Wing Theory

His mind was filled with a swirling storm of confusion as he tried to comprehend what his teacher had just said. The result was nothing more than a series of blanks and a piercing headache.

That’s…”Impossible,” Sehun blurted out, voice jumping a few octaves higher in disbelief.

The professor squinted at the junior and leaned forward as if looking for something in his eyes, some sort of sign that wasn’t quite visible at first glance.

The man leaned closer and closer as Sehun tilted farther and farther back. Just as Sehun began to wonder how much farther he could lean before he tipped over, the professor bounced back into place.

Sehun recoiled at the speed. The sudden glint in the monotone professor’s eyes sent a shiver down his spine. He curled his wings around his slim form protectively and waited for the man to speak.

After what seemed like an eternity, the professor finally opened his mouth to speak. They both drew in a breath – the professor to answer Sehun and Sehun himself in anticipation.


The shrill sound tore through the gauzy wrap of befuddlement that suffocated Sehun’s mind. The squeak of wet sneakers on linoleum that came next uncovered the rage that had been bubbling up in his body since the moment he had walked into this class on the first day of fall semester.

Anger burst in his veins as he turned to the student who had just burst through the door, not realizing through the violent haze of red that his eyes had turned the selfsame color of the very blood flowing through his body.

“WHAT?” Sehun growled, voice deep and starting from the very bottom of his throat. The high pitched voice he had voiced his confusion with earlier was clearly long forgotten.

Everyone in the room flinched when he spoke again.

The student his eyes were fixated on gulped in sheer terror at the guttural voice coming from a face he thought he would never see again.

“What? What do you need to say that could EVER be more important than what Professor Kim was about to tell me? What could be more important than figuring out WHY I am trapped in a HUMAN’S body and not counting souls in the fourth ring?” Sehun (or, more likely, the creature occupying his body) glared at the poor boy from across the room with laser-like eyes, following his every move as the student slowly inched toward the door.

Growling again, and this time baring the long fangs that had suddenly appeared in his mouth, he took one step forward. When he opened his mouth again, the chairs – and their occupants – trembled in their places.

“GET OUT!” he yelled.

The student took one last tiny step backward before dropping the papers he had brought and dashing out of the lecture hall.

Aside from the barely audible squeaks of the terrified student running down the hallway, nothing could be heard.

Sehun turned to face the rest of the class, ire still possessing his features. As he let his gaze wander across the room, a tiny chuckle reached his ears.

Someone, it seems, was amused.

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heegrand #1
Can't wait for the update