
Six Feet Under

When Baekhyun finally arrived in front of the office it was well into the late evening. He'd done everything he could to avoid the leader but he couldn't do it forever. He knocked on the foggy glass door and it rattled in an unsettling way.

"Come in!" Suho shouted and his voice barely made it through the door. Baekhyun entered and instantly his eyes fell on the unknown figure sitting in front of the desk. He liked to credit himself for being able to recognize and name every trainee and assassin, as disappointing as such a skill was - and he was certain that the male who now gazed at him was not one.

"Someone new?" He asked looking from the stranger back up to Suho. The leader sat at his desk with hands folded in front of him and Baekhyun had to hold back a snort at how serious and intimidating Suho was trying to be.

"This is Lay. He will be joining us under special circumstances and I ask that you give him a tour and try showing him the basics." Suho paused when he noticed the way Baekhyun's eyes flashed in annoyance and his nose scrunched up in distaste. "He has no memories, so please treat him kindly." Lay seemed confused about the situation as he looked to Suho like he was looking for answers.

"Why do I need to do it? Why don't you? You know my limits." Baekhyun crossed his arms over his chest but his expression fell neutral. He was already giving in and he silently cursed at Suho. The assassins liked to joke that the leader was magical, that he had the ability to make you do whatever he pleased and it was already taking it's effect.

"Also, if he has no memories then why is he here?" Baekhyun's question seemed to hold solid ground as Suho blinked and his eyebrows twitched down, but it was clear he had no answer and it bothered him.

"I'm just giving out the orders, not making them." The frown on Suho's face was unusual for the leader who always seemed to find a way to smile.

"Fine." Baekhyun agreed and the tension snapped like a cord. "I'll do it but I won't enjoy it." Lay blinked, seemingly not affected by the others talking about him like he wasn't in the room. Suho's face broke into a wide grin.

"I knew you cared!" He shouted running around the desk to pull Baekhyun into a warm, unwelcome hug. This was the only thing that phased Lay as his eyes widened in surprise.
"That's not what it was." Baekhyun hissed, squirming in the tight hold.

"Great, so be good boys. Take care of each other. I don't want to hear anything bad from the others." He began rambling like a concerned mother as he pulled Lay from his seat ushering him out alongside Baekhyun. He finished his speech off by glaring pointedly at Baekhyun and telling him to eat proper meals before slamming the door on him. The two stood out in the empty hallway staring at each other, one in confusion and the other expressionless.


"So do you want to eat something?" Baekhyun glanced to his companion who simply blinked back at him. Already he had showed him around the tall building that was the academy. He had showed him the gym and presented to him how to properly throw a knife. But the entire time Lay hadn't put any effort into a conversation. In fact he only nodded and shook his head or occasionally put in a yes or no. Baekhyun had learned quickly to ask simple questions that didn't require further explanation.

"Are you mute?" He blurted suddenly and the taller male flinched at the question. Obviously he wasn't because Baekhyun had heard him mumble his one word responses, but he figured it the quickest way to find the answer he was looking for.

"No." Lay responded. He opened his mouth like he was going to say more before he stumbled over it. Baekhyun waited patiently. "My Korean isn't very good. Also it didn't seem like you wanted me around to have a conversation with." Lay admitted. Baekhyun winced at the unintentional jab. He couldn't help they way he was. He also hadn't realized that the other boy processed what Baekhyun said in the office, judging by the blank expression he had before.

"Right. Well I'm having a conversation with you now, so do you want to eat?" Baekhyun tapped his foot impatiently.

"I would enjoy that." Lay nodded, smiling for the first time at the small male.

"Good. I need a drink."


Baekhyun instantly regretted those words when he learned Lay was a loud drunk, a very loud drunk.

"I love this food! It tastes weird!" He shouted into the night, eyes squinting up with his smile to the point where Baekhyun wondered how he could see.

"That's great!" He shouted back blandly. Lay broke into a fit of laughter, pointing an accusing finger at Baekhyun who had the urge to smack it away.

"You're funny!" Lay's words came out in a jumbled slur, forced out between giggles. Baekhyun leaned back in his plastic seat. They had found a street stall to settle down in, lured in by the smells of frying food and it was strangely comfortable. A smirk played at the edge of his lips as Baekhyun watched his drunk companion trying to put food in his mouth but missing and hitting himself in the face, leaving a smudge of sauce on his cheek.

"Should we go back? Suho wanted you an hour ago." Baekhyun suggested already pulling money from his wallet to show it wasn't really a request. Lay blinked up at him before his face flushed a darker red that wasn't from the alcohol.

"You have a cool leader." He mumbled shyly, gaze falling to the ground in embarrassment. Baekhyun glanced at him curiously. "Not really." He took in a breath of air, gripping the bills in his hand, not ready to put them down yet.

"Do you know why you are here, Lay?" He asked suddenly. The nagging question getting the better of him. He had tried hard all this time not to pry but he couldn't hold himself back anymore.

"Me?" Lay squeaked, gesturing widely and nearly knocking over a glass bottle. "All I know is I woke up in a box in the woods and that man helped me." His words were spoken innocently like he was unaware of what they meant and how unusual they were. Although it was already an academy of freaks so he would fit right in. Baekhyun eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"In a box?"


"In the woods?"


Finally something occurred to Baekhyun that left him with even more questions.
"In a grave?" He blurted, not really looking for an answer but simply putting it out there. Lay gave him a funny look before his body slanted to the side, tipsy.

"Woah." Baekhyun reached for him in alarm before slinging an arm around the other boy's shoulder and helping him stand. Suho was going to kill him for Lay's drunken state. He winced just thinking about it.

"Let's get you back." He threw the money down on the table before dragging Lay out of the cramped tent. They stumbled down the sidewalk, Baekhyun struggling to balance the taller male.

"You don't hold your alcohol very well, do you?"


"You're drunk, Chanyeol." Baekhyun twisted his lips in disgust as the smell of alcohol invaded his nose. The stench was strong, filling the small room and leaving the air heavy.

"No mm not." Chanyeol mumbled. Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the pointless defiance. Chanyeol lay sprawled out on his bed, hands pulling at the hem of his shirt like he wanted the fabric removed. How he ended up in such a situation was still a question to be answered.

"Chanyeol." Baekhyun chides sternly, grabbing at the boy's large hands and placing them neatly on his stomach. He was shocked the other boy didn't pull away at the touch like he usually would. He then continued with straightening the boy out, until he looked like he was ready to be placed in a coffin for his own funeral and Baekhyun found the image oddly hilarious. He pulled away to grab a blanket from his own bed before he tossed it over the shivering boy.

"There." He hissed.

"You don't even like me." Chanyeol whined, lifting a hand to drag down Baekhyun's face in an attempt to push him away. "You don't want to be roommates." Indeed Baekhyun had strongly refused when their trainer announced that they would be sharing the same dorm. But it would be a lie to deny that he didn't enjoy the company. So he didn't have to lay in the night alone with his thoughts. Instead he could listen to the annoying sounds of the other falling into a deep sleep. He was so loud.

Baekhyun sighed, letting the breath out to fill the room in all it's misery.
"Go to sleep, Chanyeol." He moved to pull away but a hand shot out to grab his wrist lightly. Baekhyun turned to face the boy, ready to snap. Chanyeol's touch felt like fire against his skin.

"I like you." Chanyeol whispered and Baekhyun's stomach flipped as the air caught in his throat. He hated the effect the intoxicated boy had on him. Chanyeol's lips curled up mischievously as if he knew a big secret that Baekhyun did not.

"I can feel your heart beating fast." His words came out on a sigh as he put more pressure on Baekhyun's wrist. Baekhyun pulled away sharply with a hiss, his pulse picking up even more until he felt dizzy and sick. A jolt of fear ran up his spine. But he didn't get to bite back when he noticed that the others eyes had fallen shut, soft breath now steady as his fingers twitched rhythmically. His eyelashes rested against his cheeks which were flushed from what Baekhyun assumed was the alcohol. With a defeated sigh he retreated to his own bed, deciding not to pull Chanyeol from his rest. Tomorrow he would interrogate him on how he got the liquor and hopefully everything else would be forgotten.


To say Suho was mad was an understatement. Baekhyun has never in his life seen the other male so flushed with frustration - and the leader has to put up with a lot of .

"I told you to treat him kindly!" He shouted at Baekhyun after he settled Lay in bed. Apparently he would be staying in Suho's dorm, which the leader had to himself.

"I did, and he got drunk. Maybe he needed it?" Baekhyun shrugged nonchalantly.

"Maybe- maybe he needed it?" Suho threw his arms out in exasperation. "What to let loose a little? He just got here! You were supposed to take care of him!" Baekhyun flinched at the disappointment that laced the other male's voice. He didn't feel comfortable being yelled at, it caused a bitter feeling in the pit of his stomach. Naturally, he got defensive.

"I did take care of him! I brought him back, didn't I?" Suho's face twisted into a scowl, something Baekhyun had never witnessed before. He could tell the leader was more stressed than usual and he had to wonder if there was something else going on. But before more words can be spoken Lay called out for the leader. His drunken voice carrying through the door and out into the hallway. Suho turned with a defeated sigh, hand resting on the door handle.

"Go back to your dorm and go to bed, Baekhyun." Then he left Baekhyun to stand alone.

"Don't tell me what to do." Baekhyun spat spitefully at the door. Like hell he was going back to his dorm. He was sick of people and the last thing he wanted to do was return to be harassed by Jongdae. Besides he had too much weighing on his mind. Questions he knew weren't his to find the answer to. Worries that seemed to follow him like a shadow in the back of his mind. He let his feet lead him through the academy, wandering aimlessly down empty hallways.

Everybody else had retired to their own rooms to sleep with the sun, but Baekhyun preferred to greet the moon. Absently his hands reached up to play with the charm hanging from his neck, a habit that he wasn't really sure when he had gained.


"You have pretty good aim." Baekhyun turned to the other boy, approval glinting in the depths of his eyes.

"Do you think I could compete with you?" Chanyeol joked. His lips curled up mischievously as he leaned closer to Baekhyun - shoulders almost touching but not quite. But Baekhyun could still feel the faint tickle of his presence. He could feel the way the heat radiated of the boy's body and sent chills down his spine.

"You wish." Baekhyun snickered, his expression turning up to mirror Chanyeol's. He picked up a knife to toss around in his hands teasingly.

"Ah, then we should put it to the test." Chanyeol nodded, picking up on the challenge the other was putting on.

"Good luck." Baekhyun chuckled. Not even trying to hold back his laughs as they tumbled past his wide smile. "You'll need it." Chanyeol seemed taken aback for a moment, staring at Baekhyun in wonder like a child seeing a tiger at the zoo. His expression part admiring and part electrifying fear. But he's quick to pull himself from it, gaze narrowing on the target on the far wall. Baekhyun is left confused about what he just witnessed, if he wasn't just seeing things.
But then Chanyeol threw just inches away from the centre and Baekhyun could feel the threat against his high standing position. He wouldn't let anyone knock down his pride so he narrowed his vision, aimed and threw.


"You beat me." Chanyeol hissed out in exasperation. Still staring at the far wall with mouth agape. "But it was close right?" Suddenly his expression lit up. He bounced on his feet like an excited puppy, waiting in anticipation for Baekhyun's answer.

"Yeah, you were good." Baekhyun mumbled, allowing the boy to have at least that small victory. He turned away to hide the smile that forced it's way on him. He was really starting to hate what the other boy did to him, but at the same time it was enthralling every time he felt the shivers race through his veins or his heart jump in his chest. He turned back to see the delighted expression on Chanyeol's face.

"You're too easy to please." Baekhyun commented before he could stop himself and Chanyeol only nodded along.

"I suppose." His hands played with something shining around his throat. Something Baekhyun had noticed before but never said anything about. But this time it seemed the curiosity was itching at him.

"What's that?" He asked, gesturing to the boy's neck. Chanyeol paused at the question, taking a while before he understood what the small boy was pointing at.

"Oh, this?" Chanyeol held up the chain for Baekhyun to view. On it dangled a simple, silver charm. The fluorescent lights of the training room reflected off of it, shining into Baekhyun's eyes in the most soothing way. His hands reached up to hold it and he didn't miss the way Chanyeol's flinched away so their fingers wouldn't brush. Baekhyun couldn't help but feel hurt by the action but he kept it to himself. Once the charm was in his hands he rolled it around. Inaudibly gasping in admiration of the way it felt under his fingertips. The metal was surprisingly smooth and he could feel the warmth of where it had rested against Chanyeol's sternum.

"A bird?" Baekhyun questioned, eyes never leaving the shape.

"A phoenix." Chanyeol corrected. "My mother gave it to me. It has a lot of meanings in different cultures - in many it symbolizes rebirth or royalty. It symbolizes high virtue and grace. It also symbolizes the union of yin and yang. It meant a lot to her." Baekhyun couldn't help the way his fingers twitched at the mention of family and the way his gaze fell away from the charm like he was afraid to see it.

"I see." He whispered, taking steps away from the conversation and steps away from the silver that was know scorching to the touch.

"Why?" Chanyeol's soft voice made him freeze in his spot. He waited for the other to continue but when he didn't Bakehyun was forced to look up. "What about your family?" Baekhyun flinched. Family was a topic he avoided. He wasn't ashamed, he knew that. But he disliked the shift in people's eyes after he tried to explain a situation he didn't understand himself.

"I can't remember them." He made himself keep eye contact with the taller boy. Waiting for the same thing to happen. He expected Chanyeol to push further, to question him. Almost walked away so he wouldn't. But he didn't.

"My mother." Chanyeol started. "She told me - she wanted me to be kind, but she didn't want me to be soft. She wanted me to be happy, but she wanted me to understand suffering. She wanted me to be strong, but she wanted me to know weakness. She wanted me to grow into someone admirable like the image of the phoenix." Chanyeol's eyes were wide as he met Baekhyun's like he was trying to make him understand something. But Baekhyun couldn't understand.

"Why are you telling me this, Chanyeol?"

"There is another side for everything, Baekhyun. Right now I can see you pulling away from me. I know you don't get along with other people and that the other trainees avoid you. I know that you feel like everyone hates you but I want you to understand that no matter how many people might hate you, someone can still love and care for you. For whatever reason you think you need to be alone, you don't. All I want is for you to speak to me freely without any burden. I want to be your friend." Again his heart jumped in his chest. Such simple words spoken so sincerely - and he could see that in Chanyeol's eyes as they held his.

"That means nothing." He managed to choke out past the lump in his throat. "That means nothing, Chanyeol." He repeated louder with more strength. "I don't want or need you. I don't need anyone. I'm fine as I am so stop looking at me as someone pathetically weak who needs your help." With that he angrily turned around and stomped out of the room with his training bag heaved over his shoulder. Even as the door slammed shut the tall boy stood there staring at where Baekhyun had departed.

Something in him faltered, no matter how hard he tried the other pushed him further away. He would take one step forward and then ten back in repetition and it was starting to feel futile. His lips moved of their own accord, his raspy voice finding hold in his dry mouth. Saying the very words that he grew up being told, the words that allowed him to carry on the way he did. Somewhere in his heart he wished Baekhyun could hear them - could understand them.
"Weakness is your strength."

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HeirOfMirkwood #1
Chapter 3: Chanyeol can turn from badass to awkward in under a minute haha!
HeirOfMirkwood #2
Chapter 2: I love how Baekhyun sounds so... deadpan, for the lack of a better term. But Kyungsoo is still my fave character for having successfully drugged and buried his friend.
HeirOfMirkwood #3
Chapter 1: Wow. Just wow. All these came quite a bit of shock! It's strange and unique and I love it! <3
Chapter 6: this is really good, and the plot is moving so interestingly. cant wait to read more of this!