How We Met

I'm Sorry I Loved You

A/N : Your surname in this "story" will be Kwon. :) 

[ ~~~~~'s POV ] 

It was just like any other Saturday. Other people would be out in the sun, screaming their lungs out in joy because of their freedom. While I was crammed up in my room, figuring out this problem Mrs Lee gave me. I glanced at the clock on my wall. 9:00a.m. Tell me again why i'm up this early. Mrs Lee wouldn't come over until night. 

Yes, you guessed it. I'm home schooled. My tutor, Mrs Lee, is in fact a teacher at Seoul High. Soon, her name would turn to Mrs Kwon. Why? Because she and my dad are engaged. Coincidence? I hope not. 

I live in a life full of, how should I say it? Nothingness. I wake up, Study, Get a lecture of how I must be a good daughter, and sleep. 

My phone beeped, bringing me back to reality. I smiled as I saw the ID. Well, at least there's one thing that's good in my life. 

Kim Myungsoo. 

He's my boyfriend. How did we end up with each other? I don't really know. But all I can say is, he's the only reason why i'm smiling right now. I opened the text message that he sent me. 

[ From: Myungsoo Oppa <3
  To: ~~~~~

Hello, beautiful :) How's your morning? Good? 
Meet me at our usual place. Manager hyung gave us a day off. See you there <3

Oh, did I mention that my boyfriend was an idol? A member of the boy band Infinite, to be exact. Yes, i've received death threats every now and then. But I got used to it. I smiled at the text message and went out of my room, only to bump into my father. 

[ Author's POV ] 

You stumbled back, regaining your balance. You looked up and noticed you had bumped into your father. The look on his face says that he knows everything. 

"Where are you going, ~~~~?" your father asked sternly. You slightly flinched at his voice. 

"T-To meet Myungsoo oppa." you mumbled, hoping that he wouldn't hear. 

"How many times did I tell you to not be with that boy?" your father huffed. Your father has always disagree to your relationship with Myungsoo. Once in a while, he would confront Myungsoo but he stopped, knowing that it won't work. So he always tried his best to keep you away from Myungsoo.

"B-But you know Myungsoo, he loves me. And I love him." you sighed. 

"That boy if not good for you, ~~~~~. You deserve to grow up and be a successful woman. That's why I asked Mrs Lee to tutor you." your father placed his hands on his hips. 

"Neh, appa. I'll come back as soon as I can." you scrambled out the door and went to meet Myungsoo. 


"Oppa!" you giggled as Myungsoo picked you up, twirling you around. 

"Hey, princess." Myungsoo kissed your nose. 

"So what are we going to do today?" you asked as Myungsoo and you walked down the pavement, hand in hand. 

"Let's just spend our time at the park." Myungsoo smiled. 

Your heart fluttered at his heart-stopping smile. That smile costs more than a million dollars. 


Myungsoo and you sat down on a bench once you reached the park. It was a peaceful day, unlike the other days when you had dates with him. He was always getting mobbed by fans, leaving you alone. 

You looked off into the distance and saw a couple on the swingset. You smiled as you remembered the first time you saw Myungsoo. 


You sobbed as you replayed back the scene in your mind. It was the day your mother passed away. Your mother loved you dearly and she would do anything to protect you. Even from your own father. Seeing her on the hospital bed, with a white sheet over her crushed your heart. Especially since you couldn't do anything about it anymore. The moment her heartbeat went flat, you ran out of the hospital and ended up in a playground. You sobbed even more, replaying every single thing again in your mind. 

"Agashi? Why are you crying?" a voice said, ever so gently. You looked up from your tears and noticed a handsome boy. He looked worried. 

"I-It's nothing." You looked down, still sitting down on the swing. 

"It's not nothing." the boy stooped down in front of you. "What's your name, agashi?" 

You sniffled, "~~~~~. Kwon ~~~~~." 

"Well, ~~~~~-sshi, i'm Myungsoo. Mind telling me what happened?" Myungsoo searched your eyes. 

"M-My mother. Sh-she's gone." you bawled. 

Without hesitiation, Myungsoo took you in his arms as you cried. Although he just met you, seeing a girl as beautiful as you made his heart wrench in pain. 

"Ssh~ Don't cry, ~~~~-ah. Maybe God needs your mother up there with him. I'm sure your mother will watch you from heaven." Myungsoo coaxed you with his soothing voice. 

You hiccuped and sniffled as you looked up at him, "You think so, Myungsoo-sshi?" 

"I know so. And please, call me Myungsoo oppa." Myungsoo smiled. 

You were crying so much that you didn't realize a celebrity was in front of you. 

"M-Myungsoo oppa? F-From Infinite?" your teary eyes glistened. 

"Yeah." Myungsoo grinned. 

For the first time on that day, you smiled. Because of Myungsoo, your whole heart was mended. 

End of Flashback 

"What's on your mind, princess?" Myungsoo curled a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 

"Nothing. I'm just glad I have you with me." you gave him an eyesmile. 

"Me too, princess." 

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foreverINSPIRIT #1
Chapter 2: the ending was sooooo sad. The saddest fanfic I've had ever read. I love it
Seungieee #2
@ILoveFanfics ; Aww :( I'm so sorry to hear that T-T

To all the readers who asked for a sequel, i'll consider that suggestion ;)
That's how I felt with my ex. She was popular and smart, and I was just a dumb girl who is a nobody,
LemoniPeachi #4
Please make a sequel !!! It's a beautiful story with a sad end !!! </3
So make a SEQUEL please !!! ^^ :3
sequel!!!!! :))
shashimieshushie #6
yeah~!<br />
we want a sequel..~<br />
I wanna sequel~ it's nice.^^
this needs to be a long fanfic!
I need seequel...