Save Me!

See the Light

“Gosh! Our faces were so close! I can feel his breath! I can see his fiery eyes! What is this? Why does my heart beats so fast?!” Jinyoung thought and then he shouted to Mark. “Do you think I’m afraid of you? Who do you think you are?! You’re just a human like me! Don’t act as if you’re a superior or what!”

“What? You’re not afraid of me?! Oho. This kid jjinja! Do you know me? Do you know what kind of person am I? I bet you don’t. So stop this act now! Stop acting cute and caring in front of those people and especially in front of ME! If you think that you can get my attention just like what you’re doing with the others, I’m sorry you picked the wrong person. I’m not that easy and I don’t get swayed easily.” Mark argued with Jinyoung still with his fiery eyes.

                Jinyoung pushed Mark away and exclaimed. “What if I know you? What if I already understand what kind of person you are? What would you do? Do you think I’m the same as other people in this university? Trying to avoid someone because they came from a very powerful family? Avoiding him because he’s trying to put up that “cold aura” to hide his true-self? Well, I’m telling you I’m not. I’m different...”

              “Oh! I’m about to get impressed with these lines of yours! Should I give you a round of applause for this one? Okay! If you insist then let’s do this!” Mark is getting annoyed and he wanted to make Jinyoung afraid of him. So now he decided to go back from their previous position. He pushed Jinyoung on the walls and uttered. “Okay I’ll give what you want… (He leaned his face closer to Jinyoung and the latter felt some kind of nervousness) If you’ll be able to show my true self to others then I’ll let you stay in this university but if you can’t then you should leave voluntarily.” Mark leaned closer to Jinyoung’s ear and whispered. “… And if you don’t leave voluntarily should I do something to make you leave? Haha. What do you think of that? Do you want to accept this challenge of mine? You said that you’re different right? Then prove it.” Mark smirked again at Jinyoung.

                Jinyoung wanting to show that he’s not frightened pushed Mark away and said. “Okay let’s do that! Let see who would be winning in the end. I already told you ‘I’m DIFFERENT’ so don’t try to belittle me! So I guess you should take this as a seal of my acceptance on your challenge!” Jinyoung took Mark’s hands and put the medicine and ointment for burns that he planned to give since yesterday. “Don’t forget to apply that on your burns and put some meds on your wounds it might destroy your pretty face. I am going now.” Jinyoung left Mark in astonishment.

                After a tiring walk Jinyoung finally reached their dorm. He saw Yugyeom sitting in his bed. He thought that the boy waited for him and still didn’t eat his dinner.

“Hey Yugyeomie! Did you eat your dinner?” Jinyoung asked.

                “Nope. I waited for you Jinyoungie.” Yugyeom replied.

                “I’m sorry. Did you wait for a long time? I’m really sorry.” Jinyoung uttered in sadness.

                “It’s okay chingu. Did you finish your tasks already? Yugyeom smiled to ease Jinyoung.

                “Ah yes. It’s quite tough but I managed to end it properly. Uhm. Since you waited for me, I think I should treat you for dinner?”

                “No! I promised to treat you today. No buts!” Yugyeom winked at Jinyoung.

                “Okay if you insist!” Jinyoung agreed and the two of them left their room to go to the nearest restaurant in their university. They ordered the foods that they want and ate everything and started to talk about random topics.

                “Hey chingu! You should eat your lunch with me tomorrow. Okay?” Yugyeom asked.

                “Why? Is there a special event tomorrow? Is it your birthday?” Jinyoung responded while chomping his food.

              “No. Geunyang… Yah! You ignored me last time when I asked you to eat with me right? Yaaah… You’re really unfair.”

                “Ah yes you’re right. Haha. I’m sorry for that instance I just had something urgent at that time. Mianhe~” Jinyoung does some aegyo.

                “Yah. Hajima. You’re too cute. Haha. Well I want you to formally meet Bambam he’s also a scholar like us.”

                “Oh! Bambam? I saw him a while ago in the martial arts tricking department. He also looked aloof like you. I talked to him but he ran away. I hope I can also get along with him.”

                “Yeah his personality is quite the same as mine. That’s why I wanted him to meet you. I think that you can also change his attitude like what you’ve done with me.”

                “Ommo. You really thought of me so highly. Gomawo chingu-ya! Don’t worry I will try my best to change him.”

                “Yah! Don’t be so full of yourself! Haha. But… How come that Bambam is at the martial arts tricking department? He should be at the dance department because we have practice after class. Hmmm. But what more surprising is… you Jinyoung? How did you go to that department? You still don’t know everything in the university and yet you managed to go there.”

                “Uhm… Geunyang…”

                “Did you go there because of… because of MARK?!”

                “Uhm… Yes?”

                “Waah! Daebak! You really want to dig your own grave eh? Chingu… I already told you this and I will repeat it this time. Don’t…” Yugyeom got cut off.

                “I know… I know… it’s about not meddling with Mark’s life right?”

                “Yes chingu. I am really worried for you that’s why I keep on repeating it.”

                “I know and I’m thankful for that but you don’t have to worry. I’m trying to manage things by myself and I’m being careful. I just want to help him. I can feel that he’s just putting up that attitude because he’s undergoing some issues in his life.”

                “Aigoo Jinyoungie… You are really kind jjinja. You can’t stop worrying for others. I hope you’ll not forget yourself in the process.”

                “Don’t worry Yugyeomie… Alright let’s finish these foods so we could go back to the dorm now, it’s getting late.”

                “Yeah you’re right. Come on let’s eat these…”

                Jinyoung and Yugyeom finished their food and went back to their dorm to sleep. It was a tiring day so both of them fell asleep in a just a few minutes. It was already 7am when they both woke up and they both rushed out of the bed because they might get late for the morning class. Yugyeom went first because he needs to do some morning duties in the dance department and Jinyoung went to the class alone. Jinyoung seated in his chair and Jackson greeted him. “Hi Jinyoung! How are you?” Jinyoung was about to respond on Jackson when he saw Mark coming inside the classroom. Everyone stared at Mark’s bruised face and Jackson can’t control his curiosity feels and exclaimed. “OHMY… WTF MAN! What happened to your face? Did someone beat you yesterday?! Sh*t! Tell me who’s that assh*le?! I will beat him for you? Come on man! Speak!” Jackson held Mark’s shoulder. Mark can’t utter a word because he’s ashamed by Jackson’s overreaction. Jackson thinks for a while and then he remembered Jinyoung asking Mark’s whereabouts yesterday.

                “Oh! So it was Jinyoung?!” Jackson looked towards Jinyoung and Jinyoung is shocked.

                “So it was you?! I thought you’re so affable and you’re about to befriend Mark?! So I was deceived by this sh*t? Hey Mark he asked me yesterday about you and I thought…” Jackson was grabbing Jinyoung’s collar and he’s ready to beat the boy anytime but Jackson got cut off by Mark and shove his hands away from Jinyoung’s collar. Jinyoung was ready to explain his side to Jackson but Mark said something and prevented him from speaking. “Jackson! Stop it! It’s none of your business! Stop over reacting and get a hold of yourself!” Jackson, Jinyoung, and the whole class are stunned it was first time for them to witness Mark speaking such words. It was very unusual for Mark to speak in the class. He will just speak to few professors if he wants to but that is very rare… very close to impossibility. Aside from that Mark is not a type of person to speak up for others, to explain or argue. He just sits at the corner and let circumstances as it is. Mark walked towards his seat while Jackson can’t still understand the situation and he wanted Mark to explain everything, so he grabbed Mark’s shoulder and he was about to say something when the bell rang and their professor arrived at the classroom alongside with JB, Youngjae, Bambam and Yugyeom who came from their respective departments to perform their morning duties.

                “Okay! Okay! What’s with this morning commotion Jackson?! You should seat now okay? Everyone should also go back to your respective seats. I’m about to start my class!” The class was put into order by the professor and they started their class. JB sensed what’s happening he laid his eyes on sleeping Mark and then stared to Jinyoung. Yugyeom also did the same and sighed. Unknowingly, Youngjae looked at JB and he saw the latter looking at Jinyoung and he felt dismay again. After a long discussion, the morning class has ended. It was lunch time already and Jinyoung remembered his promise to Yugyeom. He went to the cafeteria and looked for Yugyeom and Bambam, he found them sitting in the right corner and he ordered his food and went to that area.

                “Hey Yugyeom-ah! You left me in the room. You’re so unfair chingu.” Jinyoung sulked.

                “I’m sorry Jinyoungie. I forgot to tag you along. It was just because Bambam is already hungry and he wanted to be first in the line so we rushed over here.” Yugyeom explained himself and comforted his sulking friend.

                “It’s okay. Haha. You know I’m just joking about being sulky. By the way you said you would ‘formally’ introduce me to your close friend right?” Jinyoung smiled at Bambam.

                “Ah yes. Chingu, this is Bambam. He came from Thailand and he’s also one of us… one of those lucky scholars of this university.” Yugyeom pointed at Bambam.

                “Ah you don’t have to introduce me that way Yugyeom . Uhm… Nice to meet you Jinyoung.” Bambam replied in a very timid manner.

                “Ah kyeopta… You and Yugyeom really get along well. Nice to meet you too Bambam. I hope I can be friends with you.” Jinyoung beamed at Bambam and the latter get flustered.

                “From the way I see it, you and Yugyeom already knew each other for years eh?” Jinyoung winked at Yugyeom.

                “Ah… Yeah we’ve been together in this university for 3 years now. We both entered JYPU in our first year and we stuck with each other like gum since then.” Bambam responded while looking at Yugyeom.

                “But I never considered our relationship as ‘friendship’ geunyang… I just see it as classmate-seatmate relationship that helps each other in order to graduate.”  Yugyeom uttered.

                “Yah! Yugyeom that’s harsh! I think Bambam sees it as a very meaningful friendship. Right Bambam?” Jinyoung yelled at Yugyeom and laid his eyes at Bambam.

                “Ah yes. He’s a very important friend for me. He’s there to help me at all times. I can still remember when I first came here, there are kids who are trying to bully me and he complained about it in the director’s office and then those kids were expelled from the university. I really felt a sense of friendship from that moment.” Bambam smiled at Yugyeom.

                “Aigoo Jinyoungie I have something to say too!” Yugyeom exclaimed.

                “What? Your explanation? Then say it Bambam deserves an explanation from you.” Jinyoung raised his eyebrows at Yugyeom.

                “Yes! I do have something to say… That perspective of mine changed when I met you Jinyoung. I thought that I have no friend in this university but when we talked about that friendship thingy I suddenly remembered Bambam. We’ve been through a lot and we shared some grievances and triumphs in this university. He’s always there to listen when I needed someone to talk to. He encouraged me a lot whenever I feel down that’s why I endured everything up to this point. I’m sorry Bambam-ah I should’ve realized that earlier. From now on we’ll be sharing this very luxurious bond called friendship.” Yugyeom smiled at Bambam.

                “Yugyeom-ah that was too cheesy.” Bambam giggled.

                “See you have a friend in this place you just have to realize it Yugyeom. I’m cheering for your friendship and I hope you can discover a lot of things that’s hidden between the two of you.” Jinyoung smirked at the two. Bambam and Yugyeom are confused on Jinyoung’s words.

                “Uhm. By the way Bambam did you found your sunbae yesterday?” Jinyoung asked.

                “Bambam who’s that sunbae? I never knew that you had a friend in the Martial Arts Tricking Department.” Yugyeom added.

                Bambam got nervous. He doesn’t know how to explain that yesterday’s scenario. “Uh… Uhm… That was Nickhun sunbae Yugyeom. I already told you about that last time. You forgot it already?” Bambam responded to Yugyeom.

                Yugyeom looked at Bambam. He is trying to remember if Bambam mentioned that Nickhun sunbae in their previous conversations but he think that he just heard that name for the first time today. “I’m not that forgetful type of person… But maybe you already told it and perhaps I’m not paying attention to it. I’m sorry.” Bambam sighed while hearing Yugyeom’s words and responded to Jinyoung’s question. “I didn’t saw him yesterday Jinyoung, maybe I can just meet him next week. I think he’s just busy on his internship.” Bambam sipped his orange juice to ease his nervousness.

                “If you’ve just asked Jackson yesterday perhaps you’ve already relayed your message to your sunbae.” Jinyoung uttered.

                Bambam choked and Yugyeom assisted him. “Yah! Bambam be careful!” Yugyeom exclaimed.

                “Ah Jinyoung-ah. It’s okay it’s not that important. Don’t worry.” Bambam uttered as he catches his breath.

                “Okay Bambam. Oh let’s go back to our room. Our lunch break is about to end.” Jinyoung suggested.

                “Oh you’re right. Let’s go.” Yugyeom agreed.

                Their lunch break is almost over and they decided to go back to their classroom. On their way back, they met JB.

                “Uhm… Jinyoung can you spare me some of your remaining time? I have some words for you.” Jaebum uttered and Jinyoung stopped.

                “Bambam, Yugyeom you can go first. I have to talk to Jaebum.” Jinyoung requested to his buddies.

                “Okay. Don’t be late.” Yugyeom responded.

                “Arasso arasso.” Jinyoung waved his hands to his buddies as he watched them walking away. Then Jinyoung faced Jaebum. “Uhm. What is it Jaebum?”

                “Uhm… It’s about…” Jaebum scratches the back of his head.

                “About what?”

                “Please be careful. Don’t get involved into fights. People in this university will not go easy on you. This university might look fine and pleasant when you view it outside but what’s happening inside… It’s not that good.” Jaebum sighed.

                Jinyoung laughed at Jaebum.

                “Why? What’s funny?” Jaebum asked.

                “Well, whenever we see each other you always give your advice to me. You always told me that I should be careful to this and that. Do you see me as very weak and pitiful person?” Jinyoung asked Jaebum.

                “No. It’s not like that. I’m just worried for you. You’re really naïve and I’m worried that people will take advantage of you that’s why I’m telling you this.” Jaebum held Jinyoung’s shoulder.

                “I’m thankful that you pay your attention to me. Thanks for your concern but I just want to tell you that I’m not naïve. I know what’s going around and I have my own ways to deal with those things.” Jinyoung responded.

                “Okay I understand. I’m sorry if you feel offended. I’m just concerned. I hope you’re not irritated on me…” Jaebum uttered with his low voice.

                “No I’m not offended nor irritated. In fact I’m thankful and besides I’m quite used to this. Because Yugyeom also feel the same and he’s always telling me those things every day. So you don’t have to worry about it and thank you by the way.” Jinyoung smiled at JB.

                “But just in case you needed some help…” JB grabbed Jinyoung’s phone and saved his number. “… Here’s my number. You can call me right away. Okay?”

                “Oh thanks. I will.” Jinyoung is surprised at JB’s action.

                “Ah. Before I forgot this one… I think you should visit our department as soon as possible. Maybe you can go now if you want? You need to know your assignment or morning duties. We Juniors are given that kind of task and I guess you still don’t know it.” Jaebum recommended.

                “Ah you’re right. I have no idea about that… maybe I should go now? I think I still have some time.” Jinyoung responded as he looked into his watch.

                “Okay bye.” Jaebum waved his hands as he watched Jinyoung go. He didn’t notice that Youngjae is staring over them. Youngjae is really mad now and he thought. “What the hell is going on? This transferee wags his tail to everyone huh? I think he needs some kind of beating?” Youngjae crumpled the piece of paper that he was holding and decided to go in the singing department.

                Meanwhile in JB’s thoughts:

                “I guess I’m responsible for the succeeding events that will happen… I can still remember what happened last week in the director’s office… I went there to talk with the director about the soundtrack that we’re preparing for the school event and the group of sunbaes rushed inside the room…”

                SUNBAE: Excuse me director! How can you do that to us?!

                DIRECTOR JYP: do what??

                SUNBAE: How can you choose Mark and his group mates to compete for the inter-school martial arts tricking competition?! We trained longer than Mark and I guess we are more deserving than him! This is too unreasonable!

                DIRECTOR JYP: Hey calm down! It’s not about the time that you guys were trained. It’s about skills and you know that! We needed to win this competition that’s why I decided to choose Mark and his group as our representative. They had the best skills among the students that specializes martial arts tricking and I bet you already knew that!

                SUNBAE: WHAT?! SKILLS?! So we don’t possess those skills?! WTF. I think your judgment is blurred by money!


                “My sunbaes went out of the office and I heard them talking…”

                “SKILLS? So he believed that this arrogant brat (referring to Mark) have that? I think he’s joking! And I can feel that Mark’s father gave money to our director so his child can compete! I guess I need to teach this kid a lesson!”

                “I can see the anger in my sunbaes’ gazes. I can infer that Mark would get beaten by our sunbaes. He should be careful from now on…

                These were my thoughts last week and it happened. I incidentally passed by in our parking lot to check my car and there I saw Jinyoung from afar and I also saw Mark getting punches from that idiots. I can’t stand to see that kind of injustice… Aish… I wanted to do something for Mark but I guess it would hurt his pride if I showed up and hit those guys so I came up with an idea when I heard Jinyoung’s threat.”


                “I immediately took my phone and recorded a video of what’s happening. I saved it and I walked away when I sensed that my sunbaes were about to leave the parking lot. I don’t want Mark to see me same as Jinyoung so I decided to leave the area that time…

                This morning I decided to show the video that I’ve recorded to our director. He was pissed off. He really wants to teach those sunbaes a lesson and I think that it is also the right thing to do. So the director decided to put those guys into 1 month suspension so they can reflect to their shameless acts and then he ordered me to relay the message to our guidance office. I reached the guidance office and relayed his message. I left the room then a sudden thought hit me… WTH… I forgot that Jinyoung was also there. Those sunbaes might think that Jinyoung is the one who reported it to the director! He might get a beating from those seniors! I put him in a very difficult situation… same goes for Mark. They might hit Mark again… What should I do to save them? Giving some warnings will be the best thing that I can do at this rate… I don’t know if I did the right thing… but it can’t be undone by now. I have to face this…”

                JB snapped out of his thoughts and walked towards their room to attend their afternoon class whereas, Jinyoung reached the singing department to give his greetings and to know his morning duties. Jinyoung saw Youngjae leaning on the walls near the door.

                “Oh Annyeong Youngjae! What are you doing here?” Jinyoung asked Youngjae.

                “Isn’t it obvious?! I belong to this department. I should be the one who’s asking you. Why are you here? What do you think you’re doing?!” Youngjae raised his voice.

                “I think you’re still angry about that coffee incident. Well I just want to say sorry again, I didn’t mean to do that. I hope you’ll accept my apology. You don’t have to raise your voice I can hear you and I want you to know that I belong to this department from now on so I hope  we can get along well.” Jinyoung said as he is trying to be patient with Youngjae.

                “So you’re saying that you are a ‘SINGING MAJOR’?” Youngjae is annoyed.

                “Yes. Why? What’s the problem with that?” Jinyoung still tries to understand the situation.

                “I bet you’re not…” Youngjae glared at Jinyoung.

                “Why not?” Jinyoung replied.

                “You’re not a singing major because you’re a FLIRTING MAJOR! Don’t go around with that act of yours. You’re such a nuisance to this school! Did you know that?!”

                “What did you say?!” Jinyoung feel irritated on Youngjae’s words.

                “Don’t pretend that you don’t know what I’m saying! You first approached Mark and now it’s JB?! What the hell! Excuse me Jinyoung I just want to remind you that those guys will not like you even if you exert a lot of effort on flirting them! So better stop now!”

                “Hey Youngjae I guess you’re just too much! You don’t know everything so you should not make silly conclusions. I thought you were one of those intelligent students here, how come you had such rotten thoughts in your mind. You better use your imaginative mind onto something useful rather than nitpicking on me!”

                “What?!” Youngjae was about to slap Jinyoung’s face but the school bell rang causing for him to run back in their classroom. Jinyoung stood there for a few minutes and thought. “What did he say? I’m a flirt?!” then Jinyoung went to their room to attend their class.

                After long hours of sitting and listening to their professors the afternoon class ended and students started to leave their classroom. Jinyoung looked over his phone and he saw a text message from Yugyeom. “Hey chingu! I’m sorry I can’t go home with you today. Something urgent came up in our department. I have to go there to attend our meeting. Take care!” “So he just sent me a message? We’re at the same classroom he can just say it to me personally. Aish this kid.” Jinyoung thought and he left their classroom. Jinyoung walked towards the porch near the school parking lot when he sensed that someone is following him. He looked around and somebody punched him and kicked him so hard causing for him to stumble. Then the guys pulled him towards the parking area.

                On the other hand, Mark finished his meeting with his team mates in the Martial Arts Tricking department. He left the room and walked in the hallway where he bumped into JB. Mark is about to continue walking when JB called him.

                “Hey Mark! I can’t recognize your pretty face by now. I think you should be more careful.” JB walked away and Mark just smirked upon hearing JB’s words. Mark continued walking and he is headed to the parking area to check his car when he heard some familiar voices laughing.

“HAHA! It’s a relief that this parking area had few surveillance cameras. No one would know if we beat this kid to death! Haha!”

Mark peeked on what’s happening inside. He saw his sunbaes beating Jinyoung. He saw Jinyoung’s face covered with blood because of the punches that he received.

“Hey you transferee! How dare you to send those videos to our director huh?! Did you know that we got suspended for 1 month because of your reckless act?!” One of the sunbaes hit Jinyoung’s head and the latter can’t utter a word because of the pain that he feels from the punches and kicks from his sunbae. Another punch was about to land on Jinyoung’s face when someone shouted from afar. “DON’T YOU DARE TO PUNCH HIM! DON’T EVEN DARE TO LAY YOUR DIRTY HANDS ON HIS FACE!” Mark walked towards Jinyoung’s direction. Jinyoung managed to lift his head and he saw Mark going to his direction. Another sunbae was about to kick Jinyoung when Mark punched this sunbae and shouted. “I ALREADY GAVE MY WARNING SO STOP NOW BEFORE I GET ANGRY. DO YOU WANT TO END YOUR LIFE NOW?!”  

“Aish! This arrogant brat! Wae? Why do you even bother to stop us from toying this kid? Why? This is not so you…” One of the sunbaes grabbed Mark’s collar and glared at him. Mark glared back with his fiery eyes and leaned his face closer to his sunbae’s ear. “Ah this is not me? You’re really making me laugh. Haha. I can’t believe you’ll get this low just to provoke me. Haha. You better stop now. Stop playing with MY TOY (referring to Jinyoung)! You said you knew me already? I really hate sharing my stuffs with anyone. You know that it’ll get really bad when I get angry right? So stop now!” Mark pushed his sunbae and the latter fell down. Mark grabbed his sunbae’s collar and held his phone on the other hand. He hit his sunbae’s head with his phone and annoyed him. “You know people like you are just a piece of gum to me. I’ll chew you and spit you out when I get bored. I think you still don’t understand that. Okay should we start the game now and end it within a few minutes?” Mark raised his phone and he was about to dial someone. The sunbaes already knew what’s going to happen the moment Mark started this phone call so they decided to move out before Mark could talk to that person. “Mark. Just wait a little and we’ll give the best lesson for you.” One of the sunbae whispered to Mark as they move out of the parking lot area but Mark just smirked and showed that he’s not frightened on his sunbae’s threats.

Jinyoung managed to stand up and he wiped the blood from his face. He also removed the dust in his uniform and Mark suddenly asked him. “Did you send those videos to the director?”

“No. I didn’t.” Jinyoung replied.

Mark is about to leave when Jinyoung exclaimed. “Thank you Mark! I really believe that there’s something within you…”

“Huh?” Mark uttered.

“Don’t worry I will help you.” Jinyoung smiled and Mark left him alone. (TBC)



A/N: Sorry for the long wait. By the way thank you for your encouraging words. Don’t worry I’ll try my best to keep my story more interesting and for the others who are subscribing and reading my story I hope you’ll continue to read this and I’m looking forward on your reviews. ;) Thank you and have a nice day! ;)

Sorry for my non-stop plugging. :D I’m seethelightxx96, frustrated newbie writer from the outer space. I don’t know if my stories are interesting but I do hope that it is. I wanna hear your feedbacks. I hope you’ll leave some comments for me (R&R). Thanks! You may also visit my linked accounts for some updates and queries (AsianFanFictions: seethelightxx96 ( // Tumblr: // AskFM: // Twitter: // Facebook:

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JinyoungsMark #1
Chapter 6: Soo cute.. Let jinyoung paired with Mark then xD
Mennah #2
Chapter 5: Your story is amazing authornim. I'm waiting for next chapter
inspiritlove99 #3
Update soon authornim really love it
xStarxxDustx #4
Chapter 2: Hey just wanted to let you know it's *salanghae*
ImHot1130 #5