


"Ah! That vacation was the best!!" Eunhyuk said once they settled inside their house. They just tossed their bags somewhere and immediately sat on the sofa.

"You know you should thank me for insisting that you should come with us." Yesung proudly said as he stood up and tapped his chest.

"Yeah yeah thank you very much Yesung hyung." Eunhyuk dramatically thanked him as he even bowed down 90 degrees.

"Don't mention it my lovely cousin. It's nothing." Yesung dismissed him as he waved his small hand proudly making Eunhyuk rolled his eyes, still with his head bowed down.

"Well Hyukkie go to your room and rest ne? I'll take care of our things." Yesung said as he picked their bags. Eunhyuk remembered something so he immediately grabbed his bag from a confused Yesung and dug inside it, searching for his plushie. Once he found it, he hugged it like a little child and also hugged Yesung, muttering a small thank you and ran his way to his room. Yesung watched in amusement, thankful that Donghae came to his cousin's lonely life and he hoped that he is the one. Yesung witnessed how Eunhyuk grew up since both of their parents are working abroad and both being an only child, they only have each other to depend on. His cousin is such a sweet and innocent child and is willing to everything for his loved ones. He knew that now is the proper time for his cousin to experience true love.

Eunhyuk made his way to his room while hugging his Hae when his phone suddenly rang. He stopped on his tracks to check his phone. He smiled widely once he saw who the sender was.

From: Hae <3

Hyukkie! Did the three of you come home safely? Rest well ne? See you soon! ;)

'No wonder I fell in love with him.' He thought as he smiled sweetly and immediately texted back.

To: Hae <3

Ne we got home safely ^^ How about you? I saw you carrying all of your bags at the airport. Is your body aching? Rest well okay? See you soon! <3

Because of the text he received, he was able to fall asleep with a loving smile painted on his plump lips.


"Hyung where should I put this?" Donghae asked for the nth time as he tiredly brought all of their luggages with Heechul talking to Hankyung on the phone. Hankyung didn't accompany them back home since he has some business matters to attend to while he was away. So to sum it up, Donghae is carrying all of their things because Heechul doesn't want to grow muscles because it would only ruin his perfectly shaped feminine arms.

"Place all my bags in my room and then do whatever you want with your things." Heechul instructed him so Donghae could only groan and lazily dragged his brother's things and left them in the middle of the bedroom. He swear he'll someday get his revenge on his hyung. What a bad dongsaeng? Nah he's just bitter.

He tiredly entered his room as he immediately lied on his bed. Bringing heavy bags from the airport up to here sure is tiring. As his mind started to wander, he remembered Eunhyuk and suddenly, his mood became better. He took his phone out from his pocket as he texted Eunhyuk.

To: Hyukkie <3

Hyukkie! Did the three of you come home safely? Rest well ne? See you soon! ;)

He clicked the word 'send' and threw his phone at his side. Eunhyuk coming to his life really made it more interesting and he is now happier than before. Now he'll look forward to meeting his cute monkey and he'll make sure that they will soon.

He is now in the midst of falling to sleep when his phone suddenly vibrated. He excitedly got up and grabbed his phone.

From: Hyukkie <3

Ne we got home safely ^^ How about you? I saw you carrying all of your bags at the airport. Is your body aching? Rest well okay? See you soon! <3

Donghae rolled on his bed while hugging his Hyukkie (monkey plushie) tight. He can't help but to giggle alone. He could really feel the concern on the text message. Heechul passed by his room to hear his brother giggling. He opened the door a little and peeked at it to see Donghae rolling on his bed while hugging the monkey.

"Did something nice happen?" Heechul said as he lied down beside his brother and grabbed Hyukkie from him.

"Yah! That's my Hyukkie! Give him back!" Donghae said with a pout. Heechul just laughed with amusement. Seriously, he named the monkey Hyukkie? Perfect name he might say.

"Fine, fine here. So tell me what happened." He pushed the monkey back as he rolled on his stomach while resting his head on his chin, anticipating for a good story from Donghae.

"Look hyung." Donghae put his phone in front of Heechul's face making the latter push it away because of too much short distance.

"Yah hold it properly how can I read that with such short distance from my face?!" He irritatingly said as he just held himself the phone and stared at it for a while. He looked at the message then to his brother skeptically.

"A text message from your monkey." He plainly said. Why in the world would his brother look like a crazy fish because of a text? As if his mind is being read, Donghae snatched his phone and smiled like a real crazy fish. I mean, man.

"Are you blind hyung? It says here how concerned he is to me and look! A heart. There's a freaking heart in his text! Waaahhh!!" Donghae explained as he hugged Heechul tight that nearly made him choked to death.

"Okay okay! I already got your point now let go I'm dying!!" Donghae finally let go of him still with that big smile on his face.

"You're too happy. Anyways rest for a while arasso? I know you're tired." Heechul patted Donghae's head that just nodded in return and went out of the room.

"Lee Eunhyuk, look what you've done to my brother but thank you for making him happier than ever." Heechul silently said as he smiled and shook his head in amusement.


Donghae stretched his arms and scanned the room. It's dark already since it's already evening. He lazily got out of bed and proceeded to the bathroom to fix himself. After washing, he pulled his luggage to his bed and started to find something. He smiled once he saw it and immediately unfolded it. It is the song written by Eunhyuk.

"Time to get to work." He said as he sat in front of his keyboard. He was just about to start when the door suddenly opened.

"What are you doing?" Heechul asked as he brought Donghae some biscuits and a glass of milk. He saw the lyrics and decided to read it until he saw the signature at the bottom. 

"Lee Eunhyuk? He made this and you're composing?"

"Ne hyung but please be quiet. Hyukkie doesn't know about this. I just hope that he won't notice that I ripped that part or else I'll be dead." Donghae begged because he knows that sometimes his brother is careless about secrets. Heechul agreed and he even zipped his mouth as if sealing it. 

"Oh so it's a surprise. When are you planning to use this song?"

"When I'll ask him to officially be mine and you'll help me right?" Donghae asked with his puppy eyes.

"Help you? Why should I?" Heechul but later on laughed when he saw him pouting.

"Hahaha you know I'm just joking. Of course I'll help my only dongsaeng." Heechul ruffled his hair as he returned the paper to Donghae who gratefully hugged him.

Days passed with Donghae locking himself inside his room, making the perfect music for the song his love made. He read it a million times, feeling the expressions Eunhyuk felt while writing them. He is putting his whole heart in this song so that it would turn out perfect. Placing the last note on the music sheet, he smiled a contented one and jumped in joy.

"Yes! It's done! Hyung! I'm done!" He ran to their living room where Heechul is currently watching t.v with Heebum. Because of his scream, the two were startled causing Heebum to jump and scratched Heechul's arms who in return just yelled in pain. He wad about to glare at Donghae when he saw the wide smile at the latter. He just smiled in return because Donghae's smile was contagious. Joke. He still glared at him like he's about to make him into a baked fish. 

"Why are you screaming?! Look what it did to my arms!" Heechul screamed as he stretched his arms for Donghae to see.

"Oops. Mianhaeyo hyung but look! I finished it already!!" He showed him the music sheet at Heechul who just nodded.

"Okay then play it for me and let's see."

Donghae dragged his brother to his room. He sat like a professional pianist in front of his keyboard and started to play. Heechul closed his eyes, appreciating the beautiful music produced by Donghae, a product full of love. Donghae finished his piece and looked nervously at Heechul. He waited for a reaction from him because although he is divaish or the like, he has a gift for music meaning he knows what is great music from what is not. He saw Heechul opening his eyes, so he immediately looked at him, waiting for his response. 

"So?" He asked nervously. Heechul opened his mouth and he could just gulp loudly.

"Perfect." Heechul said as he sighed contentedly. He stood up and hugged him tightly.

"Gomawoyo hyung."

"Nothing to thank me for Hae. You just did a great job. I'm sure he'll love it." Heechul smiled at him as he patted his shoulder for a job well done. Now that he's finished composing, his next step is to plan on how he'll propose.


Days passed after his last text message. Days passed since he felt his presence, and he's not amused. Ryeowook and Yesung are currently at the counter table located at the kitchen, watching the dark-filled aura monkey who is sulking on a side of the living room while hugging Hae, the fish plushie. It's been an hour already since he sat on that side. The two were surprised when he suddenly got up, dragged his lifeless body, only to go to the other side. Ryeowook clutched tightly on Yesung's shirt, terrified of what's happening to Eunhyuk.

"Yesungie, what's happening to Hyukkie hyung?" He asked quietly, afraid that the attention of the subject would be diverted to him which would be the end of him.

"Well it's been days since Donghae contacted him and he's obviously not happy about that." Yesung whispered as a reply. They froze when Eunhyuk gazed on them upon hearing his Fishy's name. Yesung gulped when he saw him smirked and instantly stood up and walked past them.

"I want a turtle soup for dinner." Eunhyuk murmured, making sure that the couple clearly heard him. Yesung need not to be told twice when he suddenly dashed his way to his son.

"Don't you dare touch my Ddang!" The two who are left downstairs heard Yesung screamed from his room. Ryeowook looked worriedly at Eunhyuk then he cautiously asked him.

"Hyung are you okay?"

"Ne don't worry Wookie I'm perfectly fine." Eunhyuk replied as he gave him a creepy smile instead of a gummy one that made Ryeowook's hair stand at the end.

"I-I'll just g-go upstairs to s-see what Yesung i-is doing." Ryeowook hurriedly left Eunhyuk who is still standing there like a zombie.

"Lee Donghae, how dare you disappear and never contact me like this," Eunhyuk said with gritted teeth as he clutched his fist tight. "Waaahhhh!! I thought we have something special already!! Why!!" He cried like a helpless child while stomping on his feet. Poor monkey. He has no idea what his fishy is currently planning. He went to his room, eyes puffy and his nose red from crying as he sat on his bed. He misses him but he'll never dare to admit that or even be the first one to contact him. No. He looked at his ring as longing became stronger.

"Aish so frustrating!" He ruffled his hair and just decided to sleep.

The Yewook couple heard everything and they are worried. They kept on thinking on what he must do until an idea crossed Yesung's genius mind. He quickly dialed a number and patiently waited for it to answer.


"Yoboseyo Heechul noona."

"Noona? Oh Yesung ah waeyo?"

"Where is Donghae? We haven't heard anything from him and Hyukkie here is like a walking zombie now." Yesung reported with Ryeowook gluing his ear on the phone. They heard a laugh at the other line leaving them confused.

"Don't worry. Let's put it this way. Let's meet here at home and I'll tell you everything BUT don't bring the monkey with you and don't tell him anything." Heechul instructed. The couple agreed as they cut the line and hurriedly left. Yesung entered the car by the driver's side with Ryeowook on the other one.

"Ahm Wookie, I don't know the way." Yesung blankly said.

"Don't worry Yesungie I'll lead the way." Ryeowook answered in assurance as they made their way.


"Who's that hyung?" Donghae asked when he saw Heechul talking to someone on the phone.

"Yesung. He called me asking where you are so I decided to just tell them to come here. Don't worry I have a plan."

After a few minutes, they saw a car parking in front of their house. The door opened revealing the Yewook couple which the brothers immediately welcomed into their humble home.

"Donghae-ah, how are you? Aren't you contacting Hyukkie these past few days?" Yesung bombarded him with questions, clearly affected on what's happening between the guy and his cousin.

"Hold it Yesung don't worry we'll explain everything. First my brother's not hiding from your cousin so don't panic. And second, he's planning something that's why he didn't contact him."

"What do you mean Noona?"

"Noona?" Donghae asked in confusion.

"Well Yesung insisted on calling me Noona and I don't mind him since I'm so pretty." Heechul explained.

"Anyway back to the topic, he is planning on officially asking him to be his boyfriend, or girlfriend? Whatever. Okay so he is making a song, actually just the rhythm since he stole one of Eunhyuk's song. So-"

"What?! He stole one of his works?! Oh no if he'll find it out he'll be really angry!" Yesung cut Heechul as he nervously explained while throwing his arms in the air. 

"Will he really be angry?" Donghae fearfully asked.

"Don't worry Hae all we have to do is to perfect everything so that he won't be angry with you even though you stole it." Heechul reassured him and Donghae could only hope that they would really make everything perfect or else, he'll be really dead.

"Ahm Hyung what's the plan?" Ryeowook curiously asked him. Heechul is the one who answered with a grin on his pretty face.

"I want you to sing the song for Hae. It's a duet and it would perfectly fit to your voices." Heechul said and the couple looked at each other, uncertain if they should agree or not. They turned their gaze towards Donghae who looked at them pleadingly. They finally nodded in agreement making the brothers smile.

"Just give us the details Noona."

"Great! Don't worry we'll soon contact you for the details and please don't tell Eunhyuk anything." The two nodded in understanding and after a few minutes, bid the brothers goodbye.

"I hope everything would turn out nice." Yesung said while driving. Ryeowook held his hand and smiled when Yesung glanced his way.

"Of course, nothing's impossible if you're doing it all for love."

They arrived at the home and went straightly at Yesung's room. He picked some turtle feeds because he knows his son is hungry already. He was shocked to see the tank empty. He quickly went downstairs to the kitchen to see Eunhyuk cooking something. He gasped loud and quickly strangled him.

"Did you cook my son?! Answer me!" Eunhyuk didn't answer him but instead he laughed maniacally.

Ryeowook on the other hand crouched down under the bed to see a small creature crawling its way out. He smiled as he reached out his small hands to it. He patted its head and went downstairs to give it back to Yesung.


He heard the scream and immediately went pale.

"Yesungie NOOOOOO!!!"


Few days passed by quickly and Eunhyuk has become wearier than ever. He just keeps on checking his phone once in a while, or if not, you'll see him talking to the plushie. Yesung even once saw him tickling it. If you don't know his current situation, you'll think he's crazy, even crazier than Yesung but he would never admit that he’s crazy or even weird, all he would say is he’s unique and special.

Yesung was walking around the house when he was cornered by Eunhyuk.

"Hyung do you know what happened to Hae? *Gasp* You know something don't you?!" Eunhyuk accused him when he saw his cousin shifting his gaze everywhere except his face.

"I don't know what you're talking about! I'm innocent! Please let me go! I know nothing of your accusations!" Yesung dramatically denied everything. He thought that Eunhyuk would catch him but was surprised when Eunhyuk brought down his hands.

"Don't worry Hyuk-ah I'm sure he'll soon contact you so don't be sad ne?" He tried comforting him but was sure that it's not enough. Eunhyuk just nodded as a short reply.

He made his way to his bed and curled up like a child. He's been waiting for days now, or weeks it is, for any call or even a short text from a certain fish but he's not getting any. Because of these, he thinks that everything they did back at the vacation was drained into nothing. Heck he wasn't even able to finish Poseidon because Donghae forgot to lend him the DVD. But that's not the point here. All the sweetness he showed him, where did it go? He would be somehow relieved if even a simple hello thru text would be sent to him but to his disappointment, none came and it frustrates him. To think that there was a spark between them already. How their hands would fit with each other, their bodies when they hugged or nuzzled for those two nights that they're together, the sparkle in their eyes whenever they would look at each other, and the great feeling of being in love and being loved. He felt like those all vanished into thin air and would be very difficult to have it back. His cousin seems to know something but he doesn't have the strength anymore to know what it is. Did he try calling him? Of course! But sadly, his phone is either busy or off. He cannot connect to it at all. He would even send him messages like 'How are you? Call me if you're available.' or 'Have you eaten? Take care of yourself okay?' He already sent those kinds of messages but no reply. Did he do something wrong to make Donghae avoid him? Did his crush for Choi Siwon make their relationship like this? No it can't be! Choi Siwon is just a celebrity he admires because of his handsome face, cute dimples, great body, great acting, great- okay this is certainly not the time to praise him. He heavily sighed. He doesn't know how many times he had sighed since they separated ways and he definitely doesn't want to count it. 

*Ring ring!*

His phone suddenly rang and he immediately grabbed it to see a text message. His eyed began to water when he saw who it was, Donghae <3. He opened it as he held his breath, getting ready on how he would react to whatever it says. 

From: Donghae <3

Hi Hyukkie! I'm sorry I've been very busy I wasn't able to contact you sooner. Can we meet later at the park near your house at 5pm? I hope you'll come. I'll be waiting! ^^

If a while ago he's holding back his tears, now he lets it flow down his flawless cheeks. All those doubts, anger, and sadness just went away in an instant knowing that Donghae is sorry for his MIA episodes and he even invited him to the park. So that means he missed him too? Probably yes but for Eunhyuk, he took it as a definite yes. He looked at the clock, half past two. So he still has two and a half hours to prepare. He got up and went to his bathroom to take a long bath, erasing all his negative energy and of course his not-so-decent scent, and hurriedly went to his walk-in closet to choose what he'll wear. He looked around until he decided to wear a black wifebeater with gray cardigan and black skinny jeans and sneakers. He looked at the mirror and satisfyingly nodded at his fashion. He sprayed his best perfume all over his body and fixed his hair. He went out of his room and searched for Yesung. He frowned when he saw no one but something caught his eye. There is a note on the refrigerator. He read it and realized that it's from Yesung. 

"Stupid hyung, he should have just texted me." He shook his head as he placed it back to the fridge.


Me and Wookie are just going somewhere. Don't do anything stupid ne? Saranghae! <3

Your handsome hyung, 

He looked at his watch, 4:30pm. He still has 30 minutes left and it would take him 15 minutes to get to the park by foot. He grabbed his keys as he went out of the house and locked it. He excitedly walked his way to the park, feeling fresh and alive.


"Is everything settled?" Heechul spoke through his earpiece while wearing his sunglasses. Joke. Heechul asked Donghae who is nervously pacing around the park.

"Aish stop moving Hae! You might step on the flowers!" Heechul grabbed him from his collar making him lost his balance and fell on the grass, first.

"Ouch hyung that hurts!" Donghae complained while massaging his sore .

"Heechul noona we have to be in this position and we have to hold this right?" Yesung asked as he pointed at a banner with two blue balloons attached at both ends.

"Yup just wait for my signal on when you'll let go of it and start singing arasso?" He instructed them, absorbing the role of a director too much that he even holds a manuscript on one hand.

"Ah Chul-ah what am I supposed to do here?" A clueless Hankyung asked him. Heechul stared at him for a moment and smiled. 

"Nothing Hannie just continue being gorgeous there. All I need is your moral support. I don't want you to become tired." Hankyung, although still lost on what Heechul meant, just nodded and stood still be his baby's side.

"Hyung I see Hyukkie hyung already!" Ryeowook announced while holding a pair of binoculars.

"Okay everybody on their position! Goodluck Hae you could do it!"

Eunhyuk walked to the park and gasped when he saw flowers scattered everywhere.

"Am I in the right place? Who is that idiot who littered flowers here?! Doesn't he know how hard it is to clean?!" He reacted as he tried to pick up the flowers but suddenly stopped when he heard a familiar voice. There on the same place stood Ryeowook who is singing a familiar song because of its lyrics. He widened his eyes upon the realization but cannot react because of the perfect way it is being sung. He gasped when he saw Donghae entering the scene with a bouquet of white tulips on hands, wearing the angelic smile Eunhyuk fell for. He was very mesmerized by the look Donghae has. He is wearing a plain polo with his sleeves folded up to his elbows with the first three buttons opened, giving off a cool expression. He accompanied it with tight jeans and black leather shoes with his hair messily done. What a y sight. 

I've dreamt I have a boy friend like that
The first, kissing him in the street
The second, catching the early train for Chooncheon with him
The third, going on a picnic with him
The fourth, the piggy back ride
The fifth, couple-ring is basic to our love
Boo boo boo It'll be really sweet

The thought of it makes my heart flutter
I'll try to do every one a day with you
I'm so happy to be with you
I'm so happy we both are together
You're a real treasure to me, baby baby baby baby baby boo~"

Ryeowook continue to sing while Eunhyuk and Donghae stand there, smiling warmly at each other. Eunhyuk couldn't be any happier than this. He thought how did Donghae get the lyrics but he don't care and don't have the heart to ruin the moment.

If I have a girl friend, there'll be so many things I also want to do
I've always envied another's girl friend
The sixth, I'll go to late night movies with you
The seventh, I'll go to amusement parks with you
The eighth, I'll hold a surprise event for you
Boo boo boo I'll be really happy because of you

The thought of it makes my heart flutter
I'll try to do every one a day with you
I'm so happy to be with you
I'm so happy we both are together
You're a real treasure to me, baby baby baby baby baby boo~ yeah~

Yesung suddenly came out while whole-heartedly singing his part. Eunhyuk didn't notice the banner the Yewook couple are now holding so he was surprised when something floated behind Donghae. Eunhyuk's tears fell when he read what the banner says.

"Will you be mine, Lee Eunhyuk?"

I've been alone on my birthday
I've had nothing do on the weekend
But I'm eagerly looking forward to such named days

I'm so happy to be with you, I'm so happy we both are together 

Wherever we are, or whatever we do 

I really want us to be one 

Everyday what I really try to do with you, is to tell you, "I love you"
What I really want to hear from you, is such a word, "I love you"
Thank you for coming to me
I'm so happy to be with you
You are my only love, baby baby baby baby baby boo~
Baby baby baby (my one and only love) baby boo~

The Yewook couple held hands as they sang the last part of the song. They looked at Eunhyuk and Donghae lovingly, being thankful that they took part on helping the couple. Heechul and Hankyung on the other hand, stood at the side. Heechul laying his head on Hankyung's shoulder with his arm hooked on the latter's and are smiling at the scene in front of them.

Donghae approached Eunhyuk nervously and smiled at him. Eunhyuk, who is still crying, blushed so he tried to hide it by lowering his head. Donghae placed his finger on his chin to lift his face up. He took a deep breath, gathering all of his courage to ask his Monkey in front of him.

"So Hyukkie, what would be your answer?" He asked as he looked straight into the other's eyes. Both of their hearts started beating like crazy. Donghae's because of nervousness and Eunhyuk's because of too much happiness. They stared at each other for a while, enjoying the moment until Eunhyuk slowly nodded his head. He wrapped his arms around Donghae's neck to hug him and to bury his face on his neck to hide his flushed face. Donghae hugged him in return while smiling widely.

"Saranghamnida, Lee Eunhyuk." He whispered in his ear as he tenderly kissed his hair. He cupped Eunhyuk's face with his hands and slowly leaned in to kiss those plump lips he has been missing who gladly kissed him back.

"You're mine ne? Mine only." Donghae said, wiping Eunhyuk's tears away who nodded shyly at him.

"Chul-ah, you did a good job. I'm so proud of you." Hankyung whispered at Heechul who just grinned at him.

"Of course. I'm not called the Great Heechul for nothing right?" He answered as he pecked on his boyfriend's lips.

"Heechul noona is very good what do think Wookie?" Yesung asked while hugging Ryeowook from behind.

"Absolutely but Yesungie?"


"Why do you call Heechul hyung noona?" Ryeowook asked him as he turned his head a little so he could see him.

"Because I feel so awkward calling him hyung when he is even prettier than every girl I have ever seen." Yesung replied seriously.

"You're really weird. But I love you for that." Ryeowook chuckled as he kissed Yesung on his cheek.
The Hanchul couple approached them, signaling them to leave the newly-formed love birds alone. This action, though, was left unnoticed by Eunhyuk and Donghae. They let go of each other and Donghae looked lovingly at his Monkey.

“Does this mean that I’m better than Choi Siwon?” He asked teasingly making Eunhyuk rolled his eyes.

“Of course because you’re my boyfriend. And because you reminded me of him, you still need to lend me that DVD, I haven’t finished it yet!”

“What? I thought I’m better than him?! Why do you still need to borrow that?” Donghae asked in surprise, obviously annoyed for ruining their precious moment because of a certain Choi Siwon his love has a crush to.

“Of course you are! But he’s still my crush so I demand for that DVD right now or else we’re done!” Eunhyuk ordered while he stomped his feet and crossed his arms on his chest. Donghae sighed in defeat.

“Fine be thankful I love you or else. But! You have to hug me until that show was done arasso? And seriously do you really have to threat me with that? We’ve officially been together for just 5 minutes!”

“Yup because I always do what I said so you better keep your words Lee Donghae.” Eunhyuk replied as he pecked on Donghae’s lips and intertwined their fingers with the couple rings and started walking back home.

“I now officially declare myself as an anti of Choi Siwon.” Donghae murmured under his breath but smiled immediately when Eunhyuk looked at him.

TADA! Finally I was able to update this one! That would be the final chap so I hope I didn't disappoint anyone? *hides* anyways thanKyu very kamsa to those who supported and wasted their time reading and commenting on this crazy story of mine... :P I love you all!! <3 <3

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Chapter 3: Lol.. so cuteeee!!! They're so funny.. yeye and heenim is so epic though.. kkk~
loverlovereunhae #2
Chapter 3: Just found this...haehyuk so jelous with horsie cz monkey have a crush on horsie..
Chapter 3: Haahhhaa lol choi siwon hahaa sweet story
Chapter 3: This is sooo funny!! Lol
Chapter 3: THIS IS A GREAT FIC~~~~
Chapter 3: I want to cook Ddang !!!!!

I'm so sleepy right now by the way .. The only feeling I have is that I want to eat certain turtle :|
eunicapri #7
Chapter 3: Can donghae be hyuk and can hyuk be me?? hahahheheeheh
nabzxs #8
Are there anymore good guys left in this world, raise your hand!
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am sooooo spazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeddddddddddd!!!!!.. kyaaaaaa!!! i just <3 dis song nd dis fic made me giggle like a 13 yr old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... i'm so fluffeedd!!.. *kisses+ HUGS * to u!!.. <3 u!!