A Letter to You From Heaven


Dear Sehun,

I'm sorry, but I can't stand it anymore. Every moment of my life I feel like people are slowly torturing me; I can't handle it. Sehun, you tell me to be strong, sure I can be, but I'm not immortal. I can't do this anymore, I can't live in this sad, dark, cruel world. I can just feel it, the family is drifting apart and my friends are leaving me. You are the only one I have left. I'm so sorry I had to leave you, if I was stronger I'd stay with you longer. If the world was happier, less violent, I'd want to grow old with you. But in this world, I can't do that. I've given up, my patience is at it's end. 




This story is based off of what happened before my story in: Eyes, Nose, Lips. This is the letter Song Jimin (now deceased) gave Oh Sehun after her death. This letter led him to believe that one day she will come back and take him back with her to heaven.

Note: This story is ALL in Song Jimin's perspective, NOT Sehun's. I originally was going to finish this last year, but I wasn't in the right mindset to write about it. I've only wrote part by part of this oneshot when I was feeling down or lonely. So there may be some inconsistencies. I apoligize for any grammatical errors and errors with spelling, punctuation, etc. 


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ineedyouxx #1
I can't wait for this!