Chapter II



Chapter 2

Once they reached a nice restaurant, the couples faced each other leaving the two awkward people behind. They stood there, not knowing where to sit.

"Why are you still standing there? Sit!" Heechul commanded them and so they were left with no choice but to sit opposite each other. They ordered their food and once it's settled on their table, they began eating. Of course, the couples acting sweet with each other made Donghae and Eunhyuk uncomfortable, and a little jealous on their seats. They looked at each other and blushed.

'Now this is awkward. But why do I feel like I want to do those things with this Eunhyuk guy? Seriously, taking a closer look at him, he's really gorgeous. His blond hair complimented his milky white skin. Red lips that is so cute when he's pouting. His pointed nose and well-defined jaw line. Darn! How can a guy be this pretty?!' Donghae shook his head in disbelief of what he is thinking about Eunhyuk.

'Aww I'm so jealous! Last time I only saw the Yewook couple this sweet and now another couple was added! I can't do these things to Donghae right? He's not my boyfriend in the first place anyway. But he's so cute. Or handsome? His hair looks so good on him and his handsome face, it becomes more handsome if he smiles! Like an angel indeed! And when he acted like a kid earlier? He's so cute I wanna pinch his cheeks! Too bad he's being like that when we argued.' Eunhyuk thought as he looked at the two couples who are sweetly talking with each other then turned his gaze towards Donghae. 

The scene just kept on going until a group of the restaurant's crews approached them.

"Hello guests! Are you having a good time? Today is the owner and his wife's silver anniversary and we are giving rewards to the sweetest couples we would find! Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you the three sweetest and cutest couples! May we request the three couples to stand up please." The manager said and both Donghae and Eunhyuk widened their eyes.

"N-no you've mistaken something here. W-we're not-"

"Hush Hyukkie! It's a reward we are talking about here! Endure it for some time ne? Also you Hae." Heechul simply told them making sure that none of the crews would hear him. They can't do anything so they just nodded and decided to just go with the flow. Yesung heard it and looked at Heechul to see him smirking. He immediately got the idea so he himself also smirked. They all stood up with the Yewook and Hanchul couple smiling widely. The people inside the restaurant clapped and smiled at the cuteness of the three couples. They even requested for a kiss from each pair.

"Oh our guests even requested for a kiss! Can you do it for us?"


Heechul smiled willingly as he pecked on Hankyung's lips. The people roared leaving a slightly blushing Hankyung. Yesung stood next to Ryeowook then he pecked on his cheeks. Ryeowook blushed furiously as the customers aww-ed around them.

"For the last couple, may we see the two of you kiss?" The manager asked Donghae and Eunhyuk who are both freezing on their feet.

'Heck! How can I kiss him like that?! For Shisus' sake we're not even together! This is Heechul hyung's fault! But hey I gotta admit I kinda like to kiss those plump lips. Wait! What am I thinking! Aahhh!!! I'm going crazy!!' Donghae thought as he slowly gazed at Eunhyuk who is surprisingly staring at him, or particularly, at his lips.

'Aish this fishy's hyung is annoying! How could he let us do this just for the sake of a reward?! But those lips. Those thin lips that is somewhat inviting me to kiss them. What the heck?! Am I turning into a ert now?!' Eunhyuk thought as he looked at Donghae's lips. He noticed that Donghae is now staring at him so he immediately turned his head to the other side.

"Well? Can we see it now?" The people cheered then Donghae looked at Heechul to see him with a do-it-now-if-not-you'll-be-dead-later look. Donghae felt shivers ran down his spine. If there is one thing he doesn't want to do is to get his brother mad. He may look like an angel but he can be the worst devil you could encounter here on Earth. He slowly approached Eunhyuk at the other side of the table and stood beside him. He closed his eyes and slowly leaned to kiss him on the cheek but something happened. Eunhyuk who is still at dazed was shocked to feel someone beside him so he immediately faced him. Wrong move. He suddenly felt a pair of soft lips on his own. He widened his eyes.

'What the?! Donghae is freaking kissing me! Omo! He stole my first kiss!! Eotteohke?! Hmm but his lips, they're so soft. I love the feeling. Wait! This is not the time to think about this!'[i] Eunhyuk panicked inside his mind but is frozen on the outside due to shock.

'Waahhh! What happened?! I'm only planning on kissing his cheek and not his lips! This is my first kiss for heaven's sake! But I gotta admit I like it. Good thing he turned his head so it was clearly an accident. Bwahahaha!!!'
 Although shocked, Donghae just laughed evilly inside because the situation is obviously favoring him.

Donghae smiled through the kiss while Eunhyuk eventually closed his eyes. It seems that they really enjoyed the kiss. Don't worry it's just a long peck, this story is still innocent. After what seems like 6384836 years, their kiss was cut off when someone cleared his throat.

"How long are you planning to enjoy the kiss?" Yesung asked while grinning at the blushing monkey and fish.

"That was so cute! And as for the reward, each of you would receive a couple package at The Sapphire Pearl Hotel at Jeju Island! It's a 3 days and 2 nights vacation. Don't worry everything's free!" The manager happily announced making the threetwo couples jump out of joy. After they received the award, the crew left them to finish their food. They paid for the bill and headed out of the restaurant.


"I'm not going!!" Eunhyuk exclaimed as he slouched on the sofa at the living room with the Yewook couple following behind him.

"But hyung it would be a waste if you will not go." Ryeowook explained as he placed the turtle plushie at Ddang's tank.

"Aww Wookie, Ddang loves it!" Yesung exclaimed as he stared at Ddangkoma who is blinking at the toy, not even bothering to touch it. Ryeowook just laughed at Yesung.

"Come on Wookie, the manager said that it's a package for a couple! Who will I go with there? No one!" Eunhyuk distressingly reasoned out as he threw his hands in the air.

"Just go with Donghae. The crews there thought you're a couple with all that kiss." Yesung making him as red as a tomato. "Speaking of which, that was your first kiss right? Since you've never had a boyfriend so technically, he'll be your first boyfriend."

"Hyung! Stop mentioning it! I don't wanna remember it anymore!" Eunhyuk whined but immediately stopped when he remembered something. "Omo! My plushie! I forgot to get it from Fishy!" He began panicking, thinking of what a particular fish would do to his plushie. 

"Oh so now you have a pet name for your boyfriend already? Nice progress Hyukkie!"

"Not funny. You're not bald so stop pretending to be funny. Wait! About my problem! How can I have it back?!"

"Don't worry Hyukkie hyung. I have Hae hyung's number. Just call him so you could meet up."

"M-meet up? No! I don't want to!"

"Eh? Why? Don't you want to have your part of the plushie back?"

"I do! But I don't want to see him alone!" Yesung smirked upon hearing this while Ryeowook was so confused it's like there was a big question mark on his head.

"Who told you that you would see him alone?" Ryeowook confusedly said.

"Ahm n-nobody but still!"

"Whatever it's still fine if he won't see Donghae because he could just give it to him on the day of our vacation."

"But I told you I won't go! Could you do me a favor and just get it for me? Please?" Eunhyuk plead with his puppy eyes at the two. Ryeowook was about to agree when Yesung held his arm, signaling him not to.

"No Hyukkie. It's either you'll call and meet him or you'll go with us to Jeju. Take your pick." Yesung said, finalizing the two choices that made Eunhyuk almost cry in frustration. But why? Does he hate Donghae that much? Or is there something else?


"Ah I'm so happy! I got to go shopping and we even won a trip to Jeju island! It's like a honeymoon for us Hannie!" Heechul said as he stretched his arms and fell at the couch. Hankyung just smiled as he placed all their bags on the floor.

"You're the only one who is happy but what about me? He even kissed me on my lips! That's my first kiss you know!" Donghae complained making him earn a smirk from Heechul.

"Come on Hae don't tell me you didn't enjoy it? You were the one who initiated it right? You even smiled through your kiss. And from what I saw, you like that monkey."

"Yah who said I like him?! No! And yeah I initiated the kiss but I only intended to kiss his cheek. He's the one who turned to face me so it's practically his fault!"

"Well Donghae what are you going to do with that?" Hankyung pointed at the bag beside him. Donghae widened his eyes upon seeing it.

"Aish! I forgot to give the other half to him! He must now think that I really ran away with this."

"Well you could just call Wookie and ask for his number then you could just meet-up." Hankyung suggested. Heechul grinned at him.

"That's a good idea Hannie! Then they could go out alone then Hae would have a boyfriend and then he won't be jealous of us anymore!" Heechul exclaimed as he hugged his genius boyfriend.

"No! Why would I?! I don't want to!" Donghae is now terribly blushing because he's guilty about liking Eunhyuk although he won't admit it and he also likes the idea of Heechul but he doesn't want to risk anything. Eunhyuk must be angry at him for kissing him. Maybe if they would meet, the monkey guy would just punch him straight in the face.

"If you don't want to then I guess you could just give it to him during our vacation."

"Do you think he'll come?" Donghae asked Hankyung but Heechul was the one who answered.

"Of course he will! He really loves that plushie so I'm sure he'll find a way on how to get that from you."

"Yup so all you have to do now is to come with us."

"But hyung, the packages are for couples."

"So what? They all saw the two of you kissing so they know that you're a couple so there's no problem with that."

"But what if when we're alone? It would be so awkward!"

"Well just take that as an opportunity to know each other better. Maybe you'll end up being friends, or more than that." Hankyung suggested making Donghae look at him.


"Aha! So you do like him after all! That's nice because you really look good together. Now go and call Wookie and ask him if Eunhyuk would also go to the vacation." Heechul commanded as he tossed the phone towards Donghae who catched and stared at them nervously.

"What? Do you want me to do that for you?" Donghae shook his head as he dialed Ryeowook's number.


"Wookie-ah it's Donghae can I ask you something?"

"Oh Hae hyung sure what is it?"

"I'm just wondering if Monkey would go to the vacation?"

"You mean Hyukkie hyung? Yes! Well he doesn't have a choice because of Yesungie. Why did you ask?"

"Ah n-nothing! Hehehehe well thanks a lot Wookie."

"Sure hyung anytime bye bye!"

"So? What did he say?" Heechul impatiently asked while looking at his brother.

"Yes, he'll come." Upon hearing this words, smirk slowly crept upon Heechul's face.

"Good." He said as he stood up from his seat.

"Where are you going hyung?"

"In my room. I need to have my beauty rest now. Come Hannie spend the night here. Just call Mimi and tell him you'll sleep here ne?" Hankyung smiled as he get his phone out of his pocket and dialed his cousin's number. Donghae stayed in his place thinking about a certain blond that looks like a monkey.

'I guess all I have to do is to follow Heechul hyung's advice.' As soon as Hankyung left to go to Heechul's room, Donghae stood up to secure the house and went to his own room.


Ryeowook and Yesung were currenty lying at Yesung's bed listening to some songs when his phone suddenly rang. He lazily reached for it and answered.


"Wookie-ah it's Donghae can I ask you something?"

"Oh Hae hyung sure what is it?"

"I'm just wondering if Monkey would go to the vacation?"

"You mean Hyukkie hyung? Yes! Well he doesn't have a choice because of Yesungie. Why did you ask?"

"Ah n-nothing! Hehehehe well thanks a lot Wookie."

"Sure hyung anytime bye bye!" He ended the call and felt Yesung staring at him.

"Donghae hyung asked if Hyukkie hyung would join us so I said yes." Yesung smiled as he nodded at the explanation.

"Yesungie, do you think Donghae hyung likes Eunhyukkie hyung?" He asked as he lied down again.

"Well what do you think?" Yesung said as he wrapped his arm around Ryeowook's head letting him rest his head on his arm.

"I guess he does. And when they kissed a while ago, they look so good together. It's like everything's meant to happen for them to meet." Ryeowook's eyes sparkled as he said everything and Yesung could only laugh at his cuteness.

"You're right and knowing Eunhyuk, he also feels the same way."

"Aww so they'll gonna be together soon?" Ryeowook asked excitedly.

"Well we could only hope for that." Yesung said as he his Wookie's hair making the younger fall asleep in his arms.


The day of the vacation came and thankfully both Eunhyuk and Donghae didn't complain. Once they arrived at the airport, they took a bus going to the hotel. They stepped out of the bus and took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air they don't have when they're at the busy streets of Seoul. That comfy feeling of being one with nature made them happy with the decision of going there. Bringing their bags, they made their way to the reception area where they were greeted by a pretty receptionist.

"Annyeonghaseyo! Welcome to The Sapphire Pearl Hotel! You are the winners of the promo right? These are your keys and our staff would lead you there. Have a happy stay!"

They thanked the lady while they took the keys from her. They turned to see a young man smiling at them.

"Right this way sirs." They rode the elevator and Heechul examined the keys.

"There are only three keys." Donghae commented.

"Pabo of course it would only be 3! We're only 3 couples here." Heechul said as he rolled his eyes.

The Haehyuk couple's jaw dropped upon the realization. They looked at each other and Eunhyuk was the first to snap out of it as he cleared his throat. They reached their rooms as the staff bid his goodbye to them. The Hanchul and Yewook couples went inside their rooms leaving the 'couple' behind.

"Ahm let's go?" Donghae awkwardly asked and Eunhyuk could only nod. They went inside their room and were shocked to see how it was set up. There was a king-sized bed with red sheets and many rose petals are scattered to the ground. Scented candles are also there although those are not yet lighted since its still day time.

"A couple package indeed." Donghae said as he scanned the room with awe.

"This is not a simple couple package, this is a freaking honeymoon suite!" Eunhyuk stressfully exclaimed. Donghae just shrugged although deep inside, his heart is beating like crazy. He never thought that it would be like this. He carefully settled his things at the side and went straightly to the window and gasped upon seeing the view. There he could see the mountains that are so green because of the trees covering it and if you know how to timing properly, you could see the sunset there.

"What are you looking at?" Eunhyuk peeked behind him. Donghae was so shocked he immediately turned his head towards him. He widened his eyes as he felt the familiar soft lips on his.

'Asdfghjkl we're kissing again!!' Donghae thought as he froze himself on his spot. It felt so good his heart beats so fast it seems like it wants to come out of its cage. Eunhyuk was also shocked but good thing he was able to let go immediately.

"I'm sorry!" The two of them said in unison while blushing. They were interrupted when a knock was heard. They saw the two couples peeking in.

"Enjoying yourselves huh?" Heechul teased making the two of them even redder than before.

"No! We're not doing anything!" They said defensively.

"Since when did you answer in chorus?" Yesung asked them.

"Hush Yesung that's only natural if you're in love." Heechul reacted making sure that the two heard him.

"Anyway we are going down do you want to join us?" Hankyung asked them as he put his arm around Heechul.

"I'll pass hyung, I want to rest first." Eunhyuk answered apologetically.

"How about you Hae?"

"I guess I'll just stay here also." He said as he lied on the bed.

"Very well then just call us if something happened ne?"

"Sure hyung, take care." They said as the older ones closed the door making the silence surround them once again.

"So...." Donghae started as he sat up on bed. "Since we're not doing anything why don't we ahm talk about ourselves? You know, getting to know each other?" He shyly offered but he knows that he wanted the other to agree. He has his eyes on him the very first time they met and now he'll take this chance to make him his.

"O-okay. Where should we start?" Eunhyuk said as he too sat on the bed facing Donghae.

"I guess we started at the wrong foot. Well let me introduce myself properly to you." He stood up and cleared his throat.

"Annyeonghaseyo Lee Donghae imnida. Nice to meet you." He introduced himself as he bowed and when he lifted his head, he smiled sweetly at his 'roommate'.

'So pretty. I really love his smile.' Eunhyuk thought but immediately snapped out of it when he felt the bed move meaning Donghae sat already so he also did the same. He stood up and started. 

"Annyeonghaseyo Lee Eunhyuk imnida. I hope we could be good friends." He bowed and as he seated again, he gave Donghae his signature smile.

'Sssssooooo cute!! I wanna see that smile always and I want him to give it only to me!'

The two miraculously get along well with each other. They talked about a lot of things including their favorite food and the hobbies they love to do. And as time passed, the awkward atmosphere between them disappeared and soon they're talking like they've known each other for years. That's how comfortable they are with each other. 

"Wow! You write songs?!" Donghae excitedly asked as he bounced on the bed like a little child.

"Ahm yeah well I also compose but I often write. Why?" 

"Well I love composing." Donghae said proudly making Eunhyuk chuckle.

"Oh then are they good enough? Because FYI my songs are often praised." Eunhyuk mocked him. Donghae pouted.

'He's really cute but he is somewhat bipolar. One moment he's so manly then suddenly he'll become childish.' Eunhyuk silently laughed with the thought.

"Of course! Well did you bring your notebook with you? Let me see so that I could put harmony to it."

Eunhyuk stood up and went to his bag where he pulled out a blue notebook with 'Anchovy's notebook' written at the front. He handed it to Donghae as he started flipping the pages.

"So many songs! Since when did you start writing?"

"Hmm about a year ago. Actually I never realized that I've already written that many."

Donghae was still browsing when a certain title caught his eye.

'What I want to do if I have a lover'

'Hmm catchy... Let's see...' He thought as he started reading the lyrics.

'If I have a boy friend, there'll be so many things I want to do
I've dreamt I have a boy friend like that
The first, kissing him in the street
The second, catching the early train for Chooncheon with him
The third, going on a picnic with him
The fourth, the piggy back ride
The fifth, couple-ring is basic to our love
Boo boo boo It'll be really sweet

'This one's cute.' He thought and secretly looked at Eunhyuk. He is currently checking on his phone so he didn't notice what Donghae was doing. Donghae on the other hand took that opportunity and ripped the song and immediately hid it under the covers.

"So? What could you say?"

"Yeah you win. I love your songs." He said as he gave back the notebook.

"Ah! I'm bored." Eunhyuk said as he lied on the bed. Donghae did the same beside him.

"Hey Hyukkie do you want to go out?" Donghae absentmindedly called Eunhyuk 'Hyukkie'. Eunhyuk, upon hearing this, blushed a little but still managed to look at him.


"Ah hehehe yeah well we're friends now so I decided to call you Hyukkie."

'Waaahhh he called me Hyukkie! Well Yesung hyung also calls me that but why does it feel so right when he is the one who said it?' Eunhyuk blushed deeper with the thought but immediately cleared his throat when he saw Donghae looking at him, anticipating for his answer.

"Okay then I'll call you Hae."

'Pet names! We have pet names for each other now!! So happy!' Donghae is now dancing his victory dance inside his head.

"Where are we going?"

"Anywhere but let's not follow them. We'll just die because of their teasings, especially with Heechul hyung." Donghae cutely complained. He really wants to spend time with him but he doesn't know how. Well thanks to the song he already got the idea. 

"Okay then!" Eunhyuk smiled as he excitedly get their jacket, passing the other one to Donghae.

They went out of the hotel, not forgetting to act as a couple meaning holding hands and such. They kinda look embarrassed but yeah we all know that they really love doing it with each other. They just walked their way to the hills, talking about random things.

"Wow so beautiful!!" They exclaimed as they reached the top. Both of them are already freezing because they're just wearing thin jackets. You could already see smokes coming out from them as they breathe. Donghae, noticing how cold Eunhyuk was, hugged him from behind making sure he'll somehow lessen the coldness the other was feeling.

"H-hae? W-what are you doing?" Eunhyuk stuttered first because he's obviously cold and second because he's nervous because of the hug.

"Hush I'm making the both of us warm. You're freezing already. Seriously you should eat more look at how thin you are!" Donghae nagged but later on nuzzled at the back of Eunhyuk's neck, enjoying the warmth and the scent of Eunhyuk's shampoo and cologne. 

They stayed like that for a while until both of them relaxed. Still hugging each other, Eunhyuk get his camera and signaled Donghae to smile.

"I don't want to!"

"Come on Hae just one please. Say kimchi!!" Donghae wasn't able to do anything so he just complied.

"Kimchi!" They both said at the same time. Eunhyuk clicked the camera with Donghae still hugging him but with a genuine smile. 

"Look Hae it's cute! Hahaha you really look like a fish!"

"Oh yeah? Well look at you! You really look like a monkey hahaha!!"

They laughed until their stomachs and cheeks hurt. They decided to just stroll around the area with occassionally taking pictures of themselves.

"It's getting dark already. Let's go back?" Donghae asked Eunhyuk who nodded in agreement. 

They started to walk down the hill and since Eunhyuk was not fond of walking for such a long distance, he bagan to slow down.

"Hae Fishy wait let's rest first." He said panting while he sat down at the isle beside the road.

"Waeyo? Are you tired already? Here have some water." Donghae asked in concern as he handed him a bottle of water which he took and quickly gulped the contents down. He wiped his lips when he was shocked to see Donghae crouching down with his back facing him.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Come on just climb on my back. I'll take us back to the hotel. We can't stay here for too long or else we'll get lost."

"But I'm heavy." He protested.

"Hahaha I doubt that. Look how slim your body is, I'm sure I could carry you besides, I work out." Donghae proudly said making him earn a playful slap from Eunhyuk.

"Okay but don't complain if I'll make your back hurt okay?" He joked as he climbed on Donghae's back.

"Of course and well you could just massage my back once we're back right?" Donghae suggested as he fixed Eunhyuk on his back.

"You're really light. I've decided I'll make you heavy during this vacation."

"How could you make me heavier for just 3 days?"

"Well if I won't succeed I could always see you again so that I could do my mission right? Hahaha!!"

'Kkyyyaaa Hae is carrying me on his back! I could really feel muscles! He really is working out! Wait why does it sound so y? Oh well I'm just stating a fact here people. And omo!! Does he want to see me again after this? Woah slow down my heart. Don't beat too fast because he could feel it!! Okay breathe in breathe out. Relax Eunhyuk you could do it.'Eunhyuk thought while he took a deep breath to calm down his nerves.

'He's really light. I swear that if we'll be together, I'm gonna cook all of his favorite dishes to make him gain some weight. He might get sick if he'll remain to be this skinny.' 

Donghae slowed down his pace, enjoying the feeling of Eunhyuk on his back while looking at the now setting down sun.

"Waaahhh what a sight!" Eunhyuk gasped as he also looked at the sun.

"Yeah it's really pretty. Hey Monkey?"


"Did you enjoy this day? I mean I'm not boring to be with right?"

"Of course! Who said that you're boring? I'll smack him in the head! Hahaha but seriously yeah I enjoy it. Thanks for asking me to go out Hae." Eunhyuk said as he tightened his hug on Donghae's neck making both of them smile. 

They reached the hotel still with Donghae carrying him. They went straight to their room and when they're searching for their key, they heard someone cleared his throat behind them.

"How's the date?" Heechul asked while smirking, obviously enjoying the teasings he is doing. Eunhyuk hurriedly motioned Donghae to put him down but he was only held tighter.

"Yah Fishy put me down!"

"Stop struggling will you or else you'll fall down." Donghae simply instructed so he just kept still and silent.

"You two really look like a newly wed couple who is about to do their honeymoon." Hankyung said as he laughed silently at the scene.

"But Donghae's not carrying him bridal style." Yesung reacted.

"That's the new trend these days so hush and just agree with what my Hannie said." Heechul commanded like a spoiled brat as he glared at Yesung. 

"Well let's just leave them alone." Ryeowook suggested as he pulled Yesung away from Heechul who is about to strangle his boyfriend any minute now with Hankyung doing the same. It would only be such a waste if the carpeted floor would be stained by the AB type of blood by the weirdos.

Donghae entered their room as he settled down Eunhyuk on the bed.

"Thanks Hae I now feel much better." Eunhyuk thanked him sincerely with a smile.

"No problem now go wash I think the dinner would come here any minute." Donghae replied as he is preparing to go out again.

"Where are you going?" Eunhyuk cocked his head to one side cutely as he asked Donghae who on the other hand tried his best not to pinch those cute cheeks.

"Ahm I'm just going to ask Heechul hyung something. Don't worry I'll be back in a minute." He excused himself as he slid out of the door. Donghae immediately went to the other room and knocked violently. The door immediately opened revealing a very pissed Heechul.

"What do you- oh Hae? Yah do you want to die?! Why are you banging our door?!"

"Hyung I need your help on something." He pleaded on his brother with his puppy eyes. Heechul on the other side just raised his brows on his brother.


Donghae woke up early and smiled as he saw the sleeping angel beside him. He ghosted his finger on the beautiful face, admiring the serenity it radiates as he sleep. He carefully slid out of the covers, hoping not to wake the other. When he remembered what happened last night, he can't help but to laugh silently.


He was grinning widely when he returned to their room because he finally succeeded on pursuing his brother to help him. The bathroom door suddenly opened revealing an almost Eunhyuk with only a towel wrapped on his waist, with a few drops of water rolling down his hair to his white silky neck and chest and Donghae could only stop the urge to drool at the sight.

"Oh Hae you're back. I'm sorry I forgot to get my clothes." Eunhyuk casually said as he bent down to get his clothes from his bag.

"A-ah that's okay. I'll t-take a bath now." He immediately said as he sprinted his way to the bathroom and slammed the door closed.

"Eh? What happened to him? Oh well better dress up immediately." Eunhyuk just shrugged as he continued on finding his pajamas.

'What the heck was that? Doesn't he know how y he was a while ago? Wwaahhh I think I'm going to faint! Okay Lee Donghae relax. Relax. Asdfghjkl how am I going to relax when I know that we'll later sleep on the same bed?! I'm going to sleep with a goddess! Er, god. But he's so gorgeous so he'll be a goddess!!!' He thought as he clutched on his chest.

'I'm looking forward for a warm bath but I guess I'll settle for the cold one.' He sighed as he started stripping his clothes off.


After he was finished taking a bath, he slowly opened the bathroom door and peeked his head out. He saw Eunhyuk in his pajamas already, sitting comfortably on the bed while watching t.v.

"Ahm Hyukkie?"

"Ne Hae?"

"Ahm would you mind?"


"Ahm I kinda forgot my clothes."

"Oh okay don't worry I don't mind." Eunhyuk absentmindedly answered as he flicked on the channels hoping to find something that would interest him. Donghae took that as a cue to come out also with a towel wrapped around his waist and that's it. Eunhyuk soon regreted what he said as he looked at his 'fish'. His jaw automatically dropped at the sight. Donghae's well built chest was exposed in front of him as he was busily fondling through his clothes. He could also see the muscles on his arms, obviously the product from working hard at the gym. He immediately pulled his sight off him with a blush slightly painted on his cheeks. Donghae on the other hand immediately dressed himself up in a corner to finally have his heart slow down its beat. Yeah, he's nervous as hell thinking on what Eunhyuk probably thinks of him at the moment.

Ding dong!

"Good evening sirs room service!" The man greeted as Donghae opened the door. He entered the room with a cart carrying some delicious foods for the couple's dinner. He bowed as he exited and the two thanked him gratefully in return. They settled at the table as they enjoyed their dinner. After quite some time they finished their dinner and fixed themselves for sleep.

"Ahm Hyukkie you sleep on the bed I'll sleep on the couch."

"Eh? Why? You should also sleep on the bed don't worry it's so big we could fit together." Eunhyuk inmocently said as he settled himself on a side while patting the other one, motioning Donghae to take it.

"A-are you sure?"

"Of course! I don't mind sharing the bed with you." He said as he smiled sweetly immediately making Donghae sent to heaven.

Donghae awkwardly slid inside the covers as he covered himself fully with it. He was about to close his eyes when Eunhyuk slapped him.

"Wait why did you slap me?"

"Where's my plushie?" Eunhyuk asked with a pout.

"Oh that, wait." Donghae obeyed like a husband obliging to his pregnant wife when she asked something due to her pregnancy. Donghae took a small bag from his luggage and Eunhyuk's eyes could only sparkle at the sight of the plushie. Donghae gave him the fish as the monkey stayed in his arms.

"There. I'm sorry if I forgot to give it to you that day." He apologized as he lied down the bed.

"No worries. What's great is I have him now. I'll call him Hae. Hihihi." Eunhyuk said with a giggle.

"What? Oh then I'll call this monkey Hyukkie. Mehrong!" He stuck out his tongue earning some more laughter from the other. Once their laughter died down, they kept still there in silence, only their breathings were heard.

"Good night Hyukkie."

"Ne, good night too Hae." They said to each other as they both went to their own dreamland while hugging their own plushie.


Donghae quickly took a bath and carefully went out of their room. He fished out his phone from his pocket and called Heechul.

"Yoboseyo? Hyung I'm already here at your door." The door opened and Heechul just pushed a basket on Donghae.

"Be thankful you're my brother or else you're already digging your own grave for disturbing my beauty sleep this early."

"Thank you and I love you too hyung." He could just grin at his hyung who immediately closed his door to continue his sleep. Donghae went back to their room to wake Eunhyuk up.

"Hey, hey Hyukkie wake up."

"Hmm go away I wanna sleep." The other said as he pried Donghae's hand away.

"Come on Hyukkie we're going somewhere so up up!" Donghae happily said as he pulled Eunhyuk up with his eyes still closed and hair stuck out in different directions. He led him to the bathroom to fix himself.

"Do you want me to clean you myself?" Donghae teasingly asked as he smirked. Eunhyuk immediately woke up hearing that so he hurriedly locked the door.


"I better like this or else you're dead fish for waking me up this early." Eunhyuk muttered as they stood in front of a train station. There aren't many people yet since it's still early, so early that the sun hasn't risen yet.

"Don't worry I'm sure you'll enjoy this. Oh here's the train kaja!" Donghae pulled him with his right hand because the other one was holding the basket Eunhyuk didn't notice.

"But why so early?"

"I want to catch the first trip that's why. Now don't complain anymore okay?"

They sat beside each other throughout the journey, admiring the sceneries the train is passing by. They arrived at their stop a few minutes later but they still have to walk in order to arrive at their destination. Once they've arrived, Donghae immediately pulled out a blanket from the basket as he neatly placed it neatly on the ground.

"Where did you get that?" Eunhyuk confusedly asked as he eyed the basket and the blanket.

"I've been carrying this basket all along and you just didn't notice it because you're too busy pouting. Come sit here Hyukkie the sun is coming out any minute now." He instructed Eunhyuk as he patted the space beside him. Eunhyuk, who is still pouting, just complied and once he's seated, he turned to Donghae.

"Hae I'm hungry. Do you have any food there?"

"Yep. Wait I'll just get it for you." He scumbled at the basket and get different kinds of food like sandwhiches and fruits but there is something that caught Eunhyuk's eye.

"S-strawberry milk?" His eyes glowed as Donghae handed him the milk with the straw attached to it already. He happily accepted it and started drinking.

"Hyukkie look the sun's coming out!" Donghae nudged Eunhyuk on his side and the latter glared at him because he is interrupting his quality time with his strawberry milk but then gasped as he saw the beautiful sunrise.

"Hae this is so pretty!! Wait how did you know about this place? When did you plan this?"

"I used to come here whenever we have our vacation. And well I actually planned this yesterday. You know, to try something new?" Donghae shyly explained as he scratched the back of his neck. He widened his eyes as he felt Eunhyuk hugging him tight.

"Thank you so much Hae! I love it!"

"So I'm not a dead fish?" He teasingly asked him.

"Hahaha yeah just be thankful that I love this." Eunhyuk said in return as he laid his head on Donghae's shoulder. They stayed like that until they decided to go back.

"Where do you want to go later?" Donghae asked as he settled the basket on the table. They are now back at the hotel to freshen their selves up.

"I want to buy some souvenirs, can we go to the town proper? Please?" Eunhyuk asked with pleading eyes making the other agreed immediately. They went out of the hotel and since the town was just on walking distance, they decided to just walk. The two of them immediately went to the souvenir shop to look for some goods they could take home to. They went from one place to another, enjoying the different products the residents sell including the free tastes of the delicacies there. They are now finished shopping so they're just wandering around when a certain object attracted Eunhyuk's attention. He held Donghae's arm to prevent him from walking and to also just look at that thing.

"Look Hae they're pretty aren't they?"

"Couple rings?" Eunhyuk nodded. 

"Yup so pretty right? When I'll be in a relationship I want to have couple rings. Wait, Hae where are we going?" He asked as he was being dragged inside the store.

"Well everybody knows I'm your boyfriend so it is only proper for us to have couple rings right?" Donghae answered with a smile making Eunhyuk's heart flutter.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" The two of them bowed at the greeting of the owner and began looking at the rings. Eunhyuk, although shy from the idea of buying couple rings, started to also look around.

"Hyukkie look! I like this one. What do you think?" Donghae said as he pointed at a set of white gold rings with small pieces of white stones lined up at the middle. Eunhyuk looked at it and smiled. Perfect. That's the only word he could say about his 'boyfriend's' choice.

"Did you choose something already?" The owner asked as he smiled at the couple.

"Ahm yes we would like to see this one." Donghae said as he pointed at the rings. They decided to buy it and Eunhyuk kept on arguing to pay the half of the price but Donghae insisted.

"I'm the boyfriend so I'll pay for it." He reasoned out so the other was left with no choice but to give in.

"So pretty!! I love it!" Eunhyuk exclaimed as he brought his hand with the ring up to take a closer look.

"Yup. And it really fits you." Donghae complimented as he also looked at Eunhyuk's hand. He reached for it and held it tightly making the other blush.

"Now I really feel that we're a couple. Let's go back ne?" He smiled as they started walking back.

'Okay some of the things on the list done. I just hope that I could court him formally.'

'Omo so this is how having a boyfriend feels like? I love it! But why do I love it even more when I know for a fact that Hae is the one doing these to me?' Eunhyuk happily thought as he glanced at their clasped hands with their rings on it, shining brightly against the sunlight. 

Tok tok tok!

The two looked at each other and shrugged as Donghae decided to open the door revealing a very bored Heechul with an apologetically looking Hankyung behind him. Heechul went inside and immediately slomped on the bed. They just came back from the town proper and are now resting at their room.

"Ah so bored! It feels like we did everything already and it's just our second day here!" He said as his eyes started roaming around the room. He stopped when he noticed something on Eunhyuk's finger. He looked closely at it then glanced on Donghae. A smirk formed on his lips as he realized what it really is. Couple rings. He cleared his throat as he sat up on bed.

"So.. You already have your couple rings huh? That's cute!!"

"Hyung what are you doing here, seriously?" Donghae asked as he put his hands on his waist.

"I said I'm bored."

"So? Hyung you can't find anything that's entertaining here! Just go to the game room of the hotel and play there the whole day." He suggested as he glanced at Hankyung like he's silently asking for his help. He really wants to make a move on Eunhyuk and Heechul is ruining his plans.

"Heechul-ah let's go now. They're tired and they want to rest. They just came back from town right? Now be a good girl and follow me." Hankyung cooed a pouting Heechul. He just pecked on those plump lips and smiled sweetly, making sure to make Heechul swoon over him. And, of course, he succeeded. Heechul got up and wrapped his arms on his neck dragged him out.

"Okay that was fast." Eunhyuk commented as soon as the door closed.

"Yeah and Hankyung hyung is the only one who could do that. Ah all hail Hankyung hyung for taming my wild diva hyung." Donghae said as he bowed with his arms stretched like a servant praising a king. Eunhyuk could only laugh at his silliness and once they stopped laughing, Donghae got a lot of DVDs from nowhere and gave it to Eunhyuk.

"Movies? Are we having a movie marathon?"

"Yup! Since we don't know what to do right now might as well just watch. I want Finding Nemo!"

"Hahaha that's right Hae. Love your own kind!" Eunhyuk remarked as Donghae just pouted but put the CD inside the player anyway. He stood up to get some chips and drinks and finally settled beside Eunhyuk at the bed. While watching the movie, Eunhyuk can't help but wonder how Donghae managed to bring lots of DVDs. Well, he decided to just let it be since he's also enjoying this.

"Okay what to watch next?" They just finished Finding Nemo and now Eunhyuk is the one scanning the CDs.

"This! I want to watch this!"

"Poseidon? Why? You love romantic-slash-action-comedy type of series?" Donghae teasingly asked Eunhyuk.

"Well kinda but I really want to watch this because of Choi Siwon. So handsome and manly. A prefect leading man!" Eunhyuk dreamily said making Donghae frown.

"Oh so you're a fan of Choi Siwon huh? Fine! Go and be his boyfriend." He puffed his cheeks in annoyance as he crossed his arms on his chest and pouted. Eunhyuk laughed at Donghae's actions. He doesn't know why but seeing him being jealous like that makes his heart flutter.

"Aww my boyfriend is jealous eh?" He . Donghae's pout just became longer.

"Yeah I'm jealous. I'm supposed to be your boyfriend so your eyes must be only on me." He whined like a child. Eunhyuk hugged him because he can't endure his 'boyfriend's' cuteness.

"Come on I'm just admiring him as an actor. Nothing more, nothing less. But I really want to watch this. Pretty please?" He begged so Donghae just agreed besides, he loves the feeling of Eunhyuk's hug. He wants to feel more of this but he frowned when Eunhyuk let go of the hug to put the disc inside the player. Once Eunhyuk was settled again on the bed, Donghae faced him.

"Hyukkie since I agreed on watching your crush Choi Siwon," he started, emphasizing the word crush, "You should hug me all throughout the show. I'm still mad at you you know."

"Fine fine, feeling better?" Eunhyuk said as he wrapped his arms around Donghae. "Why do I feel that you're just using him for me to hug you?" He continued.

"I did not!" Donghae definsively said as he pushed him slightly to face him. The two of them laughed as it started. They just watched there in comfortable silence, well sometimes with Donghae whining on how focused Eunhyuk is everytime Choi Siwon would appear which is apparently all the time since he is the lead actor.

"Hyukkie? Hyukkie.." Donghae lightly shook him as he was still focused on the t.v that he just hummed in response.

"Aren't you hungry yet? We're watching here for hours already and it's now time for dinner."

"Oh really? Let's call the room service then. I'll get the phone." Eunhyuk said as he paused the drama and reached for the phone. He called the room service and asked for food to just be delivered at their room. Donghae just shook his head on the scene before him. Is he really that addicted to the actor that he really just called for room service instead of going down to the lobby for dinner? Well he guessed he'll just have to deal with this fanboy, HIS favorite fanboy of Choi Siwon. A few minutes later the food came so he decided to just get it since his boyfriend was so immersed in the drama. He thanked the one who brought them the food as he arranged it in front of them. He brought the spoon filled with food near Eunhyuk's mouth and the latter gladly accepted it, eyes still glued on the tv. He continued this until both of them are full. Unknown to Donghae, Eunhyuk is secretly celebrating inside his mind because of the treatment he is getting from him.

'I would love to do this every time only with Hae. Aww I just wish we're really an official couple.' He thought.

It's already midnight and the two are still watching. Oops I mean Eunhyuk is still watching.

"You know Hyukkie you can't finish that one overnight. Let's sleep now. Don't worry I'll let you take that DVD home." Donghae bribed him because he already wants to sleep since they'll leave for Seoul tomorrow morning right after breakfast. He turned off the t.v and forcefully tucked Eunhyuk on the bed. He immediately laid on the other side and hugged him. Eunhyuk gasped at the sudden action and he could feel his heartbeat increasing its speed. Donghae put Eunhyuk's head on his chest as he tenderly his hair. He just nuzzled on his chest as Donghae hummed a calming tune and before Eunhyuk knew it, he already fell asleep. 

Eunhyuk stirred in his sleep as he felt securing arms wrapped around his waist. He slowly opened his eyes to see Donghae sleeping peacefully beside him and like what he felt before, his strong muscular arms are wrapped protectively at him. He took a close look on how handsome he really is. He is still busily admiring the angel beside him when he suddenly heard him speak. 

"Staring is rude Hyukkie." He jolted up from his seat due to embarrassment but he was unable to since Donghae is hugging him tightly.

"Where are you going? Did I already tell you to go? By the way how was your sleep?" Donghae asked him, still with his arms around him and he can't help but feel butterflies on his stomach.

"Yah! I thought you're still sleeping! You tricked me so I'm going out." Eunhyuk reasoned out as he pouted. He didn't make any effort to let go from the hug since he knew he'll just fail.

"Hmm well let's just stay here and sleep more." Donghae insisted as he closed his eyes again, getting ready to sleep again.

"No Lee Donghae stand up and get ready now. Heechul hyung would kill us if we'll be late for the flight." He told Donghae making the latter immediately stood up and ran to the bathroom leaving a laughing Eunhyuk. Nobody dares to defy the Almighty Heechul right?

Eunhyuk took a bath soon after Donghae left the bathroom. These past 2 days became very fun and meaningful for the two of them. They were able to know each other well and even started a true friendship, or more than that as they hoped to. But despite of being happy, somewhere in them did they felt a bit of sadness since two days were not enough for them to have a bond together. They are now on the lobby, waiting for the bus to arrive.

"Ah! I really enjoyed this trip. Hannie let's go back here some other time ne?" Heechul said as he stretched his arms and lay his head on Hankyung's shoulder.

"Sure anytime you want. We should also bring Ryeowookie and the rest." Hankyung innocently suggested making Heechul pout.

"But Hannie I want to have that trip for just the two of us! No chaperons whatsoever especially that weirdo." He pointed Yesung who just glared at him since he heard everything.

"Don't worry Heechul noona I would arrange our own honeymoon." Yesung said in return, emphasizing the word own. Heechul looked intently at him and a staring battle started. Hankyung sighed as he just held Heechul's face between his hands and smiled at him. It immediately silenced Heechul as blush started to creep up on his cheeks. All of them laughed on how timid Heechul immediately became. The bus came so they picked up their bags, thanked the staffs of the hotel and soon went inside the bus.

A/N: Part two done! Thanks for the comments and also for finding time to read this crazy story of mine! btw HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE! LET'S HOPE FOR ANOTHER FRUITFUL YEAR FOR ALL OF US AND OF COURSE FOR OUR LOVELY BOYS! LEE SUNGMIN-SSI HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! WE ELFS LOVE YOU! <3

P.S the song was really sang by Gayoon and Yoseob here's the link to the song! :D

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Chapter 3: Lol.. so cuteeee!!! They're so funny.. yeye and heenim is so epic though.. kkk~
loverlovereunhae #2
Chapter 3: Just found this...haehyuk so jelous with horsie cz monkey have a crush on horsie..
Chapter 3: Haahhhaa lol choi siwon hahaa sweet story
Chapter 3: This is sooo funny!! Lol
Chapter 3: THIS IS A GREAT FIC~~~~
Chapter 3: I want to cook Ddang !!!!!

I'm so sleepy right now by the way .. The only feeling I have is that I want to eat certain turtle :|
eunicapri #7
Chapter 3: Can donghae be hyuk and can hyuk be me?? hahahheheeheh
nabzxs #8
Are there anymore good guys left in this world, raise your hand!
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am sooooo spazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeddddddddddd!!!!!.. kyaaaaaa!!! i just <3 dis song nd dis fic made me giggle like a 13 yr old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... i'm so fluffeedd!!.. *kisses+ HUGS * to u!!.. <3 u!!