Nado saranghae!!

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Fida POV

“arrghhhhh…” I screamed and I woke up from sleep. I had a bad dream, I dreamed that Donghae came to me with his beast face “ahh… what a dream!” I looked at the clock “6.30? aish… I should back to sleep” I was laid awake on my bed. I tried to back to sleep but I couldn’t. “aish… it’s Saturday… I can’t back to sleep!! What to do? I’ve no plan for today” I walked to kitchen
“erm… Miss, I don’t know that you will wake up early, your breakfast is no prepared yet. So, what do you like to eat?” asked a housemaid
“it’s ok…” I walked to the fridge
“Miss, is there anything you need? I’ll prepare for you…”
“It’s ok… I just want to drink milk. I can prepare it myself.”
“Miss… Please sit on dining table. I’ll prepare for you and what do you want for your breakfast?”
“ok… erm… just scrambled egg and toasted bread can do” minutes after that, she served me with a glass of milk and my breakfast. I finished my breakfast and I decided to jog. I changed my cloth. I jogged but not more than 15 minutes since I started I get tired “ahh… my stomach! I ate a lot I think! I shouldn’t have run after I ate! Ahh…” I continued by walking. While walking, I saw a granny walked slowly with her hand carrying plastics of goods. The plastics she carried looked pretty heavy and she looked so pityful. I got closer to her “halmeoni… let me help you carrying your goods!” I said
“it’s ok… I can carry it! Don’t bother yourself” replied the granny
“aniya… let me help you” I took the plastic bag she carried from her hand
“ahh… you’re such a good girl… it so hard to find a good girl nowadays” 
“aniya… you’re just went back from market?”
“ne… this all for this month stock”
“the market is pretty far, how can you carry all this from the market…”
“Only for today, usually my neighbor will help me carry all this”
“your neighbor?”
“ne… he’s a very good boy! He takes care of me like his own grandmother”
“ahh… that’s my house” she said. Her house and the neighbors’ looked so old and I could say it looked poor “ah… let’s come into my house. I’m sorry, my house is so old…” she said and let me in her house. I put all the goods in her kitchen. I sat at the living room and she brought me a glass of water
“owh, why bother yourself halmeoni?”
“You helped me… mian, it just a plain water. So, what’s your name?”
“ah, it’s ok. I’m ok with it! Thank you. Just call me Fida”
“owh… Fida? You’re not Korean?”
“ne… I’m from ______”
“ahh… ne… aish, is he already wakes up or not…” that granny mumbling to herself while looked at the door
“nugu? Your neighbor?”
“ne… I don’t know what’s wrong with him lately. He always pondered something. I saw him crying last night, he never cries since his mother passes away”
“what happened to him?”
“this boy is so pityful. His mother passed away while he was just 10 years old. Then his father married again after a year, to take care of him. His father is just a lorry driver and only went home after 2 to 3 days on road sending equipments to the factory. His step mother always scolded him and hit him without reasons. He always came and hid in my home if his mother scolding him.”
“oh… so he still leave with his step mother?”
“no… after 3 years of marriage, one day his father went home on midnight and found his wife and a guy in his house. They were fighting and he left, until now there’s no news about him.”
“what happened to his wife?”
“she left home with that guy”
“and the son?”
“I take care of him since then. But he didn’t live with me; he wanted to stay in his house. But his bank account will increase every month. I think his father bank in his allowance but never told him. Since then, his hatred to girls becomes deeper. He becomes wild and hot temper and always fights with others. I know and I understand what he get through, he didn’t want to be bullied by others because he has no parents, he just trying to be looked as strong and tough person,  but somewhere inside, he craving for love and attention. He’s really a good boy actually… He takes good care of me.”
“halmeoni… the way you describe him, just reminds me of my friend”
“jinjja? But I don’t think his your friend, he never befriend with girls. But recently, I saw him smiling a lot. And I heard he sang and played his father’s guitar… is he in love? Aish… no way”
 “halmeoni… you’re already going to market? Why didn’t you wake me up?” a voice came from the kitchen
“that must be him… always come in using the back door” she said to me “ne… I saw you sleep peacefully” she replied
“owh… I’ll cook for you after this” he said and came to leaving room. While he was entering the leaving room, we were both startled to see each other “Fida…?” he said as his eyes widen
“oppa…?” I said
“wae? You both know each other?”
“he’s/she’s my friend” me and Donghae said at the same time
“friend? Ah… I get it… I leave you both alone” that granny left me and Donghae alone
“what are you doing here?” Donghae asked me
“I helped halmeoni carrying her things”
“owh… halmeoni… stop hiding and peeping us!” he said. And the granny sticks out her head from behind the door and smiling. Donghae and I also smiling with her action “let’s talk in my house” he held my hand and pulled me with him
“ne…” I followed his lead and enter his house. His house was so messy with his clothes were everywhere and other stuff were here and there
“mianhae… my house is messy. You can tell me if you’re not feeling comfortable!”
“Don’t worry, I’m ok oppa!” he gathered the things on the couch and put on the other side
“you can sit here” he said as he finished. He sat next to me and we were both just quiet without saying a word
“mianhae…” he said. I looked at him. “is your wound still hurting?” he added
“it’s ok now… oppa… your eyes are swelling”
“ahh… I just woke up… maybe that’s the reason…” he said. You’re lying oppa… halmeoni said you were crying last night
“oppa… mianhae… I was a little harsh yesterday” I said
“aniya… you have rights to do that… Fida…”
“are you afraid of me? I don’t know I just have a feeling about that”
“to be honest… yes. I was scared with you. You looked like a beast eating up your prey when you beating up Eeteuk” I said and looked down
“owh… maybe you don’t know, but that’s how I used to be… Fida, I won’t get near you after this. I know I will freak you out”
“aniya… I’m ok now… erm… I wonder myself, I’m not scared of you anymore. Maybe I’m just kinda weird! So, we can be like before? chatting, play basketball, walking together and… owh, what am I saying…?” I bitted my nail
“huh…” I looked at Donghae and he was smiling
“why are you smiling?”I said
“you look cute” he said and it sweet enough to make me blush. I looked at the corner of his house, and there was a guitar. Maybe that’s his father’s guitar
“oppa… you have guitar? You know how to play it?” I stood up at took the guitar. Then, a sheet of paper fell and I picked it. “Beautiful?” I looked like a song lyrics and there were also guitar chords. Donghae stood and took the paper sheet from me and hid it on his back as he saw me reading up the paper sheet.

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luv it! nice fic!
@Mizuki1987 Thank you so very much for liking my fic~ i really appreciate it!! ♥ anyway feel free to read my new fic too~ ^^
OMO!!!!! So beautiful!!!!!! I love your fic!!!!!! Thanks for it!!! ^_^
I cant believe it almost ending!!! Please make them together or ill cry!! :'(
Wae?!?!? Y did Donghae lose?!?!?!? Something is FISHY AND I DONT MEAN dONGHAE!!! Its so sad i hope Fida discovers about the bet and changes her mind!!! :(
Unnie Y U NO update!!! Please update soon!!
OMG!! Theyre fighting for her heart XDDD Thats so cool~!! But now im kinda nervous what if Leeteuk turn out to be a bad plater!! o.o
Aww poor teukie but i think is fair aigo donghae that happens when ur a pabo -shakes head- i disaprove.. update soon please
OMO PLEASE UPDATE SOON~!!!!! I lub~~~~ ur story!!! If it is posibe tomorrow XDDD i can barely sleep with this story in my head all the time!!! XDD
HanieDonghae #10
Please let Fida and Donghae together again! Leeteuk is nice to Fida but I love Fida and Donghae! Hehe, I really love your story! Update soon! :D