EP #4

SM New Generation: SM SHOWTIME
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'Foreign Swaggers' TV

(johnny// ten // jaehyun // mark)


"Welcome to the Foreign Swaggers section!" Mark exclaims enthusiastically (as usual - that's his line and only his). The four of them are at the corner of SM's SUM Café. It's not opening hours yet so there isn't anyone else in the café except for them and a few staff.

"This is the Foreign Swaggers reunion!" Ten exclaims proudly and everyone claps shamelessly.

"So what are we here for?" Johnny asks, turning to look at the other three. Jaehyun is sipping on his americano while Ten is eating a sandwhich. Mark is staring into space and playing with the many rings on his fingers.

Jaehyun looks up from his coffee and replies very honestly, "I actually don't know." And to that, Johnny then adds, "We have no purpose here." Mark starts to laugh really loudly and the older guys laugh at his laughter. It's very funny. It's high pitched and it just... well sounds funny.

"Jaehyun has lived in America for 4 years that's why he's here man." Ten says and Jaehyun chokes on his coffee, meanwhile Johnny deadpanss him as Mark bursts out into another round of crazy laughter. "Not funny man." Johnny replies and Ten shoves him. "Damn we're funny." Mark remarks and Ten replies, "Us, not you." "Ouch." The younger guy pretends to be hurt, clutching his hoodie.

"No really guys, we have nothing to do here." Jaehyun says, looking around. He then adds, "And I'm incredibly hungry." "Me too." Johnny agrees.

"Okay let's play a game then." Ten says, "Everyone has to call someone that has known you for more than... more than... er... 3 years and it has to be someone we all know too... and then we'll make that person say stories and reveal stuff about you."

"I'm cool with that." Johnny agrees almost immediately. Jaehyun agrees to after some thought and Mark just goes along with whatever his hyungs say. They pick Ten to go first since he came up with the idea. He takes out his phone (NCT is given temporary phones) and scrolls through his contact list, thinking for quite some time. He finally settles on a contact and taps on it. "Who are you calling?" Mark whispers and Jaehyun continues, "Guy or girl? Call a girl and make it more fun." Ten tells them to keep quiet. The boys had agreed that everyone should try calling a girl (Jaehyun's idea). It makes things more interesting (also Jaehyun's words).

"Hello?" A girl speaks in English with a noticeable accent. "Hello? Ten?" The girl asks again when Ten didn't speak. "Hey Wendy. Whoa almost thought you wouldn't pick up because it's so early." Ten finally spoke. That's right, Ten has chosen to call Wendy. "I'm up already, it's fine but hi what's up?" The girl continued in English, signalling that the two usually spoke in English, which is also probably why Ten didn't use 'noona' on her when he replied her back in English.. "Hey I'm filming for SM SHOWTIME." Ten explains and the boys hear Wendy go "Ahh I see". "Hi!" Mark exclaimed, excited, because Wendy may be Korean but she holds a Canadian citizenship and Mark was born in Canada and it's just cool for him everytime he sees her. "Its that Mark?" Wendy asks in Korean and Mark greets back in Korean, "Yes hi it's me, Wendy noona! Johnny and Jaehyun hyung are here too. How are you?"

Wendy mentioned something along the lines of having schedule in a few hours but she's free to help with whatever they're doing right now. "We need you to reveal dumb stories of Ten." Johnny tells her. "Dumb stories?" Wendy repeats, sounding confused. "Yeah like embarrasing or like stupid." Johnny replies, earning a light smack from Ten. "Embarrassing or stupid? Er... let me think..." Wendy goes silent for a while.

"Oh yeah!" She suddenly exclaims and all four boys turn to her, interested. "This was before we were SMROOKIES but like we were at the cafeteria and Ten was a few tables away and he suddenly laughed so hard his bowl fell on his lap and his soup spilled everywhere." Wendy reveals, causing laughters from everyone except Ten who covers his face, embarrassed. "And the thing is," Wendy continues, "I thought he was laughing with someone like I don't know perhaps Johnny or something but he was alone and he started laughing so loudly and I was so confused. I was with Seulgi and I asked her if he's crazy."

"Hyung why were you laughing alone?!" Jaehyun exclaims and Ten replies, "I don't know!!?? I just felt like laughing that day and suddenly I laughed and the soup fell and it was like flood!" Mark laughs, shaking his head after he settled down, muttering, "Ten hyung, you're so weird."

"What kind of friend is Ten, Wendy?" Johnny asks Wendy after they all stopped laughing and shouting. "Hmm... Really weird, really funny but hardworking and no doubt talented." Wendy replies and you can almost hear her smile on the other end of the line. "Are you sure?" Jaehyun jokes and Ten shoves the guy jokingly. "Hopefully he stays balanced and not let the weirdness get to him." Wendy jokes back, causing laughters again.

They hang up after awhile, thanking Wendy for her time. The next to call is Jaehyun. Because there was already time to decide, Jaehyun calls immediately. The phone is answered a few seconds later. "...hellooo...?" A girl's husky lazy voice is heard. "What time is it...?" The girl continues to mumble. Seconds later, she's yelling into the phone. "Yah oppa! It's 6am in the morning why on earth are you calling me?!" Everyone starts to laugh, recognising the voice to be Red Velvet's anything-but-lovely maknae Yeri. "Yerim, I'm filming for SM SHOWTIME." Jaehyun tells her. There was a short pause and then Yeri replies, "Oppa, I hate you." Everyone starts to laugh again. Yeri is heard sighing before saying, "Hello everyone. I'm really sleepy right now but I'm Red Velvet's Yeri. Sorry if I sounded grumpy... Jaehyun oppa always bullied me."

"Hi Yerimmie." Johnny says. Yeri replies immediately, sounding alot more happy, "Oh hi Johnny oppa! Didn't know you're here too! I heard laughters but I didn't know who it is." "There's Ten and Mark here too. We're all filming together. Did we disturb your sleep?" Johnny replies. Yeri yawned a little but replies, "A little but it's okay. I should get up too." Ten leans forward to ask, "Yeri, you don't have schedule?" Some sort of shuffling sounds were heard and it seems like Yeri is folding her blankets. "Hi Ten oppa and nope," The girl replies," I know Wendy eonnie, Irene eonnie, Joy eonnie all have schedules but Seulgi eonnie and I don't. I think Seulgi eonnie is at the practice studio already though. Either that or she's at the gym.

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Yerinator #1
Please update this)):
abbysong #2
Chapter 6: I think this is the best SM fanfic I ever read.
You're so amazing!
Btw I'm markoeun trash, I'm so curious about the selfies that Mark & Koeun did together in practice room.
Please update soon author nim~
Chapter 6: and more wendy juseyo.
Chapter 6: update soon please. i love sm babies!
Chapter 6: JohnTaeSeulRene! Such a cute chapter~
Yerinator #6
Chapter 6: Aww this was so sweet! Can't wait for more episodes!
please do check out the foreword if you have time! i spent alot of effort on collating their profiles and photos D:
Please continue please!
Kyuna9 #9
Chapter 5: AAAAWWWW I can totally imagine the episode with Haechan Yeri and Herin lolll. You're so great you make it feels so real!!!