'If you want to cry it's fine....no one told you to stop....coz it's too dark right?'




Jeongyeon just saw it.....


On the other side Nayeon got splash out of water from above....


"Oh! I'm sorry" it was Mina's voice holding a pail of water from the veranda of her room but Jeongyeon who saw everything knew that it's Sharon...


Nayeon who look above saw Mina with an apologetic face....


Nayeon wave her hand out instantly to sign her that she's fine to Mina...


Mina just enter inside while Nayeon was left wet.....


Nayeon sighed when she look at herself dripping wet....


She wipe the water from her face.....


She bowed her head a little...

She has a shirt inside so she decided to remove her plaid sleeves....


But she got startled when a towel covered her....


She turn only to see Yoo Jeongyeon with her usual straight face...


"I apologized for what happen" Jeongyeon said which Nayeon just show her smile 


"No need to apologized it was just an accident" Nayeon had said not knowing that Sharon did it on purpose....


Jeongyeon just look at her 


The tall cool woman Jeongyeon can't believe that Nayeon is still not surrendering  from this....


Well Sharon had already splash some water on her...making some pathetic errands..making her run on the garden to her room just to fetch her a glass of water which she won't even drink....Sharon is really?.....


She told Nayeon she's gonna help her to change clothes but the latter told her it's fine....


Even though Nayeon had went alone at the public restroom of the house to change still Jeongyeon followed.....


She stop on the hallway of the bathroom and just heard Nayeon singing on one of the cubicles....


Jeongyeon can't help but see how jolly this person is....


The last thing that she wants is another person getting hurt because of Sharon....


"Woohhhhh!!" She shouted after she turn off the shower and open the cubicle only to stop when she saw Jeongyeon....


She covered herself even though she had towel wrap on her...


"Yoo....nim" she had added when she finally realize Jeongyeon is really there....


"Im just making sure that you are fine"


That words made Nayeon pout her lips on confusion....


Then she smile again showing her bunny like teeth...


"I'm always fine Yoo-nim" 


Jeongyeon just nod her head....


Sharon who was outside of the public bathroom had smirk then walk away after....




"What do you want?" It was Chaeyoung who open her door just to see  Chou Tzuyu again....


"Hi" Tzuyu shyly greeted....while on her hands is something wrapped up...


Chaeyoung had this smugged  look and not on the mood face....


"If you're gonna talk about this stupi-"


"Aniyo" Tzuyu cutted her words while she raise the thing she's carrying.....


Chaeyoung look at it first then to Tzuyu who smile so wide....


But that didn't made her soft instead she plan to slam the door which Tzuyu realize before she could even...


She block her feet but Chaeyoung slam it so hard that she winced.....




Chaeyoung got stop hearing that wince from Tzuyu....


She open the door to look at Tzuyu who holds her other foot....


Chaeyoung doesn't want to show her concern but she ends up pulling Tzuyu inside her house....


Tzuyu is still wincing while sitted at Chaeyoung's couch....


"I'm sorry" she just said


Tzuyu look at her while she roll up her pants to look at her feet....


As Tzuyu glance at her while  Chaeyoung is busy at her feet....she saw some bruises on her face....


Tzuyu thought such a pure and angelic face has been marked by wounds and pain...


"Son Chaeyoung-shii"


She called that Chaeyoung raise her head and look at her....


"If you don't mind you can eat this" she said with a smile on her face holding the wrap up box of kimbap....


She took one and eat it....


"I'm sorry too if I just barge in telling you things like that" Tzuyu had apologized while Chaeyoung had her head bowed eating the kimbap....


"I don't want to remember those things" Chaeyoung grasped out...


She took another kimbap....then look at Tzuyu....


"Do you know I hated you when you left me"


Tzuyu's eyes widens while she look at the person talking....


"I hated people who leave without telling a thing or two"


Chaeyoung sneered then look at Tzuyu....


"You didn't even recognized me when you moved at the house in front"


Tzuyu can't utter anything at how fast Chaeyoung talks....


"My parents was killed because I'm stupid"



She said in finality.....


They are still on that position when those words exploded out....


But Tzuyu remain still....


"You don't have to say those things" Tzuyu put down her feet from Chaeyoung....


She roll down her pants....


"I'm sorry if I left before but I recognize you completely when I moved in to this house and thought...."


She look back at Chaeyoung...


"You've change...."


Chaeyoung move back a little when Tzuyu's hand touch her face....


"My Chingu chaengie became so brave" 


She touch her bruise that Chaeyoung sway her face a little trying not to make Tzuyu see it....


"We can still be friends like before and I won't force you to come at what I'm doing..."


Pertaining to the group that she's in.....


"And expect me to be always beside you because I'm gonna protect you" Tzuyu stated in firm tone as she stood up.....


Chaeyoung shrugged her shoulders....


"Do what you want" 


Tzuyu giggle at that...


"Just like always Chingu chaengie"


Chaeyoung had to sigh.....






Jeongyeon is busy fixing some papers when Sharon came jumping in front of her....


She doesn't show any hint of being startled and just continue doing what she's doing...


"You're really no jam" Sharon said leaning at the table where  Jeongyeon is busy fixing the papers...


"Do you need something?" She had asked still her eyes on the papers while Mina glance back at her.....


"I just need to ask something" she said then hug Jeongyeon from behind which made Jeongyeon stop from what she's doing....


Sharon knew that she caught her....


"Who's more beautiful? Me or that hyper rabbit?" She ask in a teasing tone.....


Jeongyeon knew that it's Sharon but she feels tensed after all it's still Mina...it's still Mina's body hugging her....


"What kind of question is that miss?" Jeongyeon asked back....


"Oh? Are you doubting now?" Sharon let go from the hug then made Jeongyeon face her.....


"I thought you like Mina that much? But it turns out you're doubting" 


Jeongyeon try to turn at her papers but Sharon hold her tight...


She lean her chin at Jeongyeon' neck which made her tensed but act like she's just calm but Sharon knew completely that Jeongyeon is being tensed....


"Never mind" she moved back away that Jeongyeon had to release a harsh breath....


Sharon smiled


"Just continue being friendly with that hyper rabbit....you two look good together" Sharon said and about to turn back when she froze that Jeongyeon had notice....


She heard Sharon whispered....


"Just when I'm enjoying"


Then she closed her eyes for a second....


when she open it again she look around....but then she smile when she saw Jeongyeon.....


"Oh, Jeongyeon" 


That sweet smile and eyes that seem so light....


Jeongyeon can't help but smile back.....


It's her.....Jeongyeon thought....


Jeongyeon bowed....


"How are you miss. Mina?" The smiling Jeongyeon asked...


"What are we doing here?" Mina who doesn't have any clue what Sharon had been doing asked.....


"Nothing miss" Jeongyeon answered.....





Dahyun waved out from her friends when she headed from an opposite direction....


She started walking.......school feel so stressful...or is it really the school or the occurring strange reasons that's bothering her....


After that scene with Sana and Tzuyu she thought that it's kinda like  a lie.....


But everytime she feels like thinking about it...it just haunts her....


She pinch herself that makes her ended up touching her cheeks...




She exhaled.....


She won't join them....she won't....her life is already peaceful.....


She close her eyes when she turn left from her usual direction.....


But then she stop when she felt someone from behind her....


She look back only to see no one...


She scratch her head..she's being paranoid....


She started walking again....


This time she really felt someone behind her that she look back only to see 3 men walking ahead....


She swallowed the lump on her throats and look ahead to run but she can't because there's another 3 guys approaching... there's no people around but them....


She felt so scared as they approach.....


She just look for something or somewhere where she could escape....


But one of the man grab her that she sway herself and try to scream.....


She can see herself a few inches away from the ground....



She had nothing to think off that she bit the man that it wince out....when he let her go Dahyun didn't think twice of running....she doesn't run fast but this time she just felt like running so hard....


The men chased her....


She just run wherever....she just need to run....


But she got a wrong turn and ended up on a dead end....


She's so afraid now as they approach her......


As they come closer Dahyun turn blank.....




On instinct she duck....


All the men had look back only to be crash out by a big rock.....


Dahyun hugging herself while her eyes close and praying just felt the silence and the sound of men one by one falling but she doesn't care and continue praying...


"Are you alright?" 


She hug herself more when she heard that voice....


"It's fine open you're eyes now" 


It's a soft voice of a woman....


She open her eyes only to see a woman wearing a formal coat and flat shoes....

And all the men all lying flat on the ground....


"Hey, boss you don't have to do it all you're self" a wimpy voice followed only for dahyun to be surprised...


"You?" Dahyun pointed out as she see Sana beside the woman who beat up all the guys...


Sana had to smile......


While Dahyun is confused.....


"Are you Kim Dahyun?" The woman beside Sana asked....


"Oh" Dahyun answer simply.....


"There will be many guys like that so you don't have to think twice to join us coz we will protect you" Momo had stated so straightly...with no pause....making Dahyun more confused.....


"Who are you?" Dahyun had to asked next.....


Momo just laid out her hand....


"HIRAI momo"



















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