Chapter 05

Broken Clock

The last chapter is here! Sorry it took me so long I had to think of one explanation ^^" Anyway I finished it~ Hope you like it =)

Oh yea... the translations of the songs are from youtube, and there are a lot of versions, so I used the most fitting ones (mostly for RDD - you'll se when you read)

I changed the tag to the vid 2 times... In the end I uploaded what I really watched.




I was lying on the couch; Jonghyun was lying on my lap. I was reading a book, and he was watching some really boring film. We both kept silent. But it was not an awkward silence. It was comforting. Yesterday he called me telling me he would spend the whole day with me, but it was not like we could go out on a date or something, so we stayed at my place. Besides I was used to silence, and it was comforting for me.


“Hm?” I looked down and saw his puppy eyes. God, why did you create such a gorgeous creature? This reincarnation of him was no match for his past ones.

“I’m boring company, am I not?”

“No, you’re not.” I smiled and ruffled his hair. “I’m the more boring one here.”

“You’re not.” He changed his position and now he was lying on his tummy, and one of his hands was around my legs, a little above my knees, while the other one was supporting his head, while his elbow was positioned near my leg. “You make all those funny expressions while you read. I can’t take my eyes off.”

“Weren’t you watching a movie?”

“The movie is boring.” He furrowed his eyebrows and pouted his lips really cutely. I could only smile.




I lied down and looked at the boy next to me. His eyes closed, and cute snoring sounds coming out of his mouth. I smiled to myself and brushed his cheek lightly with my finger. His eyes barely opened and he smiled at me. With no words he wrapped his hands around my waist and brought me closer to him. He kissed me lightly and a lazy smile crept its way on his lips again.

“Mmm… I had such sweet teddy by my side and it was left alone?” his voice was sleepy and it sounded distant, yet cocky.

“Flirt, go to sleep. You have concert tomorrow.” I kissed his cheek and buried my head in his chest.

Then we both fell asleep.



->She's watching this<- (I was watching it and writing)


I turned the TV on my own for the first time since I came here and sat on the couch in my apartment. I was watching the Music Core concert, and was waiting for my neighbors to show up. I never watched them perform and yesterday Jonghyun complained that I never saw how awesome he was on stage. Of course Key said he was nothing much and he was just goofing around and stealing his spotlight. Just like him.

Ok, so the program stopped torturing me with bad groups and my boys were next… Seriously – Jonghyun stealing Key’s light? With that parrot like hair of his? … Oh, I saw why. He pouted and blew his cheeks – how cute~! Yoah… Where’s the cute Taemin? Key looks totally cool, not annoying like usual. What the hell did you do Jong?! Keep attention to your dance, dummy! …. God, I feel so stupid talking to myself… But they’re cool! And Onew looks so serious and hot! Thanks for not putting Jonghyun biting his lips on close up… I’m finding it hard handling it. Ok, I so like Minho better when he smiles goofily, not that he isn’t looking death awesome now too.

I call you butterfly
As the days go by
The idea that I can't escape you
Gets driven in further

After hearing those words my heart sank down… I kept looking at the boys, and their awesome performance, and their perfect voices, but the stupid admiring I did earlier stopped in one go.

“Jonghyun, you made my decision easier and unweaving – I’m not stealing your light away.” I felt a little tear fall from my eye, as I continued watching the performance with a smile.




I was cooking our lunch when I felt two arms wrapping themselves around me. He buried his head in my hair and stayed silent. I felt something wrong. It just didn’t fell lovingly like usual.

“Jong, what’s wrong?”  I tried to turn around to look at him, but he tightened his grip, making me unable to move… according to him. “Jonghyun?”

“Don’t leave.” He barely whispered. “I…” his grip loosened and I turned around cupping his face.

“I shouldn’t have told you.” I frowned, seeing him like this pains me so much… I seriously wondered how he didn’t bring it up for a week. “Jonghyun… I can’t be with you.”

“Why?” he took my hands in his and looked me with his now sad eyes.

“To be together with you means I have to take something really important from you, and I can’t do that. I’ll never do that.” I placed a soft kiss on his lips and I felt his tears flow.




I looked at the boy sitting on the chair in front of me… What was I doing? He could handle it himself.

“Are you sure?” asked me Mei, who was beside me. She was the one who helped me tie Taemin to the chair. I’m glad he was alone today and he came for a visit – made it much easier.

“I don’t know… His brain could’ve accepted what he saw back then.” I looked at the doll-like boy… He was so emotionless. I felt bad for making him like that.

“Yea and it could not… That’s why I’m here anyway.” She smiled softly and patted me on the shoulder. I looked again at Taemin. Well, now or never.

“Taemin,” my voice was void again. “now you will remember, that event you had to forget.” The puppet Taemin nodded, next all I saw was fear in his eyes. He nearly screamed, but Mei was fast and covered his mouth. He struggled for about five minutes before we could calm him a little. He was still afraid, he was just not screaming anymore. “Are you afraid of me?” Why was I even asking – he was.

“What are you?” he sounded so scared.

“Vampire.” He looked confused, not being able to think of what to say next. “I want you to help me with something.”


“Jonghyun.” His eyed widened in shock. I guess he forgot him.

“I’m not helping you feed on him!”

“That was harsh boy.” Mei said for me, who was left with no words. “Irene hasn’t bitten a human since the blood pill was invented.”

“Not exactly.” She glared at me.

“It was one hell of a bloody winter. You were not at fault!”

“Then…” Taemin stepped in, thankfully.

“I want you to help him…” I started unsure of how to explain it. “I will leave after four more days, but I doubt he will forget me. I want him to forget me, to move on, so I will show him what I am… I want you to help him accept it, because only you saw me back then… Please, Taemin.”

“Why?” I looked at him with shock. So did Mei… No human ever asked “why”. Usually they were never thinking twice, before accepting our offer. We were vanishing later – that was more than enough for them.

“What should I do – turn him into vampire?”

“If you love him.” I blinked twice before my mind accepts the words the boy spoke.

“I love him so much it hurts, and that’s why I don’t want to make him go through this. Jonghyun is my soulmate, the soul I doomed to roam around the world and live always searching for something unknown. I’m not dooming him with the fate of hiding. If he becomes a vampire he has to become a shadow, and he’s too bright for it.”

“The soul you doomed?”

“Oh, I’m gonna make some popcorns.” Mei rolled her eyes and went to the microwave. She suddenly turned around to look at us. “Baby, it’s long. Don’t look at me – look at her.” Then I and Taemin looked at each other’s eyes.

“You want to know?” the young boy nodded and I sighed. “Usually when souls are sent to the human world, they’re divided in two and are separated between two people. They search for each other all their lives and when they do, they’re being merged again after their death.”

“And if they don’t?”

“They reincarnate again, until they find each other.”

“So they’re being reincarnated until they find their love?”

“Soulmates doesn’t mean lovers. And yes. But when a vampire is created, the other part is left alone, and it reincarnates until it find's his other half. It becomes lost soul. Now it’s prohibited to created vampires who are not with solitary souls.”

“Solitary souls?”

“Boy, just listen. She will explain. You’re asking too much!” Taemin pouted and looked at the ground. At the sight a small smile crept its way on my face.

“Solitary souls are the ones that met their other half, which is a vampire, but did not become like it. Do you understand?” he shook his head in a no. “Jonghyun is a lost soul. I haven’t seen personally his reincarnations for over 140 years, now I met him, we became close, and when he dies his soul will became solitary. Solitary souls don’t feel the need to find their other half. They may not reincarnate for hundreds of years.”

“How can you be sure he is your soulmate?”

“We feel it the first time we see them. I saw him when he was five, and left something really rarely, so that I can recognize him later. Staying here to watch him grow is risky.” I stood up and went to untie Taemin. He no longer looked scared, though he tensed up when I reached him. He stood up, watching me like he was searching for something in my eyes.

“I will help him, whit all I can… But he’ll be mad at me that I never told him.” I bended to his ear and whispered:

Tell him, that he wouldn’t have believed you if he didn’t saw it himself.” Then I stood up again and smiled. “You can go. I know you’re scared.”

Then the boy dashed out of the apartment. I looked at Mei, sweetly eating her popcorns.

“You liked the movie?”

“Mmm, yea I did.”




How clichéd – it was full moon. Tomorrow I’m leaving, or more like after I finish what I have to. I sent Jonghyun to his dorm today and now here I was in his room, near his bed. I crawled on top of him, and he woke up in shock.

“Irene?” I smirked and kissed him roughly, hungrily. I pushed him down and started kissing his jaw line, then his neck… That was when I bit him, roughly. His eyes were displaying shock and fear, but his voice was lost. I smirked again at him, traveling my finger on his lips, then placing a soft kiss. I bended to his ear and whispered:

That’s why I can’t be with you. I’m not human, I won’t die.” I stood up and headed to the window again. Before disappearing I turned around and smiled again at him. “The poison will wear off in 10 minutes maximum – then you’ll be able to move… Put something on your neck later.”

And I vanished.




I was leaning against the balcony, looking down at the town beneath me. Humanity changed yet again. Everything was dark and gloomy. I heard some footsteps behind me, but I didn’t turn around – I knew who it was. The girl leaned next to me, her orange hair sliding down her shoulders.

“So, you saw him?” she asked in cheery tone. I only nodded. “He looks exactly the same.”

“No. They’re different, and their attitude too.” I looked at Mei and smiled softly. “When I passed by he didn’t bow like the other puppets, and when I got closer he didn’t even flinch.”

“I have to admire his guts. Not bowing to the Royals.” She giggled and so did I. It was so stupid. 1000 years later and vampires became the Royals ruling the cities that were now under water, and there were the Nobles – highly ranked humans knowing the truth about us. After them were the Guards – soldiers, and … the Rats. The lowest class didn’t know what we were exactly, and they thought we were mere humans, showing every now and then, or in every 50 to 70 years to them. We had hair colors that were prohibited to them, or to the Nobles, so they knew who we were. Mei and Chika had orange hair, and mine was… dark sea blue or something. I liked the color. We three were the Royals of the underwater Seoul city. Ironic, huh?

All of a sudden a guard barged in, bowing low in front of me.

“Milady, they attacked him.” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“I’ll be down in a minute, get everyone away from him.” The guard nodded and dashed out again. I looked at Mei, who was smirking.

“You did this?”

“I helped him a little. Though you will kill me after you see how I did.” I rushed out, heading to the city.




I want to kill her, torture her… He looked the same… The hair – the reason he was attacked. Simple rule of the new world – “Rats are equal and should look like one. They should not differ.” I hated the rule… but I couldn’t change it. Above us there was one more class – “Purebloods”… I stepped closer to him and bended to his eye level.

“Do you want to live?” he furrowed his eyebrows and let out a laugh.

“And you can help me?” his voice was different. It was rougher – like Minho’s. I smiled and he looked me in confusion. I just stayed there waiting for a reply. “I want to keep living.” I stood up again and turned around to the guards.

“Take him to my room – now!”




He was lying on the bed, staining the sheets with blood. I got closer and sat next to him. He looked confused and tired. I took the knife from my bed table and cut my hand, I the blood, filling my mouth with it, and then I bended down, kissing him, making him swallow the blood… Now it was a matter of time.




I was standing near the window, listening to the song that I would never get tired of hearing. I drifted to the past with every word I heard, whit every tone that displayed suffering… I felt guilt listening to it… yet happiness.

Curse me, Curse me for letting go
my collapsed hear is screaming
don’t throw me away
don’t leave me alone
I’m screaming, but…
Want you, I want you like crazy
your lips that left mine, shouldn’t love
don’t love me, I threw you away…

Suddenly I felt strong arms wrapping around my waist… Felt so nostalgic. I looked around and saw Jun, with hair, which color was similar to mine now. I smiled at him and he kissed me.

"Why do you keep listening this. It sounds awfully old." I sighed. Here we go again.

"Because it's beautiful, no matter how old. It’s been 10 years aren’t you used to it?"

“No - I’m jealous.”

“Over a dead guy?”

“Who looks exactly like me?” I turned around, wrapping my hands around his neck. I kissed him softly and looked at his eyes.

“You’re nothing like him. It’s a coincidence that you look alike.”

“But he was the love of your life.” He pushed me and turned his back to me, stepping away looking at the sea in front of us. I stepped closer, hugging him from behind and softly whispering:

But you are my last love.”

I closed my eyes, small tears falling from their corners.

I’m sorry… I love again…”



Remember, end it, I can't forget you
I won't forget my pain of being thrown away
I can't forget it, you gave it to me

Don't throw me away... 


~The End~

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majin88 #1
Chapter 5: ughhhhh... I still lost... I couldnt really understand about the soul thingy and who is Jin?
But this story is so interesting author-nim :3
Chapter 5: Good story! I read it in one go, you have interesting style and a good flow although the dialogues sometime get confusing. I think I'll be reading more of your stories :)
Lovely story. I read it all in one go. :-) I can see how this would have been a long one shot. But definitely worth it. You definitely had me guessing what Irene really was. :-)
I just saw this story and I'm soooooooo amazed by it ! This is so lovely, the ending is happy, but the process was so heartbreaking but hot at the same time ! Kyaaaahhhh~~ love this. Good job ! ^^
ChangingPhases #5
Aww! You ended it so perfectly. :)
chas_ssmentrok #6
w8 so she ddnt end up wid jjongs reincarnation? T_____T
Ahh, I know I'm a bit late with commenting, but oh well... better late than never, right? x)<br />
I loved the ending <3 it wasn't cheesy, it wasn't too sad, it was PERFECT. No kidding, perfect.<br />
Oh, and I couldn't help but imagine what it'd be like to heard Jonghyun talk in Minho's voice~ hmm~ though, I like his voice as it is XD<br />
I love it <3 I'm so glad I found this fic x)<br />
hope you'll write more of fantasy fics... there aren't enough of those aound here~ ):
You updated <333<br />
I feel sad for her... and Jonghyun...<br />
Gosh, will she really leave? >.<<br />
This was a hella sad chapter...<br />
I still have a bit of hope that it could end happily x) blame my optimistic nature, haha xD
Oh, I really like this <3<br />
And i'm hoping for a happy ending,hehe x)
Update when you can! This is really interesting :D