

Zitao hates it when Kris goes to work



Its mornings that Zitao hates the most.


It’s not that he’s more of a night owl - though these past days he’s taken more to staying up till the crack of dawn before succumbing to pure exhaustion- but where most people oppose the morning due to simply having to wake up, go to work, face the monotony and mundaneness weekdays always offer, for Zitao, it’s a battle of endurance.


It’s like being cut off from a meal or life line, and there’s the constant tension he feels internally. Every morning is a battle to see if he can last till night comes – when he can return to his lonely apartment exhausted and fatigued, but happy nonetheless.


But it’s in those exhausted evenings that he finds the most rejuvenation.


For when Zitao gets home, he gets love.


have ya'll heard July? because I have and I aM SO SHOOK 


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i have been waiting for a fic based on july omg omg