Puppy Love

Part-Time Superhero

Gosh that girl is weird…

Tzuyu’s recent encounter with Sana had left her feeling odd. She was used to being adored by the people she saves, but Sana came on very strong compared to them.

Came on very strong indeed.

Tzuyu had seen Sana at school before. She remembers how beautiful she thought Sana was when she first entered her world history classroom.

“I’m always like this around pretty girls… I’ll get over it soon,” Tzuyu shrugged it off.

After she left Sana, she returned home and took a nap. She was forced awake by her dog, Chewbacca, nibbling at her hair. Chewbacca was making a specific noise that only meant one thing: , I have to pee. This is why she is now outside walking her dog.

“Chewbacca, can you just release all your pee at once? Stop trying to ‘claim’ all these places by peeing only drops each time,” Tzuyu huffed.

Chewbacca looked at Tzuyu appalled, as if it was asked to choose between keeping a bone or a new dog toy.


Tzuyu and Chewbacca walked around the park until they reached the dog area. She took her dog off the leash and let it play with its friends. Tzuyu sat on a nearby bench, happy to have this moment of peace.

“Artemis! Artemis slow down!” Tzuyu heard a very familiar voice.

Oh god.

Tzuyu slowly turned her head to the source of the voice. It was exactly who she thought it was: Sana. Tzuyu watched as Sana was practically dragged by her dog as it was darting across the field, determined to play with the other dogs.

Looks like she is going to-


Oh, there she goes.

Being the kind person Tzuyu is, she walked over to the fallen girl and helped her up.

“Seems like you need to learn how to control your dog better.”

“It’s not my fault, I haven’t had the chance to properly train it yet! My mom suddenly surprised me with it when I came home; it was my reward for doing well in school!” Sana defended herself as she accepted Tzuyu’s help.

Sana dusted herself off and composed herself. Then she looked at her helper and stopped breathing for a second. She thought that she looked awfully familiar.

“Do I know you?” Sana asked as she stared into Tzuyu’s soul.

“U-Uh, I go to the same school as you. We have some classes together. I’m Tzuyu, Chou Tzuyu,” Tzuyu said nervously as she avoided Sana’s eyes.

“Oh! I remember you now! No wonder I thought you looked familiar!” Sana smiled brightly at Tzuyu.

“Y-yeah, haha,” Tzuyu smiled awkwardly back.


“Minatozaki Sana, I know, You told me earlier,” Tzuyu cut her off.

“Earlier?” Sana was very confused.

“I-I mean, earlier in the week, when you first introduced yourself in class!” Tzuyu was a quick thinker.

“Oh, of course!” Sana thought it was totally reasonable.

They both decided to look at the dogs playing and Tzuyu noticed that Sana’s dog was only playing with her own dog.

“Looks like your dog took a liking to mine,” Tzuyu chuckled, watching the two dogs wrestle each other to the ground.

“That’s your dog? It’s so cute! Just like its owner!” Sana praised.

Tzuyu felt herself turn red.

“Um, y-your dog is beautiful,” Tzuyu stammered back.

“Just like its owner?” Sana teased back, grinning at Tzuyu.

Tzuyu nodded shyly at Sana.

Chewbacca started nibbling on Artemis’ ears.

“Chewbacca! Bad!” Tzuyu shouted. Chewbacca immediately backed off of Artemis.

“Chewbacca? That’s what you named your dog?” Sana looked at Tzuyu with a raised eyebrow.

“I had this phase where I was obsessed with Star Wars… Don’t judge me,” Tzuyu huffed.

“Don’t worry, it’s a cute name!” Sana reassured.

“How about you? Why did you name your dog Artemis?” Tzuyu asked curiously.

“Oh, I absolutely LOVE Sailor Moon! Artemis is the name of one of the cats in the anime!” Sana responded excitedly.

“But you have a dog… not a cat.”

“What’s your point?” Sana stared blankly at Tzuyu.

“Nothing…” Tzuyu scratched the back of her neck.

Chewbacca and Artemis started each other’s faces.

“So cute! Looks like they’re in love~” Sana squealed and took hundreds of pictures of the dogs with her phone.

“It would seem so,” Tzuyu smiled at the sight.

“Is your dog a boy?” Sana asked.

“Nope, it’s a girl.”


“Why? Is your dog a boy?” Tzuyu asked back, confused with Sana’s silence.

“My dog is also a girl…”

Tzuyu stared at the two female dogs snuggling with each other.

Like owner, like dog, I suppose.

“It’s okay! It doesn’t matter! Mama still loves you~” Sana continued to gush over the dogs.

“I’ve never seen Chewbacca this intimate with another dog before.”

“That’s because Artemis is special! Isn’t that right baby?” Sana brought her dog to her face. Artemis let out a low growl at being pulled away from Chewbacca.

“Okay, geez,” Sana released her dog and watched them run around the dog park together.

Tzuyu and Sana both decided to sit on the bench that Tzuyu was on earlier.

“Since our children are going to get married, you and I should hang out more often!” Sana said excitedly.


“Yeah! Just look at them!” Sana pointed at their dogs.

Chewbacca and Artemis were now laying down, Artemis’s head resting on Chewbacca’s body.

“I mean, I guess.”

“Let’s meet like, every other day!” Sana proposed.

“Uh, I don’t know if that will fit in with my schedule… I’m a very busy person.”

“What are you busy with?”


Saving people like you.

“Just… Stuff,” Tzuyu replied.

“Okay… well how about you call or text me whenever you decide to come back to the dog park? I’m almost always free! I’ll come immediately with Artemis whenever you’re here!” Sana held out her hand, waiting for Tzuyu to place her phone onto it so she can add herself to Tzuyu’s contacts.

“I guess that would be fine.” Tzuyu took her phone out of her pocket and handed it to Sana.

As their fingers brushed against each other they both felt a shock. They both stared at each other for a few seconds before Sana looked away shyly.

“I-I’ll just put my number into your phone now…”


After Sana was done she handed Tzuyu back her phone. Tzuyu looked at what Sana saved herself as.

Your Puppy Lover

Tzuyu smiled at the name.

So cute.

Sana smiled at Tzuyu’s reaction.

“So, what-”

Tzuyu didn’t hear what Sana said after that. All she could focus on is the vibrations of her necklace.


Tzuyu immediately stood up.

“I just realized that I left the shower running! I have to go now!” Tzuyu quickly rushed to grab her dog. Chewbacca put up a bit of a fight, not wanting to be separated from Artemis.

“If you don’t stop now I’m going to destroy your Death Star,” Tzuyu whispered harshly into Chewbacca’s ears.

Chewbacca whimpered and stopped.

“Oh, I guess I’ll see you around?” Sana said, shocked at the sudden departure.

“Yeah, I’ll see you when I see you!” Tzuyu shouted back as she ran out of the park with Chewbacca.

Why do those words sounds familiar to me…?

Sana shrugged it off. She started walking over to her own dog when she realized that it was in a odd position.

“Aw, Artemis! Not in front of all these people!”



Tzuyu quickly carried her dog all the way home. She threw her dog into the house before running down the street. She ran behind a bush and pulled her necklace out from her shirt. She grasped it tightly and let herself transform into her costume.

This better be worth my time.

Tzuyu used her grappling hook and swung down the street. It took her about 30 seconds before she made it to her destination.

“Help!” A woman cried.

Tzuyu saw that a building was on fire. She can see a woman on the top floor of the building. She was looking out the window, desperate for someone to help her.

“Calm down ma’am! I’ll get you down!” Tzuyu got ready to use her grappling hook when she felt someone stop her.

“No! This is my job!” A bald, fat man yelled at her.


“What are you talking about?! I don’t have time for this!” Tzuyu yelled back at him exasperated.

“No! I’m suppose to be her savior! She’s suppose to realize that I am a great, helpful man and fall in love with me! You’re ruining my plans!” The man shouted back, trying to push Tzuyu far away from the building.

Oh my god…

YOU STARTED THE FIRE?!” Tzuyu has never met a person as dumb as this man.

“I-It was suppose to be a small fire! Only enough to fill up a bit of her office! I didn’t know it would expand like this!” The man cried.

“Think of all the people you could’ve injured! Take the damn lady out to dinner, feed her fish, compliment her clothes even when it’s ugly! Don’t do stupid things like this!”


“Somebody please help me!” The woman in the building shouted once more.

“Sir, I don’t care if you were trying to impress this woman, you clearly don’t have the mental capacity to even take care of yourself,” Tzuyu insulted him as she proceeded to use her grappling hook on building.

The man cried himself in a corner.

She pulled her way up to the window the woman was at.

“Oh thank god!” The woman had never been more happy to see another human being.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” Tzuyu grabbed the woman’s waist and swung them back down to the sidewalk.

Just when Tzuyu placed the woman back on the floor, firemen appeared and began dousing the fire.

“The Force!”

Tzuyu looked ahead and saw a bunch of cameras and reporters rushing towards her.



After Tzuyu had left her, Sana let Artemis play a little while longer at the park. It ran with other dogs, but didn’t let other dogs touch her, as it only loved Chewbacca. After a few minutes she walked back home with her dog and sat on the couch. She the television and was very delighted with what she saw.

It’s her!

Sana squealed very loudly.

“What was that sweetie?” Sana’s mother asked from upstairs.


Sana sat close to the television and paid very close attention to the woman on her screen.

“The Force! You’ve done it again! How do you feel about saving another life?” A question was hurled at Tzuyu.

“Um, I’m glad I was able to help my people again,” Tzuyu said awkwardly.

The camera suddenly panned to the woman that was saved.

“Ma’am! How do you feel about having The Force save you?”

“I feel delighted! I’m so lucky to have The Force come rescue me!” The woman hugged Tzuyu tightly.

Sana felt her eye twitch. She was tempted to throw something at her screen.

That better back up two steps.

Tzuyu tried to pull away from the woman.

“N-No problem, it’s my duty to the city,” Tzuyu felt her oxygen depleting.

The woman pulled Tzuyu closer and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Sana almost flipped the table.

“No! She’s mine! Back off!” Sana screeched at the television.

“H-Honey? Are you ok?” Her mother asked worriedly from upstairs.

“I’m fine!” Sana sure didn’t feel fine.

Tzuyu quickly pulled away from the woman.

“Okay! I’m gonna go now!”

The crowd whined as they wanted to ask more questions. Tzuyu was getting ready to swing away when she remembered something.

“Oh lady, that man right there, he’s the one that set your office on fire,” Tzuyu pointed at the man that was trying to keep himself hidden behind the fire hydrant.

“What?!” The woman began smacking the ugly fat man with all her might.

“B-Baby! It was for our love!”

“Shut up!”

Sana continued watching, confused.

What am I watching?

The camera suddenly panned up and showed The Force swinging down the street, disappearing from everyone's sight.

Sigh… So hot.

Before Sana could squeal once more, the camera panned back at the woman hitting the man.

“I fell in love with you ever since you gave me your leftover hot pocket! Why can’t you feel the same?!” The man sobbed.

“That hot pocket fell on the floor! That’s why I gave it to you!”

Sana shut the television off.


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My first and only author's note for this story is on the foreword. I would appreciate it if you can read it once you've finished reading Part Time Superhero!♥


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Chapter 2: I didnt expect that this story is so funny HAHA. I LOVE THIS

Edit: i didn't read the tagss hehe
Chapter 20: i love this fic❤️ the story is just *chef's kiss"
Chouzaki_Xana #3
Chapter 20: This book is so much fun 💕
TzuTzuwie #4
Had been laughing through out the book, thank you for sucha great story author
best fic ever
Chapter 20: Ahhh I love this fic! The comedy really made it unique since all the fics I've been reading are all angst and fluff. So glad I found this :)
saovanmai #7
This fic is so fluffy and funny! Nice break from all the angst I’ve been reading. Awesome job!
All chapters are on crack..nothing is normal...hahaha

Nice Story..thank you
Chapter 20: <3
Chapter 20: I think this is my fourth time reading this and I am still loving it ♡