Should I Cross that Line?

See the Light

Chapter 4: Should I cross that line?

                “Oh my Gosh! What have you done?! This is all because of your carelessness! ... Hey Mark are you okay?” Youngjae yelled at Jinyoung while making his move to Mark.

                Jinyoung also approached Mark. He wiped the coffee that splattered on Mark’s arms. “I’m really sorry Mark I didn’t mean to do this…” Youngjae pushed Jinyoung away before the latter could finish its words. “Ommo! You have burns Mark! Let’s go to the infirmary so it will be treated immediately.” Mark just shoved Youngjae causing for Jinyoung and Youngjae to stumble.

                Jinyoung couldn’t utter any word while seeing Mark walking towards their room. He’s more worried on the boy’s burns than being scared of him. “I should help him to treat his burns. I bet it’s really painful.” Jinyoung thought.

                Meanwhile at one edge of the hallway, Yugyeom was staring at the scene and he thought, “Aish! Wae?! Jinyoung you should have been very careful! I already gave you a warning of not messing up with anyone in this university particularly MARK! How can I help you with this? I hope this situation will not be end of you…” and he sighed.

                After that very breathtaking scenario, the students already went back to their respective class and they still can’t stop themselves from murmuring about Jinyoung, Youngjae and Mark. Everyone was already guessing of what university life would be waiting for Jinyoung and everybody could say it will be a hellish one.

                The school bell rang and that means the lecture for each room should start. Jinyoung couldn’t stop himself from thinking about Mark’s burn. Being a caring person is his nature that’s why he can’t let himself to avoid everything and he know for a fact that he’s the one who’s responsible for what happened. It was already break time when Jinyoung came up with an idea.

                “Hey Jinyoung let’s have our lunch now. Come with me, we have to talk.” Yugyeom patted Jinyoung’s shoulder.

                “I’m sorry I can’t go with you as of this time. I have to go somewhere. You should grab your lunch now and don’t let yourself starve okay?” Jinyoung smiled at Yugyeom.

                “But chingu the words that I have to say are really important.” Yugyeom hesitates to let Jinyoung go.

                “It’s okay. I can listen to it when we go back to our dorm. I’m really in a hurry now Yugyeom so I have to go. I’m sorry!” Jinyoung already ran away before Yugyeom could finish his words.

                “Aigoo. He’s really stubborn…” Yugyeom whispered to himself.

                Jinyoung ran towards the nearest pharmacy in their university. “I should buy some meds and ointment for his burns and I will give it to him whether he liked it or not.” He thought.

                “Excuse me. Can I have some medicine and ointment for burns?” Jinyoung asked the store assistant.

                “Okay sir. Just a moment.” The store assistant replied while packing the medicine that Jinyoung asked for.

                “Sir. Here’s the order that you’ve requested.” The store assistant gave it to Jinyoung.

                “Okay. Kamsahamnida!” Jinyoung gave his payment and went outside the pharmacy.

                Jinyoung already walk inside JYP University. He never felt the hunger even though he didn’t eat anything for lunch. All he thought was about Mark, his burns, his personality. Jinyoung is thinking on how he can persuade Mark to accept the medicine when someone called him.

                “Hey new student! Hey Jinyoung-ah!” the guy from his back called Jinyoung twice and Jinyoung looked towards the guy’s direction and he found out that it was JB.

                “Oh it was you JB.” Jinyoung responded.

                “Uhm. I guess that thing is for Mark right?” JB pointed out the medicine that Jinyoung bought from the pharmacy.

                “Ah yes. But how did you know?” Jinyoung was confused.

                “Well, you became a hot topic this morning and up until now you’re still a hot topic. Everyone’s talking about you, in the cafeteria, in the library and in every corner of the university. How come that you chose to mess up with Mark? JB smirked to Jinyoung.

                “It’s not that ‘I chose to’ but it already happened before I could realize it.” Jinyoung sounds irritated because of JB’s words.

                JB already sensed that Jinyoung is annoyed and he wanted to apologize because he didn’t want to make Jinyoung feel irritated in the first place. He just wants to make jokes for Jinyoung to ease his tension, thinking that the situation is quite troublesome for him.

                “Uhm… I’m sorry. I didn’t want to annoy you. I just…” JB’s words got cut off.

                “It’s okay. I understand. I just hoped that you asked me first before making some conclusions to yourself. Well I have to go. I’m really in a hurry now.” Jinyoung said and JB can feel his disappointment.

                Jinyoung was about to go in their room now but JB held his arms. “Are you planning to give that medicine to Mark?”

“Yes. Why?” Jinyoung replied. “Well just a piece of advice, maybe you shouldn’t bother yourself doing this kind of act, it’ll only make things worse. I hope you don’t get me wrong but this is one of the basics of this school, you shouldn’t meddle with Mark’s life just let it be. I hope you’ll get what I mean I’m going now.” JB left Jinyoung with these thoughts.

Jinyoung was left in awe. He kept in thinking while walking in the hallway. “Should I give this? Or not? Should I follow JB’s words and just let it be?,” until he reached their room. Everyone was already there waiting for another class. Yugyeom waved his hands to Jinyoung but the boy didn’t noticed it and he kept on walking and walking until he finally reached his destination… near Mark’s seat.

“Uh… Uhm… Excuse me… I just thought of giving you this… Uhm… Take this medicine and ointment… Uhmm… You should put some in your burns so it will heal fast and it will not ache and scar.” Jinyoung giving the medicine to Mark, he never intended to give it at that time but his feet already brought him to Mark before he could realize it.

Mark lifted his face from his desk and asked, “Huh?”

“Here. Take this. You should put this on your burns. I’m sorry for what happened a while ago. I didn’t intend to…” Jinyoung’s words got cut off when Mark stood up and tossed the medicine that Jinyoung is giving. Now, everyone is shocked by Jinyoung’s ‘heroic’ deed. No one has ever dared to approach Mark in such manner and of course they can feel that Mark is getting annoyed by now… and they believe that it’s not good for Jinyoung.

“You should know your limits. You should not cross the line it’s ugly.” Mark whispered to Jinyoung’s ears as he makes his way out of the room. Jinyoung’s body trembled he can now understand JB and Yugyeom’s words.  He can feel the warning on Mark’s words. It was first time for him to hear such kind of words and as of the moment his mind went blank. “What did I do?” he uttered to himself.


                “Yah Jinyoungie! What have you done today?!” Yugyeom shouted to his roommate.

                “I don’t know… I really don’t know… I was just enjoying everything this morning… the coffee… the hallway… the surroundings… I’ve never thought that it will be like this?” Jinyoung sighed.

                “To be honest, I don’t know what will happen to you from now on. I already gave you a warning and you should’ve taken that seriously. Mark is not an easy person to deal with.” Yugyeom filled with worry for his roommate.

                “I don’t know if you saw everything but actually I didn’t do it on purpose. I don’t know that my coffee will splatter on him and in fact Youngjae pushed me so hard that’s why I fell down.” Jinyoung trying to reason out and make Yugyeom understand.

                “Well I guess you’re right. It wasn’t your sole responsibility. Youngjae made things so complicated. If he only accepted your apology instead of being OA, these things will not happen.” Yugyeom concluded but then followed his statements. “But why do you have to be so kind huh?! You should’ve not bothered Mark! That was the worst thing in this whole scenario!” He cried out.

                “Hmmm. It was my senses that told me to do so! I don’t know it just happened and Yugyeomie by nature I’m like that. I guess I don’t have to blame myself for being like that.” Jinyoung responded sadly.

                Yugyeom can see the sadness on his roommate’s face and he just wanted to comfort his friend by now. “You’re right it’s your nature. I already inferred that when you first came here and I guess there’s nothing wrong for being kind and caring huh?” he beamed to Jinyoung.

                “See? You also think of me as a kind and caring person and now you’re blaming me for what happened? Do you wanna die?! Haha!” Jinyoung laughed at Yugyeom.

                Yugyeom giggled on his friend’s joke and Jinyoung can’t stop staring at the happy version of Yugyeom, “I’ve never thought that this timid chingu will take care and worry about me. Thank you Yugyeomie…  I hope that everyone will notice this beautiful side of yours.” Jinyoung thought.

                “Yugyeom-ah! I know that you’re just worried for me and I’m thankful for that. Don’t worry I will not drag you into this mess and just believe in me. I’m Jinyoung! I’m more capable than what you think. Haha.” Jinyoung hugged his chingu.

                Yugyeom blushed because no one has ever treated him like this before. He really felt special. “Okay I will trust you Jinyoung-ssi! But make sure that you solve this problem as early as possible and please be careful, everyone will watch your every move from now on.” Yugyeom responded.

                “Okay I will.” Jinyoung smiled to Yugyeom and the latter hugged his friend.


                “… But make sure that you solve this problem as early as possible and please be careful, everyone will watch your every move from now on.” Jinyoung was remembering this thought as he went to the school the next day. And as expected everyone’s eyes was directed to him when he went inside the classroom then everyone murmured when he already sat on his chair. The class has already started when Jinyoung realized that Mark is still not around. He kept on wondering why Mark is late until they’ve finished the whole day and Mark didn’t showed up. “Where did he go? He didn’t attend any of his class today? What could’ve happened to him?” he thought. Everyone was already leaving their classroom when Jinyoung decided to stay for a while. “Hey Jinyoungie. Aren’t you going back to our dorm with me?” Yugyeom asked Jinyoung. “Uhm… You should go first. I will finish something today.” Jinyoung replied. “Okay. Go home early. I will buy dinner for us.” Yugyeom smiled at Jinyoung. “Okay Yugyeom thanks.” Jinyoung also replied with a smile and Yugyeom left his friend in the room. “Now, it’s time for me to think.” Jinyoung uttered to himself. He spent thinking for about an hour on how he can reconcile with Mark. “Okay I will really give this medicine to him this time! Whether he likes it or not, he should accept this! I will say everything that relates to my apology. I will clear everything now as in NOW!” Jinyoung shouted.

                In order to pursue his plans, he needs to find Mark first. He roamed around the university to find him until he found a room where he saw Jackson. He read the name of the room. “ ’Martial Arts Tricking Department’, oh… so this is what Jackson is trying to master…” he whispered to himself. Jinyoung knocked on the door and he asked Jackson’s permission to enter. “May I come in here Jackson?”

“Who are you? Are you there to stalk me?” Jackson asked. (He’s still full of himself lol)

“It’s me, Jinyoung your new classmate. I’m not here for stalking I have to ask you something.” Jinyoung replied.

“Oh I’m sorry. Of course you can come inside.” Jackson opened the door and let Jinyoung to come.

“So what brings you here Jinyoung?”

“Well… Uhm… I’m looking for Mark and I still don’t know a lot of people or place to where I can ask his whereabouts… and then I see you practicing through the window glass and a sudden thought hit me to ask you.”

“You found the right man Jinyoung! I’m Jackson you know? I’m Mark’s best friend and I know a lot of things about him like he’s a martial arts tricking major… he loves martial arts tricking… uhm… he only focuses his attention to martial arts tricking… ah yeah…”

“Yeah you do know a lot about Mark.” Jinyoung was holding himself from laughing. “But where did he go by the way? You said that he’s a martial arts tricking major right? How come he’s not here?”

“Ah about that… He already left this room a while ago. I guess he was here the whole day that’s why he already got enough practice. Why? Do you want to talk to him?”

“Uhm… Yeah… a bit?”

“Wow! I’m so happy for my best friend! I think he will have a new friend now! That’s right you should talk to him more often. He just needs someone who is willing to talk to him and then he’ll open up eventually. I just don’t understand others who were afraid of him? I mean, Wtf. He’s not a monster right? Those people should know.”

“Yes you’re right Jackson.” Jinyoung smirked. Jinyoung find it funny that Jackson was too naïve for not knowing the whole situation but he also find Jackson impressive because he was able to understand Mark’s attitude and he was able to get along with him.

“He left not too long ago so I guess his still on the parking lot by now. You should see him now.”

“Oh okay Jackson. Thank you. You can continue your practice. I am going now.”

“Okay Jinyoung. Just don’t snatch my best friend away from me okay? I’m just sharing him with you understand?”

“Okay Jackson-ssi! Haha. I’ll be going now!”

“Okay. Take care!”

                Jinyoung closed the door and he’s about to go in the parking lot area when he saw a familiar face peeping through the window glass. “Excuse me. You’re Bambam right? You’re with the same class with me? Nice to see you here. By the way, are you looking for someone too?”

“Uhm… Yes… I was looking for my sunbae. He’s also a martial arts tricking major.” Bambam replied while scratching his head and showing his unease expression leading Jinyoung to be slightly confused.

“Oh is that so? Maybe you can ask Jackson too instead of peeping in the window glass. I think Jackson will know where your sunbae went.”

Bambam didn’t utter any words. He just showed his blushing cheeks and embarrassed expressions as his reply and then he ran away. “What’s wrong with him?” Jinyoung thought and he proceed to the parking lot area. Upon reaching this area, he looked around and he surprisingly saw Mark talking with the group of guys which seemed to be their sunbaes.

                “So here’s our bratty boy in the parking lot area. I guess you’re really exhausted today huh?” One of guys touched Mark’s shoulder and he seemed to annoy Mark.

                “Aigoo what’s with that face? The girls won’t like it hoobae.” Another guy grinned on Mark’s face.

                Mark lifted his face and uttered. “If you have something to say, then say it! Don’t go around in circles. You’re really big cowards!” Mark grinned on them then one of the guys punched him and he fell down. Another guy kicked him and also hit him causing for him to spit out some blood. “YAH! Is that all? Are you even proud of those sloppy punches of yours? Damn these assh*les!” Mark shouted while managing to stand up when another guy kicked his back and he fell down again. Jinyoung witnessing this kind of scenario thought that it was very wrong and Mark needed some help or else he will die from those guys so he decided to record a video and threaten those guys. “HEY! IF YOU DON’T STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING NOW I WILL IMMEDIATELY SEND THIS TO OUR DIRECTOR AND I’M PRETTY SURE THAT IT WILL BE THE END OF YOUR LIFE! SO STOP NOW AND LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Jinyoung shouted and upon hearing those threats the guys already ran away, being afraid of the consequence of hitting someone inside the school premises.

                “Hey Mark! Are you okay?!” Jinyoung ran towards Mark. Mark is now standing up and Jinyoung was trying to help him but Mark pushed him away.

                “Don’t touch me! Get lost!” Mark shouted.

                “Wow! You really don’t have manners in you huh?! Is this how you give thanks to the people that helped you?! Do you think you’re that great huh?!” Jinyoung exclaimed angrily.

                “Did I even ask you to help me? NO I DIDN’T! So shut up! Don’t speak too much as if you know me?!” Mark shouted in rage.

                “Maybe that’s the reason for you to be badly beaten up with those guys! You don’t have any manners! You’re arro…” Mark pushed Jinyoung towards the wall and Jinyoung’s words got cut off. Mark leaned closer to Jinyoung’s face and stared with his fiery eyes. “I already gave you a warning and you didn’t listen. I told you to stop crossing my line. Crossing once might look cute but it gets very ugly when you do it twice!” (TBC)


A/N: I’m sorry it took me a while to update, so time for you to read it and as usual I do hope that you’ll leave some comments and suggestions for my story. I’m looking forward to your feedbacks. By the way it’s Kim Yugyeom’s day let’s wish him a happy birthday. ;) Please trend #HitTheGyeomsDay on twitter or in any SNS that you used and let’s not forget to vote GOT7 on MAMA. Thank you for reading! Have a nice day! ;)

Sorry for my non-stop plugging. :D I’m seethelightxx96, frustrated newbie writer from the outer space. I don’t know if my stories are interesting but I do hope that it is. I wanna hear your feedbacks. I hope you’ll leave some comments for me (R&R). Thanks! You may also visit my linked accounts for some updates and queries (AsianFanFictions: seethelightxx96 ( // Tumblr: // AskFM: // Twitter: // Facebook:

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JinyoungsMark #1
Chapter 6: Soo cute.. Let jinyoung paired with Mark then xD
Mennah #2
Chapter 5: Your story is amazing authornim. I'm waiting for next chapter
inspiritlove99 #3
Update soon authornim really love it
xStarxxDustx #4
Chapter 2: Hey just wanted to let you know it's *salanghae*
ImHot1130 #5