

Tao doesn't want to be a bad boyfriend, and he knows he will be one if he continues to ignore the nightmares that Kris takes every night any longer.


"Don't think I don't notice. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't notice?"

"It doesn't matter, Tao. I can handle it, it's fine -"

"But that's what you say all the time, ge! You always say I can handle it or It's fine. Why don't you let me help you? Don't you trust me enough?"

And then the younger boy ran out of the room in tears, leaving Yifan stunned to silence.


Okay, I did not plan this at all, I have no idea where it's going, if it's gonna be traguc or fluffy or dramatic, just that it's a taoris. That's how I work guys :)

Hope you enjoy! PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS I won't be all "OMG pleasepleaseplease upvote and subscribe" because I am not forcing you to like my fic but a comment makes me happy ... Tell me what you think! ^^

BTW, my updates are gonna be kinda on the short side (I think) but hopefully that means I can update MORE THAN ONCE A MONTH OMG (tbh I dont know whether that was sarcasm or not >.<)

Wow did you actually read all this? :D

I'll hopefully update first soon!! :)



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Chapter 3: ayyy what happened to kris
Chapter 3: Okay what's with all the taoris authors lately and planning all these lifer is king roller coasters with amazing ups and even more downs (T.T)
heegrand #3
Can't wait for the update