Chapter 2


“Well if it isn’t my three favorite customers. “ Bong smiled from ear to ear as he saw the three girls enter. Especially when he saw Dahee, a vision in a blue dress. He loved her eyes, especially when they shimmered as she looked his way, even if tonight she looked sad and despondant. 

“Oppa, did you think we wouldn’t come?” Areum asked as they found three stools at the bar. "Dahee needed a pick me up, so naturally we ended up here.” Dahee smiled a half smile at Bong and then put her head in her hands. It had taken all her effort to get there, yet she didn’t want to really be there. She wanted her sad bed of sadness. She was still dealing with the reality of her break up – that was over a month ago.

“Dahee, what happened this time?” He began to work on their drinks as Dahee decided whether or not she would actually answer. Which she did not.

“She was dumped.” Jina blurted out.

“You really didn’t have to tell him that.” Dahee stood up and left the group to go sit in a corner booth. She had zero desire to discuss her break up.

“Wait, you mean Yi broke up with her? I thought those two were on the train to wedded bliss.”

“Yah so did we.” Areum answered. “When she came home and told us, we both were shocked. He was pretty heartless and pretty unfair in how he did it too. Texted her, didn't offer a real explaination. She said she was ok and got it, but she cried a lot. Truthfully, I hope I never see him, because I would have to take matters into my own hands."

“And you taking matters into your own hands Areum is never a good thing. Is Dahee ok?” Bong had never told Dahee, but he had had feelings for her for quite a while. He watched helplessly as she would bring her former beau into the bar to dance. He would die a little inside when they would kiss and hug. That’s what he wanted, with her. He simply wanted, her.

“She’s back on her whole I am going to be a spinster with 1000 cats bit.” Jina sighed. “She just is so jaded anymore. She doesn’t see love anymore as anything but a nuisance, fake and certainly not worth it.” Bong stared at Dahee as he listened. “I feel like now would be a good time to swoop in Bong, we know how long you’ve wanted to.” He had admitted his feelings to the girls a long time ago. "She won't admit it, but she definitely needs you."

“Challenge accepted.” Bong laughed at the girls as he came from behind the bar. “Do you think she would accept me though? After all, she does look awfully sad.”

“What she needs now is someone to remind her of the reality of true love.” Areum smiled. She’d been rooting for these two for as long as she’d know about his feelings. Bong rubbed his hands together and took a deep breath. He looked at the girls for approval and then slowly made his way over to join Dahee in her world of sadness.

“This is highly unacceptable.” He said, holding his hand out to her.  Dahee was in a trance, staring into her drink, trying to make sense of the last words Yi had said to her. Bong noticed Dahee’s stare and leaned down to her level, his face dangerously close to hers. “Earth to Kim Dahee…this is Bong calling, can you hear me?” Dahee’s eyes fluttered and she smiled, almost breaking into a giggle. “What Bong?”

“I can’t allow you to sit in my bar looking like a lost sad puppy dog. It’s far too depressing, you're totally killing the vibe here. I don't accept this nonsense in my world. Stand up, shake it off and let’s go dance.” Bong again held his hand out to her.

“Why?” she said, still staring ahead.

“Because your depressing mood is annoying and I like dance.” This time Bong grabbed Dahee’s hand and pulled her from her spot. Dahee followed blankly as she was pulled through a crowd of people, to a quiet spot on the dance floor. Bong took his other hand and put it on Dahee’s side, pulling her closely to him. “Listen if you are gonna be sad, at least do it while dancing with me, ok?” Dahee’s eyes fluttered as she stared into his eyes. There was a peace in his arms that she couldn't explain but she liked it, so she went with it.

“Tell me what happened.” Bong and Dahee slow danced to a hip hop song. Bong wanted her close and Dahee was not remotely perky enough to cut loose on the song. “Stop being so annoyingly sad and talk to me.”

“He was given an ultimatum.” Dahee blurted, a verbal gyser rising up inside her, she was close to exploding.

“An ultimatum?”

“He was told that if he picked me he’d be cut off. Can you even imagine that oppa? His own mother told him that if he married me, she would cut him off.  She said I would ruin his future, his bright future and that I was the comfortable choice. And I was the safe choice. Who would want something comfortable, right? Right? God forbid you choose something safe and comfortable that makes you happy, not when you could be alone and sad your whole life.” Dahee began to cry and continued to talk. “One day it was 'I love you, you are my everything,' the next it was, 'I like you and you are comfortable but is that enough?' He said he didn’t want to feel trapped, he said he didn’t want to regret it. Because, because why would anyone want to be in love and be comfortable and happy? Stupid…right?” Dahee’s usually rosy cheeks were tear stained and Bong, just held her close. “Bong, I don’t ever want to see him again. I don’t ever want to see him again. Please Bong; don’t let me see him again.”

“Dahee.” Bong said, noticing at that exact moment that Yi was staring at the two of them. Without thinking, to save her any heartache Bong grabbed Dahee’s face and wiped the tears. “You don’t have to see him ever again, I promise.” Throwing caution to the wind, Bong then lightly kissed Dahee’s lips. It wasn’t exactly the first kiss he had expected with her, but he didn’t care. Part of him wanted to make Yi jealous and the other part wanted to kiss the girl he cared for. The light kiss became a bit more, as Dahee melted into the moment, wrapping her hands around his waist. Dahee was clueless to the face that Yi had shown up. Bong had forgotten as well, lost in his kiss with Dahee. Maybe it was stupid, but he didn’t care, it was what he wanted, and Dahee was not pulling away. Dahee was feeling an electricity that made absolutely no sense to her. Could her best guy friend, be the cure to her jaded love? Was she just that despondant that any kiss would have done? What on earth was happening between these two friends?

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