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The atmosphere at this moment was filled with tension.

Both were staring at each other without any words slipped past their mouths until finally Donghae, who was curving a small smile, an awkward sheepish smile on his face since he knew Sehun already saw him. He gulped down in the middle. Slowly, stuttering whilst asking.

“What a-are you doing here, Sehun-ah?”

“I was the one who supposed to ask you that, hyung.” Sehun said.

“I…I…” Donghae lost his words.

“And, what is my son doing in your arms, hyung?”

“Your son? No. It’s not your son. This is my son. Yes, my son.”

Sehun quirked his eyebrows, his gaze continuously shifting from Donghae’s face who seems devastated with his appearance and his question towards the older one to his son who was still sleeping inside of the older’s embrace. He tried to keep calm in order not to surprise his just born child.

“Your son, hyung? Hyung, I know my son very well. I saw him just after Narae gave birth to him.”

“…Narae. Oh, your wife. She is safe, right?” Donghae asked.

Suddenly, the hallway was filled and echoed with his loud laugh. He’s a little horror. His laugh also had startled Sehun’s bundle of joy who still wrapped in white clothes, starting to lowly whining. Donghae stopped when he heard the small voice, giving a glare to the innocent one.

“You shut up. You supposed to die with your mother.”

“Hyung!” Sehun exclaimed, getting furious with his brother’s words.

“Yes. I’m telling the truth. I hit her so hard with my own car, her blood was still there if you want to see but I don’t understand…” Donghae paused, shaking his head and his eyes were quivering, trying to figure out how these can happen. “… I don’t understand how can both of them still alive. This child of yours and Narae should be in the hell now!”

Donghae yelled at Sehun. The man ran his slender fingers across his locks; he was still wondering what’s going wrong with his closest brother, from another mother and father. He shook his head, several of whys questions lingered around his head.

“Hyung –“

“You’re just so lucky, aren’t you?” Donghae cut Sehun right away.

Sehun tilted his head, asking him by beckoning the latter with his ‘what do you mean’ expression.

“You supposed to be in pain. Suffering and living inside a really miserable life instead of being happy; having a child and even holding a really big position in the company!”

“What is wrong with you, Lee Donghae?!”

“Don’t you still get it? Can’t you see how much I hate you, Oh Sehun?”

“But what have I done to you for you to treat me like this?”

“You’re the reason why she was suffering. You’re making me suffering too, by taking her away from me and now you even want Narae to yourself. How greedy are you, Sehun.”

Sehun was dumbfounded.

“You can’t have both. One of them has to die and this mean this child has to die.” He said in a low tone, throwing his head backward whilst letting his eyes swallowed close as he was laughing like a mad man.

“Her?” Sehun abruptly asked Donghae, causing the man to stop his laugh and looked even madder at Sehun.

“Her. Hye Eun, the girl that you killed. Song Hye Eun.”

“Song Hye Eun…”




      Sehun was leaning against the big shady tree behind the university.

He closed his eyes calmly after he tapped the play button on his playlist, putting his earphones on. The breeze was slowly brushed on his slightly long hair, making the fringe that cover the forehead blew away, flashing his forehead slightly. He will always looks so good whenever he putting his hair up but he doesn’t even bother about his hair, he just let them long and covering his forehead. As long as that hair didn’t bothering him from giving attention in the class, he shrugged the thought of cutting them away.

A female peeked slightly behind the wall, covering as she smiled to herself while quietly staring at Sehun’s sleeping face. She shook her head as she realized of what was she doing at this moment but she just couldn’t help it. She always has her eyes on him; he was the ice prince of the university and everyone knew him because he was the top student of the university. No, she didn’t like him because how popular he was in the university or how smart he is. It was because of this one incident that she still remembered until now.

“At least she’s studying unlike you guys, came to university only to be in love and fail the exam.”

Those words.

She still remembered it. He said those words to the females, the Queen Bees of the university who kept disturbing her studying in the library. They were calling her names like Noob, Lame, Nerdy and will never stop disturbing her until she got embarrassed or crying in the public. Sehun who can’t stand watching it (someone else who didn’t study was trying to bring someone who committed to study down), came and shut them down with his fierce statement.

One day, she was trying to thank him for backing her up from those Queen Bees, following him from behind as she was too shy to shout out loud in the public for his name and that’s how she found out about his special spot, in the backyard of the university, under the shady tree; either for sleeping, reading or eating his lunch.

Until now, the female doesn’t dare to meet him straight away. She was trying to open but Sehun just walked away or always have his earphones in, cancelling her intention right away.




Sehun lifted his eyebrow up in amusement.

“Are you serious, Donghae-hyung?”

“What? Of course I am.”

“What make you like her, what’s her name again?”

“Hye Eun. Song Hye Eun.”

“Yeah. Tell me why you like her?”

“She just – different. She isn’t like the other females who were trying to steal those guys’ attention and she was so good in studying too. Imagine how we will be studying together. I will improve my result just in a blink.”

Sehun laughed, shaking his head as he lay down on his bunk with a book in his hand.

“Then, go and confess.”

“Unfortunately, I don’t dare.”

“Then, I can’t help it.”

Sehun shrugged up, opening his book again and started to read the content quietly. Donghae who noticed how the young one was so immersed into his book again, rolled his eyes in annoyance, and taking a pillow to throw at him.

“You ignored hyung again. Ugh.”

Sehun ch

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Chapter 22: OMG !! This was so good authornim but don't end it here please!!
Chapter 22: Dont leave is hanging pleaseee
Jisoo_Kim #3
Chapter 22: already finale??? are you going to make an epilogue?? at least Sehun and Narae are together and happy
thank you for updating authornim : )
Chapter 22: so at last he commit suicide ? aww ~ too bad he choose that to end his life.. but nah.. at least Oh Sehun and Narae is happy.. Thankyou for the great story..
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 22: Thanks authornim
_nxbila #6
Chapter 21: it's okay authornim your well being is all that matters
Jisoo_Kim #7
Chapter 21: it's okay I won't unsubscribe it. still waiting for next chap...
fighting authornim : )
Madhura1234 #8
Chapter 21: It's okay do not be sad
Chapter 21: himnaeseyoo!
charcy26 #10
I love the storyline