Favorite Nanny (Jikook)

Forelsket: Tiny Shards of Love

During the summer, fifteen-year-old Park Jimin offered to watch over his neighbor’s six-year- old son, Jeon Jungkook. 

The child was always a handful. His parents occasionally received phone calls regarding their son’s misbehavior. He, along with his friend Kim Taehyung, would wreck havoc in their kindergarten, leaving no one (even their teachers) unscathed. Dramatic, yes, but it never failed to land them in the principal’s office. Jungkook would have been expelled but his parents gave big donations to the school so expelling the son of their biggest donors would be quite problematic. So, they gave him a warning. And it would have been the hundredth warning he had if Jungkook had finally learned how to count to a hundred (but he was too busy planning his next prank plot to even learn that poop). 

At home, every nanny they hired seemed to always quit with a begrudging farewell saying that their son was the spawn of the devil and they had never met such an unruly child. 

It was a record of fifty nannies in three years.

But for some odd reason, when they hired Park Jimin (the fifteen-year-old who asked them for the job because he wanted a new bike), they did not receive any complaint from the young man. When he left after a job well done on his first day, he only gave them a smile and said he’ll come back again the next day.

And he did. 

Jungkook was rather fond of Jimin even if he did occasionally throw toys at the boy for being too affectionate. He won’t say it but being with Jimin was really fun. Other nannies would always demand that Jungkook slept, ate or behaved. Jimin, on the other hand, would say it gently and give him reasons as to why he had to do stuff.

“Jungkook, you need to eat” - Jimin

“But I’m not hungry” -Jungkook

“Then the worms in your body will eat you alive because you have nothing in your stomach” -Jimin

“But I ate a cookie” -Jungkook

Jungkook did not like the idea of being eaten alive by the worms that are supposedly in his stomach so it would only be reasonable if he started tearing up from fright.

“Cookies are not enough to fill their worm stomachs” -Jimin

And with this, he finally got Jungkook to eat even his vegetables (he told him that if he left out the vegetables, he’ll grow broccolis on his knees).

Yes, manipulating a six-year-old who refused listen to his teachers is quite mean but that did not stop Park Jimin. And hey, he eventually got his new bike. But that didn’t stop him from baby sitting Jungkook.

He found the kid too adorable to be left alone. Jungkook was like the little brother he never had. So when summer ended, you can only imagine the sad look on Jungkook’s face when Jimin told him he couldn’t be his baby sitter anymore. It was already bed time and since Jungkook’s parents were out late for work, it was Jimin’s job to tuck the child to bed.

“But I still want you here..” Jungkook whined.

“We can still play during the weekends” Jimin swiped the child’s bangs to the side, bending over to press a kiss on his forehead. Usually, when Jimin tried to even plant a kiss on Jungkook the child would kick him away but Jungkook was too disheartened to do so. He didn’t like the idea of Jimin not being with him everyday. He was the only baby sitter he liked.

“But I want you..” He stood up and hugged Jimin. “You’re the only nanny I want to play with” he started crying.

“But Im sure you’ll have fun with your other nannies” Jimin rubbed his back but he was caught by surprise when the child suddenly kissed him on the lips.

When Jungkook pulled away, snot-nosed and red-eyed, he said, “In shows that mommy watches, the girl or guy would do that so that the person she or he loves will stay with her so I thought if I do that, the person I love will stay with me.”

Jimin just blinked. 

He did not expect his first kiss to be with a six-year-old who was snot-nosed and crying his eyeballs out. 

Eventually, he sighed and decided maybe one sleep over would actually help calm this brat down.

“Tell you what Kookie, I’ll stay here for the night if you stop crying”

“Okay!” He smiled like he never cried. Damned brat, Jimin thought. 

Now they were under Jungkook’s covers with the child pressed close to Jimin’s chest. Jungkook slept soundly with his arms wrapped protectively around Jimin, afraid he might go away if he lets go. The young man couldn’t help but feel a bit too happy that the so-called spawn of the devil could actually act this cute in front of him. 

He swore that this kid could eventually be the death of him (figuratively and literally). 

When morning came, Jimin was surprised to feel someone kiss him when he woke up. He opened his eyes to find a pouting Jungkook in front of him. “What’s wrong Kookie?”

“You were supposed to wake up with one kiss, why the heck did I have to do it five times for you to wake up?”

If he wasn’t so sleepy, Jimin could have literally rolled on the floor laughing. Screw that, he was already doing it to which resulted to Jungkook kicking him in the back.

“Stupid Jimin!” The child blushed. 

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