

Wendy is not one to believe superstition, astrology and how the stars aligned for her but she that doesn't mean she doesn't wait for 11:11 (AM and PM) to make a wish. And its not as if Wendy wishes for something extravagant either. She wishes for her to passes her exams which studied for (very diligently for a matter of fact), for her piano recital to go well without hitch which she has been practicing 4 times a week for the last three months and for her crush to say hi to her today. The last one is a stretch as there's no way, Kang Seulgi, captain of the cheer team, the most beautiful human ever (Wendy's a bit bias in this one), will notice her when Wendy isn't even sure if Seulgi knows they have Calculus together and that she sits beside her.

Seulgi tends to daydream Wendy notices (she notices everything, the way Seulgi's hair falls on her shoulder, the slope of her nose and how Seulgi would run her tongue on her lips from time to time which makes Wendy crazier for her when she witnesses it) and when the other does the latter stares for way too long only getting back to reality when  the ring bells signaling that their class together is over. (Wendy thinks Calculus is never boring when she gets to stare at the love of her life, one sided love she means).

Wendy was about to leave the classroom as she needs to get to her English class the soonest to prepare for their exam when her wrist was pulled by none other than Seulgi.

"Hey, this is for you." Seulgi said as she handed her a small blue paper bag. Wendy peeks in the bag and saw a dark blue plaid shirt inside.

"I saw you wearing a red one the other day and thought you look absolutely breathtaking on it so decided to get you another one." Seulgi said her face turning red and she's looking everywhere except Wendy. While Wendy looks at her dumbly her face threatening to split in half due to the grin she's sporting.

"Good luck on your exam and recital Seungwan," Seulgi finally looks at her and Wendy (how did Seulgi even know her real name?) see how alarmingly red Seulgi's ears are and she knew that if she tried to touch it her hands will be fried.

"See you later?" Seulgi asked offering her another timid smile that makes the butterflies in Wendy's stomach do backflips and cartwheels.

"Definitely." Wendy said as she plants a kiss on Seulgi's cheeks and she was sure she heard Seulgi gasped when she kissed her.

"Bye." Wendy said as she runs as fast (as a mad man actually) as she can and is not even bothered by the way the other students were looking at her and Seungwan thinks that the stars have aligned for her and 11:11 wish belief is true.

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Chapter 3: Did they get back together?
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 8: Hello
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 8: Is this a good start?
Chapter 8: From being an awkward potato to getting a girl to eat breakfast with her. Dammit Wendy, too smooth.
Chapter 8: Smooth Seungwan really smooth
TheMightyFall #6
Chapter 8: Ehe :3
TheMightyFall #7
Chapter 7: Oh come on. Damn that hurts.
Chapter 5: sequel of this "secret santa" juseyo~~~~
Chapter 7: Poor Wendy
Chapter 7: Angsty