Ugly truth

You're my MVP
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Fida POV

Donghae acted weirdly today… I kept thinking what he was up to “did he want to give up me completely? Does he already find someone else? But he said he still loves me…” while I was laying awake on my bed my door was knocked “come in…” I said
“Fida… you already want to sleep?” it was Khun oppa
“oppa… what’s up?”
“you were with Donghae for the whole day?”
“em… he looked so down because he lose the MVP title so I accompanied him to cheer him up”
“oh, I saw you outside just now with him… he hugged you”
“as I know, Donghae never care about the title before… it’s weird he was so into it now…”
“he told me last night that he wants to win the title…”
“it was weird how Eeteuk could win over Donghae… everyone agreed that Donghae is the best player…”
“I think so, but it was judged by the expert… maybe Eeteuk oppa was better than Donghae oppa in their eyes… who knows”
“Vic told me, Eeteuk asked her Donghae’s phone number”
“maybe he worried I was with Donghae oppa for the whole day. I switched off my phone, so maybe he tried to contact Donghae oppa…”
“a lot of weird things happened today, but there’s one thing I’m so curious about”
“what is it oppa?”
“Look at this” Khun oppa showed me a picture on his phone. It was Eeteuk’s picture with a ChungDahm’s player; the one that tried to me before, they were hugging each other.
“what is it oppa?”
“you know the guy with Eeteuk?”
“em. He was the one that tried to me before”
“Eeteuk and ChungDahm’s captain, Chansung… don’t you think it’s weird?”
“erm… maybe that guy just congratulated Eeteuk oppa”
“Hongki was the one who captured this… he said he saw them behind the changing room, they were talking to each other secretly… don’t you think this is suspicious?”
“I… I… don’t know… I have no idea what it means…”
“you better ask him”
“I’ll ask him tomorrow… please send me the picture to my phone”
“ok…” after Khun oppa send me the picture, he left my room. I looked at the picture again. They were hugging and smiling friendly to each other.
“oppa… did you hide something from me?”

The next morning, I went to Eeteuk house, as I reached his house, I saw he was at his garden talking on the phone. I walked near him “if you’re a man, keep your words…” he said. He looks angry, is he arguing with someone? I better not bother him while he was talking on the phone… I was thinking. I stood silently behind him. “where were you taking her yesterday?” he continued “it was a deal… you lost, Donghae. I got the MVP… so, you need to give her up… good…” he said… A deal? And he talks about MVP…


“as I know, Donghae never care about the title before… it’s weird he was so into it now… Vic told me, Eeteuk asked her Donghae’s phone number” said Khun oppa

*end of flashback*

 “no way…” I said. Eeteuk heard my voice and turned around.
“Fida… how long have you been here?”
“long enough to hear everything! What’s with the deal?”
“you think I’m stupid? I heard everything what you were saying just now! Let me have a guess… you and Donghae oppa have a deal about MVP, am I right?”
“ne…” he said while trembling
“no wonder you both were so into MVP title… so what’s the prize? Don’t tell me…”
“huhh… what do you think I am? A betting prize?”
“Fida… It was a deal between men…”
“I’m so disappointed with you”
“I’m sorry…”
“oppa… what else are you hiding from me?”
“then explain to me about this” I showed him the picture
“it… it was…” he was trembling again
“tell me the truth oppa… who do you think I am? Am I still a stranger to you that you’re hiding a lot of things from me?”
“I’m sorry… to tell you the truth, he’s my brother”
“what? You never told me that”
“I’m afraid”
“it’s like I never knew who you are…” I said and left him. I went to Donghae’s house to tell him to forget about the deal he made with Eeteuk. As I reached his house, his house was locking with padlock. “where the hell are you going oppa?” I said to myself. Then I went to halmeoni house the house next to Donghae’s house. I knocked the door “halmeoni are you inside?” I asked while knocking. Not long after that she opened her door
“oh, Fida… come in” she said as she saw me
“halmeoni, where is Donghae oppa? Does he going to the market?” I asked her
“no… he left” he said while looking down
“what do you mean?”
“He’s no longer here… last night; he was packing his things and told me he wanted to find his dad…”
“huhh? did he tell you where his dad is?” my tears were rolling down my cheek as I heard what halmeoni said
“no… I don’t know where his dad is and I don’t know where he goes to find his dad… ah, he asked me to give you something, wait here, I go take that thing”
“ne…” she went inside her room and came back holding something on her hand.
“this… he told me to give you when you try to find him at his home” she gave me a CD and an envelope
“gomawo halmeoni… I better go now” I said and walked home. I tried to call his phone several times, but I got no answer…  

I sat on my bed; I opened the envelope, and found a piece of letter…

Dear my lovely Fida,

                While you’re reading this letter, I’m already left… remember the words I told you that night? Let’s just move on… make sure you’ll live happily. When I’m no longer around you, please stay healthy. I pray for your happiness no matter who will you end up being with. You choose him, and the fate also hates watching us together, so I take my step away… so, you won’t hurt anymore. I’m sorry for all the things that I have done to you. I’m such a useless guy; I can’t keep my promise to you… I let go of your hand before and made you cry a lot… I act like a stupid jerk and threw you bad words… mianhae… All the happy moment and the pain moment while we were still together make us grow up and become stronger. I won’t forget your smile… it cheers me up and makes my day… so, keep smiling. I definitely will miss your smile. Please learn to give mineral water to Eeteuk, just like you always did to me. He must be happy if you do that to him… like how happy I am whenever you give me a bottle of mineral water. It may looks nothing to you, but the drinks you give me whenever I was tired just washed away my tiredness. The locket I gave you… you can always throw it away if you think it ties you with our memories… if you want to move on… I won’t mind… but your locket is safe with me, no worries… Fida, you’re a good girl, you’re definitely will end up with someone better… absolutely better than me. if we ever meet again later… hoping we can greet each other as a good friend. The CD I gave you, it was a song I wrote to you before while trying to have you back, I was too shy to give it to you…but I still give you this because this is your song…  I’m not a great composer, but it comes from my heart… hope you like it.


I was crying hard while reading the letter “Pabo!! Why you need to leave?” I took out my locket under my shirt collar “you want me to throw this? Never! Why you’re not telling me that you’ll leave?” I took the CD and started to play it…

Looking at you (me)
Just (only) a smile
A smile immersed with shyness (yeah)
Your eyes looked sad when you looked at me
Perhaps that was when you were about to bid farewell (honey baby)

Repeating like everyday
My appearance
Missing you that it became restless

Will you forgive me?
Please think twice
Think again
I won’t let go at this moment

Make you cry
Is because of my stupidness
Letting you go
Is because I am lacking in many ways
Please forgive me who wants to forget you
Please let me have a chance to breathe again

Looking at you (me)
Tears (rolled down)
You turned me into a fool (yeah)
Perhaps when you change your mind
I will stand on the road where you used to travel back to me (baby)

You’re leaving which had been known earlier
Has no difference from a pain which cause me almost dead to me right now
Time passes

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luv it! nice fic!
@Mizuki1987 Thank you so very much for liking my fic~ i really appreciate it!! ♥ anyway feel free to read my new fic too~ ^^
OMO!!!!! So beautiful!!!!!! I love your fic!!!!!! Thanks for it!!! ^_^
I cant believe it almost ending!!! Please make them together or ill cry!! :'(
Wae?!?!? Y did Donghae lose?!?!?!? Something is FISHY AND I DONT MEAN dONGHAE!!! Its so sad i hope Fida discovers about the bet and changes her mind!!! :(
Unnie Y U NO update!!! Please update soon!!
OMG!! Theyre fighting for her heart XDDD Thats so cool~!! But now im kinda nervous what if Leeteuk turn out to be a bad plater!! o.o
Aww poor teukie but i think is fair aigo donghae that happens when ur a pabo -shakes head- i disaprove.. update soon please
OMO PLEASE UPDATE SOON~!!!!! I lub~~~~ ur story!!! If it is posibe tomorrow XDDD i can barely sleep with this story in my head all the time!!! XDD
HanieDonghae #10
Please let Fida and Donghae together again! Leeteuk is nice to Fida but I love Fida and Donghae! Hehe, I really love your story! Update soon! :D