Lesson 2: Life Lesson, Dead Lesson

The Unfairest of Them All

Junhoe quickly gets used to his new school. He attends class (occasionally; only if Chanwoo is also attending), he makes some new ‘friends’ (most of them are glad to stab his back anytime), and he also gets to know the kids of his father’s underlings.

This school is actually better than his expectation… Except when Chanwoo is acting up. Acting up as in making a dangerous sounding plans (although he always makes it sounds like it’s a very normal thing to do) and asking Junhoe to come along.

Junhoe always refuses, though, and usually, this would kill Chanwoo’s mood and prevents him from actually going ahead with his silly plan. After all, in this world full of superheroes and supervillains, the last thing a beginner villain want to do is run straight into a superhero.

That’s it, until today…

Chanwoo explained to Junhoe that a museum in the city just uncovered a magical artifact. And Chanwoo wants it!

He said, with the artifact, he can finally go toe to toe with his mom (Yes, it seems normal for villain kids to want to defeat their parents). And this time, he made it clear that he’s going, with or without Junhoe.

In the end, Junhoe can only sigh and finally agreed to go. He is not ready to lose his beloved useful Chanwoo yet.

So here he is: standing in the middle of the night, trying to break into a museum with Chanwoo.

“They must have some safety measures here. Probably magical.”, Junhoe said.

“Well, that is obvious. But nothing I can’t handle, I reckon.”, Chanwoo said as he tried to unlock the door magically.

After a while, the door opens.

“Are we really breaking into a museum through the front door?”, Junhoe asked.

“Nope.”, Chanwoo replied. “You’ll enter through the front door and check for anything suspicious, while I will hide in the shadow and steal the artifact.”, Chanwoo explained.

That is actually reasonably smart, although, Junhoe can’t help but shouts, “Did you just bring me here to use as a watchman!?”.

“Shh…”, Chanwoo silences Junhoe. “Be quiet.”

After he said that, Chanwoo disappears into the shadow.

Junhoe then slowly walks in, eyes observant of every corner. It seems so odd; the museum is actually not that well-guarded. In caution, Junhoe takes his gun and makes sure it’s fully loaded.

Before long, Junhoe reaches the main display right in the middle of the museum: the artifact. Well, this one actually has some magical barrier surrounding it, so he needs to wait for Chanwoo.

“C’mon, Chanwoo…”, he whispered.

Then suddenly, he hears some noises from behind him. And it doesn’t sound good. Junhoe quickly turns around, only to see Chanwoo being strangled by a demon.

“Well, well. I thought the Shadow Witch would come to steal this artifact herself; it would be a nice time to make her pay for ruining my plan. But, I only find her son.”, the demon said, sounding disappointed.

The demon then throws Chanwoo to a wall.

“And who is this random guy?”, the demon asked, referring to Junhoe.

Junhoe twitched his eyebrow when he heard the demon’s belittlement of him. “I’m not just a random guy!”, Junhoe declared as he quickly shoots the demon.

If the bullet hits, it would be a bullseye. Unfortunately, the demon disappears, before quickly re-appearing besides Junhoe.

“And what would a few bullets do?”, the demon asked, brushing his fingers on Junhoe’s cheek. The demon then tries to claw Junhoe, which he narrowly avoids.

Junhoe engages in combat with the demon; the demon is obviously stronger and faster than Junhoe, so he stands no chance. But, “I could distract you.”, Junhoe said.

“What?”, the demon asked. Before the demon can say another thing, Chanwoo blasts its back, leaving a big, gaping hole.

“You’re still as annoying as ever, father.”, Chanwoo said.

“What!?”, Junhoe shouted in disbelief. “That thing is your father!?”

“No time for that. Right now, focus on him.”, Chanwoo declared with determination in his eyes.

The demon quickly recovers; the hole on his back already fully recovered. “Not bad. You really grow up, Chanwoo.”, as he said that, he flies toward Chanwoo and drags him toward the wall. They then disappear into the shadow.

“Oh, sh…”, Junhoe said. He watches as Chanwoo and the demon fight inside the shadow; their shadows dancing across the museum.

Junhoe can’t believe what he is seeing. Not because he has never seen magic before; he knows full well what magic can do; but because he cannot really do anything to help Chanwoo.

He looks around; his eyes following the two shadows, trying to think of some way to help. However, his thought is interrupted when Chanwoo re-appears, being dropped from the roof heavily injured.

“Chanwoo!”, Junhoe shouted.

“Good. But not good enough.”, the demon said.

Junhoe tries to shoot the demon again, but it easily avoids all his shots. It then appears in front of Junhoe and grabs his gun. “Let me start with you first.”, the demon declared, raising his hand to attack Junhoe.

But, in the nick of time, Junhoe grabs his knife and slashes through the demon’s hand.

“How!?”, the demon asked in surprise, looking at his injured hand.

“This knife is actually not mine. It’s Chanwoo’s.”, Junhoe said. He then continues slashing the demon a few times, pushing it back.

After a while, the demon runs away, but not before setting off the alarm.

Junhoe picks up Chanwoo’s injured body from the ground. “C’mon, Chanwoo. The heroes will be here soon.”, he said as he runs toward the exit.

Chanwoo doesn’t reply. Or more like, he cannot reply; he is barely conscious.

Junhoe hides behind a nearby tree and calls his father’s underlings to pick him up. When they arrive, Junhoe tells them to bring him home; there’s no way he will bring Chanwoo backs to school with that kind of injury.

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R_nine21 #1
Chapter 5: u can get it june-ya :)
R_nine21 #2
Chapter 4: melted.... huhuhu junchan <3
Chapter 7: i think i shat myself laughing

"I only want the worst for you!"


i am ded
illymaisara #4
Chapter 7: i literally CURSED when junHOE said -STABBING!!
Chapter 7: -stabbing? What the... Hahahah
noname101 #6
Chapter 6: Awww why didn't you made that scene XD
I want moree author ^^
illymaisara #7
Chapter 6: The last part make me squeal like a fangirl!!!!chanwoo's dad tho
illymaisara #8
Chapter 5: Omaigad junhoeeeee!!!!!you've gone long wayyy!!
Chapter 4: Aw sooo cute ><
yep it's definitely needs more chapters~

How about chanwoo use the artifact to fight his mom with junhoe's help
Chapter 4: Awwww so cute!