Phone Call

First Try At Idol & Me (Unfinished Story) ***Read Foreword**

When Bobby entered the kitchen, he saw Nari leaning against the counter talking to someone on the phone.  She was biting her nails, looking nervous in Bobby’s eyes.  He just continued to walk towards the sink, raising an eyebrow at her when they made eye contact to see if everything was ok.  Nari just smiled and turned away from him to pace around the kitchen while she continued the call.

“Ok thanks Sarah,” Nari said on the phone, “I owe you one.”  Bobby went to put his plate in the sink as Nari disconnected from the call.

“So you’re good for the weekend?”

“Yup,” she replied, “everything should be set for the weekend workwise.”

“That’s good,”  Bobby said.  “You looked a little nervous though.”  She looked at him confused and his gaze went to her hands.

“Oh, this?” she lifted her hand up and waved it around a little.  “This is just a habit I have when I’m thinking really hard on something.  I just wanted to make sure that everything was going to be ok at work before I left.  It's not like I'm really needed at the grocery store, but it's better to be sure before I get in trouble and possible lose it."  Bobby just silently nodded.  He was glad to hear Nari's rambles.  It seemed to be the way that she cleared her head of all her thoughts, good or bad.  It just calmed her down a bit to hear everything she was thinking.

"I’m so ready to finally get a weekend off, especially at the beach.”

“Same.  I don’t think I really had a chance to relax since I got here,” he replied to her.  Bobby was looking forward to the weekend and having a chance to catch Nari when she was entirely off work mode.  This was his chance to really get to know her better without any distractions.  Whenever they had conversations, it was also while they were doing something so they never had a real opportunity to just sit down and connect.  It was something Bobby really missed doing since he came home.  Back at the iKON dorm, the boys always had someone to have a heart to heart talk about.  Whether it be about family, the next album, worries, or just animes, they were all so close and comfortable to the point that every conversation was a good breather from the day.  Rather than feeling the rush of getting things done for the album or practicing, they could all just relax and chill out together and get all the thoughts in their heads out in the open.

Bobby and Nari went along with their post-dinner responsibilities and continued on to clean the table and wash the dishes together, playing with the bubbles at the same time.  Bobby was genuinely having a great time with her despite doing some chores.  It was one of the perks of being home.  He didn’t have to worry about any schedules or any practices.  All he had to do was wake up, work, eat, do some dances, and sleep.  It was just like how it was before he left for South Korea.  He was slowly regaining his passion in his life and starting to have fun again.  It was a similar feeling to the earlier days during the trainee period with the rest of the guys.  They just did what they had to do without the idea of debut on their minds.  Nari was a big help in forgetting the stress that came with an idol.  While it wasn't the deep talks, the two of them were able to just talk about whatever they wanted and Bobby didn’t have to worry about keeping up an image.

He loved the fact that he could possible become really good friends with Nari.  She was the first person he’s met in a long time who wasn’t in idol or trainee mode.  It was refreshing to take a breath from all the chaos.  She wasn’t worried and he wasn’t worried.  They just went with the flow, which is exactly how Bobby loved to do things.

Would she be mad if she found out I was lying about who I really was? He thought as he put the last dish on the drying rack.  She had left a few minutes earlier to join her mom and he finished up wiping up all the wet spots that got on the counter.

I mean, if I explained why, she should understand.  It would be cool to keep in touch when I get back to Korea.  He laid the towel out to dry and went back into the living room to join everyone.  He leaned on the couch behind everyone and watched everyone converse until his eyes landed upon Nari talking to Jiun and Jeeyoung.  The problem with telling Nari would mean that Bobby would lose of the biggest things many celebrities craved: anonymity.  Rather in the sense of being able to walk down the street like a normal person, it was different if everyone you personally knew treated you like a celebrity.  With her not knowing his true background, he didn't have to worry about her only being his friend for the perks.  She only knew Jiwon and not Bobby, something that Bobby didn't really mind.  However, on the other hand, he really wanted to be able to tell her about all the stress and problems he's been going through.  Ever since they started doing more things together, Bobby felt some sort of comfort of her being there for him since she was the only person he saw besides his family.  That's why he felt kind of bad for not telling her the truth.  If she was starting to become a presence in his life and potentially continue to be a part of it, it was only fair that she knew the whole truth.

Yeah, maybe I’ll tell her this weekend.  I trust her enough.  Plus, it’s not that big of deal if she doesn’t pay much attention to the Korean music scene.  She wouldn’t be the type of person that would treat me any differently than any random person.

Bobby moved from his position and placed himself on the couch next to his mom to join in on the conversations and they all talked for another hour.  They would leave tomorrow morning and drive for about an hour and a half until they reach the beach houses.  After Nari and her mother left, Jeeyoung and Jiun decided to finish cleaning things up around the house before they went to pack, letting Bobby and his parents to go get ready for tomorrow morning.

Bobby went up to his room and started packing away some things for the weekend, smiling as it reminded him of the time he and the rest of the iKON boys went to Jeju.  It was such a fun weekend for the boys to unwind and get refreshed before getting back to work.  During the night of their last day before they left, the boys had a bonfire on the beach and just talked about what was all on their minds.  It gave them all a chance to get things off their chests, shed some tears, and was an overall better bonding experience to get even closer.  Even Junhoe, who he had an awkward relationship with, allowed Bobby to hug him when he cried about his problems without any hesitation.

Bobby was excited for this trip to give him a similar experience with Nari.  He saw this as his chance to connect with her on a similar level.  He knew she had some secrets too and wanted her to trust him enough to tell him.  He sure wanted to get some things off his chest and talk comfortably with her about.  As he went to get some swimwear, he was hit with an obvious realization.

“Oh ,” he said aloud, “we’re going to the beach.  That means swimsuits because of water.”  His mind slowly wandered to Nari.

“She’s going to wear a swimsuit,” he said.  His mouth slowly turned into a little smile before he quickly slapped his face.

“No, that’s why you were in that mess in the first place,” he lectured to himself, recalling their infamous first fight.  He walked in front of the mirror and put his hands on his hips.

“Kim Jiwon,” he wagged his finger at his own reflection with a stern look.  “Girls wear swimsuits to the beach too.  Stop being a little and get it together.  It’s all normal and you can’t--.”  His self scolding was cut short when Jeeyoung suddenly opened his door and popped her head inside.  She just smiled as she looked at him.

“Hey," she said with a teasing tone in her voice, "who were you talking to?”

“Um,” he stuttered.  He quickly grabbed his phone and put it on his ear.  “I was talking to one of my teammates.  Hanbin.  On speaker phone.  That’s why it was on the table.”

“Oh really?” She smirked.

“Yeah, he just had a question about--”.  This time, his lie was cut short as his phone actually rang.  Bobby looked at Jeeyoung in distress while she just giggled.  When he checked who was calling, he scowled.  Who else would it be but Hanbin.

“Well, I’ll leave you to it,” Jeeyoung said.  “Don’t sleep too late since we’re leaving early.”  She left and closed the door before coming back in.

“Oh and tell Hanbin I said hello.”  Bobby just frowned as she closed the door, laughing.  He just looked at his phone ringing and Hanbin’s stupid face looking at him.

“What?!” Bobby said as he picked up the video call.  Hanbin just pouted at Bobby.

“What did I do this time?  Did I ruin your date with the girl again?”  

The last time Hanbin had called, Bobby was walking Nari home after the two of them were sent to get dry cleaning.  The two of them had been talking about music again and were getting into a really deep conversation about the music scene in America.  Nothing was wrong with it, but with all trends, the same sound was being used and played over and over again.  Bobby knew exactly what she was talking about since the music scene in Korea did the same thing.  Bobby had to pick up the phone and when Nari saw, they quickly said their goodbyes before Bobby picked up that call with the same angry tone.  Bobby was having a good time and was entirely being himself without the worry of keeping any secrets from Nari and it was great hearing the opinion of someone on the outside who shared a similar passion to him.

“That wasn’t a date, but no, you didn’t ruin something.  At least this time, kind of,” Bobby said.

“Oh, ok.  Because last time, I thought you were going to strangle me through the phone.  What did I interrupt this time though?”

“I was talking to myself and Jeeyoung noona walked in on me,” Bobby replied.  Hanbin just looked at him in confusion.

“Why did you make a story about it then?  That’s not that bad.  You always talk to yourself.  I bet she talks to herself too.  I think it's a healthy thing to do if you're alone since your self conscious--”

“Hanbin," Bobby said, cutting him off.  He didn't want to hear Hanbin going off on another tangent that would lead nowhere.

"Oh sorry.  But what was so bad about this time?"

Um, well,” he stuttered.  Hanbin just smiled slowly upon his realization.

“Were you talking to yourself about Nari?” Hanbin was smirking at Bobby and just raising his eyebrow.  Bobby just looked at him in annoyance, but didn’t give any reply.  Hanbin knew he was right.

“So yes,” Hanbin said.  “I’m taking the fact that you’re not denying it as a yes.”

Bobby just sighed.  Hanbin didn’t know much about Nari, but Bobby always brought her up somehow in their conversations whether it be how she pummeled him to the ground or how she came over to borrow a sewing kit.  Bobby never outright said that he liked Nari, but Hanbin being Hanbin continuously bothered Bobby about it.  Of course as his leader, he couldn't encourage Bobby getting into or pursuing a relationship, especially considering why he's in a in the first place.  But, he thought it didn't do anyone any harm if Bobby was getting interested in a girl or just spending time with someone outside of their circle.  In the end, he was happy that Bobby found someone to talk to there since he was so far away from the rest of the guys.  Whether or not Bobby denied or realized his feelings, Hanbin was going to use it as a teasing weapon to slowly pull the truth out of Bobby.  Bobby never stopped him anyways, so it always gave him a green light to keep going.

“What were you talking to yourself about?” He finally asked and Bobby just checked to make sure his door was completely shut.

“Are any of the other kids there?” Bobby asked quietly.

“Nope, I’m at the recording studio and everyone else is getting something to eat.  Why?”

“Well because I don’t think I should talk about this around them without fixing my relationship with all of them first.”  

Only Hanbin really forgave Bobby for his ty attitude, he knew what was really wrong and understood.  He knew that Bobby didn’t really mean any harm and was just going through some tough times.  Hanbin was just pissed in the moment during the time before Bobby left.  Despite knowing the truth, it was still frustrating to see someone with so much potential just slowly wither away and throwing away his future.  Once Bobby left, the dorm was quiet, and he had his first conversation with him in the States, he calmed down and saw the vacation as a real chance for Bobby to loosen up and fix his problems.

The other guys, however, didn’t know anything about the truth because Bobby didn’t want to worry them.  It clearly did the opposite as his actions caused stress for all of them.  From Bobby’s actions, he was just acting like a stuck-up trainee who thought they had a way with the ropes.  He wasn’t the same hard working kid that they all looked up to and took advice from.  Nobody was really mad at him anymore, but everything was still kind of rocky because of the way he left them all.

“Ok,” Hanbin said, getting serious.  “So what’s up?  Is everything ok?”

“Well, for my brother’s wedding anniversary, we’re going to spend the weekend in a beach house and my parents invited Nari and her mom to come with us.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“Well,” Bobby started, “you know how guys wear just shorts at the beach.”

“Are you seriously worried that your body doesn’t look beach ready?” Hanbin scoffed.  Everyone who has seen Bobby, whether it be their online shows or Show Me The Money, knew exactly what kind of body Bobby had.  They all knew he looked good, especially Bobby himself.  The self-boasting was annoying when you constantly saw his half body in the dorm room.   

“You’re freaking ripped dude.  That should be the least of your worries.  If there is anything I don't miss from you, it would be you waking up every morning with just your underwear on as you praised your body in front of us.  What?  Are you worried Nari won’t like your body?”

Bobby paused before he could quickly deny, but Hanbin’s last point now became a worry.  She was flustered that one time, but that was just for like a moment.  Maybe she’ll think I’m too scrawny.

“Bobby.”  Hanbin’s call made him snap out of his insecurity session.

“Oh, no that’s not what I was worried about, initially,” he said the last part quietly.  Hanbin raised his eyebrow and Bobby just shook his head.

“I’m just saying,” Bobby said, “Since guys wear just shorts, don’t you know what girls wear?”  Hanbin paused and burst into laughter, confusing Bobby.

“You were giving yourself a pep talk because she might wear a bikini in front of you in the beach?”  Bobby slowly nodded his head as Hanbin continued to laugh.

“Judging by the way you talk about her, there is no way she would show herself like that in front of you.  She just sounds so reserved regarding stuff like that.  Plus, if she did, what do you expect?  She’s a girl,” Hanbin said.  “But I don’t think she’s that comfortable in front of you yet dude.  I’m pretty sure girls only wear that if they’re comfortable with the people they’re going to be around or if they really don't give a and don't care what other people think.  I mean, I don't know the girl, but it could go either way.  But anyways, you can calm your hormones down.”

Bobby sighed at Hanbin’s words.

“I thought she’d be a little comfortable with me by now,” he said with a pout on his face.

“Well, why do you care?  Aren’t you coming back soon?  So, it doesn’t really matter if you guys stay friends unless you’ve told her who you really are.”  Hanbin was trying to poke at Bobby and get to the bottom of why he really did care about Nari.  Hanbin did have the small worry in him regarding Bobby possibly falling really hard for this girl He basically just met the girl and was going to get out her life soon.  Plus, Bobby had a lot to come home to back in Korea, so if he came back with baggage and left with a heavy heart, then the trip was useless.  If Bobby at least admitted to himself that really liked this girl, then maybe they could figure out what to do from there.  Hanbin had a little feeling, a little nervous about his prediction.

“I don’t know.  I thought we could stay friends even when I left.  Even now, I just assumed we were good enough to be comfortable around me at least just a little bit.,” Bobby started.  “Like, I feel comfortable around her.  I really like talking to her about music.  I’m not really stressed around her and everything is really easy-going.  She’s just a nice person to be around and have around.  It reminds me of the older pre debut days and when I was here before I left for Korea.”

“And?”  Hanbin just looked at Bobby with a straight face.  He wanted to hear the words.

“And what?”

“Don’t you think you’re missing something?”  Bobby just blinked at Hanbin’s waiting face before he groaned and answered Bobby for him.

“So are you really not going to tell me that you like this girl?”

“What?”  Bobby was taken aback from his question, genuinely unsure of how to react to that.  He didn’t not like her, but he didn’t know if he like liked her.

I mean, I don’t think so, he thought.  She’s really good company and I enjoy talking to her.  She’s made my summer here really bearable and fun.  I definitely learned a lot.

"Do I?” Bobby asked himself aloud.

“Obviously,” Hanbin answered.  “Okay, answer me this.  Do you plan on telling her who you are?”



“Be-” Bobby stopped himself before answering.  Why do I? He thought.  The only reason I would tell her is so we can continue being friends.  But also…

“Because I want to be completely honest with her before I end up leaving.  Not leave with any lies or regrets.  Like she wouldn't know if I didn't say anything, but I would and I don't know if I can do that.”  Bobby liked his answer, content with it.

“So you care about what she thinks about you, like as a person?”  Bobby nodded.

“And do you care about what happens to her or like how she’ll be doing?”


“Jiwon hyung,” Bobby was surprised.  Hanbin only called him his real name and hyung when he was being completely serious.  The last time he called him that was when they had a one-on-one talk before Bobby’s life started crashing down.

“I think you need to come to terms with your feelings.  To me, honestly, it just seems like you're denying it or you don't want to think further into this.” Hanbin said, “and figure out what you want to do because the summer is ending soon.  If you really care about this girl and yourself for that matter, you owe it to her and yourself to figure it out.”

Bobby just played with his fingers, knowing Hanbin was right.  He just didn’t know what to do.  He didn’t know what the answer was or if the answer was the right one.  Whether or not he had one, Bobby needed to do it before he left for Korea.  If he was going to do it for anyone, it would be for his family: his blood family and his iKON family.  The clearer his head was when he returned to Korea, the better it would be for everyone.

“I guess,” Bobby said quietly.  He stood up from his desk and stretched before going to finish packing for the weekend.  Hanbin continued to help him with what to bring, reminders, and other stuff.  When Bobby finally finished, he remembered something before hanging up.

“Oh right, what did you need?  You called me.”  Hanbin slapped his head, not believing he almost forgot.

“Oh right, it was pretty important too.”

“Why what happened?  Is everything alright?”

“I was talking to YG a while ago for album stuff and it seemed to look like things were going well.  He asked me how you were doing and I showed him some of the stuff you’ve sent me and he looked impressed.  He saw that you were doing well in ia and was happy that things seemed to be going right for you.”

“So…” Bobby’s voice trailed off, waiting for Hanbin’s news, fearing he knew what it was.

“So, he thinks that if you’re doing well and we’re doing well, that you should come back soon.  Maybe even before summer ends so we can prepare for our debut.  It might be early next year.”  Hanbin just looked cautiously at Bobby while biting his lip.  Bobby just sat there, pensively.

At the same time that Bobby was excited to come back for their debut, the two of them looked at each other knowing what was wrong considering the conversation they just had.

“So have you decided what you wanted to do?” Hanbin asked.  Bobby just plopped on his bed and sighed.

“I don’t know, dude,” he said.  “Maybe I’ll call YG or something later to ask what’s up.  But I don’t know.  I’ll let you know.”  He looked over at his clock and saw that it was already 1:30 a.m.

“It’s pretty late here,” Bobby said with a yawn.  “I gotta go since we’re leaving early.”  Hanbin just nodded and yawned too while stretching his back.

“Yah,” Bobby called out.  “Don’t forget to eat something and get some rest.  You look like hell.”  Hanbin had dark circles under his eyes and his face was starting to break out a little.  Hanbin just smiled at Bobby’s concern.

“Of course kimbap,” he said, “alright go to sleep and I’ll talk to you later.  I’m just going to finish this last record.”  Bobby waved to the camera and blew a kiss as Hanbin looked at with disgust before hanging up.  Bobby just laughed before going to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

As he brushed his teeth, he overheard laughter downstairs in the living room.  He quietly walked over the balcony to peek.  It was Jiun and Jeeyoung.  They were both on the couch with their legs up.  Jeeyoung was leaning against Jiun’s chest playing with his hands as his head leaned against hers.  She kept intertwining their fingers and playing with their wedding bands.

“5 years huh?” She said to Jiun.  “Sometimes I can’t believe that I’m actually married.”

“Why?  You didn’t plan on sticking with me for the rest of your life?” He said jokingly.

“No,” she laughed, “I just didn’t think I would marry someone like you.”

“Someone really handsome?”

“Someone really ugly.”  Jiun just scoffed and tickled her in retaliation, sending her in a giggling fit.

“I’m kidding!  I meant like I didn’t think I would find someone I cared about, trusted, and wanted to be with forever so early in my life.  I thought I’d be working to the bone alone by now.  But you and your family are just so amazing.  I’ve never been so happy.”  Jiun smiled down at Jeeyoung and put his hands around her to hug her tightly.  "I'm just so glad to be a part of this family."  She looked up and smiled too, resting her head above his heart.  He kissed the top of her head and Bobby smiled, his heart getting warm from the scene.

He decided it was time to stop creeping and went back to the bathroom.  He washed his face and looked at his reflection in the mirror as he dried it.  His brother and Jeeyoung were a great couple and he envied them.  It made his heart feel warm.

“Will you find something like that?”  Bobby asked himself.  His mind continued to wander as he imagined his future with someone where he could be like Jiun and Jeeyoung.  One person that came to mind was Hanbin.

It wasn’t necessarily for a romantic relationship, but Hanbin was someone who has always been there for Bobby when he needed someone to talk to.  He was someone Bobby could be himself around and be comfortable with.  The video call they just had was the perfect representation of that.  While it didn't exactly solve his problem, it felt different now that he talked about it with someone without worrying about what they thought about it.  It was just the feeling of safety and appreciation that Jeeyoung seemed to feel for Jiun and Bobby was grateful that his brother managed to find someone like her.  A person who genuinely liked him for him.

Bobby just smiled at the thought of Hanbin truly being more than a friend and essentially his brother.  He left the bathroom and settled in bed, deciding to check his email before he went to bed.  As he scrolled, he saw one flagged as important and realized it was from YG.

Hello Bobby,

I’ve been talking with B.I and it seems to have come to my attention that you aren’t taking your punishment simply as a vacation and are truly working hard.  I’m definitely impressed at your improving attitude and have taken this into account for other future decisions.

I’m sure B.I has informed you that he’s been giving me more album ideas and demos and the pile is slowly enlarging to the point where an album may be in sight for you and the rest of the team.  With that said, I believe it is time to start thinking about the future debut for you all.  No games this time or uncertainties.  I must get all the correct arrangements before I can finalize the debut date and process, but I can promise you that it should be in the near future.

As a result, prepare for my update regarding your return to Korea to prepare with everyone else for said debut.  Start treating your next few days as your last because it may come when you don’t expect it.  I’ll have everything arranged so that you would just have to leave.  Be on the lookout for a call or email.  In order for me to figure out when exactly I would like you to come back, please send me personally your own dance rehearsal video to any song you choose.  If you choose to, you can also send me an audio file of anything.  I don’t need it, but it may help in sending you back here.    Send it by Monday morning east coast time.

Continue to practice and refresh yourself because once you come back, it’s going to be a hectic period.  Enjoy the rest of your stay with your family and hope all goes well.


Bobby slowly pulled the phone away from his face and put it down on his nightstand.  He was in utter shock.

“We’re going to debut?”  He wanted to scream and jump for joy, but it was so late in the night.  The excitement and adrenaline was rushing through his body.

“Finally,” he said happily while flailing in his bed.  His dream was finally going to come true and with the rest of the guys.  Even though things weren’t the best, there’s no doubt that they’re all excited to finally be able to reach this point.

But what dance am I going to do? He thought.  He only had the weekend to prepare something, so he had to find a dance he already had a basic feel of.  He took out his laptop and started browsing through some old videos and practices to find something suitable.  After a while, he settled on a Chris Brown song with choreography by 1Million.

Now how am I going to film it?  Bobby skimmed around his room and found an old video camera he used to record on.  He started to charge it and put his laptop in his bag as well in case he forgot in the morning.  As Bobby started to wonder who would film it for him, he remembered how Nari wanted to see him dance.  He could kill two birds with one stone by asking her to help him film.

“Awesome,” he said to himself.  Bobby was finally able to finish everything before heading to bed.  He checked the time, sighing at the fact it was almost 2:30 a.m.  It wasn’t going to be a fun morning with only 4-5 hours of sleep.  That’s how much he usually got in Korea, but lately he’s been sleeping sufficiently.  He laid down in bed and pulled the covers before sighing as he sunk into the covers.

This is going to be a great weekend, Bobby thought as images of the beachfront flowed through his mind.  He couldn’t wait until he could spend his last few moments with his family in such a beautiful setting.  It was going to be a great memory he could hold with him to give himself strength until their debut.  After he leaves to go back to Korea, he isn't sure when he'll be able to see his family again.  So he had to treat these last few days gratefully and live it up as much as possible.  Bobby was also excited to finally show Nari what he could do and impress her.  Maybe this could be his chance to figure things out with her, whatever the things may be.  His body was starting to feel heavier as sleep was slowly starting to take over his body.

The last image on his mind before falling into deep sleep was a smiling Nari, causing him to rest easy with a grin on his face.


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Chapter 7: Omg that dream! Lol. I can't wait to read what happens at this weekend getaway.
epikvip1007 #2
Chapter 7: wow bobby's dreams might come true :)
Chapter 6: I have a feeling that Nari is related to YG...
Chapter 3: I wonder if his next morning will be the exact opposite of what he hoped for? ;) I'm enjoying this story :) It's good.
epikvip1007 #5