
I love you (sequel of mianhae)

Hoshi's p.o.v

After the short meeting at Han River, I sent him home and wanted to go home but he insisted me to greet his parents.

"Do you think it's a right idea?"

"Of course. They don't hate you." he answered.

"Whoooh! Guess I should stop being a coward...."

"You should." he said.

We walk to the front door. By the time he ring the bell, my heart beating like crazy.

"Welco- Soonyoung? Is that you, honey?" ask his mom.

I bow as a sign of forgiveness. "I'm sorry, aunty...."

"Son, get up. Stop with all the formality. I've told you to call me mom, right?" she said.

"Nae....... m-m-mom......"

"Get in. Jihoon, change your clothes. Bring Soonyoung with you. He need to change his clothes too. I don't want to see you two eat without taking your bath. Now." she command.


"Jihoon......" she look at his son face.

"Fine......" he kiss his mom's cheek before going upstairs. "Hey Hosh."


"Are you going to stand there for the rest of your life?" he jokes.

"Ouh.... shut up."


Woozi's p.o.v

knock. knock. "Who's there?"

"It's me..."

"Ouh.... come in. It's unlock."

He open the door and wow..... he looks handsome as always. The clothes really fit him well. Guess I choose a correct one.

"Woozi...." he call.


"Can I-"

knock. knock. "Come in....."

"Mr. Lee, Mr. Kwon, chairman Lee has come home."

"Okay. Thanks." I take my phone then drag Hoshi with me downstairs. Before we enter the dining room, I turn around and face Hoshi. "Don't be afraid. Dad is not mad at you. You're still the best man in his eyes." I tiptoe and kiss his forehead.

"W-What was t-that for?" he ask, stuttering, obviously shy.

"I'm giving you courage. Don't you like it?"

"Of course I do." he answered then kiss my forehead.

"What's that for?" I ask, shock.

"I'm thanking you." he answered the wink at me.

"Stop it....."

I twist the doorknob and push the door open then bring Hoshi inside.

"Welcome home, dad."

"Hello, son." silent....... "Soonyoung, long time no see. How's your life? I heard you're dating with someone else now."

"U-uh.... f-fine....." he answered. "Yes.... but...."

"But?" my mom ask.

"He's with other guy behind my back." he explain.

"Oh god..... Soonyoung dear, don't be sad....." said mom.

"I'm okay." he answered.

"I'm sad too but I can't do anything. We can't give Jihoon." dad said.

"I know...." he answered back.

"But we can if we settle everythings up with chairman Son." dad said. "we can if we decline their offer." he continue.

"Yes, but....." mom starts "how? If we give money, they won't accept it. They only want their daughter to marry Jihoon. We can't just decline them. It would be very bad."

"We can decline their offer."

"Son? But how?" she ask.

"Ask this guy over here." I said while pointing towards Hoshi who silently sipping his orange juice.

"Soonyoung dear? What is it?" ask dad.

"They don't know Jihoon gay, right?" he ask.

Hoshi's p.o.v

"They don't know Jihoon gay, right?"

"Of course not." said his dad.

I sip my orange juice again before continue. "Tell them that he's gay and I'll pretend to be his boyfriend or for further more, I can pretend to be his husband."

"Yah!" Woozi smack me in the head. Obviously shy with the idea me pretending to be his husband.

"That would do. It's better if you two follow me tomorrow and Soonyoung should act as his husband and that's it. Everything done." said his dad again.

"Hope you guys success." said his mom.

"It will because which chairman wants his daughter marrying a gay?"

"Except for uncle." said his dad, smilling.

We laugh and enjoy our evening dish together. I was about to go back home but they insisted me to stay for a night. I'm really happy with the idea sleeping with Woozi again.


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