Late Night


Sooyoung doesn’t really understand the entire concept if getting into a well known university to finish a degree you don’t even like to get a job that will pay for the bills for the future. She disagrees with the world and how life tends to be but here she is pulling an all nighter to finish a paper due in a few hours.

“Come to bed, Sooyoung.” It was more of a command but the tiniest tinge of sleepiness was abundant for Sooyoung to budge on her seat.

“Its late. You’ll need this sleep for all your other classes.” The voice on the other side urges. Her roommate was right. She needs sleep and the energy to survive another dreadful day in the university. So she let herself get lulled by her roommate’s demands on going to bed.

“For the record, if I fail this class, it will be your fault.” Sooyoung smirked as she let herself lie next to her roommate. Her hand automatically finding the other’s waist so they can scoot closer to each other as it was their life line they are hanging into it (and maybe it is).

“Then I guess I’ll have to provide for you then.” Seulgi breathes on Sooyoung’s neck sending shivers and butterflies to her girlfriend’s stomach.

Sooyoung doesn’t understand the concept of getting a degree but being in the university and sharing all her adversaries and triumphs with Seulgi is a concept she’ll never get tired of loving (though really why she loves it, loves her, she just does and it makes her happy).

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