Secret Game



Part 1

At the office section…

A figure walks silently, checking desk by desk, making sure there’s no one there. Meanwhile, the other one is on the opposite side, guarding the figure’s back. Flash brightens their surroundings. They keep watch each other back. They can see the dark cloud at the outside from the office windows.

“He’s here…” Yoochun said as the thunderbolt screams. It brings another flash, which makes the room brightens once more. In an eye-wink, they can see another figure there. The figure they refer as the enemy…or as Junsu’s twins.

“Junho…hyung…” Junsu called.

Another thunderbolt rings as another flash happens. They can see another figure there, a woman figure. Yoochun stays there, next to Junsu, waiting for Junsu’s sign.

CLICK (a sound of cocking gun)

Yoochun gets the signal. He rolls his body to the left, and then runs. He can see blurredly that one of the enemies is following him. He pulls the trigger, trying to hit the enemy, but he misses because the room is too dark. He opens a door, gets into another room, but he trips and falls down.

“Oww…” Yoochun shouted a little. He gets up and finally realizes that he just flipped because of a wire and how stupid that was.

“Ehmhm…You can’t run…” a female voice echoed.

“I’m not running from you, I just have to separate you and your partner. Then, I’ve fulfill my promise with Junsu. Now…I’ll think of what I’ll do to you…” Yoochun said as he grins and another flash brightens the room, makes the enemy can see his smile for teasing her.

“Then, I, Im Yoona, will gladly serve you, Park Yoochun,” the woman said, teasing back.


At the underground, near the control room…

“Ready?” Siwon asked before he opens the door in front of them…

Changmin and Kyuhyun nod. As soon as the door opens, Kyuhyun and Siwon enter, Changmin is still in front of the room, waiting. Changmin can’t really fight like the others do, so he decides to stay silent, he doesn’t want to be an obstacle to them. In his wait, he can hear some slicing flesh noise. It makes him goosebump. 

“It’s safe now…” he hears Siwon’s voice, and then he comes into the room. He can see fresh blood, splashing on the wall, blood from the corpses those lying on the floor. He knows that they don’t have any choice; they must kill to win this attack, this war.

“Let’s go…” Changmin finally said something after he seen the bleeding scenery.

SRING…SRING…SRING… (noises from a propeller)

“Wooaa!!!” Changmin shouted when he feels someone pushes him down. It’s Kyuhyun, he’s protecting Changmin from a fan knife that almost cut off his head from behind.

“Are you OK?” Kyuhyun asked. Changmin is a bit surprised, because as long as he remembers, Kyuhyun speaks rarely. And now, he’s asking Changmin’s condition.

“Yeah…” Changmin said.

“It seems I missed…sigh…” a voice echoed, Changmin doesn’t know is it belong to a woman or man.

“You messed up again, Chullie…” a heavy man’s voice echoed.

“Don’t call me Chullie, I’m Kim Heechul, the most famous fan knife user and the best in the world!!!” again, the voice which Changmin doesn’t know is it belong to a woman or man echoed. Finally Changmin sees her/his figure, still can’t figure out that he/she is a woman/ man.

“Stop! Two of you! We’re here to do OUR mission,” another man’s voice echoed.

Finally, the three of the unknown figures show themselves.

“Pleased to meet all of you, I’m Leeteuk, I’m here to dealing with you guys,” a tall man said.

“Like I said I’m Kim Heechul, the…” 

“I’m Shindong, if you all can defeat us, you can proceed to the control room^^.” a bit fat man or maybe, let’s just say, the big man said, interuping Heechul.

WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH THEM?! Changmin screams in his head. In his life, this’s the first time Changmin meets with an enemies those introduce themselves before fighting.

“We don’t have time to waste anymore, I’ll deal with the Leeteuk guy,” Kyuhyun said with a serious tone, makes Changmin comes back to the reality.

“I’ll deal with the girly guy,” Siwon said.

WHAT? HE’S A GUY?! Changmin screams again in his head. Still confused how Siwon could know that Heechul is a guy.

“Then, I’ll deal with the tall one,” Shindong said as he points at Changmin.

WHAT THE ****!!! YOU MEAN, I MUST FIGHT TOO?! Changmin screams for the third time, then he uses his puppy eyes, which he learned from Junsu, to Kyuhyun and Siwon, which means ‘help me…I can’t fight!!!’

Kyuhyun doesn’t even bother to pay attention, he’s too busy concentrating. Siwon…he just stares back at Changmin, which mean ‘try to stay alive until I finish the girly guy or Kyuhyun finish with the Leeteuk guy’

No matter how many times Changmin shouted in his head, he can’t change the fact that he’ll fight with the big guy. Without any choice, Changmin pulls out his small knife, while praying that miracle will happen and he’ll stay alive...

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Chapter 41: wowwwwwwwwwwww,i rly luv dis story.its lyk i was watching a movie.rlyyyyy interesting,i enjoyed a lot!!
Chapter 41: YAY, I'VE FINISHED READING THIS STORY~ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ IT WAS SO GREAT. WITH MANY CHAPTERS, I LOVE IT. You're such a good writer, and
Chapter 33: LOL. XDDD haha
Chapter 22: OMO WHYYY :(
Chapter 19: what just happened...
Chapter 8: Oh, This is the first fanfic you've wrote? XD Woah. That explains why you called them "Oppa". XD
Chapter 7: Jaejoong-sama eh? XD hahaha. I love this chapter.
Chapter 41: wooowwwww....
it's really awesome fic...
really great... ^^
how can have that brillian idea for this fic??!
keep writting dear, can wait to read ur next action fic....hehehehehe
kyouya3 #10
@jyjhomin5 LOL THANK YOU DEAR, THIS'S THE FIRST FIC I EVER WROTE YEARS AGO!!! -- hahaha XD seriously, thx, this means a lot *tears of happiness*