
Before You
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"How bad could it be?"

If Han Sumin could go back in time, she would, and she would punch some sense into herself for stupidly believing that she could handle how 'bad' working in the hospital was.

But even the word 'bad' seemed like an understatement, especially when you were working for that beast in human form, Dr. Oh Sehun.

Working as his assistant for nearly a month felt like a century. He gave her difficult jobs that drove her mad, even some to the point where it was not even about being an intern anymore. From day to night, Sumin was seen running around their hospital like a headless chicken. 

She just wanted to cry, reflecting on everything that has happened since she became an official intern at Shinhwa General Hospital.


The day after the incident on her first day, she followed as told and headed to the hospital at 6 in the morning only for Sehun's former assistant, Jimin, to tell her that Dr. Oh does not go there until 9 in the morning.

"2 hours earlier?" Sumin snapped. "Is he for real?"

Jimin nodded. "Being Dr. Oh's assistant means lots and lots of paperwork," Jimin handed her a stack of documents. "The black planner on top contains Dr. Oh's schedule. All scheduled surgeries, appointments, meetings, special university lectures with him as a speaker, and other commitments. Dr. Oh is a surgeon on the demand so I would review that planner like a textbook, if I were you."

Jimin then pointed at the stack of documents below the planner. "Those are Dr. Oh's current patients' files. Every folder has a x-rays, body scans, medical procedures suitable for the designated surgery, and your job is to keep track of all those and along with some research on new medical procedures that would fit the area of surgical procedures. Remember Sumin, one single mistake ruins everything and believe me when I say you're going to die before you can put M.D. at the end of your name."

Sumin gulped. "That does not sound scary at all," She said sarcastically making Jimin chuckle.

"Good luck," He said. "Just endure it and, believe me, you'll earn Dr. Oh's respect. Right now, he is probably just roasting you because you started on the wrong foot. If you prove him wrong, he will be really impressed. Trust me."

Jimin bid her farewell as he headed to the break room. Sumin bowed, thankful that despite he was no longer Sehun's , he still made time to show her the ropes on being Sehun's assistant. Sumin took a deep breath and slowly walked to their break room, documents in hand.

"Alright," Sumin stretched her arms. "Where should I start?"

She took the black notebook on top to see all of Dr. Oh's scheduled surgeries and what amazed her was that he was booked in most of his available schedules. The next surgery was going to be in 4 weeks assuming that the patient's diagnosis proved positive in Lateral Abdominal Wall Hematoma. Sumin took a deep breath and nodded at herself before setting the notebook aside and proceeding to the stack of papers.

"Oh damn," She whined to herself, this time, making sure she was alone. "How does that even have the time to take a look at stuff like these?"

She harrumphed and began lightly slapping herself, shaking her head. "No, Sumin! You must note let him defeat you. You got this!"

Sumin started scanning through every article, highlighting, pasting post-it's and other miniature notes. She was not even sure how long she was there when allowed herself to have a 5 minute nap, feeling she deserved it after going through almost half the stack.

"Hey! Sumin, wake up!" She woke to the sound of Hana's shrill voice. Sumin slowly opened her eyes to see Kento, Misuk and Hana all looking at her. Sumin got up and stretched her arms, and looking at her fellow interns

"What time is it?" Sumin yawned.

"It's 11:35 a.m," Misuk answered making Sumin gasp and stand up. "Dr. Oh's been looking for you. Right now, he's doing rounds with Taehyung assisting him. Poor boy nearly peed his pants when Dr. Oh called him."

"!" Sumin hurriedly grabbed her clipboard, along with Dr. Oh's schedule. "I better get going!"

She waited for neither of the interns to respond as she dashed through the hallway, trying to catch a glimpse of Dr. and hoping that he does not end her life just because she fell asleep through it. She sighed in relief when she arrived on the 3rd floor just in time for Sehun to come out followed of a room followed by still-shaking Taehyung. She hurriedly ran towards them and the moment Sehun saw her, he looked absolutely far from delight.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Oh," Sumin bowed in 90 degrees. "I was keeping track of your appointments, going through medical procedures and I took a little break but it ended up being more than I hoped for."

Sehun looked at her and scoffed. He grabbed the clipboard from Taehyung and nudged for him to leave before tossing it to Sumin which, unfortunately, landed on her head. Sumin knelt down and grabbed the clipboard before slowly looking at her boss.

"I don't accept petty excuses, Dr. Han," Sehun said monotounsly though it did not make his tone sound any less condescending. "Falling asleep when you're on duty is inexcusable. What if it was an actual surgery but not one of us could find you since you were 'asleep'?"


"You'll get 2 extra hours on your shift tonight," Sehun said with the same blank expression, though Sumin could tell he was enjoying his torment towards her. "This matter is punishable and I do hope you take your time to reflect on your mistake and learn from it. It's lunch time now, you know what to do."

Sehun was about to walk past her when Sumin just had question marks spinning around her head. "Dr. Oh!"

"What?!" Sehun asked, irritably turning.

"What do you mean 'I know what to do'?" Sumin asked dumbly.

Sehun rolled his eyes, muttering incoherent words to himself though Sumin heard the tiny phrase - "Park Jimin, that forgetful idiot." - Sehun then turned to her. "As my assistant, it's your job to get me lunch."

"P-Pardon Me?" Sumin asked, in disbelief.

"You're my assistant, aren't you not?" Sehun asked. "I already called Bibimbowl. You just need to pick it up under my name. Have it back here my noon."

"But Dr. Oh," Sumin reasoned out. "Isn't that located in downtown? It's rush hour - I don't think I can make it back here in time."

"Then you better hurry then," Sehun smirked. "Unless you want another 2-hour extension in your shift. The clock is ticking, Sumin. tick-tock. Tick-tock."

Sehun laughed and Sumin did everything she could to restrain every fiber in her being from punching him on the face as he walked away. Sumin glanced at the clock and cursed when she saw that it was almost half past eleven, and she just ran out of the hospital, hoping there was a cab that would give her a miracle.

Okay, Jimin did not give her a heads up that being assistant also meant being some kind of hospital nanny to that Doctor Brat who felt like he could just punish her as he please just because he was some high and mighty handsome god of surgery.

She glanced at her watch, feeling her heart raise at every tick, knowing that her fate laid in the hands of a stupid downtown bibimbap.


Sumin slammed her elbows against the tiny table in the break room, remembering that first scenario. She was 5 minutes late but she ran as if she were an Olympic athlete to his office only to find him feasting on a bibimbap from across the hospital with an excuse that she was taking long and he got hungry. She wanted to just bang his head against the wall just as much as she did before.

To make matters worse, the official announcement of interns' shifts came out, and he just had to give her the worst shift of all for that term. The graveyard shift which was an 8-hour period from 6 in the evening to 2 in the morning, along with being his assistant who was to be with him to prepare his early in the office and be with him as long as he was there.

He really played hard and dirty - but that wasn't the worst case he gave her. Sumin cringed at the next one.


"Okay, Dr. Oh," Sumin knocked on his office door. "I brought the coffee that you wanted. It's the pure dark continental roast and I have got to say, it took me a lot of effort to find that. I even reached Namdaemun just to find that authentic shop that brews them."

She gently placed it on his desk only for him to crush her dreams - yet again.

"Thanks, Sumin, but no thanks," Sehun said, unimpressed, leaning against his seat and setting the coffee towards her.

"W-What?" Sumin asked, forgetting to speak formally.

Sehun smiled fiendishly. "I said I wanted decaf."

"No you didn't," Sumin said. "Dr. Oh, I don't remember you mentioning any decaf."

"And who are you to question me?" Sehun retorted. "I asked decaf and I know it. Get me another one."

"A-Another one?" Sumin asked, completely agaped. "A-As in I have to go back there to get another one?"

"Of course," Sehun nodded. "I said I wanted decaf didn't I?"

Sumin wanted to punch him on the face but she plastered the most annoying smile she ever could and pirouette. "Yes, Dr. Oh. I will get your pure dark continental roast all the way from Namdaemun!"

Sumin grabbed the old cup and headed out of his office, throwing the cup down the nearest trash bin and imagining she was throwing Oh Sehun instead.

"Dr. Brat," She muttered as she walked towards the doors. "Pure dark continental ."


"ing ," Sumin muttered, yawning and stretching her arms. "How does he expect me to remember all this by tomorrow?"

It was supposedly just another shift for Dr. Han Sumin. She would roam around and check on patients, analyze X-ray and CT scans and be on call in case an emergency surgery came up and Dr. Oh was needed but this time, she was just stuck in the break room, papers and textbooks scattered all over the desk. There was too much information needed to be crammed in the 9 hours she had left.

Tomorrow, at 11 am, Dr. Oh Sehun was going to demonstrate a live surgery in front of his interns. It could have been a dream come true, to see the infamous 'god of surgery' work his magic, to show everyone why he deserved that title. It was the dream, except Sumin seemed to be cursed to be associated with him.

Because in every head surgeon's surgery, there was an assistant and unfortunately, that title was given to the one and only Han Sumin. She did not know whether to thank her boss or kill him for it.

She glanced at the clock to see that it was 2:30 in the morning. Her shift finished 30 minutes ago but what's the point of

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Thank You for reading "Before You"! ❤️

Featured: November 25, 2017; Finished: December 24, 2017


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Chapter 25: Pregnant sumin is so cute with her cravings. But her first trimester reminds me of mine a few years ago i still have goosbumps every time i remember of the morning sickness. Gosh i couldn't eat ANYTHING for 5 months the only thing that didn't come back out was my mum's cookings. That was a horrible experience i got trauma of pregnancy 😂

Sehun is such a perfect husband and dad. I wish my husband is like him lmao 🤣
But wth is he doing not buying his wife a car with all the money he got? Letting her still use buses for transportation when she's heavily pregnant 😅
This is a nice story, so fluffy and full of romance. I got a lot of crazy smiles while reading this. Thanks for sharing with us
Chapter 24: Woaaah after all of those drama with joohyun, they finally got married. Sehun is such a sweet husband. Let me list the green flags
1. He's super handsome
2. He's got a good career
3. He's filthy rich
4. He's caring
5. He's everything that a woman wants
The list could go on and on i'm just so happy they're finally together for real this time no misunderstandings.

But considering how passionate in love they are, i'm surpised they didn't do anything for a YEAR?? that is a lot of self control right there especially for a guy 😅 what are they? Religious people? 😂

They should've had the talk before getting married considering they both are a doctor. Like planning on when they want to have kids and what kind of birth control methods they're gonna use. talk is so important especially when they haven't done anything. At least let them enjoy the honeymoon phase before babies. I know because i got one and she's a pain a sometimes but i still love my baby so much 🥰

The scene is beautiful. Sehun was so gentle with his wife he knows what he was doing there. Definitely a green flag!
Chapter 10: OMG i was sooo happy reading the previous chapter. They were so sweet and taehyung making him jealous was the best part. I couldn't stop smiling, plus they were gonna have dinner at sumin's place. I was too naive thinking thag it was gonna go smoothly and something was gonna happen at her place. Then the came back. She's so manipulative i hate her character so much. This chapter is just sadness it hurt me too seeing how sumin's was treated by sehun. He's so mean to her 😭
I'm glad minseok talked to him about the issue. I hope its not too late now. I hope taehyung is not there at sumin's place try to comfort her when sehun gets there 🥲
Chapter 6: Okayyyyyy both of them showed some feelings. I wish i could witness more of their banter but well, i guess this story's meant to be light and fluffy. Don't get me wrong i also enjoy their cute interactions. Isn't it time to move on, oh sehun? 😉

Anyways, i was curious whether kento is a fictional character or not so i googled his name and damn he's fine 😆
Chapter 3: Hello im an old subscriber but just started reading this now. First chapter is interesting. Sehun's character is interesting. I'm sure there will be a lot of fun reading their interactions :)
One of the best stories (old subscriber)
22 streak #7
Chapter 25: Awww how could they be this sweet to each other!!
Pinnk78 #8
Chapter 8: Why i am jealous of a fanfic couple...oh my single life
Chapter 25: reread this after so long. I don’t believe this was finished 2017! It’s been so long. I remember waiting for updates lol.
mizzinformation #10
I come back here from time to time to re-read this. Thanks for sharing this with us :)