Kwon Hye Rin



AFF Username: ShadyGirl
AFF Profile Link:

Name: Arie
Character's Name: Kwon Mei Lin
Nicknames: Hye Rin (Korean name)
Age and Birthday: 17, turning 18 on January 27
Blood Type: O
Birthplace: Hong Kong, China

Hometown: Hong Kong
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Appearance: Wang Jiayun - One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight 
Ethnicity: Chinese-Korean
Style: Chic in public, comfy and loose at home, but not unkempt. Her motto is "Always dress to impress because you never know when you'll meet the love of your life." Hye Rin has an obsession with knee-high boots and high heels. Because it's winter, she generally wears skinny jeans, long coats, berets, and warm scarves. For accessories, Hye Rin wears jewelry with gems or crystals, and bracelets that make metallic noises against each other.
Personality: First of all, Hye Rin feeds off of attention, compliments, and being envied. She knows she's one of the prettiest girls in school and uses it to her advantage. Hye Rin has boys worshipping the ground she walks on and girls trying to get on her good side so they could share just a little of her spotlight. She can also be a b*tch but not in a confrontational way. Hye Rin has a way of starting rumors that could easily destory anyone's image and always walks around with this sickly sweet smile on her lips. She's also really good at playing innocent and makes teachers makes people think twice before accusing her of anything. If other girls hate her, she takes pride in it. No one really messes with her because if they do, people will just call them jealous. 
Background: Hye Rin's father, Chang Min, met Hye Rin's mother, Yi Fei, when he went to study abroad in Hong Kong. They got married and had twin daughters, Feng Li (the older twin) and Jia Li (the younger twin). Their daughters were absolutely gorgeous and showered with love. Without meaning to, Yi Fei became pregnant again but chose to keep the baby anyway. Mei Lin was added to the family. She grew up in her sisters' shadows even though she was only 3 years younger than them. At school, Feng Li and Jia Li were treated as goddesses because of their beauty. Mei Lin was ordinary compared to them. She hated herself and kept trying to become just as pretty as popular as them. She convinced her parents to let her live with her father's sister, her Aunt Min Kyeong, and go to school in Korea. She changed her name to Hye Rin so she could better fit in and then used her beauty and charismatic ways to win new friends, a new image, and a new life.
Family Members:
- Kwon Yi Fei | Mother
- Kwon Chang Min | Father
- Kwon Min Kyeong | Aunt (father's side)
- Kwon Feng Li | Sister
- Kwon Jia Li | Sister
- Department store makeup and beauty products
- Designer clothing
- Skirts and dresses
- Getting her picture taken
- Shopping
- Getting her hair and nails done
- Boys
- Partying
- Tight clothing
- Chicken
- Brown circle lenses
- Heels and knee-high boots
- Competition
- Smell of seafood (makes her throw up)
- Dirt, mud, other gross things
- Using heat on her hair (hair is naturally straight and doesn't even blow dry)
- Carbs (especially bread and rice)
- Greasy food
- Being rushed
- Being poked at the sides
- Tumblr
- Taking selcas
- Watching Korean dramas
- Reading fashion magazines
- Puffs her cheeks out when bored
- Brushes her hair with her fingers when bored
- Skinship
- Using a fake smile around people she doesn't like
- Checking her makeup every half hour
Languages: Mandarin (Fluent) Korean (Semi-fluent)
Talent: Model

- Near-sighted so she wears prescription circle lenses
- Has been dating the school's biggest party animal, Seungri (Big Bang), for the past 5 months
Friends: Hara (Kara) Nana (After School) Jessica (SNSD)
Special Skills:
- Ballet
- Extremely flexible
- Changing from innocent and aegyo-filled to y tease to vapid b*tch just like that
Extra Curricular Activities:
- Co-captain of the cheerleading squad
- Varsity swim team
Best Subject: Math
Partner: Kikwang (Beast) 
How do they act around you:
Kikwang - Kikwang's almost as big of a party animal as Seungri. Actually, they're best friends and rarely go to a party without each other. He's usually the one to get drunk first but just enough to let loose and have a good time. Kikwang didn't think much about Hye Rin at first because she was Seungri's girl and girls should never get in between friendship. But he began to notice how Seungri just took her for granted. He was actually a real jerk to Hye Rin. Kikwang eventually became close friends with her and started to fall for her. But she was still Seungri's. Sometimes he would try to hint that she should break up with him because she deserved better, but Hye Rin just laughed it off. She claimed to be in love with Seungri. Kikwang hated it, but kept waiting for the day she would wake up and realize that they were perfect for each other.
Rivals: Hyosung (Secret) - There can only be one queenka of a school and these two girls have been butting heads for that title since Freshman year. They're alike and different in many ways. Hye RIn is actually pretty smart and Hyosung is a ditz. Hyosung has been homecoming/prom queen since their first year of high school and Hye Rin has always been crowned princess. Hye Rin is skinnier but Hyosung has bigger s. Hyosung became captain of the cheerleading squad and Hye Rin became co-captain. However, Hye Rin is more well-known because she's their main flyer (meaning she's always the one to be thrown up in the air.)
Password: "Ugly" - 2NE1
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Thanks author-ssi! :D
I knew I wouldn't get picked XD Anyway congrats to everyone that got chosen!!
Gracia #3
haha I have a twin! yey!
Yay!! Thank you for choosing my character author-sshi ^_^ I can't wait for the story!! :D
Congrats to the first winner!!
I just sent in my application ^_^ I hope my model doesn't look too abnormal for you XD
UHOOHOO~ I was chosen. Hehe okay. I LOVE YOU AUTHORS.