The Plan

People of the Sun

Jungkook received his lunch tray with determination. He had a plan. He walked in the direction of Jimin's table. As usual, he was surrounded by people. Not only were all the seats full, but there were people standing in a circle around the table as well. As a gangly boy sat down, the side of Jimin's face appeared. He was laughing. Again the device in Jungkook's gut , bothering his other organs with its vibrations as it communicated with its owner. Jimin didn't seem to be fazed by it though. Jungkook sighed, well aware of the chance that he could be mistaken, but ignoring it all the same.

Ah, he was a beautiful creature, that he couldn't deny. When he smiled, it was as if he was the electricity powering the light behind everyone's eyes. People seemed happier around him. Was it okay to let oneself be controlled by an alien if that meant being happy all the time? He had spent hours pondering over that question, but the answer proved reluctant in showing itself. If the answer wasn't willing to come to him, he would have to go find it himself.

He took a deep breath, clenching his teeth, tightening his grip on the tray until his knuckles turned white. And off he went. Making his way over there in confident strides, he kept his eyes on the empty table behind them, as if it was there he was really heading. He had thought this all out. It was the perfect plan.


The nearer he got, the louder his heart objected. He was thankful that the food hall was filled with the noise of excited voices everywhere, else they would be able to hear how nervous he was, the cutlery on his tray making it sound as if Santa's sleigh was on its way.


Now. It was now or never. This was his chance. Jimin was in his line of sight and this was as close as he was ever going to get to him. The moment of truth. Was Jimin really the nice, thoughtful person he claimed to be? It was time to find out.

Just like he had practised countless times, he tripped over an imaginary hurdle, shaking his tray in the air in a way that made the cutlery jump to its dramatic death, one by one hitting the floor with a loud clashing sound. However, the noise he had been so thankful for a moment earlier had turned into his greatest enemy, drowning the sound almost completely. He looked at Jimin in a panic, he showed no signs of having noticed him. His face turning red from embarrassment, he contemplated fleeing the scene, but before he could do that a hand touched his arm.

"Oh, don't worry about it, it happens to me all the time." a sweet looking boy chuckled, bending down to gather the cutlery corpses that lay listlessly on the floor.

"Here you go." he smiled as he put them carefully back on the tray.

"Eh..uhm...tha.." Jongkook's voice was hoarse and barely audible. He cleared it. "Thanks. Thanks a lot." he forced a smile.

"Don't mention it! I'm Taehyung, but you can call me V, everyone does." he grinned proudly, waving a V-sign in front of his face. He was kind of cute, in an annoying type of way.

"Jungkook." he nodded awkwardly, furtively looking for the exits.

"Oh, I know. We have Hanja and gym class together. " he smiled, not looking the slightest bit offended that he hadn't recognized him. He recognized him now though. It was the bozo that had managed to accidentally throw his ink capsule right into the wall in Hanja class, creating a permanent ink blot test on it.

"Yeah, okay, uh, later!" he blurted out, glancing briefly in the direction of Jimin who had noticed nothing, worse yet he was lovingly patting some unsuspecting soul on the head. Was it just an innocent pat or did it serve some greater purpose? Maybe it was a hypnosis technique, or... Jungkook got a sharp pain in his chest, had he already gotten himself a boyfriend? He denied himself a second look and without a word he just ran out of there, throwing his tray on an empty table near the door.


He didn't stop until he had crossed the entire hallway and exited the building, feeling a bit silly when he realized he was standing in the middle of the basketball court, accidentally interrupting the game that was going on.

"Sorry, sorry!" he grinned awkwardly, bowing about a hundred times as he backed out of the court. He jogged out of sight, sitting down on a lonely looking bench half-hidden in the corner of the school grounds. His stomach grumbled loudly, not too happy about having to skip lunch.

More than the embarrassment he had just experienced, the image of Jimin's smiling face while he patted that student's head kept popping up in his brain. There was something about that smile that bothered him, but he didn't know what it was or why it bothered him so much. Was Jimin doing this to him on purpose, brainwashing him to think about him every second of every day? Was he maybe planning to not only make that poor kid his boyfriend, but him too? Jungkook's insides went haywire at the thought of Jimin patting his head like that, with that smile. There was something in that smile that was able to shake the core of his being, like something he didn't know was there had been released and nothing could put it back the way it was. He shook his head, as if shaking it would make his thoughts fall out through his ears, ridding him of them for good.

It could be that this was the first step of their plan of absolute assimilation, to seduce a multitude of innocent humans, and have babies with them all, that way managing to dilute the human race within a couple of generations. Wait, then it wouldn't make sense for him to get a boyfriend. Unless they procreated in some other way, Jungkook shuddered at the thought, not allowing his imagination to go any further.


That night he didn't get a moment of rest, secret smiles and alien babies invading his dreams, his dreams of Jimin.


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Chapter 1: Got a feeling of I Am Number Four....but already hooked on this story.
been starting to read some bts stories. can't wait!