Chapter V

Complicated Friends



~~~~~'s POV

I heard Doojoon's alarm clock even from my room. His room is in the main floor which is the floor below mine and his room is directly under mine. That was the only sound blasting in this quiet house. I turned myself and put the pillow on my head. This is my day and I plan to sleep in and do nothing as to enjoy it. These days I'm always busy and that's so tiring.


The alarm went off and I smiled as I went back to sleep, then seconds later my dreams shattered as someone loudly went up the stairs and pounded my door.

I groaned.

"What do you want?" I yelled not knowing who it was and not caring. I'm trying to sleep I thought annoyed.

"Open up." Junhyung said.

"No." I said into my pillow. I'm sure he didn't hear, but then he opened my door with the spare keys that we keep in a box downstairs in the living room.

I frowned into my pillow feeling full of desperation. This guy wants me to throw thorns at him.

Then I felt him get in my bed and started to rock me. I groaned more.


"Stop, I want to sleep. Sleep is so sweet so go away. Please." I said, shooing him away.

He stopped for a second and I almost believed he actually would stop, but then I heard him get up and look through my stuff.

"~~~~~, get up come on,  get up." He said. His voice sounding soothing.

I was falling asleep and his voice only helped as it was like a song to me.

I felt a brush go through my hair pulling at my scalp.

I stood up and took the damn brush from Junhyung's hand.


"Don't touch me with that brush you almost yanked all my hair out." I yelled at Junhyung.

"Let's go out." Junhyung said.


"I'll use the brush on you again."

"No." I said as I laid down again putting the blankets on top of me.

And I felt the brush on me again hard!

"Ugh!" I yelled grabbing my hair and the brush and twisting the front of Junhyung's hand that he let go.

"Ow." He said while letting go and rubbing the front of his hand.

"Get ready." He said holding the brush up in my face.

"Fine, where are we going?"

"Just get change and do your hair."

I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Oh boy, I looked hideous, way worst than my usual mornings. My hair was so puffed and noted since I took a shower before going to bed last night. And my hair gets ugly when I do that so usually I don't, but I felt like it last night.


A while later, I was in Junhyung's car going to, I don't know where.

We stopped at an arcade. I smiled at Junhyung as he did to me when we got out.

"What do you want to play first?" He asked me.

"Let's go to the photo booth first!" I exclaimed pulling him there.

"Tell me why I knew you would want to go there first." He told me as we sat down.

I just smiled at him. A minute later we looked at the photos.

"Half and half." I asked.

"Just give me the bottom one." He told me.

I ripped the last piece one, and handed it to him smiling. The first one we smiled big cheesy smiles. The second one he did fishy lips and I acted surprised. The third one we acted as we were in a roller coaster. The fourth one was of him kissing my cheek, and me smiling with blushing a little since I had not expected that.

Four hours later,


"You're hungry?" Junhyung asked me.


We ordered two sizes of pizzas and waited for number to be called then paid for that and two Coke. We then sat at one of the corners tables of the cafeteria which was part of the arcade.

We were talking about normal things, it was really going great.

"So how's college?" I asked.

"Good, how about you, what college are you attending next year." Junhyung said.

"Uh, I don't know. I'm thinking of going to this dorm college with my friend Bora, it's not far from here."

"Why so away?" Junhyung asked me.

"Uh I don't know." I said.

Lie, to avoid you since I can't help but waste my dreams to be with you, and time I thought.


Over the years, lying to Junhyung was a usual day thing, so he would not find out my crush on him. Now my lying has taken a higher measure as I avoided him. All these years, they would mess with me saying I liked guys, I didn't or joke about who I liked and stuff. They were Doojoon opps and Junhyung. Little did they know I had on the one asking the questions.

The guy they mostly said I had a crush on, lately was Byunghun. They didn't know Byunghun's name, but I heard them talk about and they brought it up yesterday. I was ready to shove the chicken, my mom was cooking up their asses. So maybe I thought Byunghun was hot but he means nothing compared to Junhyung. (*O*)


I came back from school and did my homework as usual and prepared myself for work and looked for my keys. I checked my whole room and downstairs.

"JUNHYUNG!" I yelled through the house.

"Yea." He said smiling his devilish grin.

"I need my keys ." I told him. I did not think he'll actually follow-up with his plan. I thought yesterday was enough apparently I was wrong, but I'm sure this is the last time this will happen. I hope.

"I'll drive you and pick you up."

"No, come on, I need to shop after work, so it'll be late so give me my keys before I'm late." I told him. Lie, I hate shopping.

"You hate shopping." He told me blankly.

I needed more time for a better lie I thought.

"Whatever." I said getting into his car.


"Why is that guy still here?" Byunghun whispered in my ear looking at Junhyung, who had not left and stared at me working for a full 30 minutes. Byunghun saw me walk in with Junhyung and me argue with Junhyung for him to leave, but he wouldn't so I just left him there.

"Ugh, he just won't leave. Ignore him." I told Byunghun.


Byunghun turned around and I saw Junhyung eye him. Was that jealously in his eyes? Or anger? Junhyung the guy who's chilled out and doesn't stress people or girls. No, I must be mistaken but couldn't shake the feeling he was. I looked at him before serving my next customer. A very good-looking guy that left a big tip in my tip box.

Not as big as the one seven girls left, Byunghun already in his tip box. These girls go crazy over him not that I blame them.

What was Junhyung up to? 15 minutes later Junhyung finally left. I was relieved and back to my usual self, by the time he came back with some girl in his arm. I looked at him and our eyes met as I dropped the money I was giving back to a customer. Some tired mom on her way home doing last-minute shopping. I picked it up and gave it to her with a smile. She gave me two dollars tip then.

"Chill, she's not as cute as she thinks." Byunghun whispered in my ear noticing my irritation.
I smiled at him gave him some sort of hug.

I turned back to look to the front of the shop and saw Junhyung looking anywhere but towards me as he knew. I knew he saw me hugging Byunghun, but I couldn't care, I still hated he did this on purpose, well it seems as he is anyway.




OHH ! I smell somethings FISHY ~ :))) kkkk



GOODNIGHT Yeoreobun ! I love you :*

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AbbyYoYo #1
Tsk tsk , Junnie epic fail plan . LoL !!
Update soon! ^-^
awww please update soon ^^
MszCassie123456 #4
i love your story please update! :)
ahahah like wat u did with the foreword<br />
update soon ^^