Chapter III

Complicated Friends



Junhyung's POV

"Mom, don't cook Junhyung's food, when you should be cooking me food! After all I am your son." Doojoon yelled.

"Oh hush up, Junhyung is like a son to me, I practically raised him. And you're never around too busy with those little girls." Doojoon's mom said.

"Well, maybe I don't come home because there's never food waiting for me here."

"Why would I make you food at 11 O'clock in the night? You must be crazy."
I decided to get in the conversation,


"Oh don't you wonder why he never here? He has a lady friend."

"Ah, I see. You better make her decent if you wasting all your time on her." His mom said.


"Oh shut it and eat your food."

I grinned at Doojoon as he stubbornly chewed his food.

"Hey mom, I think Junhyung has a crush too."

"Oh who?" His mom said staring at me smiling wiping her lips with a napkin.

"On no one so shut up!" I said.

"Oh, I think he has one on ~~~~~~."

I gave Doojoon the longest hardest death stare till his mom said, "Oh, don't go to conclusions. Besides its Typical for him to react like that. They're good friends and now she ain't around as much and he's not used to being without her presence. And obviously you've been ignoring him and he's been bored so just because he watched her with some other guy -"


"Ugh!" I interrupted her cause it was sounding like I was a jealous lover and she was about to say how I kind of watched her like a stalker.

"He watched her Ohh." Doojoon chanted.

"I did not watch her." I defended myself.

"Oh whatever, either way when someone is used to have someone in their life everyday and the person stops being there, the person thinks about how much they actually liked them and how important they truly are."

I thought about that and it was so true. Maybe that was what I was feeling. Well I have to try to talk to her right. I'll try tonight, I'll sleep in her bed tonight as a joke. Well actually it's a habit I have oh well. If that doesn't work then I don't know what will.


~~~~~~'s POV

I missed another family dinner again. This time at least I wouldn't get disapproving looks from my parents and Junhyung and Doojoon oppa saying things like, "Oh, you missed family dinner what we're you doing?" I pictured it perfectly in my head when I saw Junhyung's face in my head. I shook myself hard as if the memory would go away. Last Friday when I missed family dinner without telling anyone when I got home at the end of it my parents just gave me disapproving looks and my mom said,


"You missed family dinner." Doojoon oppa started joking that I had a boyfriend and that's why I missed it or whatever and I think Junhyung joined in but when we met eyes he had this look in his face I can't explain.


It seemed so powerful, it could stop the world.

I doubt he knew he was giving me that look cause he never does, and it kind of looked like a look he'll give a threat or someone who stabbed him in the back. I didn't do that to him right? Today I told my mom I was gonna miss family dinner so no reason should she or my dad yell at me. We have family dinner every Friday since Doojoon oppa graduated college since my mom doesn't want our family to break.

My dad missed today's dinner cause he's on business. He's retiring soon cause he worked 20 years in the same company as a big role. I forgot what it's called. He's still young and they're paying his retirement! That's mad rare to find.

I dragged my feet up the stairs and open the door to my room ready to fall asleep, today was a long day. A very, very long day. I smiled as I imagined Byunghun. Byunghun was so dreamy, he works with me at the coffee shop. He has the nicest brown eyes, tan chocolate-colored skin, a mushroom haircut, perfect white teeth with nice lips and a chin dimple. Some guys don't look cute with chin dimples like it's just a turn off but it goes perfectly with his chin and face.

He's a year older than me but he's a senior at the school district next to my town. He moved there a couple of years back ended up starting a year behind somehow. I was able to open my door and dropped my bag on the bed and just as I was talking off my hat I fell asleep. I didn't lay down properly or put the blankets on top of me.



I woke up to my alarm clock playing loudly. My eyes opened and then I recognized the song as ‘ Infinite’s Before The Dawn ‘  I groaned and got up to turn it off rubbing my eyes with all my hair covering my face. I was walking towards my alarm clock half stumbling not knowing where my feet was leading me but knew it was the right way. I bumped into a wall. I just touched the wall and grabbed to it pulling myself towards the alarm clock and shutting it up as Infinite's voice sang "Because I listen to my hea-"

I turned back to my left, apparently walking into the wall and hit my fist in it hard accidentally.

"Enough of this." I said talking all my hair out my face while the sun blinded me for a second. I looked at the wall I bumped and hit so many times this morning and realized that was no wall.


"What are you doing in my room?" I told Junhyung taking him out my room.


Doesn't he know this is my room, not his and I'm not sure if I could trust him in here. What if he went through my room? I panicked pushing him out while my eyes tried to focus on the bottom of my desk where my secret book was at. I knew I probably wouldn't be able to see a sign it was there and undisturbed but I had to try. I pushed harder and focus backing on kicking him out.

That's when Junhyung stayed still like a rock. "Move, Get Out!" I told him.

As soon as I knew it Junhyung grabbed my hands and spinning me around pulling my backside against him. I was so surprised at his speed and looked to my left side seeing him grinning.


"Let's talk." He said serenely to me that I'm sure if he would have let him go I'll fall.

He sat down and sat me down on his lap. I sat on his lap before. When we went to places and there was no extra seats or the car was full but that never mattered. Yes, but this felt different.

I looked down at him to see his eyes staring at me already, observing me carefully. I felt like he saw into my eyes like open doors. Yes, I just used the lyric of Evanescence. I loved this song and that lyric fit perfectly to how I felt right now.

I wondered what he wanted to talk about?



OHHH ! *A*

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AbbyYoYo #1
Tsk tsk , Junnie epic fail plan . LoL !!
Update soon! ^-^
awww please update soon ^^
MszCassie123456 #4
i love your story please update! :)
ahahah like wat u did with the foreword<br />
update soon ^^