

Attending another schedule meaning having to put a brave face when her whole body aches. Irene knows she needs to be in bed for until who knows when but she needs to be out there, with them. It was just a few days since Sooyoung got back from her filming. It was just a few days before ReVeluv rejoices as the five of them are finally complete but here she is missing two events in 3 of their scheduled ones. The first one she went MIA, everyone thought she was filming something but really it was just exhaustion from the past days airport to stage to airport schedule that is taking toll on her. She needs to rest but she’s restless. Having the whole dorm for yourself means peace but it was the totally opposite, she misses the noise from bickering Seulgi, Joy and Yerim and she misses the clanks of the utensils while Seungwan makes dinner, she misses them and her cold and the coldness of the dorm isn’t really helping her to get the rest she needs.

A sudden buzz on her phone jolted her from her near sleep trance, a message from their manager telling her that she’ll have to take the kids to a special dinner of job well done and asking her if she wants anything. She pouts wanting to be with them but when she was just about to reply to ask them to pick her up, a fit of cough come through as if on cue telling her to that it is probably best to stay put. She sighed and opted to say just a simple okay. She’s just going to sleep it off all. She needs (and wants) it anyway.

She woke up not even after an hour from her slumber when she feels a little warmer than before. She slowly flutters her eyes, trying to rub away the sleep and to check what was happening. An automatic smile dons her face when she finally realizes what is going on. Son Seungwan her very definition of warmth curled beside her still wearing her stage outfit.

“What are you doing here?” She asked as she kisses her girlfriend’s forehead.

“I missed you.” Wendy answered as she scoots closer to Irene.

“What about the dinner?” Irene probes and holds Wendy tighter, trying to intoxicate herself with the girl’s scent.

“I’d rather be with you here. I missed you.” Irene grins slowing turning bigger as she can’t help to feel giddy as Wendy already mentioned twice that she misses her.

 “But we were just together before you guys left for the event.” Irene teases but a kiss makes it way on her lips.

“Hey!” She pulls back though she wanted more of the younger girl’s lips.

“You’re going to get sick.” She scolds. They can kiss more later when her cold is gone.

“I don’t care. I missed you.” Wendy smile that small smile especially reserve for Irene and Irene can’t help but close the distance between their lips again.

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Chapter 3: Did they get back together?
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 8: Hello
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 8: Is this a good start?
Chapter 8: From being an awkward potato to getting a girl to eat breakfast with her. Dammit Wendy, too smooth.
Chapter 8: Smooth Seungwan really smooth
TheMightyFall #6
Chapter 8: Ehe :3
TheMightyFall #7
Chapter 7: Oh come on. Damn that hurts.
Chapter 5: sequel of this "secret santa" juseyo~~~~
Chapter 7: Poor Wendy
Chapter 7: Angsty