[Day Two] Amusement Flashbacks...?

7 Days With BTS

[Taehyung's POV]

{Warning : Bad Language}

Finally, it was my chance to hangout with her!

Today, I decided to take her to the amusement park.

The weather got hotter now..well just went up for a few degrees.

I'm there, standing outside her room, waiting for her to get dress.

"I'm done!"a childish voice yelled out.

I turned around, seeing Ji Ji in a cutesy outfit.

I turned around, seeing Ji Ji in a cutesy outfit

"Aigoo, you are dressing up very cutely."I admired.

"I should dressed up properly when I'm with you!"she smiled.

"Aww, we will have lots of fun~!"I said, crouching down to her height.

"Lets go, oppa! I can't wait!"she said, pulling my hand.

We quickly ran outside, feeling the warmth of the sun giving us.

I opened the car and placed Ji Ji in the back and secured her with a seatbelt.

I started the engine and we were off to the amusement park.

"Was it fun hanging out with Jungkook yesterday?"I asked, steering the wheel.

"Ne, but I think he got hurt because of me."she said lowly.

"Hurt? What happened? Tell oppa what happened."I replied.

"I was on the monkey bars and I fell but Jungkook oppa came to save me but he slid on the ground so he scratched his back."she explained.

"He was saving you. Don't worry, he's really fine."I reassured.

"I hope so!"she enthusiastically said.


We arrived at the amusement park, our hands intertwined together.

We quickly got the tickets and entered the huge amusement park.

"What do you want to ride?"I asked.

She pointed to a ride with floating horses going around and around.

"The carousel?"I questioned.

"The what what?"she said confusingly.

"We could say the merry-go-round to make it easier for you."I chuckled.

"The merry-go-round? Is that what it is called?"she wondered.

"Yes it's called that."I answered.

"I wanna ride the merry-go-round then!!"she exclaimed running to it.

We gave the carousel worker our tickets.

The line wasn't that long.

She quickly checked it and we boarded the ride.

"Can I ride with you, Oppa?"she pleaded.

"Of course! Come sit here."I said, patting the seat in front of myself.

I got on a white horse with rainbow armor.

I sat back a little for room for Ji Ji to sit infront of me.

I helped get on the horse and secured her tightly with my arms.

The ride began to start as the carousel spin around and around slowly.

Ji Ji was filled with excitement, giggling while the horse went up and down.

"This is fun!"she exclaimed happily.

"Yes, it is with you."I smiled.

The ride came to an end and it was time for another ride.

We decided to ride the spinning tea cups.

I thought it would of been too dizzy for her but she was actually fine.

She seemed to have plenty of fun and energy.

Of course, after the ride we went to eat.

We went to a restaurant to eat.

I ordered her a kid's meal while I ate something else.

We were full again and it was another time of fun.

"Oppa, what is that?"she pointed to ride with cars.

"Ah! That's bumper cars. It's where you drive that little car and bump into people. It's really fun. Do you want to try it?"I explained.

"Ne! I'm riding with you, right?"she replied.

"Yes of course in every ride."I smiled.

We entered the ride and buckled up into the bumper car.

The ride started and I drove into other cars.

The car was shaking a lot, scaring poor Ji Ji.

She was quite terrified and was holding onto the railing.

I pull over the side and held her closely to me.

"Don't be scared."I comforted.

I drove with my other hand as I held her in my other arm.

"BANG! Shall with hit them?"I asked Ji Ji.

She giggled and nodded.

I quickly pushed into someone's car, making them slide across the floor.

The ride stopped and we all got out.

We adventured around and tried out some food and little rides.

"Oppa, I have to use the bathroom..."Ji Ji confessed.

"Okay, lets go."I said, bringing her to the resting area.

"I'll wait out here. You go outside. Be a big girl, arraseo?"I assured.

She nodded and went into the women's bathroom.

"Maybe I should go to the gift's shop for awhile to buy her something..."I planned.

I quickly went to the souvenirs, leaving the resting area and bought a little teddy bear for her to enjoy.

I returned to the resting area and waited outside the bathroom.

10 minutes had passed and I started to get worried.

As a woman exited the bathroom, I asked,"Excuse me, can you do me a favor and check if there is a little girl in there name Ji Ji?"

"Yes, of course."the stranger said, going back inside the bathroom.

She came back outside later and informed me.

"She's not there?!"I panicked.

"I yelled out her name...no one responded to me. I asked the other ladies to check the stalls but she wasn't there."the stranger responded.

"Thank you so much!"I quickly thanked, running to find Ji Ji.

"JI JI! WHERE ARE YOU?"I yelled, looking around.

The crowd got much larger and it was harder to find the little girl.

It was my fault...

"Ji Ji?!"I screamed.

I dropped the teddy bear on the ground and started to look for her.

I frantically yelled her name multiple names.

With a panic face, I quickly went to the security.

"Please help! I can't find my little daughter...she's 10 year old! Her name is Kim Ji Ji!"I explained.

"Pabo...she's not your daughter."I thought.

"I mean...she's my friend!"I corrected myself.

"We will quickly find her. Please don't worry."The security guard reassured.

I started to burst into tears, realizing I lost a precious child.

"Ji Ji...where are you?!"I sobbed.

I waited in the security area, frantically thinking about her every second.

Suddenly, a tiny lady-like figure walked toward me.

"Ji Ji...?"I said, wiping my tears.

The face became more familiar.

I squinted my eyes to get a closer look.

"JI JI!"I yelled, running towards her.

"Oppa!!!"she sniffled.

I ran to her, hugging her tightly.

"Don't leave me again..."I softly said.

"Oppa...where did you go..?"she cried.

"Mianhe...Mianhe....it's my fault. It's okay now, it's okay. Shh..."I comforted, embracing her.

"O-Oppa..."she sniffled as she cuddle in my chest.

I sigh in relief that she was safe in my arms now.

I lifted her up and took her to a bench.

"It's okay..don't cry. You are fine. I'm here. Don't worry. Oppa is here."I whispered.

A flashback went through my head.

"Oppa...save me please. I don't want to live anymore..."my sister begged.

"Ani, don't say that...don't say that..you are okay. I will fix this, don't you worry. Stay strong.."I comforted.

I looked over to see Father drunk and wasted.

She laid down on the ground as I hugged her gently not to hurt her.

"Everything is going to be okay...I will protect you...You just wait."I whispered.

As the flashback disappeared and I returned back to reality, I realized my tears were hitting poor Ji Ji.

"Oppa...why are you crying?"Ji Ji asked, staring at me with a worried face.

"Ani,Ani it's nothing."I reassured.

"Lets go ride one more ride and go home. I don't want you to be hurt again."I said, brushing my tears away.

"But Oppa! I'm okay..."she replied.

"Ji Ji..."I sternly said.

She frowned.

"Then, what are we going to do next?"she asked, trying to cheer up the mood.

I look over and see a teddy bear crushed into the ground.

People continually stepping on it.

"Ji Ji, come with me."I said, grabbing her hand.

I went to the souvenir shop.

I lifted her up on my shoulders.

"What do you want?"I asked.

"I want that!"she chuckled, pointing to a fluffy stuffed sheep.

I laughed along at her choice.

"I'll guess I get one too..."I suggested, paying for two sheeps.

The mood became more happier and the sad atmosphere disappeared.

"Maybe we can stay a little bit longer..."I said.

"Yay!! More fun with Oppa~!"she yelled.

"Promise me you won't go wondering off?"I asked.

"Promise!"she said, snuggling against my neck.

"Have you heard about the Ferris Wheel?"I questioned.

"Aniya~"she responded.

"It's really fun. You can see the great view. It's very pretty just like you!"I teased.

"Ani, Oppa you are way prettier!"she complimented.

"Aww, gomawo Ji Ji-ah~"I blushed.

"Lets go ride it! What are you waiting for?"she impatiently says.

We ran to the Ferris wheel before the line got longer.

We carefully enter the carriage, first helping Ji Ji.

The sky got darker as the ride started, lifting us upwards.

"Wow!! Oppa, look!"she pointed to all the rides that were glowing.

"It's very pretty, right?"I asked, looking out of the view.

"Ne! We are going really high."she said, looking down.

I put my hands over her eyes and sat her back down.

"Don't look down! It makes you scared of heights."I warned.

"I'm not scared!"she bravely said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Kyaaa~"I said, pinching her cheeks.

"Don't pinch them unlike Jungkook did!"she said, toughening up.

"You all tough and buffy?"I growled.

"Yes! I could beat up someone in a second!"she exaggerated.

"Oh really? Hit me right in the chest!"I commanded.

"You sure, Oppa?!"she questioned.

I nodded.

Her soft hands punched me in the stomach causing me to jokingly fall down and be in pain.

Her hits were just like a pillow softly hitting me.

"Ow! Ow! Help! Agh!"I jokingly yelled.

"Oppa? Are you okay? I didn't mean to!"she said, running by my side.

"It hurts!"I said, holding on my chest.

She hugged my chest, patting it.

"I might feel better if you kiss me?"I lied.

She quickly obeyed and pecked me on the cheeks.

"I'm alive!"I said, standing up.

"YAY!"she applauded.

The carriage shook as we kept on playing with each other.

"Lets sit down before we get in trouble."I chuckled.

She sat on my lap, continuing to look at the views and asking questions of,"What is that?"

The ride sadly came to an end and it was time to go.

"I don't want to leave..."she pouted.

"We have to go. It's past your curfew. The doctors and nurses are going to yell at me if you don't come home."I said.

"Fine okay...I don't want Oppa to get in trouble."she said, skipping to the car.

I opened the car, putting Ji Ji in the back seat and buckling her up.

I started the engine and went on the way home.

"Ji Ji, was today fu-"

I turn around and see Ji Ji sleeping with her sheep toy.

"Oops, Mianhe."I giggled.


We arrived at the hospital.

I went to go grab Ji Ji, holding her in my arms.

I walked inside, greeting all the nurses and doctors.

Ji Ji's room was located on the 6th floor.

I went inside the elevator with few other patients and employees.

As we got off, I could see an familiar figure laying on a hospital bed in a room.

I quickly dropped Ji Ji's off, thanking the doctor for a wonderful day.

I left the plush sheep next to her, and went outside, examining the room with the familiar figure.

"Tae Si..?"I said, squinting my eyes.

Tae Si was my younger sister who gets abused by my father quite a lot. I suggest her living with me but she never listens. She always think she can convince Father...bad things go wrong when she does that.

"Oh! Tae Hyung-sshi! Are you visiting her?"a doctor said, walking towards me.

"Is this perhaps Kim Tae Si?"I asked.

"Indeed, it is. Is she your sister?"he asked.

"Ne..."I said, looking at the figure sleeping.

"What are you doing standing here? Go inside."he laughed.

I opened the door silently and walked to her.

"Tae Si...are you awake?"I whispered, holding her hand.

She slightly turn her head, showing bruises,scars and blisters.

"Tae Si...what happened??"I panicked.

"Oppa...I'm okay...it's just...just...he did it again."she stuttered.

"You need to stay with me from now on! I could no longer see you in this much pain!"I scolded.

"No! Oppa...believe in me! He will change...I promise."she cried.

I threw her hand away from mine.

"I'm talking with Father. From now on, you are staying with me."I commanded.

"No! Tae Hyung stop! It's my life! I decide what to do! You don't mess with it!"she screamed.

I froze, shocked filled my face.

"Last time...you said you wanted to die because of him..why did you suddenly changed?"I said in an angry tone.

I stared at her for a split second and left the hospital.

I got in my car, driving to Dad's house. It was close to Seoul.

I banged on his door, like a furious monkey.

The door opened, showing a wasted drunk old man.

"What do you want, little punk?"the wasted man said.

I dashed to him, grabbing his collar and pushing him against the wall.

"Why are you hurting, Tae Si?! YOU SICK OLD MAN!"I screamed.

"Ah, Tae Hyung its YOU! Why didn't you come back to Father, huh?"he said.


"Funny bastard."the drunk man said, throwing a punch at me.

I kicked his face, threw him on the ground.

"Mess with us one more time...I am seriously...going to kill you."I muttered.

I left my grip on him and left the house, slamming the door behind me.

Blood drip down my mouth.

I entered the car and was on my way home.


The dorm was dark and quiet.

It was past 11:00PM.

Everybody was in their rooms sleeping or doing something else.

"What are you doing awake?"a deep voice said.

I turned around, seeing Yoongi in the kitchen.

"What happened to your face?"he asked, drinking a glass of milk.

"Nothing really."I responded.

"Is Ji Ji safely home?"he asked.

I nodded.

"I see you got in a fight with your father."Yoongi sighed, pouring another glass of milk for me.

He motioned me to come sit down next to him.

I gladly joined him, sipping the refreshing milk.

"I'm clever, you know. You can't fool me you, pabo."he informed.

"He harmed her again..."I said out of nowhere.

"Tae Si?"he asked.

I nodded and sighed, gulping down the milk.

"What did you do?"he questioned.

"I threaten him that I would kill him...for real this time."I explained.

"Are you actually going to kill him?"he looked at me.

"Yes...I can't forgive him for what he done to Tae Si."I sorrowfully said.

The lights flickered on, making us turn around.

"What are you guys doing out here? Go to sleep."a sleepy Jin said.

"Were we too loud?"Yoongi asked.

Jin nodded and went back to his room.

"Go to sleep. Feel better tomorrow."Yoongi said, patting my back.

Yoongi went to his room and his lights turned off.

He left the glass of milk on the table, not bothering cleaning it.

I grabbed his cup and washed it angrily.

I couldn't get the thought of Father hurting Tae Si out of my mind...

I rubbed with my wet hands on the glass cup harder and harder until it shattered...

Everybody room's lights flickered on and doors opened one by one.

"What's going on out here?"Namjoon said.

I looked at my hands, bleeding non-stop.

"Hyung are you okay?!"Jungkook said, rushing to help me.

Few people went back to sleep.

The only people that were left to help was Jungkook,Namjoon and Jin.

Surprisingly, Yoongi wasn't out here to help

Namjoon and Jungkook sweep up the glass while Jin was helping me bandage my bleeding hand.

"You need to be careful. We have to clean up your face too...I heard you got in a fight with your Father. You should speak lower if you didn't want anybody to hear."Jin said, wrapping my hand with soft fabric.

After my hand was done, he putted a small bandage on my lip.

"You are free to go. Go to sleep. It's late."Jin commanded.

I stood up and walked to my room with no words.

I fell on the soft mattress and started punching the bed.

I was filled with anger inside of me.

I laid in the dark for awhile, approximately 10 minutes and then I drifted off to sleep


~No Interview This Time~


Author's Note:

Okay so I think this chapter was really interesting. It will connect to I Need U, Run and Wings. It's gonna be a long book. It won't just have 7 chapters...it will have more ;)) I might add a sequel if possible ❤️❤️


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