Chapter I


"Aww they're so sweet." Eunhyuk said as he enviously looked at the couple near their table acting sweet with each other.

"Hyukkie stop staring at them they'll think you're stalking them or worse is you're cursing them." Yesung said as he bit his pizza.

"What the heck hyung?! Curse them? If I remember correctly you're the one with the weird aura around and not me." 

"Sorry to say this Lee Eunhyuk but you're the one with that heavy aura lingering around you at the moment." Eunhyuk just sighed. He doesn't have the power and interest to argue with his cousin. He just can't help but be jealous whenever he would see a couple. He has never been in a relationship so he never experienced these kind of stuffs before.

"You know what if you're like that then just get yourself a boyfriend." Eunhyuk glared at Yesung.

"Yeah that would be possible if there would someone who would court me."

"If I could only court you so that you'll stop being like that then I would but man that would be ." Yesung disappointingly shook his head. Eunhyuk widened his eyes as he stared disgustingly at him.

"What the?! Hyung! I didn't know you have that kind of intentions towards me!" He put his arms on his chest like he's protecting himself from being . 

"Bwahahaha you should see yourself Hyukkie. Of course I'm just joking!"

"Seriously you're so gross." He's already used to this side of Yesung, but although he's really weird, he'll be forever thankful to know that his cousin loves him like his own brother that he hates to see him this depressed. 

"Besides, you know I already have my Wookie and I can't betray him."

"Hyung please enough, see my goosebumps already?" He said as he showed his arms with goose bumps evident on his skin. 

"Tell me Hyukkie, why do you want to have a boyfriend already?"

"Hmm well I want to experience loving someone and being loved. I want to celebrate our birthdays and anniversaries together. We would have pet names for each other in which only the two of us could use. Then we would have our dates at the amusement park, at the zoo, watch movies at our place while sitting side by side, oh and I want to have a couple ring!! It would be so romantic ne hyung?" Eunhyuk dreamily said with his eyes sparkling and Yesung could only chuckle.

"That's what you get from watching too much dramas on tv." 

"Waeyo aren't you and Wookie doing those things?"

"Well some of them but you know us, as long as we're together it's okay if we're only sitting and not doing anything." 

"Psh that's so boring!" Eunhyuk whined.

"Aigoo you're still really young Hyukkie." Yesung ruffled his hair as he stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"Let's walk around the mall, I heard there's a sale today."

"Really? Okay kaja!"


"Yah Lee Donghae! Would you please stop sighing?!" Donghae didn't answer him but he stopped sighing. 

"Chul-ah just let him be." Heechul just puffed his cheeks with what his boyfriend has told him. A few minutes later, they could hear sighs again.

"Why in the world of fishes are you like that huh?"

"Well hyung if you and Hankyung hyung would just stop acting lovey dovey in front of me then you wouldn't hear me sigh a million times."

"Oh.. so our fishy's jealous eh? Then just court someone already!" 

"Yeah that's easy to do but the problem is I haven't found him yet!"

"Really?" Heechul just raised his eyebrows at his dongsaeng.

"Yeah so please for the mean time, spare me from your sweet moments." Hankyung just laughed at his request. Of course the Chinaman could do that, he just doesn't know if his Cinderella could.

"Aish fine!" Heechul stood up and pulled Hankyung with him.

"Where are you going hyung?" 

"Shopping. It's sale today at the mall. You should just come with us."

"But hyung~"

"Na-ah no buts Donghae just come with us ne? Besides, you don't have anything to do here at home right? So let's go!" Donghae was left with no choice so he dragged himself towards the car and sat at the back seat with the couple at the front.


"Hannie what do you think?" Heechul asked for the millionth time as he showed Hankyung the outfit he is currently wearing. 

"Very pretty Chul." Hankyung sweetly commented making Heechul grinned widely.

"Hankyung hyung stop complimenting him already! If you'll continue that he might buy the whole mall." Donghae whined while holding many bags, all of which belong to the great Heechul. It is now very much obvious that Heechul just dragged him there so that there would be someone who would carry his shopping bags for him. 

"Hush Hae, Hannie's just appreciating my beauty." He turned around while flipping his hair as he closed again the door of the fitting room to change.

"Is he finished already?" Donghae asked Hankyung as soon as Heechul was gone.

"I guess so. Do you want to go somewhere Hae?" Donghae's eyes shone as soon as he heard his hyung's question. He nodded excitedly and pointed at the toy store adjacent the boutique they're currently in. Hankyung laughed at his boyfriend's brother for being this adorably cute.

"Okay then to the toy store we will go." Hankyung said as Heechul came out and paid for his shirt, not hearing what the two most important men in his life are talking about. 

"Okay where to go next?" He stood outside the store as he is scanning the area, though they've already visited almost all of the stores. 

"Chul-ah let's go to the toy store."

"Eh? Why?" Heechul asked. Since when did his Hannie became fond of toys?

"Hae wants to go there." Ah that explains it. Of course, among the three of them, only Donghae would suggest that they should visit a toy store. Heechul looked at his dongsaeng to see him doing his famous fishy puppy eyes. He sighed, obvious that those eyes worked on him.

"Arasso let's go there."

"Yey!" Donghae dragged his hyungs towards the toy store happily and the couple can't help but smile at that. Their baby brother would always be a baby at heart.

Inside the toy store...

"Oh look I guess I should buy this for Ddang so that he'll have a playmate if I'm not around." Yesung stated as he held a turtle toy at Eunhyuk's face who in return stared at him with an are-you-kidding-me look. What are they doing inside a toy store? Only Yesung knows why. 

"What?" Yesung asked innocently, as if buying your turtle pet a plushie is one of the most normal things to do. 

"Hyung how can it be Ddang's playmate if it wouldn't even move?"

"Oh that? Well he knows how to play by himself."

"What is he? A toddler? How can he know how to self-play?!"

"Well I taught him how to. He needs to be independent whenever his appa isn't around." He said proudly, pertaining to himself as the 'appa'.

"You're hopeless hyung." He surrendered as he started to look around the store, leaving a convinced Yesung that he should really buy the toy for his 'son'. There on a shelf near him, he noticed two toys hugging each other with a heart at the center. He took a close look at it and started to wonder.

'How can a monkey and a fish be a couple? That's ridiculous.' He shook his head as he turned around but he stopped when something tells him to take it. It's as if someone is telling him to buy it. He touched the fish and was shocked when a hand held the monkey. He looked up to see a beautiful creature looking curiously at him.


"Hyung! Hyung! Please hold these bags for me!" Donghae said as he pushed the bags at Heechul. Well he won't be able to scan the place properly if he has many bags with him right?

"Argh why did I agree to go to this store again?" Heechul said and sighed, while he unwillingly held his shopping bags. How he hates to bring heavy bags, it would only ruin his beautiful hands because calluses may appear, well that's only according to him. 

"Because you love your brother." Hankyung stated as he helped him with the other bags although he himself already holds some. Yeah, such a sweet and caring boyfriend this diva has.

Donghae happily scanned the area for some cute fish plushies he could take home with.

"Fish plushies fish plushies where are you~" He happily sang, ignoring the weird stares he received from the people inside the store. If you would see a handsome man who is acting like a 5-year old kid inside a toy store, wouldn't you also find it weird? Yes? Okay back to the story.

He was still scanning the area for some fishes when a rare toy caught his eye. It's a monkey holding a heart and when he focused his gaze at it, he realized that a fish is actually hugging the monkey and the heart.

'Hihihi a monkey and a fish. That's cute.' He thought as he decided to touch the monkey when he saw a hand held onto the fish. He looked at the man curiously and was mesmerized by its beauty.

"Oh I'm sorry are you also planning on buying this?" The beautiful creature spoke and he thought fireworks began popping inside his head.

'Am I dreaming? Or am I dead? Why is there an angel in front of me?' He was so mesmerized by his beauty that he forgot to answer the question of the other. 

"So cute." Donghae murmured making the other stare at him confusingly making him snap.

"I.. I mean the toy. Yeah the toy's cute. Hehehehe." He embarrassingly scratched the back of his head.

"Are you going to buy it? But I saw it first." Eunhyuk repeated as he tightened his grip at the toy. 

"Aww too bad I also want to buy this. It's the last piece if you noticed and I saw this first so I guess I have the right to buy this." Donghae replied as he too tightened his grip. Now it's like they're arguing on who saw the toy first.

'You may be cute and looks like an angel but I won't lose this toy to you.' Donghae thought.

"Please let go there are other toys in there that you could buy right?" Eunhyuk patiently said hoping the other male to give up. 

"Sorry not working. I collect fish plushies and I wanna add this to my collection." Donghae replied. No one is willing to give up and soon a tug-of-war began. 

"What's happening here?" Ryeowook suddenly spoke making the two turned their heads at him. He is currently with Yesung since they agreed to meet at the mall because Yesung was whining at him about Eunhyuk's disapproval of his father's antics in raising his child, also known as Ddangkoma.

"Wookie?" The two chorused as they looked at each other.

"You know him?" They also said in chorus as they stared at each other.


"Would you stop copying me!" They are now starting to get irritated with each other because they keep on saying the same words together.

"I'm not copying you! You are the one who is copying me!" Donghae snapped at Eunhyuk. 

"I am not!" Eunhyuk reacted quickly.

"You really know him then?" Donghae asked, puzzled. 

"Of course because his boyfriend is my cousin Yesung hyung. And you? How did you know him?"

"He's my favorite hoobae at our school."

"Hyungs? What's happening here? Why are you two holding that plushie?" Wookie tilted his head to one side cutely as he asked his two hyungs.

"Well I saw this first so I grabbed it but this fish here held the other side I want to buy this but he wouldn't let go!" Eunhyuk explained in one breath. Ryeowook was shocked because he could really sense that he is annoyed because he rarely speak that fast, unless he's irritated or not in the mood. 

"Yah! Who's the fish?!"

"You are!"

"I'm a fish! Ha! Then you look like a monkey!" Donghae stuck out his tongue making Eunhyuk widened his eyes at the childishness of his opponent.

"I have a name and that's Donghae and FYI I was the one who saw this first so I have the right to buy this." Donghae proudly said so Wookie just looked at Yesung confusedly.

"No you're not!"

"Yes I am!"



"Enough!" The two of them looked to see an annoyed Heechul glaring at them. The two gulped seeing a furious Heechul. Who knew how and when Heechul came there. Donghae knew how his brother is if he is angry while Eunhyuk, although he doesn't know him also felt scared because of the evil aura surrounding him despite the pretty face.

"Yah Donghae what's taking you so long?! Can't you see we're waiting?!"

"But hyung I would have bought this already but this monkey here doesn't let me do so." Donghae reasoned out making Heechul raise his brows as he moved his gaze towards the monkey, er Eunhyuk.

"Are you the monkey?" Heechul pointed his beautiful finger to Eunhyuk, still with his brows raised.

"Er, I'm not a monkey and my name's Eunhyuk." Eunhyuk cautiously said.

"Whatever. What are you doing to my brother?"

"There is a misunderstanding here miss he--" Yesung tried to explain but was cut-off immediately by Heechul.

"Yah! I'm not a miss! I'm a guy! Well although I'm prettier than most girls." Heechul said as he artistically flipped his hair. Yesung tilted his head to a side in confusion. Everybody just rolled their eyes at the two weirdos. Yes, everybody meaning even Ryeowook and Hankyung.

"Uhm hyungnim I'm not doing anything to your brother. He's the one who's causing the commotion here!"

"What?! Hyung don't believe him! I'm your brother you should believe in me!"

The two kept on arguing when Hankyung approached them and held the toy. He separated it because the heart in the middle can be separated.

"Here you can just share." Hankyung calmly said as he gave the monkey to Donghae and the fish to Eunhyuk. 

The two looked at each other with faces red due to embarrassment. Why didn't they notice this before? Nobody knew.

"But it's not complete. It's still prettier if they're together." Ryeowook stated as he closely looked at the toy.

"Well buy that with you sharing the price and then work on how you'll keep it together." Heechul suggested as he smirked. Honestly speaking, if you'll take a look at the two arguing kids, I mean adults, they look so cute together.

'Maybe he is the one Hae is looking for.' He thought as he looked at the arguing fishes monkey and fish.

"I know! Maybe we should all hang out together! I both know the two parties besides, I can see Yesungie and Heechul hyung getting along well." Ryeowook innocently suggested making the two weirdos glare at each other.

"By the way we haven't introduced ourselves right? I'm Hankyung, I'm a Chinese and the boyfriend of Heechul. Nice to meet all of you." Hankyung introduced himself in his broken Korean.

"This is Heechul my boyfriend and his brother Donghae." He introduced the brothers to the rest and the two smiled at them.

"This is my boyfriend Yesung hyung and this is his cousin Eunhyuk hyung." Ryeowook greeted and introduced his companions in return.

They went to the counter and paid for the toy and went out together. They're at the door when Donghae and Eunhyuk stopped.

"Let me bring that." Donghae said as he grabbed the newly bought plushie from Eunhyuk.

"No! What if you'll run away with that?!"

"Tsk don't be such a paranoid okay? I'm just trying to be the gentleman here." Donghae retorted making Eunhyuk blush and finally let go of the toy. Unknown to those two, several eyes are watching their every move with smiles on their faces, innocent and evil smiles.

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Chapter 3: Lol.. so cuteeee!!! They're so funny.. yeye and heenim is so epic though.. kkk~
loverlovereunhae #2
Chapter 3: Just found this...haehyuk so jelous with horsie cz monkey have a crush on horsie..
Chapter 3: Haahhhaa lol choi siwon hahaa sweet story
Chapter 3: This is sooo funny!! Lol
Chapter 3: THIS IS A GREAT FIC~~~~
Chapter 3: I want to cook Ddang !!!!!

I'm so sleepy right now by the way .. The only feeling I have is that I want to eat certain turtle :|
eunicapri #7
Chapter 3: Can donghae be hyuk and can hyuk be me?? hahahheheeheh
nabzxs #8
Are there anymore good guys left in this world, raise your hand!
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am sooooo spazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeddddddddddd!!!!!.. kyaaaaaa!!! i just <3 dis song nd dis fic made me giggle like a 13 yr old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... i'm so fluffeedd!!.. *kisses+ HUGS * to u!!.. <3 u!!