Dense [Wei x Wooshin]


Wooseok grumbles under his breath as he watches Sungjun play around with Gyujin. He stands up and thinks about whether he should go and approach the duo or just go back to his room. He really doesn’t like the sight of those two playing together. Of course, it’s not that Wooseok doesn’t want Sungjun to be happy; it’s just that he doesn’t like it when someone else sticks to the tall boy like some kind of overgrown koala. No, he definitely doesn’t like it when Sungjun’s smiling and laughing with another guy (or girl, but Wooseok knows Sungjun doesn’t really swing that way so he’s not as cautious).


In the end, Wooseok decides to approach the two, though he doesn’t really have anything good to say in mind. Maybe something like, ‘What’re you guys up to?’ or ‘Hi Gyujin, can I borrow Sungjun for a while? I might not return him though’. He giggles at the latter. Not gonna lie, that’s the one he’d much prefer saying, but he keeps it to himself.


From the corner of his eye, Wooseok can see the two engaging in an arm wrestling competition. He hears them laugh and have fun; a little part of his heart hurts with jealousy. He sighs. It’s not often he falls for someone this much, but he really can’t help it. He takes another deep breath and approaches Sungjun and Gyujin.


“What’re you guys up top? I mean to. What’s… what’s up to?”


Wooseok wants to kill himself. So much for his cool image. He drags a hand down his face in embarrassment, but doesn’t leave. He hears them laugh loudly and peeks through his fingers.


“Hyung, are you okay?” Gyujin giggles, trying to bring his laughing fit to a stop in fear that he’ll make his hyung mad.


“Yeah, sorry. I… didn’t know what got into me there,” Wooseok says, disappointed that it wasn’t Sungjun who asked. “Anyway, what’re you guys up to?”


“Well, we were building nano blocks, but Sungjun-hyung wanted to arm wrestle so…” Sungjun smirks. “I was winning there, you gotta admit,” he says proudly.


Wooseok smiles a bit on the outside while his insides are flipping all over the place at that handsome ing smile. He regains himself and turns toward Sungjun. “Right, Changhyun texted me a moment ago. We’re on shopping duty,” he informs. Jinwook didn’t actually text him; it’s just something he made up on the spot. He has to take Sungjun away from Gyujin.


Sungjun raises his eyebrows. “Well, alright then. Gyujin do you wanna come along?” he asks. Wooseok snaps his head towards the brunette and glares. Gyujin smiles a bit. He knows just how smitten this one hyung is for Sungjun.


“I think I’ll just stay home. I’m going out for the studio in a while anyway. Young-sunsaengnim wants to talk to me about our practice schedule,” he says, letting a chuckle slip out at how relieved Wooseok looks. Sungjun simply nods before turning to Wooseok.


“Alright, just the two of us, then? Let’s go.”


Wooseok purses his lips, trying to keep himself from squealing.


“Yep, just the two of us.”




“Changhyun, I need your help,” Wooseok hisses to his phone.


What is it this time?” Changhyun sighs. He was in the middle of practice when Wooseok so suddenly rings him up. He doesn’t mind too much though, he’s a cool guy.


“Can you cook for us tonight?” he asks quietly, looking over his shoulder.


Well, um, sure. Why, though?


“I kinda lied to Sungjun about you asking me to buy ingredients, so…”


Changhyun chuckles from the other line. Wooseok glares as if he can see him.


Right, of course it’s about your lil crush on that damn pole.


“Shut up. Just tell me what you’re gonna cook and send me a list of ingredients through text, okay? He’s getting ready and will-”

“You’re ready, Seok?”


Wooseok jumps a feet in the air and covers his phone. He turns to see Sungjun staring at him, dressed in a plain white shirt over a denim jacket and dark jeans. God damn. Wooseok wonders how someone can look so attractive in blue. No one pulls that color off better than Sungjun.


“Just a moment, I’m, uh, talking to Changhyun for a bit before we leave,” he stammers.


Sungjun shrugs. “Alright, I’ll be in front.”


“Y-yeah, I’ll… catch up.”


Wooseok makes sure Sungjun’s out of sight before he returns to Changhyun, only to realize the rapper had ended the call. He grumbles in frustration, just as a message pops up. He quickly opens it. It’s from Changhyun.


“Took you too long so here’s what u need for naengguk and kimchi:

  • cuCUMbers (lol not sj’s tho winkwonk)
  • sesame seds
  • vinegarr
  • radish
  • sclalions
  • also pick up som banana milk pls bc yeol finished it all;;;;

Jut get toiletries 2 u know whih onees w need bc u use the washrum the most so”


Wooseok reads through this while walking to the front door, where Sungjun’s already waiting. Changhyun’s frequent (and probably purposely done) spelling mistakes gets on his nerves, but at least he knows what to get now. He arrives beside Sungjun and beckons at him. “Let’s go then?”




Wooseok kinda wishes Sungjun offers his hand.




“You look really good in blue, just saying,” Wooseok says out of the blue as they walk. Sungjun turns to look at him with a smile.


“That’s sudden. Thanks,” he grins. It makes Wooseok feel all weird inside. “You do too. You look… handsome.”


Wooseok thinks he’s never been this giddy before. He’s used to people calling him handsome, but when it comes out of Sungjun’s mouth it becomes just a little bit more special.




They arrive in the supermarket and step inside. Immediately, two young girls spotted and approached them, asking for a picture. Wooseok side-eyes Sungjun, who simply shrugs. “Sure thing.”


“It’s cold,” Wooseok points out once the fans thanked them and went away. Sungjun rubs his hands together. “I guess so,” he agrees.


Wooseok daringly grabs Sungjun’s hand. “Until it becomes warm enough, can we hold hands like this?” he requests. Sungjun blushes, but nods nonetheless.


“Um, if- if that’s what you want,” he stutters. Wooseok tugs him close. “Don’t be so flustered, I know I’m handsome.”


Contrary to what he said, Wooseok’s heart is beating 50 miles per second. He thanks his nature of being able to control his facial features better than most people, otherwise he’d be a widely smiling, blushing mess.


Sungjun laughs. “Like I’m so easily flustered. C’mon, let’s start before it gets too late out.” Wooseok finds himself smiling wider than usual.




A couple of times throughout their time in the supermarket, fans approached them, some too loud for Wooseok’s liking, but he appreciates them. “Should we get this done as quickly as possible?” Wooseok asks. Sungjun scoffs. “It’s rare we get to shop like this, let’s just enjoy~ After this, do you wanna go up to the department store? We can look at clothes and stuff.”


Wooseok’s eyes light up. Does this mean Sungjun wants to spend more time with him?


“Yein’s birthday is coming up right? I was thinking of what to buy for him.”


Oh. Wooseok’s heart falls a little. Actually, his birthday is before Yein’s. How can Sungjun mention the younger boy first before him?


“My birthday is, too…”


“What was that?”


“Nothing. Let’s go see if they have banana milk left.” But Wooseok doesn’t wait for Sungjun and quickly walks away, pushing the shopping trolley forward. He ignores the fact that his hands are cold.


Confused and a little hurt Wooseok ran off just like that, Sungjun follow suit. His long legs allow him to catch up in a few strides. Sungjun’s not quite sure what to say, so he just walks silently beside the shorter boy. Wooseok ignores him and scans the milk section before his eyes land on the remaining two banana milk. He reaches for it, and (un)fortunately, Sungjun happens to reach for the same one.


Cliché much.


Wooseok blushes and swats Sungjun’s hand away. “T-take that other one. Dongyeol finishes these fast,” he says quickly. Sungjun shrugs and puts the other huge bottle in the cart.


“We’re done, right?” he asks carefully. Wooseok nods and waves his hand dismissively.


“Shop whatever you want for Yein. I’m gonna pay and go back to the dorm.”


Sungjun shakes his head. “It’s getting pretty late and dangerous out. Let’s just… go back together, okay?”


“Are you saying I can’t take care of myself?” Wooseok snaps. He doesn’t mean to, and immediately purses his lips. Sungjun’s mouth falls open a bit. Wooseok rushes his brain for an apology- or something to say.


“I’m sorry you don’t want someone annoying like me to worry about you,” Sungjun mumbles. He turns around and leaves Wooseok.


It hurts the blonde more than it should, to see Sungjun’s retreating back like this. He knows it’s his fault, but Sungjun’s so damn dense, he can’t help it. Holding hands don’t seem like a big deal to Sungjun, while Wooseok was screaming internally the whole time. It’s unfair. It’s unfair he’s the only one who feels this way.


He in a deep breath and decides to just pay and go back the dorm as soon as he can.




Okay but you have to come back to the dorm. He literally snaps at anything that goes near him,” Changhyun pleads.


“How am I supposed to make things better? He’s like that because of me,” Sungjun sighs. He stares at the display of branded shirts, debating whether to buy one or not. He doesn’t exactly know Wooseok’s size.


Dude, you know what? I’m spilling: I didn’t ask him to go grocery shopping with you, he probably made it up out of nowhere and THEN ask me for the ingredients. He wants to spend time with you, don’t you see?


Sungjun can imagine Changhyun jumping up and down in frustration, flapping his hands like a little bird. That’s the sort of thing Changhyun would do when he’s excited or desperate.


“Why would he want to-”


He ing likes you, okay? Like, totally head over heels… phew, a relief to get that off my chest.


“Wait what-”


Anyway, he’s like, totally smitten. You’re just too damn dense to realize. He drops hints like a ing bomb all over the place and you’re just deaf.


Sungjun takes this in and is about to form a reply when Changhyun cuts him off again.


Oh my god, stop doing whatever you’re doing and come back. He’s gonna bite our heads off and I don’t wanna die young. Alright? Be back in 15 minutes or you’re not getting any of my naengguk.


And just like that, Changhyun ends the call. Sungjun sighs heavily. He really doesn’t want to face Wooseok at the moment, feeling much too guilty. But at the same time he knows he has to fix it (and Changhyun’s dishes are damn good, he doesn’t want to miss that too). So he takes a size S shirt- which seems a little too big for said size- and goes to the cashier to pay.


He hopes it’s not too late to apologize.




Changhyun is more than delighted when he opens the door to find a breathless Sungjun catching his breath. “You’re 24 seconds late but whatever, go to Wooseok’s room, like, right now,” he ushers, pushing Sungjun towards the corridor that leads to Wooseok’s room.


“I’ll seriously kiss you if you get him to calm down,” Changhyun whispers. Sungjun pulls a face.


“Uh, no thanks?”


Changhyun chuckles. “I’m just kidding. Good luck.”


Sungjun knocks on the door once, twice, and then opens it. It’s dim inside, with only the bedside lamp on. The room is mostly clean, only a few socks and a pair of basketball shorts lie on the floor after being carelessly thrown.


The bed is quite big- just enough for 3 average sized guys to squeeze in. The sheets are a solid grey and wrinkled, as someone is lying face down on them. It’s Wooseok, with his blonde hair messed up.


“Who the is it?” he calls out, annoyed.


“Sungjun, the guy you have a crush on- right?”


Immediately, Wooseok gets up, grabs the nearest pillow and throws it smack on Sungjun’s face.


“W-who told- I mean, what?! No, I don’t! Get out of my room!” Wooseok stutters, his face as red as his previous hair.


“Oh my god, calm down!” Sungjun whines, grabbing the pillow that fell by his feet and using it as a shield to block the other incoming pillows. “I just- wanna talk!”


Wooseok stops, stares, and slumps back down, burying his body under the sheets. Sungjun waits a few seconds before approaching the bed. He sits on its side, by Wooseok’s feet.


“Ouch!” Wooseok giggles as he successfully hits Sungjun’s side with his feet.


“That’s what you get.”


“For doing what exactly?”


“I don’t know, for stealing my heart. And being damn dense about it.”


Sungjun looks offended, but Wooseok keeps his eyes closed tight.


“Well, there you go. A half-assed confession, but you know already anyway, so I don’t really care.”


“Hm, what if I say I kinda like you too?”


“It’s not enough. You have to really like me to make me happy.”


“You can’t force me to like you.”


“I know.”


“Give me an easier thing I can do right now.”


Wooseok thinks for a while. “Do something that’ll make me happy, and get me up because I can smell Changhyun’s cooking from here and I’m hungry.”


Sungjun rolls his eyes. He leans down and presses a kiss on Wooseok’s cheek. The blonde’s eyes fly open and he whips his head to look at Sungjun in disbelief.




“You’re not happy? What should I do? Cuddle?”


Wooseok sits up red-faced.


“No thanks, and… uh… I think they’re eating right now. Let’s go.”


Sungjun laughs.


“You’re cute,” he admits. “I might start liking you more.”


Wooseok puffs his cheeks out.


“You better.”


For: Alphawolf1567

A/N: Here it is~ I feel like weishin will be that one awkward crush couple, so I hope that awkward-feeling shows a little here(?) They’re really cute tgt though it was nice writing this! So I hope you enjoyed ^^

Anw, lately I've been super busy with homework and projects so I'm really really tired T-T I would like to update sooner but the amount of work and lessons I have is damn insane (& I'm not even in highschool yet rip) I hope you guys don't mind too much, I'm trying my best to make time to write these requests bc I love writing~ and up10tion~ and you guys~ So yeah! I'll probably update every 2-4 days, 5 if I'm really busy, I hope you don't mind! ^^"" Anddd that's all I have to say~ Bye bye!!



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I'm really digging WeiXiao y'alls they're so cute I wanna lie down and cry my tiny heart out


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WushuMochi #1
could you make a sequel to the oneshot "Adopt (wooshin x hwanhee)" IT WAS ADORABLE
can u make a sequel thingy for chapter 31? if they dont make up im gonna cry... also chapter 24.. T^T and maybe one for chpt 34?
Chapter 7: The small details and the cute moments, just too adorable! ^~^
hahahbye #4
Chapter 4: ++i would love that full xmen au fic
hahahbye #5
Chapter 4: thank youu so muchhh~ and i know i was v v inactive so ive only read it now:") but thank youuu its so adorable awwwawawa:")
Alphawolf1567 #6
Chapter 6: omfg this is really cute tysm
Chapter 5: aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Oh gosh, this was super cute!! Your writing is amazing♥♥♥
Ship : Wei x Kogyeol x Xiao
Genre : Angst with some rays of fluff? or ending fluff ?
So the three of them are on vacation somewhere like the maldives or smth and their having their fun, romance, relaxation time until a natural disaster(tsunami/earthquake/tornado) happens and they are losing sight of one another on their need to try and evacuate/go somewhere safe. OR they lose one of them (they other two staying together) as people pass by and they get seperated and the other two get obviously worried and against everything and even their own safety try to find their lost partner, even though the authorities are trying to get them to safety and reassure them that they will find their lost partner.
Bonus: plot1) they get hurt before reunitting themselves , plot2) the lost partner gets hurt before the other two/authorities find him
ps: sorry if this is too specific or too unspecific or nowhere in between > <
ps2: yes it me and im angst again... sorry for that too ?
Members : Gyujin x Bitto [ft Sunyoul/Ricky]
Genre : slight angst and fluff
Description : (vampire!au) When Gyujin mistaken his blind date with another Changhyun. Who thought that 'Changhyun' is having feeling for him. Gyujin tries to scare him with revealing his real identity.
Alphawolf1567 #10
Members: Wei x Wooshin
Genre: fluff
Description: Wooshin keeps being obvious when dropping hints while Wei keeps pretending to be oblivious to what Wooshin is doing