Lee Isabella Jae


AFF Username: kangjaelin

AFF Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/69922

Name: Jaelin

Character's Name: Lee Isabella Jae

Nicknames: Bella, Jae

Age and Birthday: 17 years old. April 17, 1994

Blood Type: B

Birthplace: France, Paris 

Hometown: Paris

Height: 165cm

Weight: 47kg

Appearance: Hong young gi 










Ethnicity: french-korean






















Sweet and calming, I've been told that I give off a strong, warm vibe to those around me. I have a very infectious laughter too. But that depends if you're Close enough with me to hear me laugh. I'm really straight and independent, Which surely isn't any typical girl that you'd see on streets, and totally not one of those that would fall in love easily too.

Sarcasm is my main language. Yes, I'm feisty. A tough nut to crack, but a real softie inside too. I dont open up to people easily and am the best at being expressionless. In simple terms, I put on my poker face all the time. None can deny my swag, and I repeat NONE.

You like me? Okay. Hate me? I don't give a . Idolized or depised, either way I'm recognized. Seems like no one can do anything lately without being judged. So judge me, see if I care.

I don't smile easily, let it be laugh. I have a VERY fiery temper. Step on my tail, and you can get ready to kiss my . Oh and, people don't call me the kitten for nothing. ? I don't know where that came from. I guess that means I'm appealing. Maybe. Kitten. That's the part you have to note. None can fool me and my kitty senses. People actually suspect I have a built in radar for liars.

My kitty claws. Wanna try them? Bet you don't. But don't worry, I don't bite.....hard. 

I love food. Yes, food. Those things that people eat when they're hungry. Those that contains calories and make people fat. I love eating but I don't eat alot. Being a food maniac, I wake up everyday at 4 in the morning to work out just so that I will be able to eat without feeling sinful. I don't have a picky diet, but one thing I hate - sashimi. You know those raw, seafood slices? Yes. those are disgusting. And I'll just gag if any gets into my mouth.

I have a 4D personality, and that means I pms quite often. But it's okay, I'm not dangerous, just another crazy in town. 

I'm quite dense. Which in simple terms, means slow. Whenever people tell me a joke, it often takes me a few minutes to finally get it. I can't take hints, so I hate people who beat about the bush.

I'm really whiny too, and known for being an energized bunny. I can play for hours and go on and on and on and on without being tired.

None can beat me in aegyo, but that depends if you live long enough to see it. Aegyo queen, cry baby, pouty kid. Those are my hidden traits. Behind closed doors.


I was born in Paris, the town of romance. I have big doe eyes and lustrous lips that creates a spell that any guy would fall under. I had the perfect family, and no sibling rivalry involved. I had the perfect circle of friends, plenty to bring hatred down for me. I had the perfect boyfriend, who was the sweetest thing. I had it all. Money, love, fashion, fame, and all that's in between. Basically, my life was perfect.

I loved music, ever since I was born. My mom told me that I learned to dance even before I started walking. My passion was dancing, and dancing was my life. I took up jazz, samba and ballroom dancing when I was ten, and started dancing to hip hop when I was about twelve. While other girls were playing with barbie and tea sets, I was happily dancing my childhood away. 

And while dancing was my passion, I loved car racing too. Yes, you know those competitions where cars go vroom vroom and compete with each other? Yup, that's what I was into. I loved the adrenaline that I got when I stepped on the accelerator. And as I grew up, I became the rebellious sort of girl. I hung out at racing tracks, raced for money, and splurged on rating cars. But as much as I was distracted, my studies were still number one.

Then when I was sixteen, Something happened. Something that changed my life. My boyfriend cheated on me with my bestfriend. I was torn. People usually say 'follow your heart' , but when your heart gets ripped into tiny pieces, which piece should you follow?

I was tired of life in Paris. Tired of French guys. Tired of the Eiffel tower. Tired of all the French cuisine and the beautiful scenery in Paris. So I decided to head to Korea, my father's birth country.

Family Members: 

My father Lee Jinwoo is aged 42 and owns a ramen shop named 'Lee ramen' back in Paris. He's still alive, and living in Paris. He's a jolly man with a tall built and toned body. He also makes the best ramen in the area. He wanted my name Isabella but My mom insisted on Jae so they decided on both. He dotes on me alot and sometimes does and says mushy stuff to me. He even named a few Ramen in his shop after me. I'd give him the best father award. 

My mother Hazel Bessette is aged 40 and the editor of a popular fashion magazine in Paris. She's alive and famous for her unique fashion sense, which also was passed down in the genes to her only daughter, me. She wanted me to be named Jae, but my dad also insisted on Isabella, so they did a compromise and combined the two names. She's a really open-minded mother, a nurturing one too.

My older brother Lee Taemin is aged 19 and a famous French model. He's really sweet and caring, but a notorious flirt too. However, a big flirt he may be, he still puts me at top priority.

-Yellow and purple
-yoga, pilates
-bright colors
-chewy stuff

-poor hygiene
-things unorganized 
-people who act innocent

-playing the violin
-Dancing whenever there's free time

-using English whenever things get ridiculous 
-ending conversations with 'merong' if I'm losing
-dancing in the shower
-singing in lifts
-talking to non-living things
-painting my nails whenever I'm bored
-obsessive with anything purple or yellow
-dancing whenever there's music

Languages: fluent French and English. Basic Hangul and Chinese.

Talent: Rapper

Trivia: I'm an rapper from an underground club. I'm the female legend there. 


Gongchan from b1a4. A cutie. Real name? Gong ChanShik. He has this cute pitched voice that girls swoon over. He's 181cm tall and 60kg heavy. He's 17 this year and he LOVES aegyo. He's a real sweetie that loves to follow me wherever I go. 

Ha minwoo from ze:a - Dancing boy, and a childish prankster. He's 178cm tall and 54kg in weight. Yes, he is very skinny. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have a good body. And trust me, he has a great body. As mentioned, he's a serial prankster so everyone is on the watch for him constantly. Well, except for me. Why? I'm his soft spot. He's 17 this year.

Special Skills: 

Dancing, rapping and my violin.

Extra Curricular Activities:



-band (violin)

Best Subject: 



-Zico from blockB

How do they act around you: 

Zico looks intimidating and cold on the outside but is actually gentle and warn on the inside. He LOVES SKINSHIP, and is a ert. But that totally doesnt show on the outside. He loves skinship in a cute way, puts me at first priority and adores me. Skinship is natural for us, and it's never awkward. He would just suddenly kiss me and I wouldn't be surprised. Frankly, I think his cheekiness is also what draws me to him. We're inseparable. But we aren't really that exact type of couple that would snuggle all day long. If I fell down, he would laugh. Yes, that rascal would laugh at me, but pick me up and the same time and whisper in my ear "It's okay, I still love you." Even though it's sweet, I will still get my revenge by pushing him into a bush. He's 19 and a senior at my school.

Rivals: Kim kyuna. She's zico's ex. She left him years ago and wants him back now. But thinks that Zico doesn't want her because of me. Bull I tell you.

Extra: Nope.

Password: http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=SG#/watch?v=Nkhbzw1T-3M

Halo by blockB

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Thanks author-ssi! :D
I knew I wouldn't get picked XD Anyway congrats to everyone that got chosen!!
Gracia #3
haha I have a twin! yey!
Yay!! Thank you for choosing my character author-sshi ^_^ I can't wait for the story!! :D
Congrats to the first winner!!
I just sent in my application ^_^ I hope my model doesn't look too abnormal for you XD
UHOOHOO~ I was chosen. Hehe okay. I LOVE YOU AUTHORS.