[Day One] Dog Fun

7 Days With BTS

[Jungkook's POV]

I waited outside the door, waiting until Ji Ji was ready.

The door opened and appeared Ji Ji in a warm clothes.

The days have gotten colder because winter was coming

I thought Ji Ji was very pretty and fashionable for a little girl

I thought Ji Ji was very pretty and fashionable for a little girl.

"Are you ready, Ji Ji?"I asked.

"Ne, oppa!"she replied.

But then, she looked at me head to toe.

"Oppa, why are you wearing a t-shirt? Won't you be cold?"she asked.

"Ah, it's in the car."I pointed.

"Oppa, wear warm clothing so you won't get sick!"she informed.

"Ne, Ji Ji."I said playfully.

I grabbed her little hands and walked to the car.

I carried her and placed her in the backseat and put the seatbelt on.

I got in the front seat and started the engine.

"Have you ever been outside?"I asked as I left the parking lot.

"Ani, the last time I went outside was when I was 7."she answered.

"Are you happy that we're hanging out with you?"I questioned.

"Ne! I really like you guys!"she yelled.

"So cute. Do you want to listen to our songs?"I asked.

She nodded and replied,"I want to listen to Blanket Kick! That's my favorite song."

"That's a good song you picked out there."I said, changing the music.

As the music played, I see Ji Ji dancing playfully behind me.

"Only you~ Only you~"she sang.

"Wow! You have an angelic voice~"I complimented.

"Sing with me Kookie oppa!"she playfully said.

"Oh yeppeo yeppeo yeppeo~"we sang together.

I quickly changed the lyrics to make it playful.

"Oh Ji Ji yeppeo yeppeo yeppeo!"I joked around.

"Oh Oppa yeppeo yeppeo yeppeo!"she played along.

We both laughed humorously.

As the song came to an end, we arrived at the special place.

I quickly got out of the car and grabbed Ji Ji.

"Hurry! Something special is waiting for you."I said, grabbing her tiny hands.

I decided to take Ji Ji to a dog cafe.

She may never seen a dog before so might as well let her experience it.

We entered the cafe, immediately puppies ran to us.

Ji Ji quickly hid behind me as the dogs started to sniff her.

"O-Oppa...I'm scared."she said as she tugged on my jacket.

"Don't be scared! They don't bite. See?"I said as I pet the puppy softly.

She started to become comfortable with the dogs.

She patted the dog's head as the dog her face.

"Oppa! Ew!"she said as she cleaned her face.

"Hahaha. Get use to it, alright?"I chuckled.

"I will order something to drink. Play with the dogs while I'm getting us drinks."I informed.

"Oppa! I want strawberry milk!"she said.

"Then I'll get chocolate milk."I smiled.

I quickly went up to the counter and ordered.

"Can I get 1 strawberry and chocolate milk?"I ordered as I got out my wallet.

"Ne. That will be 4000 won."the cashier replied.

I quickly paid her and gave 4 paper bills.

She quickly grabbed 2 small cartons of milk and handed it to me.

"Gamsahamnida."I politely said, taking the cartons of milk.

I quickly turned around and see Ji Ji rolling around with the dogs.

I chuckled a bit and quickly placed the cartons down on the table.

"Hey, your clothes will be all dirty."I said as I lifted her off the ground.

She giggled as she stared at the dog.

"Drink up, Ji Ji."I said as I poked a straw through the milk carton.

I sat her down on my lap.

"Oppa! I want to hold the dog~."she begged.

"Arraseo."I said, grabbing the dog with my arm and carefully giving it to Ji Ji.

"Be careful. You don't want to hurt it."I warned.

I grabbed the milk and held it up to her to let her drink it

I grabbed the milk and held it up to her to let her drink it.

She sipped it, leaving milk stains on her lip.

"Ji Ji, come here."I laughed.

"Wae?"she said confusingly.

I wiped her lips with my finger.

She smiled at me and continued playing with the dogs.

We stayed at the cafe for more than an hour and it was time to leave.

"Ji Ji, we have to go."I said, getting out of the seat.

"Aww, already?"she whined.

"We can come back later someday."I reassured.

Suddenly, a flash came upon my head.

"Pabo...she's gone after this...."I said in my head.

"Promise, oppa?"she smiled.

"Maybe...Oppa has a busy schedule."I said.

Her smile turn into a frown.

"Don't worry, I'll try to make space for you, cutie."I said as I pinched her cheeks.

"Hajima!"she playfully said.

"Let's go."I said, leading her outside.

As we exited the building, Ji Ji spotted a nearby playground.

"Oppa...can we go play on that?"she asked.

I looked at my watch, afraid of the time.

"Please."she pleaded.

"Alright, only for a few minutes..."I replied.

We walked across the road, being careful of the cars passing by.

Ji Ji ran to the slide as she slid down it.

"Weeeeeeee~"she playfully screamed.

I chuckled as I stand beside the slide, watching her slide down multiple times.

She left the slide as she went to monkey bars.

"Be careful, Ji Ji."I worried.

"Ne."She replied.

She grabbed on each bar quickly like she was doing a race.

"Oppa! Look at me go! Look how fast I am goin-"

Ji Ji's grip left her as she fell through the air.

I quickly ran to her to rescue her.

I slid through the grass, accidentally scratching my back.

I caught her in my arms.

"O-Oppa...I'm scared."she softly said in my chest.

"There's nothing to be afraid of..."I comforted her.

As she softly cried in my chest, I hugged her tightly, still laying on the ground.

"Do you want to ride the swings with me?"I asked, cheering up the mood.

She nodded her head as she wiped her tears away.

I quickly lifted her up and walked to the swings.

I sat on the swing as I pushed it softly and lightly

I sat on the swing as I pushed it softly and lightly.

As I see Ji Ji's eyes flickering, I softly sang a song.


(ignore that he has a mic and confetti flying around xD)

Her eyes slowly closed as I swing slowly.

She cuddled up against my chest as I slowly walked to my car.

I didn't want to wake her up so I called my manager to come pick me up.

I held Ji Ji on my other hand while I called my manager to come pick me up.

"You are so light, Ji Ji."I said as I rocked her.

"You feel like my own daughter. It was nice to knowing you, little cutie."I softly said, brushing her hair back as the wind blew.

Manager-nim finally arrived.

I entered the car, sitting in the back seat with Ji Ji in my arms.

Suddenly, a stinging back pain start to shock me.

I whimper in pain silently.

"Argh..."I whimpered.

"What happened?"Manager-nim asked.

I didn't want to tell him Ji Ji almost got hurt so I told him a lie.

"O-Oh, I-I accidentally tripped and fell on my back. There is a big gash on my back I think..."I lied.

"Yah, be careful. You can't work like that on stage if you are that clumsy."he scolded.

"Mianhe..."I apologized.

"We need to check with the hospital for your back and return Ji Ji safely."he replied.

"Ne..."I answered.


We walked in the halls of the hospital as I carried Ji Ji in my arms.

We entered her room as I saw the members dressed up like their stage outfits.

"Why are you guys dressed up like that?"I asked.

"You don't remember?"Rap Monster asked.

"We have a schedule...at 9PM."Tae Hyung said.

"We do?!"I replied, looking at my watch.

It was currently 8:30.

"Put Ji Ji down. You need to get your back examined."Manager-Nim said.

"Back?"Jimin asked.

"Hyung, I'll tell you later."I said as I placed Ji Ji down on the bed.

"Lets go, Jungkook."Manager-Nim commanded.

"Oppa...where are you going?"a voice softly said.

I turn around and see Ji Ji half-awake staring at me.

"Oppa has to go...continue sleeping Ji Ji."I explained.

"Why do you have to go?"she asked.

"I have a schedule to go to..."I answered.

"Oh...will we able to meet again?"she questioned.

The room got silent as everybody stared at me.

"Yes...of course."I smiled.

"Yay.."she smiled.

"I hope.."I said, under my breath.

"Bye oppa."she waved.

"Bye, continue sleeping."I waved.

I exited her room as I walked down the hall, to the doctor's office.

My smile turned into a frown after I left, realizing I won't be able to see her ever...again.


"Well...Mr. Jeon, looks like you have a big cut on your back. It needs to heal so you need to take a break on your schedules. It will take about 2 weeks to recover."the doctor explained.

"Oh..."I sighed.

"Well, we will take precautions. Thank you."Manager-nim informed.

We left the doctor's office quietly and silently without any speaking.

"My back isn't hurting that bad. Can I please still perform?"I pleaded.

"No, you can't. You have to recover."he sternly said.

"Please! I can do it. Believe in me, manager-nim!"I begged.

"What's making you want to perform all suddenly?"he asked.

I remembered that Eomma was coming to my latest stage.

And if I wasn't there, I would be leaving her and she would of be disappointed.

"My Eomma is coming to watch me, today. She told me that she would come and see me...if I'm not there, I would of disappointed her."I explained.

"Fine...go change in your stage outfit."he agreed.

I quickly grabbed my stage outfit from my coordinator.

I changed into it, still seeing the huge scratch against my back.

I got out and see the members waiting for me.

"Oh hey, kookie."Jin said, slapping my back.

"AGH!"I yelled in pain.

Everyone was startled.

"Jungkook, are you sure you want to perform in that condition?"Manager-Nim asked in a serious tone.

"Y-Yes."I replied.

"Mianhe..."Jin apologized.

"Ani, it's okay."I replied.

"You should of told me earlier."he said as he rubbed my back softly.

"Thanks."I smiled.

"Does that help?"Jin asked.

I nodded my head.

"What happened anyways?"Jin questioned.

"I'll tell you later...not when manager-nim is around..."I whispered.

"Ah.."he nod his head.


We arrived at the concert, performing at Music Core.

We were performing I Need U, our newly released song.

As I prepared for the stage, I see an oddly familiar figure.

It was Eomma.

I smiled widely as I watch her get her camera out.

As I practiced my singing voice, my back started to ache even more.

"You have to do this, Jungkook...For Eomma."I brightened up.

As we were called for the stage, I prepared myself.

The song started to play and the stage was about to begin.

Half-way through the song, my back started to ache way worse than before.

I held in the pain.

The choreography was rough and harsh.

As I tried to catch up and synchronized, I suddenly collapsed on the floor.

Hearing gasps and whispers, I could see the world turning.

"Yah, Jungkook!"a voice called out.

I see the members huddle onto me.

"You okay?"Yoongi asked, as he helped me up.

"Let's finished this up. It's almost done."I said.

Jhope cued the music and it started where I collapsed.

It ended finally as the audience and fans cheered and clapped.

I looked at Eomma, her face with worry and sadness.

I showed her a smile that I was okay.

We quickly left the stage for other group to perform.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!"a voice yelled.

I looked over and see Bang PD,our CEO.

"COME HERE! WE ARE ADMITTING YOU TO THE HOSPITAL."he yelled, dragging me outside.

I sighed in despair as I entered the car and rode to the hospital.




Interviewer: Is your back okay?

Jungkook: Yes, I'm okay. It's sad that I couldn't hang out with Ji Ji longer because of my BACK and schedule.

Interviewer:  How did you feel seeing your mom in the audience?

Jungkook: I felt I was really reunited with her. But, after I collapsed on the stage...I felt I lost her. I saw her face. Of course, she was worried. I feel bad about my performance. I was disappointed.

Interviewer: When you saw Ji Ji fall, what was your first instinct?

Jungkook: Of course, saving her. Ji Ji was really fragile so I thought I risked myself for her.

Interviewer: Last question, who would you choose...your Mom or Ji Ji?

Jungkook: ....I can't really choose. I love them both and grew such a big bond with them. Ji Ji was a really nice little girl. I felt like she was my daughter or maybe little sister. I'm still sad...she is leaving this world soon.


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