JH [Part 1]

That Little Rascal is MY queenka girlfriend? -Discontinued- [Sorry.]


"Ayee, Hyori noona! I mean, JH noona!" Ricky called out as Hyori walked into the hide-out of Teen Top.
"Sup guys?" Hyori replied, tackling Ricky into a noogie.
"Just waiting for Andy Hyung. That must hurt." Chunji said, pointing at Hyori's scar on her cheek.
Hyori just shrugged as Ricky tried to stop her from bullying him.
Eventually, Hyori let go of him when Andy - their boss , came.
"Hello, Teen Top." he started, glancing at each and everyone of them.
"I know some of your bruises might hurt and all, but I don't care. You have a new mission." he continued.
The boys-and one girl- straightened in attention.
"Who's the target, hyung?" CAP said, raising an eyebrow as Andy handed him a brown folder.
"B1A4? What kind of a name is that?" L.Joe scoffed, watching CAP read the details of the gang.
"I know, but their looks are also another thing. Look at their fight background." CAP said, passing L.Joe and the others the profiles.
"Woah, all of them are pros in Taekwondo,Judo,Boxing AND Hapkido?" Chunji said, briefly looking through the information.
"Well, they forgot to mention one thing. They only pay attention to girls. So, Hyori..." Andy said, glancing at Hyori who gulped.
"You, have to go undercover. As a seductive girl." he said, clearing his throat.
The boys all laughed as Hyori slapped her forehead.
"Darn it. You guys are lucky I'm on your team, or else you'd be in the clouds already." Hyori said, glaring at the boys.
"Well, I have another meeting, so goodbye. Ah, Hyori, try not to use your short hair wig." Andy said before leaving the hide-out.
"Oh god, I can't believe I'm doing this. Darn, what if Myungsoo sees me?" Hyori whined, leaning her head on L.Joe's shoulder.
"You can always just buy a blonde wig. Or something." Chunji said, poking Hyori.
"You know, lets go out. You need clothes, right?" Chunji continued, pulling Hyori's hand.
"Wait, what? Aren't my clothes already good enough?" Hyori asked, as she was being pulled away.
Chunji just ignored her and gave her a pair of shades.
"Wear those, unless you want to be seen by that boyfriend of yours." Chunji said, bringing her to his car.
She quickly slipped the shades on and got into the car.
Chunji brought Hyori to his designer friend, who made really pretty party dresses.
"Ah, Chunji hyung! What brings you here?" a guy said, looking at Chunji and Hyori.
"Eh, another mission. She needs a dress." Chunji replied, pushing Hyori towards the guy.
The guy eyed Hyori up and down before he was inturrupted by his hyung.
"You're really pretty! And perfect S-line too! I'm Kevin!" the guy said, shaking Hyori's hand hyperly.
"U-uh, hey. Call me Hyori." she said, smiling shyly.
Kevin smiled at her shyness before he bellowed, "ELIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!".
A quite muscular man entered, scratching his head.
"What, Kevin? Oh hey there y." Eli said, winking at Hyori.
Kevin just smacked Eli's arm and scoffed.
"Pigeon, go and get me my measuring stuff and whatsoever." Kevin said, dragging Hyori to the vanity table.
"Chunji, you can stay or just wander around." the man that adressed her first said.
"Oh, I'll just go and get coffee. Want some?" Chunji replied glancing at Hyori who was being measured by Kevin and Eli.
"Oh, by the way, I'm Dongho. And, okay hyung." Dongho said, following Chunji out.
Meanwhile with Kevin, Eli and Hyori.
Hyori looked around uncomfortably as Eli was clearly checking her out.
"So, your name is Hyori? Ah, all the Hyori's I know are always pretty!" Kevin said, admiring Hyori.
"U-um, thanks, I guess." Hyori replied, glancing at the pictures on the wall.
Eli noticed it and chuckled.
"That's us and U-Kiss. We were a gang. But, we kinda got caught, so we became normal working people." Eli said, grinning.
Hyori nodded her head before complimenting, "You guys look really close."
"Of course! But when Alexander hyung and Kibum hyung quit, we were kinda depressed." Kevin said, mumbling the last part.
Hyori nodded again, glancing at Eli, who was texting someone.
"Alright, all measured! Come on, choose your dress." Kevin said, ushering Hyori to the dress rack.
"They're all your size, don't worry." Kevin continued, looking through the dresses.
Kevin picked out a few for Hyori to try.
Hyori changed into the first dress, which was a tight fitting pink tube dress.

[Ignore the girl, ROFL]
"Woah, you look a-ma~-zing!" Eli said, after looking up from his texting.
Kevin nodded in agreement, but then scrunched his face up.
"Yeah, it's nice. But then, it's too tight to dance with. Go change~" Kevin said.
Eli scoffed and rolled his eyes, while Hyori nodded and proceeded to change.
The next dress was a black one which showed quite a lot of cleavage.
Not the ty much, but a little.

[Ignore again. XD]
Eli's mouth hung open again, which Kevin kindly closed for.
"It shows a lot of cleavage..." Hyori mumbled, covering her chests.
Kevin giggled but couldn't help but agree. I mean, customers come first, right?
The next one was a white dress with black stripes on the top.

[You know the rule]
Eli's mouth... well, you know.
Hyori twirled around and smiled. Clearly showing that she liked the dress.
"That's it!" Kevin said, clapping his hands.
Just then, Chunji and Dongho came back with coffee in their hands.
"Woah, you look awesome." Chunji said, nearling dropping his coffee.
Dongho just nodded, but looked away with his cheeks red.
"B1A4, I'm so going to kick your ing ." Hyori said, which caused Kevin to gasp and smack her hand.
"You're pretty, but your language? No-no. Don't swear like that!" Kevin scolded, causing everyone to laugh.


Part 2 coming up later. ^^
Ppyeong ~ <3

OH, and yeah. I added B1A4 and U-Kiss. 8{D
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-simonattacks #2
Lmao Eli you little flirty horn dog keep your mouth closed xD and Kevin soooo cute in here. A dude who doesn't approve of foul language daebak but too bad Chunji wasn't the one to dress as a girl now that is funny xD
XD Oh ghad. How come you know I <333 B1A4 & U-KISS? ;u;
8D Update soon~