Morning Daze


It makes Wendy wonder how can one individual go through each day without having a cup of coffee. She drinks one too many each day, all the papers she’s due to finish demands her too. With exams in a week time and papers due in a day, she really needs something to anchor her to reality that if she slacks off, she either has to take another semester before actually graduating. So it makes her wonder how can one can start their day without their caffeine fix?



It’s just 6:54 when she gets in to the campus, she’s two hours early for her first class today and she’s not sure if she should slap her roommate, Seulgi, for waking her up early cause she thought Wendy was already late for school. Or be thankful cause she got 2 hours to actually catch up on school work she needs to finish badly.


She finds it weird to find Starbucks quite empty when technically it should have been a peak hour. She orders her usual grande iced americano with three shots of white mocha breve no water and finds herself on the corner table beside the window. She took a sip of her drink and pulls her book and started reading. She was about to pull out her laptop from her bag as well when she noticed someone was standing opposite her. She looks at her, stares, was the sun decided to grace her this close she asked. Maybe a little loud for the girl who has been standing infront of her grins. And Wendy was sure that she’s blinded because this girl can light up the whole world with just one smile.


“Is this seat taken?” The girl tilts her head as she asked and Wendy would have melted on the spot if not only when she noticed that all other table at the café was free. So instead of valiantly saying yes, she looks at the girl dumbfoundedly.


“Err- all the other seats are free?” She asked and she swears she sees the girl frowns at what she said.


“I mean its not like I don’t want to you to sit it there..but you know..why?” She asked as she scratches the back of her neck. Feeling shy all of a sudden.


Wendy waited for the other girl to respond but they’ve been staring at each other for good 10 seconds now and she feels her neck burning for whatever reason.


“Just sit please.” She said as she looks everywhere but the said girl. Wendy can’t help but fidget on her own chair. Doesn’t know what to do, she was supposed to study but instead of comprehending what’s written on her book, she’s studying the girl opposite her. And all she can come up with is that said girl is the most beautiful person Wendy have seen on her entire life.


“So Wendy, are you just going to stare at me for the next hour or what?” Wendy’s eyes go comical when the girl said her name and the fact that she knows that she’s been staring. She hides her face with the book she’s holding and swears she feels like dying on the spot.


“How did you know my name?” Wendy asked because she needs to know and because she doesn’t know how to respond to what the girl just said.


“Coffee cups makes wonder.” The girl answered and Wendy grins because of course the barista wrote her name on the drink.


“So, are you going to stare or what?” The girl smirked making Wendy melt again for all the reasons she can and cannot think at the moment. But she regained composure and wears a similar smirk the other girl was sporting.


“I would after you give me your name.” She scoffs but really she was dying inside. It’s not even 8 in the morning and here she is putting her flirting skills in to a test. And praying it works because everything is worth it, because the girl looks like she just walked out straight out of manhwa.


The other girl didn’t say anything but instead shows Wendy her own coffee cup.


“Irene” Wendy read and grins. Beautiful girl with a beautiful name.


“So Irene, I could honestly stare at you for the rest of my life but that would be creepy and I’m not a creep. So how I about I take you out for breakfast instead?” She asked bravely because honestly who asked a total stranger out the moment they meet them right?


“Are you asking me on date? We just met like 10 minutes ago.” Irene raised an eyebrow at her.


“Sorry to break it to you babe, but we were already in a date the moment you asked if you could sit with me.” She smirks and felt proud when she noticed how Irene’s cheeks were dusted pink.


“So what’s gonna be?” Wendy asked as she stood up, reaching her hand out to Irene for her to take and she shyly smiles when Irene took her hand and grins a little wider when realize how their hands perfectly fit each other.


And Wendy can’t help but quietly murmur a thank you at Seulgi for accidentally waking her up early today.

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Chapter 3: Did they get back together?
Favebolous #2
Chapter 8: Hello
Favebolous #3
Chapter 8: Is this a good start?
Chapter 8: From being an awkward potato to getting a girl to eat breakfast with her. Dammit Wendy, too smooth.
Chapter 8: Smooth Seungwan really smooth
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Chapter 8: Ehe :3
TheMightyFall #7
Chapter 7: Oh come on. Damn that hurts.
Chapter 5: sequel of this "secret santa" juseyo~~~~
Chapter 7: Poor Wendy
Chapter 7: Angsty