Dolls (EXO)

The Lost Pages

Kyungsoo was not the average eighteen year old boy. No, he was far from average. From birth he has always lived a very controlled and sheltered life. He has never stepped foot outside of his home and rarely gets to watch the world from the few windows around the house. His father, Suho, was very very protective of him. His mother had passed when he was born and this caused Suho more pain than he would ever willingly admit. He was so scared. So scared that his precious little son would be taken from him just like his wife had. As he stood in front of his wife's grave, he swore that he would never let harm come to Kyungsoo and he would stick to his word. Since Kyungsoo had never really left his home, he was not at the same mindset as other teenagers his age. Kyungsoo's mind was still that of a sweet six year old that could see no wrong in the world around him. Most of Kyungsoo's days were spent in his bedroom where he would play with his teddy bears and dolls. Later in the day he would normally follow his daddy around, asking him so many questions about the outside world. His days would then end with a dinner with his father and then a small tea party with his teddies and dolls. Kyungsoo didn't mind the repetition in his days, because he didn't know anything else. He just enjoyed playing with his toys and seeing his daddy smile around him when he saw his son playing with the toys he made him. 

See, Suho is a doll makers. He makes dolls of all sorts and sizes and sells them at the local market for money. His little shop gets so much attention from the neighborhood families, especially the children. He took pride in the dolls he made and even put a great deal of effort in constantly giving his son dolls. All the other kids in town seemed to love his dolls, but Kyungsoo seemed to highly dislike the dolls. When Suho had asked what was wrong with the dolls, Kyungsoo had told him that he wanted dolls as big as him and that looked like him. He wanted dolls that looked like friends other kids had on the television. Suho had felt frustrated as he had no idea how to go about creating a doll for his son that he would really like. He kept trying and trying, but Kyungsoo would always push the dolls away and say they were ugly and annoying. He said he would rather drink tea alone at his parties than drink his tea with such bad dolls. Suho didn't get mad at his son though, he never tried to push Kyungsoo much as he knew the boy could get frustrated from time to time. He was always kept in the same small house, doing the same things, so Suho understood why he craved dolls that would look like real friends to him. 

Suho had decided to take a break from doll making one Sunday and sat at a bench in the local neighborhood park. He sat there watching all of these kids playing carelessly about, not worried about anything at all. He couldn't imagine how these children's parents would just let their own children run around and play with no supervision. He would never let Kyungsoo do such a thing. He was too scared he would finally let Kyungsoo go outside and play and then that day would be the last day he would ever see his son. This though made him think about other things though. He noticed how there really were no adults at this park, besides him and he also noticed how the children would wave goodbye to one another before heading most likely to their own homes. There had been four children playing together at first, but now they were broken up in three groups. Two of the boys looked alike, almost like they were twins.These two headed north of the park, while one of the other two boys headed south, leaving the last boy to head west on his own. The last boy caught Suho's eye. The boy was probably only about sixteen.  He had darker skin and dark circles under his eyes. He sort of reminded Suho of a panda. His Kyungsoo did have a soft spot for pandas. If he couldn't make dolls out of fabric that his son would like, what about dolls out of humans? They would look his age and look amazing. With a devilish smirk, he stood from the bench he had been sitting on and trailed after the unsuspecting child. 

"Kyungsoo, I made you a new doll," Suho called out to his son. Kyungsoo came running from his bedroom towards the living room, jumping up and down excitedly. 

"Where where where daddy where"!? He looked around excitedly till he saw a box his size leaning against their living room couch. He walked over to the box and began to untie the ribbon around it, before opening it and looking with huge wide eyes at his new doll. "Daddy! This one looks like a real person. I love it". He turned to his dad and smiled such a huge and innocent smile. He poked at the dolls skin, so amazed at how it felt just like his skin. The doll even looked like a panda and that made him even happier. "Does the doll have a name daddy"? Suho had always given his dolls name, so he expected now to be no different. Suho came over to the doll and lifted the heavy doll into his arms, carrying him towards Kyungsoo's room. 

"Of course Kyungie. This doll is named Tao. I tried to make him look like a panda, so I really hope you like it", He placed the doll down at his son's tea table. He checked the pulse of the boy that was now his son's doll and grinned as he felt that there was no longer a pulse. All night long he had pumped the poor boy full of sedatives until he had overdosed the young boy and thus ended up killing him. It was his first doll that he had ever made this way and he was very nervous about any accidents happening with the doll. His biggest fear being that the doll would wake up again. Kyungsoo was bouncing around his room happily as he put three teddy bears down at the tea table next to his new doll. "Daddy you have to get out now, it's tea time". 

Suho laughed as he held his hands up in the air, "Alright alright! Well tell daddy if you have any problems with your new doll", with that he left the room and went down to the basement of their house to clean up the evidence of last night's events. For the next week the doll held up really well. Kyungsoo seemed obsessed with his new doll and would never stop talking about all the tea parties he was planning for his new doll to have. He told his father he needed a second doll, because his Tao doll was beginning to feel lonely. His father could only smile and nod, promising that when he got the chance he would make his son another doll. As the second week arrived, Kyungsoo came to his father complaining about a weird smell coming from his Tao doll. Suho had checked out the doll and realized that since the doll was a deceased human being, it was beginning to smell. Reluctantly, Suho had to take the Tao doll away using the excuse of a malfunction. That night he buried the Tao doll in their backyard as well as promised himself that soon he would have more dolls for his son. Better dolls. 

For the next several weeks, Kyungsoo would whine about being lonely and how he hated that his dad had made such a bad doll. He would constantly ask his father when he would be getting a new one. Kyungsoo was not really a spoiled brat like he seemed with all of his whining and such. He was just lonely. He had no one else besides his teddy bears and dolls. Everyday he would spend hour after hour waiting till his father would come back home and most of the time he had not much to do. He was allowed to watch the television, but only on certain channels. He was allowed to feed himself, but he wasn't allowed to eat his daddy's snacks. He was allowed to play around the house, but he was not allowed in the basement, especially recently. Kyungsoo pouted as he laid back on his bed and hugged one of his larger teddy bears against his chest, "Mr. Wibbles do you think daddy will get me a better doll? I just want a friend like me". He looked at the teddy bear that stayed quiet, he gave a nod though and began to talk again, "You think so? I think daddy will do really good this time. He said he knows just the way to make me a perfect doll. Can you believe that Mr. Wibbles...a perfect doll"! He giggled as he rolled around on his bed with his teddy bear in his arms. Soon though he immediately stopped and looked down at the teddy bear with a pout, "Don't say that! I promise I won't ever forget about you. Promise"! He held out his pinky and pressed it against the teddy bear's paw, grinning childishly at the promise he had just made with his bear. 

Weeks and weeks passed and still no new dolls. Suho would constantly go to the nearby park in search for kids his son's age, but with the recent kidnapping of the local Chinese teenager Tao having spread like wildfire through the news, most of the kids were staying at home or were having their parent's come with them to the nearby local park. Suho sighed as he was about to give up his search for the day. About to give up. Luckily though, he saw a group of three boys coming towards the park. With a smirk he waited around the corner till the boys left. If his son had really liked Tao, then he would really really like three dolls more than one. 

"Kyungsoo! I have a gift for you", immediately the sound of loud footsteps could be heard through the house, followed by a screeching stop as Kyungsoo stood in the living room, looking at the three new dolls his father had made him, all sitting on their couch. "The first one is Luhan, second Jongin and third Chanyeol. I hope these dolls will last longer this time". Kyungsoo was ecstatic. The dolls looked his age and this time there were three of them instead of one. Kyungsoo walked up to the blonde boy sitting on the left farthest side of the couch, Luhan. He reached up and lightly touched the dolls face, amazed by how soft doll's skin felt. The Luhan doll had soft cute features. His hair was like that of snow, his skin pale white as well and he had a cute nose. The second doll, Jongin, was the opposite of the first doll. The Jongin doll had darker skin, light brown hair and nice plump lips. Kyungsoo caught himself blushing a bit as he looked at the Jongin doll. The third doll,  Chanyeol, was taller than the other two. He had elfish ears, a wide mouth and bright red hair. Each of these dolls were so different and this made Kyungsoo happy. He finally got his wish granted. He had more than one friend, he had three... plus Mr. Wibbles. (Pictures of what they look like below)


Suho once again helped bring the dolls to Kyungsoo's room, placing each of them down at the tea table. This time he was quickly pushed out of the room, or so Kkyungsoo had tried to do but failed. "Wait a second Kyungsoo okay? I need you to listen carefully".

Kyungsoo looked back and forth between his dolls and his dad, biting his lips as he bounced up and down quickly, "What what"?

"If the dolls start doing anything weird at all, I want you to call me. You know daddy's phone number right? I need you to call me if you need me okay. I tried something new with these dolls, so just keep a close eye on them alright"? 

"Yes sir"! Kyungsoo grinned as he saluted his father and then began to push him to the front of the house. He knew his father needed to go and sell dolls to other boys and girls and he was also ready to start a tea party, so he was ready for his father to leave. 

"I will be back soon", Suho called out before heading out to sell some regular dolls to the local children. He was nervous though about leaving the dolls alone with Kyungsoo. The last doll, Tao, he had purposely made overdose on sedatives, but with these dolls he tried something new. Instead of killing them, he just drugged them up enough to where the effects were suppose to last up to a twelve hour span. The boys wouldn't be able to move or speak. The could breathe though and understand their own surroundings, but hopefully with a dosage of the sedative given to them twice a day, they would be able to be his son's dolls for awhile. 

Kyungsoo was not worried about anything as he grabbed his empty tea pot and began to pour imaginary tea into five little tea cups. First he filled up Mr. Wibbles' cup.  Next Luhan. Then Jongin. Then Chanyeol. Last he gave himself a cup of tea. He knew his teddy and dolls couldn't move though, so he made sure to be a good host and help each of his guest drink their tea. First he went over to Mr. Wibbles and gently pressed the tea cup against the teddy bear's mouth. Next he did the same to Luhan, ruffling the boy's hair afterwards. When he went to let Jongin have ome of his tea, he immediately drop the tiny cup to the floor. Jongin's eyes were moving back and forth. Frantically. Kyungsoo stepped back as he looked at the Jongin doll whose head was slowly turning to face him. Immediately he ran to the house phone that was connected to his bedroom wall. He picked it up and pressed his father's number quickly, but all he could hear was beeping. Beeping. Beeping. Loud obnoxious beeping. He began to freak out as he heard a deep voice speaking to him. His eyes met the Chanyeol doll's eyes and immedaitely he saw the dolls mouth moving, a quiet yet deep voice coming from pass his lips. " us". 

Kyungsoo quickly grabbed Mr. Wibbles and held him close to his chest. "Dolls don"t talk or move. Stop it. I don't like it", he cried out as he moved away from the three dolls that were now staring at him. Even his Luhan doll was staring at him. Kyungsoo fell down to the ground and began to cry as he heard the dolls mumbling about how they were real boys and not dolls. Telling him to help them. Help them. He hated these dolls. He hated them. He let out a loud scream as he put his hands over his ears to block out the sound of the three dolls. They needed to be quiet and good like real dolls were suppose to be. 

Kyungsoo stayed on the ground crying for a good thirty minute, his mind trying to figure out what he could do to get the dolls to stop. To make them go back to ho they were when he first saw them on the couch. His head lifted up as he thought of the time that his father had made him a talking doll. The doll had scared the crap out of Kyungsoo, so to stop the doll from talking, his father had taken the batteries out of the dolls back. He just had to do that. Take out their batteries. But with what? Kyungsoo ran out of his room and towards the basement, pulling and tugging on the basement door, but of course it was locked. His father always locked it. 

He could remember that his dad had used a small knife to open the back of the doll. Maybe he had to do that. He placed his teddy bear on the kitchen counter as he began to look through all of the kitchen drawers. Finally he found a small knife. He told Mr. Wibbles to wait for him as he went back into his room. All three boys were now talking, but only their heads moved. He hated these dolls  He hated these dolls. He went over to the Chanyeol doll that had been the first to speak and took his knife and began to cut open his shirt across his back. He poked at the skin there and pouted when he didn't see a spot for the batteries to go. Maybe it was inside of the doll or something? Kyungsoo had no idea. With a small pout he pressed the knife against the center of the Chanyeol Doll's back. As he dragged the small blade slowly across the doll's back he could hear the doll screaming. "Stop it!! You are a doll! I just want to take your batteries out". Chanyeol doll continued to cry out, begging for Kyungsoo to stop, but he wouldn't.  He wanted to batteries out. He needed to batteries out. With bright red hands he reached into the back of the doll. The inside of the doll wasn't like any other where it was just white stuffing inside of it, instead this doll was full of red gooey stuff. Kyungsoo puffed out his cheeks at the nasty texture on his hands as he began to dig around looking for the batteries. The Chanyeol doll had been quiet for awhile now and so had the other two dolls. Finally his hand made contact with something hard, gripping it he pulled and pulled. Tugging and tugging till a white little object was in his hands. It didn't look like a battery to him, but the doll was quiet. With a smile Kyungsoo placed the small vertebrae down on the tea table. He had turned off the doll. His dad would be proud. 

Kyungsoo looked to the other two dolls that were just staring at him with big eyes. He didn't like how they stared at him, but the staring wasn't so bad as long as they didn't talked. "Luhan! Jongin!! Do you two still talk"? He waited for awhile to hear a response, but the two dolls stayed silent. Kyungsoo giggled and jumped about, happy that he had turned off the talking on all of the dolls. "Don't worry. Once I wash my hands I will get us more tea", He gave the two dolls a cute eyesmile before heading to the kitchen. He cleaned off the small knife as well as his hands, before grabbing Mr. Wibbles and going back to his room for his daily tea. He had to reset the table though, but that was okay. He placed hsi teddy next to Luhan, before moving Chanyeol doll back into a sitting position. With a grin, he patted each of his dolls on the head and once again began to pour them tea. He was so excited to tell his dad two things. One, that he got the batteries out of the doll all on his own and two, that he loved these dolls. 



I had so many different ways I wanted this to end, but I guess it got a bit morbid...oh well. 

Well please do comment. I love hearing everyone's thoughts on my writing. 

Thank you so so much for reading and thank you very much to all the subscribers I had waiting patiently for me to upload this. 

I am exhausted right now, so I ill go back and edit it later, hopefully there's not many grammatical errors in it. Also..if it feels's cause I'm tired. I may re-edit it again later. 

Well...oh also if you have like a plot you would like me to write for a one shot, feel free to comment about it here or message me. I love getting new ideas for my one shots. 

Until next time


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Can't wait for the update