Chapter 4

The Dark Protector

The black Demons laughed and pushed Yunho away looking Jaejoong coldly,but the one who was the most shocked was Yunho.Jaejoong was standing infront of him with black hair and blue eyes and he had two big black wings,you could feel that his powers were going crazy

"So you are his Protector?Don't make me laugh,you are weak!"One of them said and raised his sword and run towards Jaejoong thinking that he could hurt him.Jaejoong smiled and when the latter was close enough he grabbed him quickly from his neck making him shocked,he was sure that he was ready to hurt him.Jaejoong raised the body and then his eyes become black all black,scaring the students and making all the Royal Family shocked.

Jaejoong in the other hand smiled coldly and something like black shadows started coming out from his body,dancing in his right arm that he was holding the man and when the black shadows touched the latter's body they burned him without leaving any trace.

"Now who is next?"Jaejoong said and took his sword out a black sword with a little blue diamond on it.The Black Demons feeling scared they run away without looking behind making the soldiers and all the people that were there,relief they didn't want to fight with them,in case Yunho might get hurt.

Now everyone were looking the Dark Protector who slowly was going closer to Yunho.The Prince Of The Vampires looked the latter confused and then Jaejoong collasped in his hands,returning to his normal form.

"We need to talk"The Queen said and Yunho looked at her and then the man who was in his arms.

The royal family with Yunho's friends Junsu,Yoochun and Changmin were sitting in the living room,

"So,your Dark Protector is finally here"The Queen said and all of them nodded,Yunho was still a little shocked

"But what happened mother,why he is my protector and why he changhed form?"Yunho asked looking his mother confused,well yes he called him weak but what he saw a while ago was for sure far from weak but hell no he wasn't gonna admit that.

"Like i already told you Yunho,since you are in the line for the throne,you have many enemies that want to hurt you and will try to,that's why the Dark Protector is born to protect you,and the form with the black wings you guys saw is his true form that is to protect Yunho"The Queen said and looked all of them

"So auntie,Jaejoong is gonna be a member in this family"Junsu said and smiled he really liked this boy,not his dark side he was scared of that form.

"Yes,but him and Yunho don't really like each other"The King said and everyone looked Yunho,

Right in the moment Jaejoong walked down stais and looked at them confused his head was hurting  him like crazy and when he woke up he was in a infamiliar room,

"Where am i?"Jaejoong said and looked all of them but the Queen smiled and walked closer to the boy

"Jaejoong do you remember what happened?"

"No,what happened?"Jaejoong said and looked at them cutely making Yunho smile a little but then he hidded his smile in cause someone see it.

"You protected our son,and your true form came out"The King said and Jaejoong looked at them schoked

"B-but i-----------"

"You are my son's-----------"

Just then when the Queen was about to speak,Jaejoong's dark form came once again and he took quickly action by grabbing Yunho in his arms,hugging him and placing the long black wings to protect him,while gunshots filled the house

"HIDE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!"

Everyone run to hide while Yunho was in his Protector arms,looking at him,too shocked to even move,how this form is out only when he is in danger?

"His true side will be in action when you will be in real danger and then your journey with him will began"

His mother words,came right into his mind,the feeling of being protected and the feeling he was getting from that man that he will kill anyone who will try to hurt him was enough to move his cold heart.

When the sound of the gunshots stopped and Jaejoong was sure that it was safe to let him,he opened his arms and let him go.The rest come out and Junsu gasped

"Jaejoong,your wings and back are bleeding!!!!!!!!!!!"

Junsu said and everyone looked in Jaejoong's back even Yunho and what the latter said was true,his back and wings were bleeding

"Jaejoong let-----------"

"No i am okay,this is nothing"Jaejoong said and then the bullets started coming out from his back and wings and fall on the floor.Eveyone gasped about 30 bullets came out of Jaejoong's body and he didn't even made a sound.Then his body started closing the wounds and he was completly fine like nothing happened at all.

"Stay here and don't dare to came out of the house if i don't tell you"Jaejoong said and took out his sword and went to look if everything was okay.

Everyone were looking the latter shocked,while Yunho felt his heart beating faster.

"Maybe from the fear,yeah that is"











See you in the next Chapter~~~~~~~~

Kisses From






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Shubha #1
Wow nice can't wait to know ehat will happens now
ellie321 #2
Welcome back author-nim(^ω^)
yunjaemrcnn #3
Chapter 11: Welcome back!
meechan35 #4
Chapter 11: Welcome back authorshi.
Neng2ovid #5
Chapter 11: Yay your back thanks for the update
Kattan69 #6
Chapter 11: Can’t wait for their sparks to fly.....^_~
Chapter 10: It's sad seeing Yunho push Jae away. Jae is just beginning to understand his newfound role and powers, additionally he has to deal with Yunho pushing him away. It's quite an interesting plot, thanks for sharing!
yo_yunjae #8
Chapter 10: Who is 'him' that joongie want to hv speak?
Hope joongie can control his dark side n his bond with Yunho became deeper ^^
Neng2ovid #9
Chapter 10: Oh boy I hope the drama is not going to be too crazy.
Chapter 10: Are they good now? Yunho don't hate JJ, right?
Thanks for the update...