Chapter VI

Listen to you




Jaehyun got his face glued to the table of his office. He was very tired.


After the reunion he had with Jackson las night he was very deep in thoughts all night long. Thinking about how will he feel if he decides to give up in some point? Will he also move on? Will he be avail to resist watching Chaeyoung with another guy? Is he backing out? He stayed all night just looking at one point in the white wall of his room. His phone rang and he didn’t answer it until it was morning and didn’t attend his work place in the determinate hour. His permission hasn’t started yet he needs to keep working until he confirms the trip to America which yesterday at midnight he was about to cancel… but now… all those doubts trailed out after he saw a picture of him and Chae resting in his nightstand and understood that he has the brain and the strength to do it.


That day he went to his boss office to confirm his flight so that means he will have since now two months as a death line to find Chaeyoung right away, otherwise he will have to delay it every single time due to work.


His friends were in his apartment again, helping him to pack; besides Taeyong was going with him so they decide to stay there to drive them to the airport the next day.


“Ah. America, such a good place” Mark said, lying down in Jaehyun’s bed.


“Have you been in America?” Yuta asked.


“Yeah, it is right there beside Canada”


“It must be an awesome place to visit” Yuta responded and everyone agreed.


“After this trip, you need to rest Jae, those eye bags are big” Sicheng said.


“Yeah I know, they're bigger every day actually”


“So this guy Jimin... did you email him?” Mark asked.


“Yes, Lisa gave me his email address, he said to call him when we arrive” Jaehyun answered.


“Why he left Seoul?” Sicheng asked this time.


“Lisa said he was accepted in a Dance Academy and move there”


“Will he be our tourist guide?” Taeyong asked, excited.


“Dude… I’m going for a serious business”


Taeyong pouted. “Don’t be mean, at least Statue of Liberty”


“You’re going to New York?!!!” Mark asked. He stood up. “I want to go too!!”


“Time Square?” Taeyong asked to Mark.


“Rockefeller Center?” Mark asked to Taeyong.


“Stop you two!!!” Jaehyun said and the guys stood still.  “We can go and do touristic stuff later…”


Mark and Taeyong nodded but at the end he asked. “Central Park?”


“Ok, Taeyong but nothing else!”


He jumped around in happiness. Mark sited again on the bed alongside Sicheng.


“What do you think he will tell you?” Yuta asked.


“I don’t know, I hope his story not be so sad like Jackson’s” Jaehyun answered. “That thing was painful”


“Yeah… good thing you didn’t call her father, you would have been future Jackson” Mark added intentionally.


“I know that” Jaehyun answered him back, finishing his suitcase.




America, country of opportunities… if you play your cards right and keep working hard… at the end it is. Jaehyun has been here before but you can imagine Taeyong taking pictures around and using US items since he went down the plain… because it’s exactly what he was doing.


“Can you stop looking like a tourist?” Jaehyun reprimand him.


“I am a tourist” Taeyong answered him and kept taking pictures.


After arriving to the hotel and take a quick shower, Jaehyun called the guy to see where he was, as Taeyong couldn’t get any annoyer, he propose to Jimin to reunited in Central Park.  They walked around for about an hour shopping in stores and taking pictures of the city while waiting for Chae’s second ex-boyfriend. How this second guy turned out? Did he really went through what he is right now? He hopes he can find out soon.


Jimin texted Jaehyun that he was already in the place and the guys walked to find him. They saw a blond guy wearing a white long shirt and black tight pants with military boots sited in the center of the park.


Jaehyun talked behind him. “Jimin?” He asked.


Jimin turned his head to see Jaehyun and nodded. “Yes”


Jaehyun introduced Taeyong and sited next to Jimin, while the last sited on the floor only looking at them both. Taeyong knows he can’t say a thing and only listen.


“Sorry for this. I know it might seem strange but he is a pain in the ” Jaehyun said referring to Taeyong.


“Hey!” Taeyong felt offended.


Jimin smiled with that angelic smile of him. “It’s ok… I was like that when I arrive here”


“I will not say anything man, I will only listen to you. I’m an extra” Taeyong raised his hand.


“You know that’s not truth, you will end up saying nonsense”


“Come on!”


“You guys are funny…” Jimin said, watching Jaehyun’s and Taeyong stupid fight as he smiles.


“He’s the first clown!”


“Stop it now!”


The guys stopped and Jimin turned to Jaehyun after a few seconds of silence. “You travelled all the way here to see me?”


Jaehyun looked at him as well. “Yes…”


“I thought it was a joke” Jimin looked at his hands, feeling a bit shy.


“And now that I’m here-” He was interrupted.


“…It feels real” Jimin ended. “Was it good? The flight?”


Taeyong wanted to answer that but he hesitated before doing so. “It- It was great”


“I’m glad” Jimin answered. “The way here is a bit tiring” He made a pause. “How can I help you?” He looked at Jaehyun again. “Sincerely, the only help you need is your memory”


“I’m just wanted to know your point of view” Jaehyun answer.


“My point of view?” Jimin said softly. “Talking about Chae always breaks my heart but… I’ll try my best to help you as you wish” He took a deep breathe. “The reason I came here wasn’t primary because the Dance Academy… it was because I wanted to run away from that. The way our relationship ended was traumatizing for me”


Taeyong and Jaehyun only made silence.


“She didn’t want me to meet her father” Taeyong looked at Jaehyun. “And I felt very confused about it, but I let her do whatever she wanted, you know? As I sign that I trusted her” Taeyong looked back at Jimin. “We were together for six months until one day, her dad saw us in a restaurant. When he stood there, I knew by her face that she wanted to die. He asked who I was and she told him I was a friend”


Taeyong gasped.


Jimin swallowed hard. “How would you feel if your girlfriend denies you like that? Angry, of course you’ll feel angry and that’s how I felt…


“A friend?” Jimin asked in shock.


“Jimin please… just…” Chaeyoung couldn’t utter the right words.


“I’m not a friend I am your boyfriend!”


“I didn’t know I was making a horrible mistake”


“Tell me Roseanne Park… what is going on?”Mr. Park asked, clearly angry at Chaeyong. His voice sounded demanding and strong. The whole restaurant was watching them.


Jimin stepped in front of him.


“I am her boyfriend, Sir. Park Jimin” He bowed.


“I don’t’ care!” Mr. Park yelled. “You’ll come with me”


“No, dad, stop it!” Chaeyoung fought her father’s hold. “I will stay with Jimin, stop doing this”


“I am your father and I can do whatever I want in order to protect you, now come with me!”


“No!” Chaeyoung yelled at Mr. Park. “I don’t want to. Stop, you’re messing up everything. You’ll end up making him hate me”


“If he loves you he will not hate you!”


“How can you know that if you don’t even give him a chance?!”


Mr. Park face reddened of anger. “Park Chaeyoung, start moving your legs towards the car now”


“Sir, I don’t think this whole thing is really necessary. We can talk-”


“I don’t want to talk especially with you”


“Don’t talk to him that way”


“In the car now”


By this moment Chaeyoung knows her father won’t stop yelling at her or give up at trying intimidating Jimin over his so great presence, because she knows how narcissist her dad is. She was starting to think that this situation will always be because he just can’t effort to lose. Her father is so pathetic. When will he know she is the one getting hurt?


She turned around and kissed Jimin, while tears were falling.


“Please don’t give up” Her voice cracked.


“Chae.. what- what are you?” Jimin voice was soft yet sad.


Mr. Park grabbed Chae by her arm and leaded her towards the car.


“I never saw her again after that until her father went to my workplace”


Mr. Park slides a rectangular piece of paper to Jimin’s side of the table. As he was in collage he was working as a part-time waiter in his mother’s café.


Jimin looked the piece of paper without moving.


“You can call me anytime” Mr. Park said.


“Why you do this? Didn’t you saw how Chae cried that day?”


“My daughter is a crying-baby, she would cry for anything”


Jimin frowned. “I can’t believe you’re talking about your own daughter”


“Don’t pretend you know her more than me”


“In fact I do… I am avail to detect when her heart is broken unlike you”


“You think yourself very smart, huh? I wish to know how you will win this”


“What if I find her?”


Mr. Park expression changed.


“What if I arrive with her by my side? You’ll respect me?”


“You are the one who needs to respect! What kind of education did your fathers gave you?”


“The best” Jimin was death serious. “I will find her and you’ll end up asking me for forgiveness”


Mr. Park stood up from the chair, he was so angry, Jimin showed his prepotent side. Who would blame him? He was so angry at this monster who took the best of him away. The old man went out of the café without looking back, letting Jimin sited on the table by himself. Thinking. He did not hesitate; he was decided to do it.


“It was difficult. It was horrible. Day and night, just trying to remember something precisely is very hard. I don’t know how he thinks you’ll do it. Does Chae remember all the things I said to her? I hope she does…” Jimin continued. “I remember one day she told me about touristic complex that her father owns in four countries… I don’t remember the others, but one of them was Japan. I thought maybe she was there… I looked everywhere, I spend all my savings with hopes but she wasn’t in Japan… she was in Singapore” He went silence for a while looking at his hands on his lap. “I called him to give up because I couldn’t effort to travel anymore. I didn’t have enough money. She was going back after two weeks and thankfully after that same among of time, my scholarship from Dance Academy here was accepted… and I left… I felt like I was running and I ended up looking for breath here”


“You tried” Taeyong said softly.


“I did… that’s what makes me feel well about myself. I did tried” Jimin said making eye contact with Taeyong and going back to look his hands. “But I still wish I could do way more”


“How did you know she was in Singapore?”


“When I was leaving, in the airport. A flight from Singapore was announced… and I saw her coming down that gate…” Jimin answered. “I would have given my life to not see her expression. She was so sad. Her eyes were puffy and she was so thin… she must have been really disappointed at me for giving up. But after I come here I focused on my classes and my goals and the past stayed in the past… until you emailed me” He let go a cute giggle and covered his mouth with embarrassment.


“I’m so angry!!” Taeyong said again.


“You never talked to her again?” Jaehyun asked, not taking his eyes off of him.


Jimin shook his head. “No… I want to, you know? But I just can bring myself to do it. It’s better that way. I don’t want to disturb my feelings”


Jimin really looks sad. Like really broken hearted. He never felt like this for someone before, like wanting to hug the person and assure him everything is fine (not even with the guys) but he felt the desires to do that only watching Jimin looking so gloomy and sad. It looks a like sad bear. He wants to hug this kid so much.


But he knows he can’t, it would be so awkward and strange, so he decide to assure Jimin in another way, try to make him feel better differently and that is telling how Chae is… and how Chae change because, he thinks that's what got him so down, not knowing how she's doing.


“She was healthy the last time I saw her” Jaehyun started to say. “She was more curvy and liked to eat anything she wanted. It was crazy”


Jimin smiled. “She now eats everything? That’s amazing… I used to be worry because she is used to do so many diets”


“Well, not anymore” Jaehyun joked.


He laughed softly. “She still works as a part-time nurse?”


“Yeah, she moved from the kid section to elderly…” Jaehyun answered. “She still likes horror movies and keeps getting scared by them”


Jimin laughed hard this time. “She knows she can’t watch those movies”


“I know right?!” They laughed. “She shorter her hair and she was crying for two weeks straight”


“Oh my God…” Jimin said, smiling wider now.


“Do want to know more?” Jaehyun asked.


Jimin nodded. “Did she- did she ever talked to you about me?”


Jaehyun nodded at him. “She told me she got a very talented boyfriend once.” He remembered. “And I felt like wanted to kill the guy”


Jimin laughed again. “Sorry about that”


“So that was you!” Jaehyun punched Jimin’s shoulder softly.


“I think so” Jimin smiled and both ended talking. “I hope you find her, man” he said. “I really do” and looked at Jaehyun.


“I hope so too” Jaehyun responded.


“She deserves it…” He continued. “Besides, you travelled all the way here… that has to mean something”


Jaehyun nodded. “It does. Thanks man, I appreciate it”


The guys stayed quiet until a click cut the silence between them. Taeyong took a picture of them. Jimin smiled and Jaehyun felt very embarrassed. Not a fan of an enthusiastic Taeyong.


“It was necessary. The light. The poses. The background.”


“Yeah, you can pass it on later” Jimin said to him. “Have you guys met New York yet?”


“Oh, no, Jimin is not necessary”


“No we haven’t please take us!!” Taeyong yelled from his spot.


Jimin smiled again. “It’ll be my pleasure”


“Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Taeyong stood up excited and the other two started to walk behind him.


“Jimin…  do you have any advice for me?” Jaehyun asked.


Jimin looked at the sky for some minutes and then looked at Jaehyun. “If you remember all the things she told you in the most intimated moment… you got it”


“You are the third person who says that”


“You talked to someone before me?”


Jaehyun nodded. “Yeah, the first one were Jennie and Jisoo… they are basically one”


Jimin nodded, agreeing with him.


“Jackson told me something like that too”


“Jackson?” Jimin frowned. “You went to see Jackson?”


He nodded.


“You are doing your best, huh?”


“Sorry but I don’t want to make the same mistakes as you guys”


“Don’t!” Jimin said to him, shaking his head. “Don’t make the same mistakes I did. Or Jackson did”


“Jackson turned out well at the end though”


“Ah, yeah… he got married and had kids. That’s a great life…”Jimin took his hands inside his pockets.


“What about you? Did you move on?” Jaehyun did the same.


“I did… not as far as Jackson but… I have a girlfriend”


“Nice…” Jaehyun smiled, hugging Jimin by his neck.


“Yeah… I look forward to the future”


“You also deserve it”


Jimin looked at Jaehyun and smile again. “Thanks” and he also wrapped his arm around Jaehyun’s waist.


Mistake number two: Being too cocky. 


Lesson learned: Jimin is awesome though


Advice: Remember the little things she told you on intimate moments.



OUR BABY JIMIN MADE A CAMEO IN THIS ONE! I know I told you already about this but I just love Jimin to the point of get excited again. So… Jimin always making guys loving him without even try it. Did you watch Chanyeol getting all nervous because of our precious Jimin at Gayo? I KNOW RIGHT! Well, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Thanks for everything and sorry about everything too. Stay super safe and pretty

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rosebae #1
Chapter 7: OMG HAHAHA im so in love with mark in this chapter
Chapter 13: Awww! It was such a beautiful ending.. Yeahh I saw the last part already ceecee I'm sorry I got confused :) Good thing Jaehyun didn't tell her about Seulgi because Chaey might flip out! Hahaha! I was hoping they would do something *fun* after that Seulgi scene I just wanted Jae to get some lmao! I love Jaehyun, omg! He's such a gentleman! He talked to Chaey's dad like a Man. He didn't insult or ridicule him. He's such a nice guy! Jaerose is perfect! I love them! ;) Thank you for this wonderful love story, even if Chaey's dad was an He had his reasons why he did it but still it's not right! Anyway, it's over and my Jaerose would live happily ever after! Awww :)
Chapter 12: Hey where's the next chapter??? Omg! Im so hooked with the story.. please continue :( I'm begging you :(((
Chapter 10: Oh tt! Wtf Seulgi!!! And Jaehyun what did you do?!!! You just have to run!!!
Chapter 9: Jae was going to Australia!!! Yaaaayyyy! I hope he find Chaey there tho
Chapter 8: Huhu! Why do i feel like I now want Jungkook to end up with Chaey even if I know that they no longer inlove with each other and already moved on with each other's lives.. He was a great guy. He did his best for Chaey. But as he said that after the incident, When they saw each other the feelings were gone :( And that was sooo sad! Geez! Now that he's getting married soon part of me was still jealous that he already found the one and that wasn't Chaey. :( But hell, I shouldn't be sad right? Cause Jae was also doing his best. I hope he finds Chaey and just live far away from his Father
Chapter 6: Yes, it's Jiminie pabo! :D Atleast he gave his best but unfortunately it wasn't good enough.. that's still courageous of him to do that tho. His savings were used just to find Chaey even tho he didn't know if he'd be able to see her in Japan. What a great guy! Still love him tho.. next let see how Jungkook went through. :D
Chapter 4: Chaey's father just said he doesn't play games but asking Jae to find her daughter for him to leave them alone then if not He will find another man for her daughter, wasn't it consider a game? How ironic! :/
Chapter 3: Oh geez Chaey's dad was really scary. Now I know why she doesn't want Jae to meet him.