the darkness, the emptiness but I couldn't choose when I entered it.

He held the door handle and pulled it open. Dust floated out at him with a gust of stale wind. Unhindered, he stepped over the threshold, eyes scanning the chapel before him. It only had three pews on either side and despite its small size, there was a large amount of empty space. Pale light poured in from the cracked, dirt-caked windows, only increasing the eeriness of the atmosphere. Straight before us, at the end of the aisle stood the Mary. She had probably once looked breathtaking with the intricate paint job that was evident in the spots of bright colour, but now it appeared dull beneath a layer of dust and the acrylic cracked and peeling. 

The perfect location for a horror movie.

He took another step forward as he continued to scan for life, brows furrowed in confusion. In an instant and without warning the door behind us slammed shut. He was trapped. He realized that immediately and cursed, making his way back to the door.

But from the corner of his eye, a huge silhouette slithered from the beams in the ceiling before dropping down onto my body and wrapping itself around us. It was a huge, white snake. He hissed and struggled against the creatures hold, but it wouldn't budge. The snakes jaw unhinged to dig its huge fangs into the back of my neck and he fell still, unable to move anymore.

It felt like hours as another human silhouette approached until he faced me, pity in his eyes. He certainly wasn't a priest, at least, he wasn't dressed as one. He also seemed far too young and handsome.

"Such a pity Heidi, that youth would still dare to toy with demons." He shook his head before muttering some words with his hands pressed together before his chest, then he fell into a warrior pose and hit my forehead with the heel of his hand.

Everything went black.

Peace at last...

Heidi's body collapsed in the snakes hold as the demon was forced out. He immediately made a run for it, fear in his black eyes, but a second snake, black in colour this time wrapped around him, sending him to the floor as it constricted. He cried out in pain but it melted into laughter as he continued to struggle.

"There's no point in struggling, demon," the young man looked down at the handsome demon who hissed in response. "You will tell me your name."

"Like hell I will!" The demon mocked as he spat at the mans' shoe.

The man sighed as he rolled his eyes. "Well then, demon, this will hurt a lot then." He waved towards the white snake. "Yoongi, get me his name." 

The white snake slithered quickly to the writhing demon, unblinking and unafraid, its tail snaking around the demons neck to hold him still. He flicked his forked tongue, swiping the demons forehead before pressing his head to the demons.

The demon cried out in a mixture of pain and fear as he fought the god that had forced its way into his mind.

"GET OUT!" He roared, shaking violently as buried memories of his time as a human rushed to the forefront of his thoughts. Black tears streamed down his face as the snake finally pulled away.

The demon lashed out, attempting to bite the snake but it shifted into a white bird just out of its reach before shifting again into human-like form.

"His name is Taehyung." Yoongi said with a half bow.

"Good work. Take Heidi out to the back garden. Tell him to help her." The young man ordered.

Yoongi glanced at the collapsed and bleeding body of Heidi, still in his half bow before bowing even deeper. "Yes, master." He spat master as though it were a curse, eyes filled with hate, then took Heidi by the hands and dragged her towards the back of the chapel.

The man turned back to Taehyung, the demon who had fallen still, a haunted look in his eyes.

"The fun's only just beginning." The young man smirked.


Something to note in this story is the demons and gods. (At least in this continuation which is less horror than it is fantasy)

So, demons in my story are man-made creations because every one of them was once human. A human becomes a demon after their soul has lived in one of the many dimensions of hell for a certain amount of time (the amount of time varies from soul to soul). Hell is a dimension also created by humans (humans have the power of thought, as long as they strongly believe in something, and as long as it has a large enough following, it will exist) and is virtually inescapable except the singular loophole which is the Dimensi. They are cursed humans with the ability to jump dimensions using reflections. If a demon can open a portal to hell (which isn't difficult, it's just that the number of souls in hell must remain the same at all times) and a Dimensi uses that mirror, the demon has that chance to escape hell by using the Dimensi as a replacement.

Demons and very minor gods have one similar weakness and that is their original name. A god always has an alias or else an extraordinary human may be able to bind them (and yes, I have an obsession with faeries which is where I may have picked this up from. Ha ha!) And although only very spiritually/mentally strong humans can bind a minor god anyone can bind a human so long as they know that demons original name. Their human name.

And also, when I say minor god I mean minor. Gods have a strict hierarchy in my stories. Major gods are the ones that create universes or multi-verses and the gods created by those gods. A minor god is younger than a major god, usually their age is within the existence of this current universe (which is fairly young in god terms) and many exist thanks to their empty shells meeting intelligent life forms like humans and shaping their powers around their first experience. So, the powers of minor gods usually consist of things like love, rot, hatred, etc. Then, there are the gods created by minor gods. They usually take on the form of an animal (just like the minor gods that created them) and their powers are usually even more specific than their creators. For instance if Anton (a minor god of memory whose form is that of a giant, grey snake) created another god they would most-likely be something like a god of fond memories and their animal would still be a snake, just a different variant of grey perhaps. These gods are seen as weak, usually stay in groups or packs and are often used by more powerful gods when something must be done but the more powerful god can't be bothered.

Oh, right! And demons usually reflect their battered souls. In other words, usually, a demon will look absolutely terrifying thanks to the torture their souls went through, but a very powerful demon has the ability to mask that appearance and show what they want to. So, yes, Taehyung in this story is a powerful demon.

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Kookieismylifeu07 #1
Chapter 4: This is a really good story
Please Update!
Kuehhh #2
Chapter 4: Found this story today and i'm liking it so far! Though the first chapter did confused me a little. Oh well, I'm anticipating the next chapter!
UnbreakableRose #3
Chapter 2: This is good!But, why is it marked as complete?