Vampire [Xiao x Hwanhee]



It’s a cold winter day, and a certain moody student is whining his way to school. “Oh boy, isn’t this a good start to a good day,” Hwanhee grumbles to himself, wrapping his wool scarf tighter around his neck and shoulders. His glasses are getting foggy, and he takes it off in annoyance. He can still see anyway- he’s not blind.


Though, Hwanhee knows a certain orange-haired boy who thinks he is.


“Can’t believe I have to go see that head again today,” Hwanhee whines as he finally steps in the campus.


“Why the long face, Hwan?” a voice asks. Hwanhee turns around and beams. “Changhyun-hyung! You actually came early today, well, not late at least,” he smiles. Changhyun laughs sheepishly and ruffles the younger’s already messy hair.


“Just decided for a small change.”


Just then, a loud honk startles the two boys. Hwanhee looks behind him and groans. A fancy black car pulls over, and out steps that annoying little .


“Oh, hi there, Hwan-ah! Didn’t see you there,” Xiao greets with his usual smirk. He slams his car’s door shut and slings his bag over one shoulder, basking the surrounding women in all his handsome glory.


“Who’s blind here now, Dongyeol? Why do you have to do that?”


“Do what exactly?”


“Exist,” Hwanhee spits before walking away, Changhyun following suit while trying to contain his laugh. The other boy smirks at his retreating back.


“That’s Xiao for you!” he calls.


“Oh right! Stupid, small name for a guy with the smallest-”


“Whoa there. No bad words, kiddo. You’re still young,” Changhyun hisses, clamping his friend’s mouth shut before he can shout inappropriate things for the whole campus to hear. “I’m not a baby, hyung!” Hwanhee’s muffled voice complains. Changhyun chuckles.


“Well, calm down. I’ll see you to class.” Hwanhee simply pouts.


“By the way, hyung. Since I haven’t really had time for a conversation with you before… how’re you doing?” Hwanhee asks as he waits for Changhyun to fish his books from his locker.


“Oh, you know,” the older sighs, “The usual.” He slams his locker door shut and twists the lock. Hwanhee nods. “What about you and your new boyfriend? Ah… what was his name again?” Changhyun smiles and blushes a little at the mention of his boyfriend. “Gyujin.”


Hwanhee snaps his finger. “That’s right! So, how’re you two doing?” he asks gleefully. “You curious kid. Everything’s been fine. Nothing out of the… ordinary…” Changhyun trails off, and Hwanhee looks up at him questioningly. Changhyun gives him a ‘what?’ look, and he shrugs.


“Say, Hwanhee.” Hwanhee hums in reply.


“Do you believe in things like vampires and stuff?”


“Hyung, have you been on a diet?”


“Uh… no?”


“My answer’s the same. What’s up with the question?” Hwanhee asks curiously. Changhyun shrugs. “Just something that popped out in my mind.”


After that, Changhyun doesn’t mention vampires anymore and they split to go to their respective classes. Hwanhee quickly forgets about the matter and focuses in class.


Or at least, he tries to.




“Sir, Hwanhee just wrote an insult to me!” Xiao calls out in the middle of a lecture, waving around a crumpled piece of paper that says ‘Xiao’ in messy writing. Their teacher, Kuhn, rubs his temple in annoyance. He sighs heavily, and the students all have their eyes on him.


“He started it, sir!” Hwanhee defends, pointing at Xiao, who is sitting next to him.


The orange haired boy gasps dramatically, and Hwanhee rolls his eyes.


“Don’t play all innocent on me, Dongyeol.”


“It’s XIAO. Do you know how to spell, Whinehee? If you didn’t it’s X-I-A-”


“I don’t ing care how you spell small in Mandarin! As I didn’t get to say this morning, your name is small just like your-”


“How would you know? Have you been spying on me?!”


“Are you admitting it, then?!”


“BOTH OF YOU, DETENTION!!” Kuhn barks, slamming his fist on the table (and cracking it a little). “God, can you two just, I don’t know, not fight in the class for once?” The distressed teacher sighs. “Meet me in this class after dismissal, both of you. Skipping means one whole week of detention. No arguments!”


Xiao and Hwanhee glare at each other, before huffing and turning around. “Whatever.”




“Hurry up, please. I need to be home in time for dinner,” Xiao bosses his driver, who simply nods and starts the journey to Xiao’s mansion.


It’s a bit weird to live in a mansion in this modern day, especially one located near the woods. Xiao must admit, he does like shopping and the city lights, but he much prefers the dark. The reason’s simple: he’s a vampire. It sounds silly, but it’s true. There used to be a huge community of vampires living in cities, but in fear of being discovered, most just live in the woods, or near them, just like Xiao. Wealthy vampires can afford big mansions and patches of land close enough to the city so they can feed.


As soon as the black car pulls up in front of the doors, Xiao jumps off and races to the dining hall, where his mother is already seated. “Hi, mom,” he mumbles before piling as much food as he can onto his plate.


Vampires don’t necessarily need to eat human food. All they need to survive is a dose of blood every other week. Usually, they feed on human blood, but farm animal’s blood proved to be fine for the less capable vampires.


“Hi, darling. How was school?” Mrs. Lee asks, carefully sipping wine from her tall glass.


“Same old, same old,” Xiao mumbles. He finishes plating his food and is about to make his way to his room with his plate, but his mother’s voice stops him.


“You’re not going anywhere tonight, young man. Sit down here for once, will you?” she orders. He grumbles, but obeys nonetheless.


“What is it, mom?” Mrs. Lee laces her fingers together and rests her head on top of them. Her eyes glow a bright red as she stares at her son from across the table.


“You’re turning 18 tomorrow, you’re well aware of this, right?”


Xiao sighs and nods.


“Good. Then you should get searching for your potential mate. Remember, I want nothing less than the best to be the mother or… father of my future grandchildren.” He groans, feeling his face flush red.


“Don’t say things like that out loud, mom! I’ll- ugh- I’ll go to my room now,” he grumbles, leaving the table. “Remember, mate, Dongyeol! It’s for your future.”


Xiao shouts, “I know!”




The next morning, the young vampire wakes up feeling like absolute . His head is spinning and his stomach doesn’t seem like it’s in good condition either.


“Damn fun to turn 18 isn’t it?” he groans.


At school, it isn’t any better. Xiao trudges the halls with slumped shoulders, ignoring the people that wishes him a happy birthday. He isn’t even looking forward to annoying the brains out of Hwanhee. He just wants to lie in bed and sleep away the fever.


Classes passed, he tries to bear with the annoying fever, all the while ignoring everything and everyone around him. He sighs at the presents in his locker and has been salty all day.


“Do you think he’s okay? He hasn’t been teasing you or dicking around this whole day,” Seungkwan, Hwanhee’s close friend, observes. Hwanhee spares Xiao a glance, but he quickly replies, “I don’t really care. It’s more peaceful, so what’re the cons?”


Seungkwan shrugs. Contrary to what he said, Hwanhee’s mind can’t help but wonder off to the annoying orange haired boy.




“You don’t look too good, Xiao. Do you need the nurse?” Kuhn asks worriedly just as the lunch bell rings. Xiao groans in reply. “My stomach,” he whines. “That’s… not what I asked, but okay.” Kuhn looks around and snaps his fingers. A devilish grin plasters itself on his face as he eyes Hwanhee.


“Hwanhee, why don’t you Xiao to Nurse Joy’s office for me?” he asks.




“Hwanhee, that’s disrespectful. I’m asking you for a favor.”


Hwanhee isn’t one to disobey teachers, other than when Xiao is picking a fight with him. He generally gets good grades aside from- “I’ll give you a boost in biology if you do,” Kuhn offers. The brunette sighs. Yes, biology. He isn't the best, so a boost would be beneficial.


“Fine. I’ll just drop him there and leave, okay?”


“That’s up to Xiao.”




“Can you hurry up a little? My friends are already in the cafeteria,” Hwanhee whines at Xiao, who is trudging slowly behind him.


“I’m in pain, okay? Can’t you see that?” the younger snaps. He clutches his stomach and moans. Hwanhee blushes and turns around, deciding to just go to the nurse’s office as fast as possible. Xiao’s nose twitches, and suddenly his senses become sharper. His red eyes focus on Hwanhee. The brunette has a weirdly alluring scent to him, he mentally groans.


He can’t believe it. Hwanhee is his mate.


My mate? That nerd? No… But he… smells so good to me,’ he thought. When he looks up, they’re already standing in front of the nurse’s office. Hwanhee is knocking, but there’s no answer from inside. “Excuse me…” the brunette says, excusing himself in. He sighs.


“No nurse here. Do you want to lie down for now? I’ll try to find something,” Hwanhee suggests, motioning to the nearest empty bed.


“I want you,” Xiao mutters.


“What was that?”


“Nothing.” Hwanhee furrows his brows curiously, but went back to searching.


Xiao lies down and unintentionally lets out a whimper. Hwanhee returns to his side with a pack of painkillers.


“You’re really in pain, huh? This is the only thing I can think of. The rest of the medicine is in the locked cabinet,” he informs, giving the painkillers to Xiao, who moans, “No I’m in pain.”


The vampire examines the packet and pouts. “This won’t do,” he says. “Well, I’m out, man,” Hwanhee shrugs, turning around and walking out.




Hwanhee stops and turns to look at a blushing Xiao.


“Can you stay with me? For- for a while? I have a favor… or something to ask.”


The former sighs. “Fine. What is it?” he asks, going back to Xiao.


“Well, hmm… how do I explain this… do you believe in vampires?” Xiao asks. Hwanhee does a double take.


“Are vampires the thing these days? Changhyun-hyung asked me the same thing yesterday,” he wonders.


“Just answer it.”


“Well, no. That’s stu-”


“Newsflash, they are real. Second newsflash, I am one. Third, you’re- you’re kind of my mate,” Xiao finishes a little shyly. Hwanhee’s never seen this side of the arrogant, stuck-up brat before.


“And if you think I’m just messing with you, come closer,” the orange-haired boy beckons.


Hwanhee hesitates, but does so anyway. “If this is a prank I’m leaving,” he says warily. Once he gets close enough, Xiao sits up quickly, surprising Hwanhee.


“Don’t do anything funny, Dongyeol,” the latter mumbles. His heart is beating faster than usual with how close he is.


Without any warning, Xiao stands up, hugs him, and digs his fangs in the flesh oh Hwanhee’s neck, tearing a surprised gasp from the older.


“Wait s-stop! It hurts!” the brunette whispers. The pain is too much, and yet Dongyeol only digs his fangs deeper, drawing more blood that eventually trickles down Hwanhee’s neck. He’s losing his self-control from the overwhelming scent of his mate.


At this point, Hwanhee might die from excessive blood loss.


Just then, Nurse Joy comes in and sees the scene. She gasps, seeing how much blood Xiao is taking from the poor boy. The nurse herself is a vampire, and she’d rather not have a dead student in her care.


“Dongyeol! Let him go!” she hisses, pulling Xiao away from him. Hwanhee collapses, clutching his neck. Xiao growls at her, baring his fangs, to that she returns.


“He’s my mate! I deserve to take his blood from him,” Xiao spits.


“You’re taking too much, he was about to die!” Joy shouts at him.


Hwanhee, with wide, terrified eyes, shakily stands up. “You’re a monster,” he whispers before falling again. Everything goes black.




Hwanhee wakes up groggily and sits up. His bed is moving, and it’s really annoying him. He feels a little better, but his head is spinning. He finally opens his eyes properly and gasps when he realizes he’s not in his bed, or any bed for that matter. He’s inside a car. A car that is definitely not his.


“Oh, you’re awake. Um, sorry for earlier,” a voice behind him apologizes. Hwanhee turns around and glares at Xiao. “Don’t touch me… vampire.” Xiao sighs.


“Wait, Hwan-ah. I’m really, really sorry for what happened earlier. I-I lost control for a bit, since you smelt too good,” he explains bashfully. Hwanhee blushes.


“Why didn’t you let go when I said it hurt?”


“It’s… pretty hard to control yourself when it’s your first time. Well, for me at least. Anyway, I just wanted to apologize. You were out for the rest of the day, and I’m giving you a ride to your house,” Xiao says.


Hwanhee sighs. “Do you even know where my house is?” he asks quietly.


“Well, no. My driver’s just following your scent.”


Hwanhee scrunches up his nose. “That’s- okay…”


Silence takes over.


“So what do I do now, since I’m your ‘mate’ or whatever?” Hwanhee finally speaks his mind. Xiao taps his finger to his chin.


“You’re kind of my source of blood? And the mother- I mean father- to my future descendants. But I’m also supposed to take care of you and stuff. Also, close your mouth, you look funny like that.”


“W-what do you mean ‘father to my future child’?!” Hwanhee asks desperately.


“Just what it sounds like,” Xiao shrugs. The brunette groans.


“You can’t be serious. I don’t even like you that way. In fact, I kinda, really hate you.”


“Lots of love blooms from hate. And I can just gradually make you fall for me, right?” Xiao says. He scoots closer to Hwanhee, hovering his lips centimeters away from his neck. Shivers crawl up Hwanhee’s spine, and he bites his lip.


“So, what do you say?” the vampire asks.


Hwanhee wants to say ‘no’, he really does, but for some reason, he can’t. It’s scary, but he supposes he can use a bit of excitement in his life. Though having a vampire boyfriend isn’t something he had in mind before, it won’t hurt giving it a try.


“I’ll… think about it,” he answers shakily.




He feels Xiao’s lips on his neck and bites his lip in pain at the feeling of his sharp fangs digging into his flesh. It’s gentler this time, and doesn’t hurt as much as before.


Hwanhee laces his fingers in Xiao’s hair, closes his eyes, and lets his vampire drink his blood.



Requested by: lovekiller_tsuna

A/N: I'm sorry this took so damn longgg T-T I've been procrastinating a lot.. Like, a LOT. So, sorry for that ^^" I'll try to lessen it next time~ Hope you enjoyed this!



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I'm really digging WeiXiao y'alls they're so cute I wanna lie down and cry my tiny heart out


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WushuMochi #1
could you make a sequel to the oneshot "Adopt (wooshin x hwanhee)" IT WAS ADORABLE
can u make a sequel thingy for chapter 31? if they dont make up im gonna cry... also chapter 24.. T^T and maybe one for chpt 34?
Chapter 7: The small details and the cute moments, just too adorable! ^~^
hahahbye #4
Chapter 4: ++i would love that full xmen au fic
hahahbye #5
Chapter 4: thank youu so muchhh~ and i know i was v v inactive so ive only read it now:") but thank youuu its so adorable awwwawawa:")
Alphawolf1567 #6
Chapter 6: omfg this is really cute tysm
Chapter 5: aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Oh gosh, this was super cute!! Your writing is amazing♥♥♥
Ship : Wei x Kogyeol x Xiao
Genre : Angst with some rays of fluff? or ending fluff ?
So the three of them are on vacation somewhere like the maldives or smth and their having their fun, romance, relaxation time until a natural disaster(tsunami/earthquake/tornado) happens and they are losing sight of one another on their need to try and evacuate/go somewhere safe. OR they lose one of them (they other two staying together) as people pass by and they get seperated and the other two get obviously worried and against everything and even their own safety try to find their lost partner, even though the authorities are trying to get them to safety and reassure them that they will find their lost partner.
Bonus: plot1) they get hurt before reunitting themselves , plot2) the lost partner gets hurt before the other two/authorities find him
ps: sorry if this is too specific or too unspecific or nowhere in between > <
ps2: yes it me and im angst again... sorry for that too ?
Members : Gyujin x Bitto [ft Sunyoul/Ricky]
Genre : slight angst and fluff
Description : (vampire!au) When Gyujin mistaken his blind date with another Changhyun. Who thought that 'Changhyun' is having feeling for him. Gyujin tries to scare him with revealing his real identity.
Alphawolf1567 #10
Members: Wei x Wooshin
Genre: fluff
Description: Wooshin keeps being obvious when dropping hints while Wei keeps pretending to be oblivious to what Wooshin is doing