Complicated Friends







~~~~~'s POV

I knew I had to move on and forget Junhyung. I liked him too long I need to move on. He stopped me from dating really nice guys. I mean they actually were nice and I rejected them all because I thought maybe it'll happen. I guess I was wrong.

It was the first day of school of my senior year. You could say I changed a lot from the summer. I cut my long hair which was somewhere below my s to a very short haircut above my shoulders which made me seem girlier somehow.

I was done with my hair and I remember Doojoon (my brother) had the keys to my car. Him and Junhyung were knock out when I came down the stairs. So I decided to go upstairs quickly and put my bag in the car. When I came back to the living room where Junhyung was asleep in the couch and Doojoon was on the other coach with his head hanging off. I looked and sighed. I really didn't wanna wake them or meet eye to eye with Junhyung.

"Pstt Doojoon oppa . Wake up." I said bending down to shake him.


He didn't even wake up a bit instead Junhyung rolled over to face me and rubbed his eyes. I look at him before he smiled at me still sleepish. I hesitantly smiled back.


"Wake up Doojoon oppa ." I said impatiently.


I stood up and looked around the table for my keys. I was getting mad like I couldn't be late and I needed the car today to go to work after school.


"I could drop you off if you want." Junhyung said sitting down now.


"No, I need to go to work today."

"That's no fun," he said smiling a perfect half smile.


I just hit Doojoon really hard in his stomach this time. I had no time to be late or to talk to Junhyung.

He groaned.


"Damn ~~~~~."

"Where are the keys?"

"The desk in my room," he groaned.

"Thanks." I said.

I rushed in his room half tripping on his book bag. I finally made my way to his desk and grabbed the keys. As I closed his door I looked over at Doojoon who was already asleep as a baby. I looked a little to the left and saw Junhyung staring at me wide awake now. He had some expression I couldn't read. I felt strange, why was he staring at me? I stop walking and put my hands to my side but then noticed what I had done and continued like I hadn't stopped and stood still.

I reached up and put my room key on the hook. When I go back on my toes and looked towards Junhyung direction I saw him looking at me up and down. Checking me out. I grabbed my breath, I had to hold it in. I knew I was bound to blush any second so started leaving down the hall to leave. On my way out Junhyung met my eyes and he knew I noticed him staring at me.



Junhyung's POV

I hit myself on the head a couple of seconds after ~~~~~ left. Why couldn't I look away but damn, she looked so beautiful. I wished I said something. It would've been less awkward right. I knew if I did though I probably wouldn't be able to come up with words or would've confessed how hot she looked. She was wearing some white shorts that were a little tight, sandals of some kind, and a cute shirt. Her hair was straight as always.

I don't know why but today she looked so cute, maybe it was because the clothes hugged her curves nicely. There was something different about her. Not just her look today but how she been acting. It's not weird, but like she changed. I don't know but I just want to be close to her and know what's on her mind.

I had no college classes this morning but Doojoon did so I threw the couch pillow at him. He woke up only because he just fell asleep or else I would have never woken him up.

"Whatt?" He moaned.

"You got college classes this morning."

"I know," he booed.



~~~~~'s POV

"Hi Hara." I said to my best friend.

She was perfect. Light blond hair, blue eyes, white flawless skin, and perfect pretty pink lips. She looks like one of those mean girls and she acts like it most of the time. That's her worst quality but don't get me wrong she has good things about her. One way you could say she was a to me, was she? Somehow figured I liked Gikwang, I didn't tell her she asked me straight up if I did.

I asked her how she knew? She was like, "Oh I'm your best friend." She doesn't even remember little details about me so I don't believe that lie. As soon as she had it confirmed, she started talking to him calling him "best friend". Every time she does that, she always ends up going out with the guy. A month later and they started going out and now it's three months later.

I was so mad like yup, isn't she such a great best friend. Then she's like oh, "This guy likes me a lot. Blah, blah, blah." Talking about Gikwang. "Oh ~~~~~, it's okay right? Since you only had a small crush on him thinking he was cute and that's it. Like if I were you I would have already gone out with him since you have many ways you could but you're so shy so it doesn't matter anyway cause what me and Gikwang have is too deep than what you guys would have never have."

I don't care anyway though, I had to face reality. What she was saying was true. I have no classes this year and when she found me in the hallways she totally filled me in, in how bad her classes were going to be, but we both knew that was false. She'll have a new crew to hang out with by the end of the day. As for me it seems like I'm going to be with Catherine this year since we have all our classes together b'days and four of our five classes a days. We both choose half day schedule.

School ended and I went to my part-time job, I want to go to a dorm college which is a few towns away. I need to raise money because I don't want to be in debt and my parents aren't helping me with the payments since they brought my new car.

I worked at the mall at the coffee shop there. It's pretty busy which is good for my tip box. It's not so hard and I don't usually get tough customers. I stop working at four enough time to do everything and relax.



I got home and the boys were out. I was so glad. I drop my things and sat down on my bed when I was about to lay down in my bed when I saw a huge bump under the covers. I got so scared and was about to lift the covers when the person under the covers started to get up. I went to stand up since I didn't know who it was. They grabbed me by my stomach and pulled me back down. I yelled. A hand went over my mouth to hush me.

"Be quiet or I won't let go." Gikwang voice said. I couldn't believe I got scared just because of that when I thought it was a robber or something. He let go.

"I thought you were a robber or something, you scared the out of me." I yelled at Gikwang.

"Hey, I don't think I'll want to steal your lip gloss or whatever you have in here," he defended himself laughing looking around.

"Get out! You're my brothers friend, go sleep in his room."

"Aw, but I thought we were friends too besides it is messy in there."

"Get out."


He got up and left that's when I noticed he was shirtless and I always had to stare but he didn't notice. I looked all over my bed for his shirt. I finally found it and gave it to him as he was going down the stairs. It landed on the floor below.


"Gikwang, pick up your shirt." My mom yelled.

"Okay, mom." Gikwang teased.

This was and is his home too, well he doesn't live here but spends all his time here. His dad is always on business and his mom passed away.

"HA", I laughed at him getting trouble.







How's my first chapter ??? :))
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iloveyou ! <3

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AbbyYoYo #1
Tsk tsk , Junnie epic fail plan . LoL !!
Update soon! ^-^
awww please update soon ^^
MszCassie123456 #4
i love your story please update! :)
ahahah like wat u did with the foreword<br />
update soon ^^